Add android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED in contacts has the error - android

It has the android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED in contacts of android4.0.4. But it still has the error:
java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent { act=android.intent.action.CALL_PRIVILEGED dat=tel:xxx flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } from ProcessRecord{41878ad0} (pid=3991, uid=10000) requires android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED?
I have modified Contacts and repack and signature, then install apk. When I dial it has the error.
I also add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"/>in AndroiManifest.xml Application.
This is the related code:
public void dialButtonPressed() {
if (isDigitsEmpty()) { // No number entered.
if (phoneIsCdma() && phoneIsOffhook()) {
// This is really CDMA specific. On GSM is it possible
// to be off hook and wanted to add a 3rd party using
// the redial feature.
} else {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mLastNumberDialed)) {
// Recall the last number dialed.
// ...and move the cursor to the end of the digits string,
// so you'll be able to delete digits using the Delete
// button (just as if you had typed the number manually.)
// Note we use mDigits.getText().length() here, not
// mLastNumberDialed.length(), since the EditText widget now
// contains a *formatted* version of mLastNumberDialed (due to
// mTextWatcher) and its length may have changed.
} else {
// There's no "last number dialed" or the
// background query is still running. There's
// nothing useful for the Dial button to do in
// this case. Note: with a soft dial button, this
// can never happens since the dial button is
// disabled under these conditons.
} else {
final String number = mDigits.getText().toString();
// "" is a temporary hack needed for one carrier's automated
// test equipment.
// TODO: clean it up.
if (number != null
&& !TextUtils.isEmpty(mProhibitedPhoneNumberRegexp)
&& number.matches(mProhibitedPhoneNumberRegexp)
&& (SystemProperties.getInt("", 0) != 1)) {
Log.i(TAG, "The phone number is prohibited explicitly by a rule.");
if (getActivity() != null) {
DialogFragment dialogFragment = ErrorDialogFragment.newInstance(
R.string.dialog_phone_call_prohibited_title);, "phone_prohibited_dialog");
// Clear the digits just in case.
} else {
final Intent intent = newDialNumberIntent(number);
if (getActivity() instanceof DialtactsActivity) {
mDigits.getText().clear(); // TODO: Fix bug 1745781
Who knows the reason? Thanks in advance!

Please delete your apk from /system/app and /data/app, and then
use adb shell pm clear to clean the data,
finally use adb push command to install your apk.
Good luck.

android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED is not available to 3rd party developers. It's used internally by system apps like the dialler.
This would work if you had a rooted phone and the user installed your app as a System app.
See here for more information


What the App is it that package name is android?

I have a list of package name that executed my app.
and the list is like this.
android (?)
android (?)
I confused I never seen this package name (android).
anyone has idea? thx for help.
here is the code to make list of package name
Uri ref = getReferrer();
if (ref != null) {
String host = ref.getHost();
if (host != null && !host.equals("")) {
boolean isWhite = false;
for (String item : whitelist) {
if (item.equals(host)) {
isWhite = true;
if (!isWhite) {
// add to list
which package you've never seen? can you post more complete log and code which logged these lines? com.gau.go.launcherex is available HERE in Google Play, this is device launcher (what is launcher in HERE). and simple android package may mean app is bring-back from background using some system option, e.g. recents button/menu
edit due code posted in question - some suggestions: instead of for loop just use whiteList.contains(host), if you need to null/empty check host String then use TextUtils.isEmpty

How to check if the location service is enabled or not in Appcelerator

Can you please help me to check if the location service is enabled or not in Appcelerator.
I am working with Titanium SDk 6.1.2 and Samsung S5 with Marshmellow OS. Even though the GPS is enabled/not in device, But every time it results in false.
Thanks in Advance.
First of all you need to check for Location Permissions for app in Android & then you need to check if location service is enabled in device or not.
Both are different statements.
First one checks for app permission to access location & 2nd is about checking location service is on or off.
Without checking Location Permissions first on Android, you cannot check for location on/off state, else it will always lead to false status.
First of all add this in tiapp.xml in ios -> plist -> dict
<string>Determine Current Location</string>
Now here's the cross-compatible code for Android/iOS.
function checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args) {
if (Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
} else {
alert("Turn on location on your device.");
// pass _callback method you want to call after successful access to location
// you can also pass arguments as 2nd parameter to the function you want to call
function startLocationProcess(_callback, _args) {
Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_HIGH;
if (OS_IOS) {
checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args);
} else if (OS_ANDROID) {
if (Ti.Geolocation.hasLocationPermissions()) {
checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args);
} else {
Ti.Geolocation.requestLocationPermissions(Ti.Geolocation.AUTHORIZATION_ALWAYS, function (locationEvent) {
if (locationEvent.success) {
checkLocationEnabledOrNot(_callback, _args);
} else {
alert("Location permissions are required to access locations.");
Now, on a button click whatever you want to do after location check, you can simply do it like this:
function anotherFunction(name) {
$.someButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
startLocationProcess(anotherFunction, "Hello D.Ish");

Why does Android AppOps (privacy manager) send duplicate events when user change his/her privacy settings?

When a user changes his/her privacy settings through AppOps (e.g. denying an application access to phone contacts), AppOpsManager sends to anyone who listens what the users have changed (i.e. the package name and the operation (e.g. Read contacts)).
So I wrote a listener to do so. However, we the user make only one change, I receive too many duplicate events (e.g. 10 events that the user decided to deny Angry Bird access to his/her location) and then the app crashes.
Here is my code to register listners for each pair of package & operation:
public void startWatchingOperations(AppOpsManager appOps, List<AppOpsManager.PackageOps> opsforapps) {
SharedPreferences myAppListnerPreferences = getSharedPreferences(APP_OPS_PREFERENCES, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
for (AppOpsManager.PackageOps o:opsforapps) {
List<OpEntry> opEntry = o.getOps();
//if I already assigned a listener to this pari of package & operation, then skip
if (myAppListnerPreferences.getBoolean(o.getPackageName(), false)==false) {
for (OpEntry entry:opEntry) {
//for each pair of package & operation, assign a new listener
ChangePrivacySettingsListener opsListner = new ChangePrivacySettingsListener(getApplicationContext());
myAppListnerPreferences.edit().putBoolean(o.getPackageName(), true).apply();
Here is a snippet of the listener
public class ChangePrivacySettingsListener implements AppOpsManager.Callback {
public void opChanged(int op, String packageName) {
AppOpsManager appOps= (AppOpsManager)context.getSystemService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE);
PackageManager pkg = context.getPackageManager();
try {
//this is an object to store the event: package name,
// the operation that has been changed, & time stamp
PrivacySetting privacySetting = new PrivacySetting();
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Her is the part of that allows me to listen to user's changes.
public class AppOpsManager {
final HashMap<Callback, IAppOpsCallback> mModeWatchers
= new HashMap<Callback, IAppOpsCallback>();
public void startWatchingMode(int op, String packageName, final Callback callback) {
synchronized (mModeWatchers) {
IAppOpsCallback cb = mModeWatchers.get(callback);
if (cb == null) {
cb = new IAppOpsCallback.Stub() {
public void opChanged(int op, String packageName) {
callback.opChanged(op, packageName);
mModeWatchers.put(callback, cb);
try {
mService.startWatchingMode(op, packageName, cb);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
I double checked to ensure that I've never assigned more than one listener to each pair of package & operation.
I would appreciate hints about potential causes.
Here is a link to
Try moving the deceleration of ChangePrivacySettingsListener opsListner to be out side of the for block:
public void startWatchingOperations(AppOpsManager appOps, List<AppOpsManager.PackageOps> opsforapps) {
ChangePrivacySettingsListener opsListner;
SharedPreferences myAppListnerPreferences = getSharedPreferences(APP_OPS_PREFERENCES, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
for (AppOpsManager.PackageOps o:opsforapps) {
List<OpEntry> opEntry = o.getOps();
//if I already assigned a listener to this pari of package & operation, then skip
if (myAppListnerPreferences.getBoolean(o.getPackageName(), false)==false) {
for (OpEntry entry:opEntry) {
//for each pair of package & operation, assign a new listener
opsListner = new ChangePrivacySettingsListener(getApplicationContext());
myAppListnerPreferences.edit().putBoolean(o.getPackageName(), true).apply();
And please let me know what happened?
Just in case this is helpful to someone, up to at least Android Oreo, calling AppOpsManager.startWatchingMode(op, packageName, callback) will cause callback to be invoked when the setting is changed (1) for the op with any package, AND (2) for any AppOps setting changes with packageName. This can be seen from the source, particularly AppOpsService.startWatchingMode() which registers the callback, AppOpsService.setMode() which calls the callback when the AppOps setting is changed.
For example, if you register a callback with startWatchingMode(appOps1, package1, callback) and startWatchingMode(appOps2, package1, callback),
when there is a change in the setting for appOps3 for package1, the callback will be called twice since you have registered for package1 two times. If there is a change in appOps1 for package1, the callback will be invoked 3 times, because you have registered once for appOps1, and twice for package1.
The solution is to register either for the set of AppOps you are interested in (without duplications), with the packageName parameter set to null, or register for the set of packages you are interested in, with op parameter set to AppOpsManager.OP_NONE.
Also you need to ensure that all listeners are unregistered (e.g. in onDestroy of your activity) using stopWatchingMode. Otherwise, the callback entries will accumulate across Activity lifecycles (until the app is terminated) and you will start getting duplicates. This also means that you should keep references to all the listeners created.

Can not get Registration ID in Emulator

Hi I am running ADMMessenger sample application provided with SDK.
in which I am not able to get Registration ID in register() method of MainActivity.
Method is like this.
private void register()
final ADM adm = new ADM(this);
if (adm.isSupported())
if(adm.getRegistrationId() == null)
} else {
// final MyServerMsgHandler srv = new MyServerMsgHandler();
// srv.registerAppInstance(getApplicationContext(), adm.getRegistrationId());
Log.v("log_tag","Reg_id:: "+adm.getRegistrationId());
in Log cat I am always getting Reg_id:: null
and onRegistrationError() method of SampleADMMessageHandler is calling.
and error at there is ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
I can not understand what is problem, please help me.
For the service to work correctly you need to be using the Kindle image (not a generic Android one) and also make sure you have logged into your account on the device (pull down the status bar at the top and ensure you have selected an account)

How to distinguish an Importand Application from a non Importand one when both are in background

I hope that this question will not have the same luck with this one.
I want to give my users the ability to close some applications which are in the background via a list. By applications in the background I mean applications that the user started and then press the home button, for example Internet Browser. I have managed to find the background applications via the ActivityManager (both getRunningAppProcesses and getRunningTasks will do the job). However there are some applications in the background which are important for the system to work (i.e. Phone, Launcher, Input Methods etc) and I don't want them in my list.
My question is: How can I distinguish them from the non Important ones. I don't want to use some kind of String checking / filtering (like contains( etc) because I want to exclude some Important 3rd party apps like non stock Launchers, Dialer, Messaging etc.
Everyone who owns a Galaxy S2 and have used the "Program Monitor Widget" will know what i mean.
Thank you very much for your time and efforts...
Well I finally came up with a function that checks if a running task may considered as an "Important" one. First of all we have to use the getRunningTasks function from the ActivityManager to get a list filled with ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo objects and then we pass each of these objects to the following function to do the check. Hope this helps someone...
public boolean isRunningTaskImportant(ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskinfo) {
//What makes a running task important is somehow "fluid" but there are a few task categories
//on which is safe to assume that they are important. These categories are:
//1. If task has not any actual activities running. This is because these are not actuall running but they are frozen by the
// the system and they will be killed if needed. They are not Important but we do not want them in our running apps list.
//2. Well known namespaces including our own if we want to
//3. Home Launcher Applications
//4. Phone Handling Applications
boolean result = false;
ComponentName bActivity = taskinfo.baseActivity;
if (bActivity == null) return false; //<-- The task has no base activity so we ignore it...
String pName = bActivity.getPackageName();
if (taskinfo.numRunning == 0) {
result = true;
} else {
if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
result = true;
} else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
result = true;
} else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("com.chdcomputers.powerpanel")) {
result = true;
} else {
//Here we are checking if out task is a home launcher application.
//This code is based on this question:
Log.d(TAG, "isRunningTaskImportant checking for launchers");
Intent launchersIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
List<ResolveInfo> list = cx.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(launchersIntent,0);
boolean found = false;
for (ResolveInfo ri : list){
if (!found){
Log.d(TAG, "isRunningTaskImportant checking launcher app: " + ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName);
found = pName.equalsIgnoreCase(ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName);
if (found) break;
result = found;
if (!found) {
//Finaly we are going to check if out task is a Phone Handling application
//The idea behind that is to check for what kind of permissions the application wants
//In my opinion any "serious" phone handling app should ask for, at least, the following 9 permissions:
//So if the application asks for those permissions we can assume that is a phone handling application...
Log.d(TAG, "isRunningTaskImportant checking possible phone app: " + pName);
try {
PackageInfo pi = cx.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(pName,PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);
String[] perms = pi.requestedPermissions;
if (perms == null) {
result = false;
} else {
int pCount = 0;
for (String perm : perms) {
if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.CALL_PHONE")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.READ_CONTACTS")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS")) {
} else if (perm.equalsIgnoreCase("android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED")) {
result = (pCount == 9);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "isRunningTaskImportant checking possible phone app ERROR: " + ex.getMessage());
result = false;
return result;

