javaCV detectMultiScale with LBP cascade does not work on physical device - android

My Android application uses javaCV and calls detectMultiScale() function with LBP cascade to detect faces. It works completely fine on my emulator. However, when I tried to test it on my HTC Incredible S, it returns 0, could not detect any face! Could anyone show me some hints why it does not work? Many thanks for your help!!!
Here is my code for face detection:
CASCADE_FILE = working_Dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml";
public static CvRect getFaceWithLBP(IplImage grayFaceImg)
CascadeClassifier cascade = new CascadeClassifier(CASCADE_FILE);
CvRect facesdetection = new CvRect(null);
cascade.detectMultiScale(grayFaceImg, facesdetection, 1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT | CV_HAAR_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH,
new CvSize(), new CvSize(grayFaceImg.width(), grayFaceImg.height()));
return facesdetection;

Just a note, as per the OpenCV documentation, the flags (such as CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT | CV_HAAR_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH) can not be used with new cascades (like LBP ones).
void CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale(const Mat& image, vector& objects, double scaleFactor=1.1, int minNeighbors=3, int flags=0, Size minSize=Size(), Size maxSize=Size())
cascade – Haar classifier cascade (OpenCV 1.x API only). It can be loaded from XML or YAML file using Load(). When the cascade is not needed anymore, release it using cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade(&cascade).
image – Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where objects are detected.
objects – Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object.
scaleFactor – Parameter specifying how much the image size is reduced at each image scale.
minNeighbors – Parameter specifying how many neighbors each candidate rectangle should have to retain it.
flags – Parameter with the same meaning for an old cascade as in the function cvHaarDetectObjects. It is not used for a new cascade.
minSize – Minimum possible object size. Objects smaller than that are ignored.
maxSize – Maximum possible object size. Objects larger than that are ignored.


OpenCV SIFT detectAndCompute crashes without error on android

I'm trying to implement some computer vision in an android app.
I have opencv integrated and I'm writing native c++ code for it that's called using JNI. That all seems to be working. My problem is that when executing the computer vision code the following line crashes the app without any error.
If I use the orb detector, instead of sift it does work. On my physical device it then crashes on knnMatch. Whereas on an emulated Pixel 5 it completes correctly. Maybe it has something to do with my opencv and android versions?
Here's the full computer vision code:
void process_image(char* in_filepath,char* out_filepath){
Mat usr_img = imread(in_filepath); //read images from the disk
Mat ref_img = imread("redacted");
Mat overlay_img = imread("redacted");
Mat out_img;//make a copy for output
//Set up feature detector
Ptr<SIFT> detector = SIFT::create();
//Ptr<ORB> detector = ORB::create(); //detectAndCompute works if I use this instead
//Set up feature matcher
Ptr<BFMatcher> matcher = BFMatcher::create(NORM_HAMMING,true);
//generate mask for ref image (so features are not created from the background)
Mat ref_mask; //defines parts of the ref image that will be searched for features.
bitwise_not(ref_mask,ref_mask);//invert the mask
//and an all white mask for the usr image
Mat usr_mask = Mat(usr_img.cols,usr_img.rows, CV_8UC1, Scalar(255.0));
//detect keypoints
std::vector<KeyPoint> ref_keypoints, usr_keypoints;
Mat ref_descriptors, usr_descriptors;
//match descriptors between images, each match is a vector of matches by decreasing "distance"
std::vector<std::vector<DMatch>> matches;
//throw out bad matches
std::vector<DMatch> good_matches;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++){
//consider it a good match if the next best match is 33% worse
if(matches[i][0].distance*1.33 < matches[i][1].distance){
//visualize the matches for debugging purposes
Mat draw_match_img;
My opencv version is 4.5.4
My android version is 9 on the physical phone, and 11, api 30 on the emulated pixel 5
I found the problem.
My images were 4000x3000px and approx 3000x1600. Scaling both of the images down by a factor of 2 causes everything to work properly.
I added a resize after each imread like this:
What this tells me is that SIFT in opencv 4.5.4 has a image size limit above which execution will crash without an error message. ..annoying.
It also explains why some of the detectors worked and some did not, and it even seemed to vary when I ran it on a real device vs an emulated one.

How to improve OpenCV face detection performance in android?

I am working on a project in android in which i am using OpenCV to detect faces from all the images which are in the gallery. The process of getting faces from the images is performing in the service. Service continuously working till all the images are processed. It is storing the detected faces in the internal storage and also showing in the grid view if activity is opened.
My code is:
CascadeClassifier mJavaDetector=null;
public void getFaces()
for (int i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
File file=new File(urls.get(i));
defaultBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, bitmapFatoryOptions);
mJavaDetector = new CascadeClassifier(FaceDetector.class.getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface").getPath());
Mat image = new Mat (defaultBitmap.getWidth(), defaultBitmap.getHeight(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
MatOfRect faceDetections = new MatOfRect();
mJavaDetector.detectMultiScale(image,faceDetections,1.1, 10, 0, new Size(20,20), new Size(image.width(), image.height()));
catch(Exception e)
Everything is fine but it is detection faces very slow. The performance is very slow. When i debug the code then i found the line which is taking time is:
mJavaDetector.detectMultiScale(image,faceDetections,1.1, 10, 0, new Size(20,20), new Size(image.width(), image.height()));
I have checked multiple post for this problem but i didn't get any solution.
Please tell me what should i do to solve this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You should pay attention to the parameters of detectMultiScale():
scaleFactor – Parameter specifying how much the image size is reduced at each image scale. This parameter is used to create a scale pyramid. It is necessary because the model has a fixed size during training. Without pyramid the only size to detect would be this fix one (which can be read from the XML also). However the face detection can be scale-invariant by using multi-scale representation i.e., detecting large and small faces using the same detection window.
scaleFactor depends on the size of your trained detector, but in fact, you need to set it as high as possible while still getting "good" results, so this should be determined empirically.
Your 1.1 value can be a good value for this purpose. It means, a relative small step is used for resizing (reduce size by 10%), you increase the chance of a matching size with the model for detection is found. If your trained detector has the size 10x10 then you can detect faces with size 11x11, 12x12 and so on. But in fact a factor of 1.1 requires roughly double the # of layers in the pyramid (and 2x computation time) than 1.2 does.
minNeighbors – Parameter specifying how many neighbours each candidate rectangle should have to retain it.
Cascade classifier works with a sliding window approach. By applying this approach, you slide a window through over the image than you resize it and search again until you can not resize it further. In every iteration the true outputs (of cascade classifier) are stored but unfortunately it actually detects many false positives. And to eliminate false positives and get the proper face rectangle out of detections, neighbourhood approach is applied. 3-6 is a good value for it. If the value is too high then you can lose true positives too.
minSize – Regarding to the sliding window approach of minNeighbors, this is the smallest window that cascade can detect. Objects smaller than that are ignored. Usually cv::Size(20, 20) are enough for face detections.
maxSize – Maximum possible object size. Objects bigger than that are ignored.
Finally you can try different classifiers based on different features (such as Haar, LBP, HoG). Usually, LBP classifiers are a few times faster than Haar's, but also less accurate.
And it is also strongly recommended to look over these questions:
Recommended values for OpenCV detectMultiScale() parameters
OpenCV detectMultiScale() minNeighbors parameter
Instead reading images as Bitmap and then converting them to Mat via using Utils.bitmapToMat(defaultBitmap,image) you can directly use Mat image = Highgui.imread(imagepath); You can check here for imread() function.
Also, below line takes too much time because the detector is looking for faces with at least having Size(20, 20) which is pretty small. Check this video for visualization of face detection using OpenCV.
mJavaDetector.detectMultiScale(image,faceDetections,1.1, 10, 0, new Size(20,20), new Size(image.width(), image.height()));

how to reduce wrong recognition using cascade classifier

Hello I'm tring to recognize a car using cascade classifier, android and opencv library. My problem is that my phone is marking almoust everything as a car.
I've created my code based on:
and face detection sample. My app behave very strange cause marking looks like random. I even don't know if marking car is correct or maybe it is just some random behaviour. At the moment it is even marking my keyboard as a car. I'm not sure what can I improve. I don't see any progress between training it up to 5 or 14 stages
I've trained my file up to 14 stages
my code looks like this:
public Mat onCameraFrame(Mat aInputFrame) {
// return FrameAnalyzer.analyzeFrame(aInputFrame);
// Create a grayscale image
Imgproc.cvtColor(aInputFrame, grayscaleImage, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2RGB);
MatOfRect objects = new MatOfRect();
// Use the classifier to detect faces
if (cascadeClassifier != null) {
cascadeClassifier.detectMultiScale(grayscaleImage, objects, 1.1, 1,
2, new Size(absoluteObjectSize, absoluteObjectSize),
new Size());
Rect[] dataArray = objects.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
Core.rectangle(aInputFrame, dataArray[i].tl(), dataArray[i].br(),
new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255), 3);
return aInputFrame;
Try changing the below.
Using COLOR_RGBA2RGB with cvtColor as in sample code will not give a gray scale image. Try RGBA2GRAY
Increase the number of neighbors in detectMultiScale. Now it's 2. More neighbors means more confidence in result.
Hope there are enough samples to train with. A quick search and reading through books, gives an impression like thousands of images are needed for training. For e.g. around 10000 images are used for OCR haar training. For face training, 3000 to 5000 samples are used.
More importantly, decide if you really want to go with haar training for identifying a car. There could be better methods of vehicle identification. For e.g. for a moving vehicle we could use optical flow based techniques.

YUV (NV21) to BGR conversion on mobile devices (Native Code)

I'm developing a mobile application that runs on Android and IOS. It's capable of real-time-processing of a video stream. On Android I get the Preview-Videostream of the camera via android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback.onPreviewFrame. I decided to use the NV21-Format, since it should be supported by all Android-devices, whereas RGB isn't (or just RGB565).
For my algorithms, which mostly are for pattern recognition, I need grayscale images as well as color information. Grayscale is not a problem, but the color conversion from NV21 to BGR takes way too long.
As described, I use the following method to capture the images;
In the App, I override the onPreviewFrame-Handler of the Camera. This is done in
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
try {
AvCore.getInstance().onFrame(data, _prevWidth, _prevHeight, AvStreamEncoding.NV21);
} catch (NativeException e)
The onFrame-Function then calls a native function which fetches data from the Java-Objects as local references. This is then converted to an unsigned char* bytestream and calls the following c++ function, which uses OpenCV to convert from NV21 to BGR:
void CoreManager::api_onFrame(unsigned char* rImageData, avStreamEncoding_t vImageFormat, int vWidth, int vHeight)
// rImageData is a local JNI-reference to the java-byte-array "data" from onPreviewFrame
Mat bgrMat; // Holds the converted image
Mat origImg; // Holds the original image (OpenCV-Wrapping around rImageData)
double ts; // for profiling
// other formats
case NV21:
origImg = Mat(vHeight + vHeight/2, vWidth, CV_8UC1, rImageData); // fast, only creates header around rImageData
bgrMat = Mat(vHeight, vWidth, CV_8UC3); // Prepare Mat for target image
ts = avUtils::gettime(); // PROFILING START
cvtColor(origImg, bgrMat, CV_YUV2BGRA_NV21);
_onFrameBGRConversion.push_back(avUtils::gettime()-ts); // PROFILING END
As one might conclude from comments in the code, I profiled the conversion already and it turned out that it takes ~30ms on my Nexus 4, which is unacceptable long for such a "trivial" pre-processing step. (My profiling methods are double-checked and working properly for real-time measurement)
Now I'm trying desperately to find a faster implementation of this color conversion from NV21 to BGR. This is what I've already done;
Adopted the code "convertYUV420_NV21toRGB8888" to C++ provided in this topic (multiple of the conversion-time)
Modified the code from 1 to use only integer operations (doubled conversion-time of openCV-Solution)
Browsed through a couple other implementations, all with similar conversion-times
Checked OpenCV-Implementation, they use a lot of bit-shifting to get performance. Guess I'm not able to do better on my own
Do you have suggestions / know good implementations or even have a completely different way to work around this Problem? I somehow need to capture RGB/BGR-Frames from the Android-Camera and it should work on as many Android-devices as possible.
Thanks for your replies!
Did you try libyuv? I used it in the past and if you compile it with NEON support, it uses an asm code optimized for ARM processors, you can start from there to further optimize for your special situation.

Check transparency existence & load only RGB values

In order to minimize the memory usage of bitmaps, yet still try to maximize the quality of them, I would like to ask a simple question:
Is there a way for me to check if a given image file (.png file) has transparency using the API, without checking every pixel in it?
If the image doesn't have any transparency, it would be the best to use a different bitmap format that uses only the RGB values.
The problem is that Android also doesn't have a format for just the 3 colors. Only RGB_565, which they say that degrade the quality of the image and that should have dithering feature enabled.
Is there also a way to read only the RGB values and be able to show them?
For me bitmap.hasAlpha() works fine to check first if the bitmap has alpha values. Afterwards you have to run through the pixels and create a second bitmap with no alpha I would suggest.
Let's start a bit off-topic
the problem is that android also doesn't have a format for just the 3 colors . only RGB_565 , which they say that degrade the quality of the image and that should have dithering feature enabled.
The reason for that problem is not really Android specific. It's about performance while drawing images. You get the best performance if the pixeldata fits exactly in 1 32bit memory cell.
So the most obvious good pixel format is the ARGB_8888 format which uses exactly 32bit (24 for the color 8 for alpha). While drawing you don't need to do anything but to loop over the image data and each cell you read can be drawn directly. The only downside is the required memory to work with such images, both when they just sit in memory and while displaying them since the graphic hardware has to transfer more data.
The second best option is to use a format where several pixels fit into 1 cell. Using 2 pixels in 32bit you have 16bit per pixel left and one of the formats using 16bit is the 565 format. 5bit red, 6bit green, 5bit blue. While drawing this you can still work on memory cells separately and all you have to do is to split 1 cell in parts. Due to the smaller memory size required for images, drawing can sometimes be even faster than using 32bit colors. Since in the beginning of android memory was a much bigger problem they chose this format to be the default.
And the worst category of formats are those where pixels don't fit into those cells. If you take just the 3 colors you get 24 bit and those need to be distributed over 2 cells in 3 out of 4 cases. For example the second pixel would use the remaining 8 bit from the first cell & the first 16bit of the next cell. The extra work required to work with 24bit colors is so big that it is not used. And when drawing images you usually have alpha at some point anyways and if not you simply use 32bit but ignore the alpha bits.
So the 16bit approach looks ugly & the 24 bit approach does not make sense. And since the memory limitations of Android are not as tight as they were and the hardware got faster, Android has switched it's default to 32bit (explained in even more details in
Back to your real question
is there a way for me to check if a given image file (png file) has transparency using the API , without checking every pixel in it?
I don't know. But JPEG images don't support alpha and PNG images usually have alpha. You could simply abuse the file extension to get it right in most cases.
But I would suggest you don't bother with all that and simply use ARGB_8888 and apply the nice image loading techniques detailed in the Android Training documentation about Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently.
The reason people run into memory problems is usually either that they have way more images loaded in memory than they currently display or they use giant images that can't be displayed on the small screen of a phone. And in my opinion it makes more sense to add good memory management than complicating your code to downgrade the image quality.
There is a way to check if a PNG file has transparency, or at least if it supports it:
public final static int COLOR_GREY = 0;
public final static int COLOR_TRUE = 2;
public final static int COLOR_INDEX = 3;
public final static int COLOR_GREY_ALPHA = 4;
public final static int COLOR_TRUE_ALPHA = 6;
private final static int DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
private final static int HEADER_DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
/** given an inputStream of a png file , returns true iff found that it has transparency (in its header) */
private static boolean isPngInputStreamContainTransparency(final InputStream pngInputStream) {
try {
// skip: png signature,header chunk declaration,width,height,bitDepth :
pngInputStream.skip(12 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1);
final byte colorType = (byte);
switch (colorType) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
Other than that, I don't know if such a thing is possible.
i've found the next links which could be helpful for checking if the png file has transparency . sadly, it's a solution only for png files . rest of the files (like webP , bmp, ...) need to have a different parser .

