How to fill Spinner with int value - android

When normally populating a Spinner as I have done in the past I normally use a SpinnerAdapter then normally have items in resources to populate it.
I have currently though a different query, I have in my code a user input for an int and I want my spinner to populate with numbers up to the user selected number. So if the user enters the number '5' it is saved to an int variable. I then want the Spinner to show 1,2,3,4,5 as choices.
I am really not sure how I would approach this.
Thanks, Oli

Below is a basic example of how you would add Integers to your spinner :
mspin=(Spinner) findViewById(;
Integer[] items = new Integer[]{1,2,3,4};
ArrayAdapter<Integer> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Integer>(this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, items);
You can refer to this and make changes in your project as per your logic. Also in your case you should use an ArrayList of integers since the number of choice of the user seems to be dynamic. you can create an arraylist and replace in for the Integer array in the above code.
Hope this helps!!


Showing only one parameter of custom object in dropdown menu using AutoCompleteTextView

I want to show only one parameter from object(s) found using AutoCompleteTextView. I have list of custom items and I'm using this list in ArrayAdapter which is used in my AutoCompleteTextView. But as I find item by typing something to AutoCompleteTextView, only object as whole is shown (Object type and some identifier), but I want to show just Objects attribute "name" which is a String.
The way i'd go about this is making a separate arraylist with all the names inside of it. Display that and get the user to chose from there, once they have use the index to find the object in the other list.
Initiate new string array
String[] data = new String[1]); // terms is a List<String>
for(int i=0;i<=1;i++){ //only the 1st position of ur data getting inserted
ArrayAdapter<?> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Object>(activity, android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, data);
keywordField.setAdapter(adapter); // keywordField is a AutoCompleteTextView

What is the benefit of turning a String array into an ArrayList before populating a AutoCompleteTextView with it?

On the material page I found the following example for AutoCompleteTextView:
int layoutItemId = android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line;
String[] dogArr = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.dogs_list);
List<String> dogList = Arrays.asList(dogsArr);
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this, layoutItemId, dogList);
AutoCompleteTextView autocompleteView =
(AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;
What is the point of this part:
List<String> dogList = Arrays.asList(dogsArr);
Why turning it into an ArrayList when the AutoCompleteTextView also takes a String array?
When you know only going to work with a fixed number of elements, you should Array. If not, use Lists.
My personal opinion is use list. Lists makes code very inflexible and easy to use.
You can initialize Java arrays at compile time, like:
String data[] = { "a", "b", "c" };
In old versions of Java there was also the case for type safety. ArrayList elements had to be casted to the original type whereas Java arrays where type safe.
Java arrays are part of the language and you will not be able to change them. ArrayList is part of the Java API. If you need (I do not recommend it though) you could substitute your own library to implement the ArrayList job
Check This Question For More Information
See This question
If you have an array, it has to have a fixed size. Dynamically adding and removing the elements are difficult to manage and you have to have new array created every time you add a new item. Similarly for removing item.
With ArrayList it is easy to manage as it doesn't get created with a static size. Thus at runtime you can easily add and remove elements.
ArrayList is the ideal datastructure to use here.

How to change the entry of a spinner in code (Android)

Hi I have a spinner for which I would like to change its entry. I have created an array in the values folder. I know that I can edit the entry of the spinner by right clicking on it. But I want to know, how can I change the entry of the spinner using code. I was hoping there would be something like spinner5.editEntries
Can someone help please?
Spinner Spinnermiles = (Spinner) findViewById(;
String [] arrmile ={"5","10","20","30","40","50","70","80","90","100"};
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(Searching.this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item,arrmile);
If you want to change item in spinner at position 3 (which is "30" in example),
Set value at that position e.g.
arrmile[3] = "enter new value you want";
and after that call
then value at that position will be get updated.

How to show Spinner selected Item first in Android

In my application i have one spinner with data Cart,Trolley,Lorry,Truck etc..
in a button click i am saving spinner selected item and other items in the data base.
Now in another button click i want to display all saved data,so in that i want to display previously saved spinner item first instead of default one.
How can i achieve this,please anyone suggest me
Ex:in spinner 1,2,3,4 displayed now if i select 3 and saved in data base now this time i want to show spinner data as 3,4,1,2.
It's much simple by getting index of spinner from DB and set the currently selected index on spinner item,for example if the spinner position stored in DB
then set it as
spinner.setSelection(2);// Note : Position starts from 0,1,2,3 on array
You can change spinner content as below
String[] items = new String[] {"3","4", "1","2"};
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, items);
So I understand you correctly, you want to reorder the spinner items based on the user's previous selection? You just have to update the Adapter that you assigned to the spinner in that case.
I guess you wired up a simple ArrayAdapter in this case, so a basic solution would be to modify the order of the strings contained in that adapter, after selection.
ArrayList listArray = new ArrayList();
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, listArray.toArray(strArray););
here took items as ArrayList and when user click on any item , break that arraylist in two part start to that point and point to last. then take one temp arraylist and add second part then first part so in that one .
and again call
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, listArray.toArray(strArray););

Setting the position within a spinner

Good Afternoon,
I have a spinner array containing 3 spinners. Each spinner is populated via a res string array. Each array contains the numbers 1-100. When the activity starts each spinner contains a string array of 1-100 and when you click on a spinner the first choice is 1.
Say a user picks 25 on the first spinner. I'd like the 2nd spinner to show 25 as the starting point for scrolling when the spinner is clicked but not fire the spinner. The 2nd spinner would still contain the array 1-100 though so a user could scroll down to a lessor number if the wanted to.
I've tried using setSelection but that causes the 2nd spinner to fire causing undesirable effects (an edit box is populated with the 2nd number even though the user hasn't clicked the 2nd spinner). I would like the 2nd spinner to just show 25 as the starting point.
How do I do this?
setSelection() is the only way I know, it shouldn't be the cause for the issue.
In my case I have:
Spinner spinner = new Spinner(getApplicationContext());
spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
//search for the position that we need to move to,
//the spinner has an array adapter set to it
int recordInPreferences = WidgetProvider.settings.getInt("SpinnerChoice", 0);
int counter = -1;
do {
} while (
counter < getResources().getIntArray(R.array.stringofvalues).length &&
getResources().getIntArray(R.array.stringofvalues)[counter] != recordInPreferences
spinner.setSelection(counter, true);
I do this consequentially for several spinners one after the other and it works well.

