Android Efficient Bitmap processing - android

My scenario:
In my activity, I have to show 2 galleries, 1 with large image and another is a thumbnail(same exactly like default Gallery application).
My doubts:
I am planning to save as 2 images(1 with large size and another one with thumbnail size) in sdcard for fast processing. Is that good practice? since it will increase the size.
Or Shall I resize the large image during the getView method of BaseAdapter to small size for displaying in thumbnail gallery?
Which one is the good practice? I don't want to slow down my app.

See this example.
I will suggest you that, put only your large image inside your sdcard. But at runtime, Android provides a good facility to get Thumbnails using MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.
You can also get use Loading Sample Sized Bitmap. This will first create a sample size of your requirement. Then will give you a Thumbnail sized Bitmap.
1) Get thumbnail of image on SD card


Thumbnail image for original picture

I have a mobile app which has a screen with list of small images (3x3 grid). Click on image takes user to detail screen, where user can see that image in original size. Now, problem is that, for now, on backend side i only store full sized images (which i know is bad), but when i retrieve images for list i would like to return thumbs for original sized images.
The question is - what is the recommended thumbnail size to return?
Consider that this is an iOS and Android app.
Thanks in advance!
It depends how big you want to show it to the user.
i personally prefer 256X256

getThumbnail method returning blurry thumbnails?

I want to show Thumbnails for images present on device in a GridView and I'm using getThumbnail method to get thumbnails. But for some reason when I set returned thumbnails to ImageViews in gridview, they are not clear(blurry). For example, if there's a text in an image then I'm not able to read that text in my app whereas I can read it in the native android gallery app. I hope this gives a idea of what my problem is. I think its probably because the imageview size is greater than image size.
I have tried to use methods like extractThumbnail in conjunction with BitmapFactory.Options inSampleSize but sometimes it generate OutOfMemoryException.
What should I do to resolve this issue so that the thumbnails are as clear as they appear in android native gallery application?
If I remember correctly, getThumbnail will return a scaled image. If you are then scaling that image back up to fit in your GridView, then that would account for the blurriness.
You can try scaling the images to the correct size yourself, then displaying it to the GridView.
You may also want to look at UIL. It is an awesome Open Source project that helps with Image Loading and can fix your memory issue.

same image, different sizes: with picasso

I have an image that is to be displayed in about four different sizes depending on which activity the user is viewing. For instance a ListView will show one size, a GridView will show one size, a slide show will show one size, etc. If I use Picasso, will it download the image once or will it download one image for each size? Of course, I am taking into account that Picasso caches images (which is what I want). The key point here is that I have a single url for the image since it is one image.
Note that to keep the example simple, I mention one image. But of course I am talking about a set of images each of which needs to be manipulated as mentioned in the paragraph above.
If I use Picasso, will it download the image once or will it download
one image for each size?
Once for the original size as you get from the URL.
You can use the resize() method to resize the image and the original image would still stay at full resolution. I have done that in my app where I displayed a 600x600 image at 150x150 in a thumbnail and in full resolution later.

Android imageview image quality matter?

I am writing a Android app which need to display some high quality picture(took from professional DSLR). The problem is it can't be display from gallery.
I choose a photo in Gallery first. The target picture is 2464*1632 JPEG, roughly 4.5M;
Then I just need to compress it to 800*600 and display it in imageview:
Thing is that I have tested other image I downloaded form internet(really low quality), and it works without any problem. Can anybody tell me why it can't be displayed? I will be really appericiated
Large images are tricky to handle due to limited memory. You have several choices:
Use a WebView (this allows you to have pinch and zoom functionality to make use of those extra pixels
Decode the image down to the size of the display and then put it in an ImageView using BitmapOpts and changing inSampleSize. It seems you may be having difficulty with that, so consider using createScaledBitmap which just needs the dest width and height.

how to edit big images in android?

I am trying to save small images from the original which I load from SDcard. Android doesn't allow me to create bitmap of bigger image sizes so I had to use options, doing so my images' resolution is altered so now how i am supposed to edit the original image??
And saving images, do I have the bitmap.compress option alone? If so, this reduces the quality of the image when i open and save it in JPG
And how can I display them independent of the screen???
I found a way to display big image in Android by using BitmapRegionDecoder.

