I have written a piece of code to get a feel of what my customer (cab driver) will experience when I enable location services on his device for my cab booking application. I enabled location services using both Network and GPS providers on the same listener.
LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
// God.KM20TIME, God.KM20DISTANCE, (LocationListener) updates);
lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, God.KM20TIME,
God.KM20DISTANCE, (LocationListener) updates);
My battery ran out much faster than normal. I also had my phone heating up more than normal. But the consistency I was expecting was really low. I have decided to not use GPS, and only Network provider. I am building a cab booking app, so I need to know where the cab is approximately. Even if I know that the cab was at a approximate (300 meters) location about 15 mins back, I should be good. So I guess my decision to not over engineer this logic by using both providers is correct. I wonder if anyone can relate to a different experience here ? Am I missing something ?
From my experience, the quality of the Network provider can vary quite a bit.
The network provider uses a combination of WiFi and Cell tower information to provide location information.
If you happen to be close to a Wifi network, which is common in urbanized areas, but not outside of cities, you usually get a very good accuracy.
However, outside of range of a Wifi, you're at the mercy of the cell towers. Here, the precision depends on the quality and features of the cell tower, as well as the amount of cell towers that can be used to triangulate your position.
In these situations, the quality can vary alot, both between locations, but also depending on which Carrier you use, the distance between their cell towers, but also what make and generation of cell towers they have. Newer have more features regarding location, and might for example provide bearing on its own.
My application runs in Sweden, and in some areas of our country, a carrier might have only one tower within a very large area. In those cases, all lon/lat fixes end up directly on the tower, with a precision of even up to 20.000 - 30.000 meters.
Basically, my point is that when using the network provider, if you're not near a Wifi, i'd be very satisfied with 300 meters accuracy.
Regarding the battery / heat - with your requirements, you can play around a lot with the time / distance parameters to get a "good enough" update frequency that doesn't tax the phone as much.
I am working on gps tracking apps in android. Here is my code architecture:
BackgroundSyncService : A service class that is used for getting location update. Here GoogleApiClient is initialized and implements others Location related methods.
AppRunCheckerReceiver : A BroadcastReceiver class that will check if my BackgroundSyncService is running or not in a time interval. If it stopped then it start.
GpsEnableReceiver : A BroadcastReceiver it will fire if gps status changed. It will check if my BackgroundSyncService is running or not in a time interval. If it stopped then it start.
InternetConnectionStateReceiver : A BroadcastReceiver it will fire when internet status changed. It will check if my BackgroundSyncService is running or not in a time interval. If it is stopped, then it start.
In my BackgroundSyncService service I initialize the GoogleApiClient using this way:
public void setLocationLocationRequest() {
try {
googleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this).addConnectionCallbacks(this)
locationRequest = new LocationRequest();
} catch (Exception e) {
Here accuricy is LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY and interval is
here is the GoogleApiClient implementation code.
This application GPS info section contains Latitude longitude and Accuracy parameter
My Findings: in onLocationChanged(Location location) method I check the accuracy of Location object in this way : location.getAccuracy(). Here if accuracy is less than 50 meter, then I accept it.
In 85% of the cases it working like a charm. It sending me exact location from GPS. But in 15% cases, it sending me inaccurate location like more >300 meter.
The 15% device are low cost China brand mobile.
My Questions:
How can i make accuracy level near 99%. Is there any problem on my code architecture?
Does GPS accuracy depends on device configuration? if YES then what can I do for low configuration device?
How Uber, Go-JEK etc. ride sharing apps works for all device? Is they have extra coding for GPS only?
My application is for Bangladesh. Here internet is slow. Is it has negative impact on GPS accuracy?
Thanks in advance for this thread. And also sorry for bad english.
How can i make accuracy level near 99%. Is there any problem on my code architecture?
This is real life scenario. You cannot ensure that all the location providers will work as expected. You should ask for best available position.
a) Does GPS accuracy depends on device configuration?
YES. Some devices may have older GPS chipsets which can only track GPS signals (USA) since there are other positioning systems like Galileo (Europe), GLONASS (Russia), QZSS (Japan) and Beidou (China). The more the chipset support for these types the more chance you get to track more satellite hereby position fix. Also TTFF (time to first fix) depends on how many channels do the gps receiver has.
b) If YES then what can i do for low configuration device?
Since this is a hardware issue, you cannot do anything here. But other location sources can compensate the lack of GPS data such as AGPS (aided gps), wifi and cellular positioning. Also there are some paid options which provides a database to locate your device using wifi access points and cellids (they claim that they provide best solution on wifi but i m not sure as I dont use it. you can check it out http://combain.com). Wifi and cellid also depends on how many wifi access point and cell tower available around and how far they are (signal strength). If you need 50m accuracy, cellular positioning has nothing to do but wifi has a chance to get closer to this value.
Some study results from 2009 [3]
3G iPhone w/ A-GPS ~ 8 meters
3G iPhone w/ wifi ~ 74 meters
3G iPhone w/ Cellular positioning ~ 600 meters
How Uber, Go-JEK etc. ride sharing apps works for all device? Is they have extra coding for GPS only?
They may have specific Location strategies but it will based on using other sources during GPS outage.
My application is for Bangladesh. Here internet is slow. Is it has negative impact on GPS accuracy?
Other answers claims that internet is not related to GPS. Yes it is true it is not related to GPS but location. AGPS uses internet to fetch 3 types of data (Satellite signals, almanac and ephemeris) which assist GPS to provide position fix faster. If ephemeris and almanac are outdated or the device moved several hundred km from the previous position fix then it is called cold start and takes around 12-15min without AGPS.
Fused location provider already knows how to provide best solution with these configurations, so you should bless it.
[1] http://gpssystems.net/agps/
[2] http://gpsinformation.net/main/almanac.txt
First, (and second)
How can I make accuracy level near 99%. Is there any problem on my code architecture?
Does GPS accuracy depends on device configuration? If YES then what can I do for low configuration device?
Both - device configuration and code architecture, are important here. If you are already at an 85% success rate, the code architecture is alright I think.
As far as GPS goes, line-of-sight is an important factor when it comes to device configurations and accuracy.
Although a low cost mobile could return an accurate location with a clear line-of-sight. You can try running 2 cycles more/waiting to attain higher accuracy.
In a worst case scenario and for what its worth, you can also try retrieving location using the LocationManager and GPS provider technique which works as a fallback in the 15% just to compare and ensure you are using the most accurate location you can get.
Location Strategies put it as
In most cases, you'll get better battery performance, as well as more
appropriate accuracy, by using the Location Services API.
How Uber, Go-JEK etc. ride sharing apps works for all device? Is they have extra coding for GPS only?
They do work but not always with highest of accuracy for locations received within the app. If there are any location hacks for us developers, we need to find them, maybe a 5th page google search result :) or benefit from the open source environment. For me, best practices and android repo links suffice. You have already followed posts like Receive location updates
My application is for Bangladesh. Here Internet is slow. Is it has negative impact on GPS accuracy?
No relation between Internet and LocationManager + GPS_PROVIDER
Let's assume I'm used the Android fused location API to request highly accuracy location reporting. For example,
mLocationRequest = new LocationRequest();
.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, this)
This results in my location listener getting called up to every FASTEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL. If I set FASTEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL to be short I know that the GPS radio will not be turned off between location updates. I know this from various sources such as Fused Location Provider unexpected behavior and https://www.quora.com/Why-does-GPS-use-so-much-more-battery-than-any-other-antenna-or-sensor-in-a-smartphone.
My question is what is the smallest value of FASTEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL that will result in the GPS radio being turned off between location updates?
I anticipate there will not be a clear answer to this question, and that it will depend on the phone hardware, the Google Play version and probably other hardware and software factors. Nonetheless a general answer would be helpful.
This question is important because I am interested in using high accuracy locating but minimizing battery use. To a point I am happy to increase FASTEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL if it will save power.
Wouldn't it be nice if the google fused location services used the device's motion detectors (if they exist) to work out when it was stationary and if so simply turned off the GPS radio until the device moved.
Even if you found an answer, I wouldn't count on it remaining the same between devices, OS versions, or Google Play versions. If you absolutely don't want GPS, don't used the fused provider. Use the network provider from the base LocationManager.
As for using motion detectors- they don't exist. It has an accelerometer, but to an accelerometer staying still and traveling at a constant 50mph look exactly the same (traveling at constant speed is 0 acceleration). It might not be a good optimization anyway- getting a lock on multiple GPS satellites takes several seconds. You don't want to keep turning that on and off if someone wants accuracy.
Id like to narrow down the location of a phone to the cm or less than a foot (nothing creepy I promise :). Say there was a room full of people I would like 1 user to be able to look though an augmented reality view on their phone to find another user.
Only problem is the location data, I know gps is probably out since I think its only accurate to 10-15 meters? Could you do something with the wifi points, ie have a couple and measure ping time between them to work out location? Or does this technology already exist? Thanks C
Android provides basically two location provider :
GPS is the most accurate source which you don't want to use and it's slow.
Network location provider is false but less accurate than gps.
So the only hope is GPS.
I'm writing a simple GPS based app for location awareness. Whenever GPS is enabled, the app requests location updates and prints latitude and longitude in a TextView. If GPS is disabled, the location provider fall-backs to LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER for triangulating device position relative to neighboring cell-towers. The aim is whenever device movement is detected, it should start populating the TextView with lat/long. When there is no movement, the process should stop. In order to do so, I've implemented the location update rate as:
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 1, this);
The above line causes very frequent location updates (even when there is no movement, I keep getting lat/long values). I read somewhere that putting minTime=0 is not a good idea (battery drains faster). When I change it to 2 or 3 seconds, the update becomes very slow (even if the device moves more than 50 meters). Changing minDistance doesn't seem to work either! I want to know what settings does Google Maps application use? Power consumption is not a limiting factor for me as I'm developing the app for some network drive test equipment (which gets constant power from vehicle's on-board lead acid battery).
The frequency of updates is highly dependent on the hardware. Good gps chips send very frequent updates(Samsung Galaxy S3) while some struggle even to show lat-lan position. The gist here is normalize the the frequency for receiving updates on the basis of distance and time. Use various time and distance configuration and test them and use the most appropriate values. For my project I used following values:
//for walking user
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 5, 10, this);
//for user in a car
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 2, 50, this);
I have been using LocationManager for Android to record location data, and the new 'LocationClient' API has come, so I tried it.
The result looked good. It gets location data very quickly, but I found that the Android Fused Location provider(LocationClient) doesn't provide altitude data in almost all cases, even though I tracked quite a long time.
So, the question is, 'Is there any nice way or idea to get altitude data while using LocationClient?', or should I just stay using GPS provider which is not fast enough?
AFAIK, the only provider today in standard Android that can give you altitude is GPS. AFAIK, both WiFi hotspot proximity and cell tower triangulation presume that you are on the surface of the Earth, or at least within a relatively narrow band of the surface, treating the local area as a flat plane.
LocationClient and the "fused" location provider is designed to blend all of those approaches to get you more accurate latitude/longitude more quickly. However, if my AFAIKs are correct, it cannot get altitude any faster than GPS. And, depending on how it handles things internally, it may put more emphasis on the non-GPS providers, and therefore give you altitude less frequently. Since the Play Services stuff is closed-source, we have no good way to know.
or should I just stay using GPS provider which is not fast enough.
The speed of obtaining GPS fixes is tied to environment (e.g., indoors/outdoors) and to device GPS receiver quality.