Sharing project library via GIT - android

A colleague and I share the same android project using GIT.
Now the problem is with the shared FACEBOOK library in '' since we do not have it on the same location.
He has it like this:
and I have it like this:
So everytime one pulls a push from the other one has to correct the path. Is there a solution?
ps. deleting this file from the GIT repo is out of the question.

I just got into the exact same problem with FacebookSDK library.
The solution is very simple and can be easily overlooked: just add both lines to file
So your should be like this:
Every team members can have the lib on different location. That's fine, Eclipse will ignore the unresolved lib path(s) and just use the correct one.
It works for me and seems okay for a small team.

there are 2 solutions for this:
moving the Facebook SDK to the git library and using it instead of your original FB SDK library.
adding to your git.ignore file.


Being to foolish to correctly implement a module library into my project

I recently started developing my really first Android Project using Android Studio 3.1.2.
Therefore I implemented a module library into my app, by cloning it from github, imported it as module library and added a dependency via right-click on app > module settings, switch to dependency tab, hit the +, select imported_module.
Additionally I checked my build.gradle(Module:app), if the dependency has been added correctly, there this line appeared:
dependencies {
implementation project(':imported_module')
Also in the settings.gradle file it says:
include ':app', ':imported_module'
Now if I want to access features of imported_module any of them can't be resolved. I browsed the official and the common forums for hours to find the one step I obviously missed but wasn't smart enough to find the solution.
Synching the project with gradle files didn't cause any visible effects
What do I still have to do to be able to use all the fancy stuff fro imported_module inside my app? Do I have to import it in a certain way?
Or do I have to modify my AndroidManifest of my app somehow? Thanks in forward!
EDIT: could it be that my app and imported_module obviously have different package names? The Project File Tree says com.domain.example.my_app for the app and com.domain.example.imported_module for imported_module. Do I have to squeeze the one into the other?
It could have been much easier, if you had mentioned what exactly you want to access in main app. May be access specifier of the member in your imported_module is private.
I kinda worked around the whole thing, by just adding a remote dependency in my build.gradle file of a new project, pasted my java classes and my res into this new project, synched it and now it runs. Nevertheless thanks for thy help!
That should be really all. Be sure to sync your project with Gradle files (File - Sync Project with Gradle Files).

How to Use Android PagerSlidingTabStrip library or any other gradle built library in Eclipse

I have a problem importing the PagerSlidingTabStrip library into Eclipse, I get multiple errors and I know this happens because the library was built using gradle.
I tried to follow this answer but I can't find use as source folder in the build path menu.
I've never used gradle previously and don't know how to go about this in Eclipse. Please guys, help most of us who have this problem out of our dilemma. Would be very grateful.
Okay in the end this was what i did:
I checked the build.gradle file of the library for target and min sdks. I then put what i found in the android manifest.xml which I know Eclipse uses.
I deleted the build.gradle and files.
Made sure the project was marked as a library. And it works!
I think the most crucial step was to check the build.gradle for the sdks and whatever else the project requires and replicating that the way it should be in the manifest file.

NoClassDefFoundError in facebook integeration

I am using facebook integration API in my code. I have created sha1 key for Facebook,I got my APIID ,but the problem is that when I am trying to add facebook library in my project it's adding fine ,but when I am running it, its giving me NoClassDefFoundError error and library is not adding properly, where am I doing wrong?
Here is the image:
Here my facebook library is not adding properly, What should I do ?
Your facebook SDK library project and your Current Android project both should be in same directory. Try moving your facebook sdk library to your project's folder then it will 100% work properly.
For future reference always remember that your library project must me in same folder where your appliction is.
Try this:
Go to Project/Properties/Java Build Path/Order and Export -- Make sure there's a check in front of Android Dependencies and the support library, if you use it.Mark all checkboxes and Click on Apply and clean the project.
Hope this helps.
Move your Facebook SDK library to your project's work space then it will 100% work properly.I think they both are not in the same directory , and you are suggested to check the other imports of any other project of your work space and put the Facebook SDK same as the others.

Error while running Calendar project

I have downloaded calendar project from and now I'm trying to run that project. I imported the project to eclipse via new --> Android project from existing source, it imported successfully but I'm getting a red exclamation mark in project, like this:
When I went to properties > Android I'm seeing this:
It looks like the project is using some libraries but is not able to find in the workspace. How can I fix this?
You may to add the following dependencies as well.
I was able to build the AOSP Android calendar.
Ye Lin Aung give you almost all the neccesary, but you will need also "chips" library. This library is not included in the last master aosp necessary packages , but its in their repository in the old versions.
You can find the neccesary libraries in the next repository:
Or in the Google repository (as say Ye) you can find chips and common values:
remove all the library from here and import each and every one in your project workspace and then after add the library.

ERROR: "._android-support-v4.jar" in project FacebookSDK

Help needed!!!! Stuck for 2 weeks on this and help needed.
I've recently imported the facebook sdk for android and its projects into my workspace. It shows up errors and the problems:
Archive for required library: '/home/Documents/facebook-android-sdk-3.0.2.b/facebook/libs/._android-support-v4.jar' in project 'FacebookSDK' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
And the samples get errors along the line of:
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library '/home/Documents/facebook-android-sdk-3.0.2.b/facebook/bin/facebooksdk.jar'
The things I have done following the other discussions without any success are
cleaned project
set the Facebook SDK as library
looked at the build path section and added external jar consisting of facebook/libs
imported fb sdk like 20 times and into different folders.
made sure my java compiler was 1.6
HELP would be very greatly appreciated!!!!
Take the lastest version of android-support-v4.jar (in your sdk environement : sdk/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar) and replace in your project and library project do not create conflict.
The steps to importing a library are:
Download the library
Place the library in the libs folder of the project.
Build the project
Do Not attempt to import the library using some import wizard.
I suspect either your download was corrupted, and you need to do it again, or you put the file into the wrong directly.
I think your problem is that the versions are different, take the one from your project and replace the one in the Facebook sdk lib folder, it should dismiss the clash.
As per your question, I think you are not able to compile once you add the SDK to your project. Do you get an error saying unable to run as library?
If so that means you have included this as library and create your project as a library to be used further. It is a common mistake that I have seen many people do when they try to import a library to use and tick mark the checkbox is Library. This actually means you want this project to be treated as a library for future use. Just try to add the SDK and do not tick mark the checkbox and this project will run fine.
Many forums will just tell you to tick that checkbox and you will be stuck on this error for long time.
For any .jar file related issues you have to make the .jars files compatible as there hashing a problem and the two jars are not compatible with each other (a version issue).

