Bluetooth pairing using USB dongle with embedded Host Controller - android

I'm attempting to create an Android and iOS app that utilizes Bluetooth to detect proximity to an object and have the app perform some action. The only thing I need to do is pair so that my app can know you are near the source, not actually perform any additional communication or have the Bluetooth receiver communicate with any hardware.
I was able to flash a BLED112 USB Dongle (BLE) and get that working with the iOS SDK when plugged into a cigarette usb car adapter, but could not find an equivalent Classic Bluetooth Dongle that would allow for the same functionality. Does anyone know of a small classic Dongle that either includes a dummy host controller or allows you to pair without a host controller which would allow for the functionality I'm trying to achieve? I need to support Classic Bluetooth for many Android phones to work since BLE isn't well supported across Android.
Thank you in advance


How to pair bluetooth HC-05 module to a website

To start of, i'm REALY new to this so i'm going to need a in depth explanation.
I'm trying to connect my Arduino through Bluetooth to a website. To do this, i'm trying to use the HC-05 bluetooth module. I got the module to work with a app builder and the app bluetooth terminal. I can send text and data to my Arduino. 
Now i want to connect it to a website with a pairing button. When clicked, it won't show the device under the pairing tab. I assume this is because it doesn't recognize my module as a pair-able device. Can anyone explain to me how pairing works and if i can get it to connect?
You probably use the Web Bluetooth API on your website, which states (emphasis mine):
The Web Bluetooth API provides the ability to connect and interact with Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals.
Your HC-05 is a Bluetooth Classic device and can not be found using the Web Bluetooth API, which only allows connecting to Bluetooth Low Energy devices. Other adapters will enable you to use BLE with your Arduino; the HM-10 is one of them. Another option would be to switch boards entirely and use something like an ESP32 that already comes with BLE.

Connecting an Android Device with a BLE Peripheral without using an App

I am new to Android programming and was wondering if it was possible to connect an Android device with a BLE Peripheral, without needing an App.
I am experimenting with the Node.js package "bleno" for the peripheral and connecting using an app and even a webapp are working just fine, but connecting using the standard android settings functions dont work. The device does find my peripheral after scanning but when I try to connect with it it always returns that I need an app.
Is this a problem of bleno or does this not work that way in generell?
If the peripheral has for example a HID GATT service exposed, then you can pair and connect to it through the system settings. This means BLE keyboards and mice can be used without any app.
If your peripheral only has custom services or only services the OS knows nothing about, then you will need some app to connect to it.

Extract Mobile (android and IOS) Sensor data via Bluetooth without pairing

I know that connection between two Bluetooth devices can be made without pairing and maybe exchange files. My question is how can I extract accelerometer data from a smartphone without pairing? I already have a device that can locate the smartphone using Bluetooth signals only without connection or pairing. So, I don't have control or access over the smartphone, I only sense its location with a sensor.
You might want to use Bluetooth BLE (low energy), which doesn’t need pairing, but I’m not sure if you can access accelerometer data without using classic Bluetooth and pairing.

Bluetooth Low Energy Device Simulator/Emulator

For quite some time now, I have had a keen interest with the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Protocol version 4.0 and how it works. I have developed an android application that would serve as a central device to the BLE peripheral device. The problem is the BLE device is not yet ready and I would like to know if there is a simulator or an emulator for BLE devices that can interact with my android application installed in my smartphone.
The easiest way to do that without any specific additional HW is to use another Android or iOS mobile phone acting as a peripheral emulating the BLE device that's not ready yet. Thus, you'll be able to test your Central role Android app in a simple way.
All you have to do is download one of the following apps for example, set up your services and characteristics and start playing.
[Android]: nRF Connect for Mobile
[iOS]: nRF Connect for Mobile or LightBlue

Method to Connect Arduino to Mobile Phone Using TinyWifi Shield

I'm new to Arduino development. My device is TinyDuino from TinyCircuits. I'm looking for a way that will allow me connect my Arduino device to my Android phone (Android app) , via TinyWifi shield. Yet all the methods I found are for specific module or specific shield. I'm looking for some way that works with my device or something general that could be modified to work with any shield.
Depends on what actions you want to do after you connect with your phone.
If you only want manual exchange of simple data, you can use term apps. For WiFi, find WiFi Term. For Bluetooth (Tinycircuit's BLE module), find BLE term. There are many available.
If you need more complicated action, you need to write your own app for it.

