Screen on/off validate from android shell - android

I'm stuck at some validation for screen off and on test. I am using input keyevent 26 to put screen off and the same to wakeup. How to validate this test whether it was passed or failed. Is there any file where android write the state of the screen? any other way from dumpsys power? Can any one please suggest the way to check the state.
Thanks in advance.

You could write a simple app that has a broadcast receiver for the SCREEN ON and SCREEN OFF events, and log the events to the LogCat, and easily see it via adb logcat.
Here is some sample code for that. Make sure your app has been run at least once on the device, or it will not be registered for receiving the broadcast.
public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private boolean SCREEN_ON = false;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON)) {
SCREEN_ON = true;
Log.d(C.TAG, "Screen on");
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) {
SCREEN_ON = false;
Log.d(C.TAG, "Screen off");


Stop app loading by itself after unlocking device?

I am currently creating an Android app that appears to re-open by itself after locking and unlocking the screen of the device.
I'm using a BroadcastReceiver to detect when the power button is pressed. When the power button is detected, an intent is created that should return the user to the login page in the app.
I believe that this is causing the problem but am unsure of how to fix it. I believe that when the user unlocks the device, the intent is followed through and therefore the user is presented with the login screen, regardless of what screen or app they were viewing prior to locking the device. Please note that this only happens if my app is still running in the background.
Below I have included my BroadcastReceiver code.
public class ScreenReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public static boolean wasScreenOn = true;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) {
Intent n = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
wasScreenOn = false;
} else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON)) {
wasScreenOn = true;
Hopefully somebody can help me with this.

How to check in application if the device has been awoken or went to sleep

In my android app I want to receive the notification when the device wakes up
and when the device goes to sleep.
Based on this I have to perform some operations.
Please help.
Please note
SCREEN_ON / OFF is different. Screen might be OFF but device might
still be in wake state as in case of receiving a phone call. When we
place the phone against our ear prximity sensor turns off the screen,
but the device does not go to sleep.
There is inbuilt IntentFilters that you can capture.
Using service and broadcastreceiver combination you can achieve that you looking for.
You will find complete demo HERE
You can use some methods of PowerManager class.
PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
// not sleep
// sleep
API level >=20
// not sleep
// sleep
Explanation :
public boolean isScreenOn ()
Added in API level 7
This method was deprecated in API level 20.
Use isInteractive() instead.
Returns true if the device is in an interactive state.
For historical reasons, the name of this method refers to the power state of the screen but it actually describes the overall interactive state of the device. This method has been replaced by isInteractive().
The value returned by this method only indicates whether the device is in an interactive state which may have nothing to do with the screen being on or off. To determine the actual state of the screen, use getState().
True if the device is in an interactive state.
Reference HERE
I think this link solves your question
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
public class AEScreenOnOffReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private boolean screenOff;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
//Toast.makeText(context, "BroadcastReceiver", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) {
screenOff = true;
} else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON)) {
screenOff = false;
// Toast.makeText(context, "BroadcastReceiver :"+screenOff, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Send Current screen ON/OFF value to service
Intent i = new Intent(context, AEScreenOnOffService.class);
i.putExtra("screen_state", screenOff);

How to know whether the phone is locked mode?

Is there a way for me to know whether the phone is in locked state?
Have your app listen our for the ACTION_SCREEN_OFF broadcast. More information here.
public class ScreenReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) {
//screen locked
} else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON)) {
//screen unlocked
You might also want to receive information of when the user gets past the keyguard by registering for the ACTION_USER_PRESENT broadcast.

How to stop service when ACTION_SCREEN_OFF

I am trying to make my UpdateService for my digital clock widget stop when the screen is turned off to conserve battery, and then back on when the screen is activated. I currently have it in my onReceive() in my AppWidgetProvider, but I have also tried it in a BroadcastReciever.
My current code is:
public static boolean wasScreenOn = true;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
super.onReceive(context, intent);
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) {
Log.d("Screen switched on. ", "Starting DigiClock UpdateService.");
context.startService(new Intent(UpdateService2by2.ACTION_UPDATE));
wasScreenOn = false;
} else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON)) {
Log.d("Screen switched off. ", "Stopping DigiClock UpdateService.");
context.stopService(new Intent(context, UpdateService2by2.class));
wasScreenOn = true;
Can anyone help me out here? I am stumped.
I'm fairly sure that you have to register your receiver in code for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF/ON. I don't think registering them in the manifest will work.
It seems you cannot register for the ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF intents with a filter in the manifest. You have to register your BroadcastReceiver in code. See here for an examples for an activity and a service.
You'll only receive the intent if your service or activity is running. In contrast to other broadcast events, the system will not start your process to handle the SCREEN_ON intent. It is similar to ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED in this regard.
To handle this intent with a widget, I think you have to start a service that listens for the intent and then notifies your widget.
The article linked from Jens' answer to this same question provides a great presentation on this topic. I used it to implement a solution that worked for me.
The key insight is that your BroadcastReceiver can only be registered in code; you neither want nor need an entry in your manifest.
I recommend the article, but for those in a hurry, the simplest possible functioning approach would be to just paste something like this into your activity's onCreate() method:
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON);
BroadcastReceiver screenoffReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if(intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF)) {
Log.v("screenoffReceiver", "SCREEN OFF");
else if(intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON)) {
Log.v("screenoffReceiver", "SCREEN ON");
registerReceiver(screenoffReceiver, filter);
As the article points out, for a running activity, onPause() / onResume() are always called when the power button is used to blank/unblank the display, so if you have something that you don't mind doing even in those cases for which the power button was not the reason for the onPause() or onResume() call, you can do it in those methods and thereby catch every instance of the power button being used to blank or unblank the screen (along with calls due to other causes), without the overhead of creating a BroadcastReceiver.
That was the case for me; I had a button that made my activity's main view invisible when pressed and visible when released, and if the user held the button down and then tapped the power button while the app was hidden, it would stay hidden permanently when the screen was unblanked by another tap of the power button. So in my case I only had to put a setVisibility(VISIBLE) call for my main view in my activity's onResume() override.
In fact, as the article shows, even if you only want to respond to the power button events, the proper way to do that is to set a flag in the BroadcastReceiver and then test that flag in onPause() and/or onResume() to see if the power button was the specific cause of the call to those methods.
Maybe you should use
public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {..}
And then use this classname in the manifest

Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG is received when activity starts

I am trying to pause music that is playing when the headset is unplugged.
I have created a BroadcastReceiver that listens for ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG intents and acts upon them when the state extra is 0 (for unplugged). My problem is that an ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG intent is received by my BroadcastReceiver whenever the activity is started. This is not the behavior that I would expect. I would expect the Intent to be fired only when the headset is plugged in or unplugged.
Is there a reason that the ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG Intent is caught immediately after registering a receiver with that IntentFilter? Is there a clear way that I can work with this issue?
I would assume that since the default music player implements similar functionality when the headset is unplugged that it would be possible.
What am I missing?
This is the registration code
registerReceiver(new HeadsetConnectionReceiver(),
new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG));
This is the definition of HeadsetConnectionReceiver
public class HeadsetConnectionReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.w(TAG, "ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG Intent received");
Thanks for the reply Jake. I should have updated the original post to indicate that I discovered the issue that I was having. After a bit of research, I discovered that the ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG Intent is broadcast using the sendStickyBroadcast method in Context.
Sticky Intents are held by the system after being broadcast. That Intent will be caught whenever a new BroadcastReceiver is registered to receive it. It is triggered immediately after registration containing the last updated value. In the case of the headset, this is useful to be able to determine that the headset is already plugged in when you first register your receiver.
This is the code that I used to receive the ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG Intent:
private boolean headsetConnected = false;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.hasExtra("state")){
if (headsetConnected && intent.getIntExtra("state", 0) == 0){
headsetConnected = false;
if (isPlaying()){
} else if (!headsetConnected && intent.getIntExtra("state", 0) == 1){
headsetConnected = true;
I use a different approach to stop playback when headset is unplug. I do not want you to use it since you are already fine, but some other people may find it useful. If you get control of audio focus, then Android will send you an event audio becoming noisy, so if you write a receiver for this event it will look like
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY.equals(intent.getAction())) {
if (isPlaying()){
I ran into the same issue. I'm not sure what causes it, but at least in my testing it seems to be consistent, which means you can work around it. I did just that by adding a boolean member variable that starts as true, and is set to false on the first onReceive(Context, Intent) call. This flag then controls whether I actually process the unplug event or not.
For your reference, here is the code I use to do just that, which is available in context here.
private boolean isFirst;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
// Do stuff...
Log.d("Hearing Saver", "First run receieved.");
isFirst = false;

