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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am dealing with a mobile application where it should perform a translation of words which works offline-(not online using any api -bing/google). how can I perform any translation of words (like german--->english)in android. just like WORDLENS/any offline translator works.
are there any databases available to translate from german to english.
I think this will be hard to find. There are paid versions: which will cost you quite a bit of money for a license. You could try to write a script that uses a german word list to get translations from various online sources. It might take you a couple of weeks, but it will be less expensive. (Not sure what the legal ramifications are.)
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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have been self teaching android development with kotlin for the last year. When looking through job postings I am seeing that many jobs ask for a degree, or a bootcamp. I see that there are many bootcamps when searching them, but after researching them, many seem to be scams based on reviews. Are there any that are typically viewed as more reputable than others? Any advice would be appreciated.
Having just recently graduated from them, I would suggest trying Udacity (
Apart from the paid courses they have also many free ones.
To me what makes them stand out is the "Ask a mentor" section. They are fast in replying and very competent.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking to get into Android development (Xamarin) and to build some simple apps first.
What I have in mind is something trivia-like, with a hosted database (can't find any free & reliable public APIs).
Do you know of any free downloadable databases on the topics of:
- trivia
- humour
- entertainment seemed promising, but it's not free (or I couldn't find any free DBs, as they don't have a price filter).
I believe you'll find datasets that suit your needs here :
Not related : I consider pretty interesting to stumble across a dataset containing all the transcripts of the presidential debates by typing the keyword "humor" on this website.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need a tool where the user can draw an flowchart easily, and export this to a HTML and CSS file.
My intention to save this HTML code in a database, and get this from my android app, and show this in a Webview.
Do you know some flowchart tool for to do that?
Thank you!
Have a look into Lucid Chart API, I know there is an embed code option, which could help you, but there's always a save the charts to an image file.
There might be a specific tool out there to do that function, but I am guessing it would be difficult to find or require an upfront cost to use. I would anticipate that you most likely will have to strap something together yourself.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a free tool on Macbook for Android GUI design. I just want to easily draw GUI prototype for review purpose with internal team and customer. Could anybody recommend me a tool? If no such recommendation on Macbook, Windows based tool is acceptable too.
I tried a couple but the one I liked the most was Pencil, available as standalone application and as a firefox plugin. I searched a time ago, so chances are that you could find something better, but it's worthy to give it a try.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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One of my applications is getting more and more popular, and I'd like to support multiple languages, but there are a few problems:
I don't know every single language out there
I'm actively developing the application, so strings change and new ones are added - often
That's why I've been looking at the possibilities of an online community translation tool. I'd like for it to be free and open source, and it'd be great if it supports Android!
Sorry if this is off-topic, I was a bit unsure, but I think it's a problem that many Android developers have to deal with.
For WordPress for Android we use GlotPress, you can upload your strings.xml and it will create sub projects for whatever language you want. You can then invite users to translate the project to their native language.