I have managed to connect a device ( I see logs and see the tree of React Native elements), but now I have an issue with connecting the app - "NO APPLICATION SELECTED" is what I see. Any ideas to fix it?
Ran into the same problem on both iOS and Android with Flipper 0.135.0. Managed to make both work by following the steps below.
This answer solved the issue for me.
brew update && brew upgrade idb-companion
Also make sure you are installing the correct Cocoapod of Flipper by specifying the exact version in your Podfile with (for version 0.135.0)
use_flipper!({ 'Flipper'=> '0.135.0' })
Ensure that ReactNativeFlipper.java is in the correct folder, as in this example project.
With for example the applicationId com.domain.appName, the correct path is
In my project this Java file was in the incorrect folder, which resulted in the Logcat error
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.domain.appName.ReactNativeFlipper
Ensure that you are running the latest version of Flipper (0.120.0 as of this message) and then:
For Android:
Bump the FLIPPER_VERSION variable in android/gradle.properties, for example: FLIPPER_VERSION=0.120.0.
Run ./gradlew clean in the android directory.
For iOS:
Call use_flipper with a specific version in ios/Podfile, for example: use_flipper!({ 'Flipper' => '0.120.0' }).
Run pod install in the ios directory.
Reference: https://fbflipper.com/docs/getting-started/react-native/#using-the-latest-flipper-sdk
Go to settings and check if the path for your Sdk is correct
In my case issue was with the Emulator OS and API.
I used following combination and it worked:
Device: Pixel 4a
OS: Android 12
API: (Release Name: S, API level: 31, ABI: arm64-v8a, Target: Android 12
I also faced this issue, I was not seeing android simulator and the app to select, but it was working fine for iOS without any config.
The problem with my setup was that in the Flipper settings, the android SDK's path was not correct, after updating the path and restarting Flipper, it automatically detected the simulator and the app.
Hope this helps.
I was able to solve that on Android, open ReactNativeFlipper.java file
In the first line package com.yourappname; change it to exactly your package name inside AndroidManifest.xml
In the MainApplication.java there is a line like
initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager());
inside onCreate() function. In my project this line was commented. I removed the comment and run react-native run-android and flipper get connected to the app
I would like to extract my app in .apk format.
I add these script on my "package.json" page:
"build:development:android": "ionic cordova build android"
and "build:production:android": "ionic cordova build android --prod --release".
But, when I type the commands I have Errors.
What I should do to have my .apk file?
I am novice. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
aha! I can see the problem in your code !
you are generating pages from ionic generate command! but if you see the file structure you will find that the page folder has its own module file! first delete that and then go to yourPage.ts file and delete the import of ionicPage and also remove the Annotation of ionic page.... Repeat this step for all pages which have this module file in them!
after that make sure your pages are imported in your app.module.ts
here lemme show you an example how it is done! consider I have a class called testerClass. its page structure on using
ionic g page testerClass will be as
delete that tester-class.module.ts
Step 2: AFTER deleting that you have to go into tester-class.ts and
remove the annotation and import of ionic page like shown in picture
NOTE!!make sure you run the build commands using admin/root pre villages (if you are not using root account just in case). in simple words search your cmd in windows search option right click and open as administrator
I think you encounter 2 problems and I will try to refer to them based on the screenshots.
Screenshot #1: I believe this is a permissions error, if you run the same command as an admin do you have the same result? In order to run it as an admin you will:
type 'cmd' in your search bar bottom at the windows bar
when the results emerge, right click on the command line and hit 'run as administrator'
Screenshot #2: This is a code error but it is simple to fix.
It seems that you have added the Album page via ionic generate page AlbumPage but then added that to your app.module.ts.
The result is that AlbumPage is declared on both app.module.ts and album.module.ts.
Since AlbumPage is built to be an Ionic Page (if you navigate in album.ts, right above Component annotation, you will se the IonicPage() annotation) you can remove it from the app.module.ts, and wherever you are referring to this page you can use the string of the name e.g. this.setRoot('AlbumPage'), instead of this.setRoot(AlbumPage), which also means that you do not have to import it.
I have gone through every possible adjustment variable I could find to try to try to make this work:
I adjusted sdk versions: android:minSdkVersion="19" android:targetSdkVersion="22"
I made sure that all my settings matched this: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Solution/Integrating-Cardboard-to-the-ARVR-Sample
I also followed these instructions for Android:
I even changed AndroidManifest.xml to be AndroidManifest-Vuforia.xml
I'm running
Unity 5.3.0 / Vuforia6.0.117 / Samsung Galaxy S6 Active / And the latest google cardboard
The program compiles and runs perfectly on my webcam, but the second I install it on my phone and run it, I keep getting the same Vuforia Initialization Error no matter what I do. And yes, I made sure to give the app permission to use the camera.
Can anyone help? I've scowered the internet and I cant get the thing to work.
Under the 'Vuforia' menu, click 'Configuration', then disable the 'webcam' setting.
I had this problem and it was because I didn't write my Vuforia license key. In the class SampleApplicationSession find the line thats similar to this:
Vuforia.setInitParameters(session.mActivityRef.get(), session.mVuforiaFlags, "KEY_HERE");
It could be on line 370 or 414. But insert your key there and that could fix it.
I had same problem in android studio to fix it I first get licenseKey from here and then go to Project-> app/cpp/Croossplatform/AppController of my projects and then go to the
constexpr char licenseKey[] = "your key ";
line 55-60 AppController
This seems to be a problem in the Vuforia Unity package. Download the latest Vuforia-Unity package from https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/sdk and import the new package into the project and replace the old package. This should resolve the error.
Other possible fixes that didn't seem to help in my case included: giving camera permissions in AndroidMainfest File, changing the Vuforia API key and disabling Vuforia Play Mode.
I am trying to integrate a Google plus Login in my application as per the instruction provided by following link :
I am following all the instructions perfectly. And when I run the sample application on a real device provided in the android-sdk and click the signin button, it display a Toast message that An internal error occurred
What am I doing wrong?
I have this problem and even after creating 10 different client IDs with different SHA and package name, it doesn't work... until I found out that you have to fill the Consent screen.
According to GoogleDevelopers Console -
The consent screen will be shown to users whenever you request access
to their private data using your client ID.
This can happen when you haven't set the signature for the client ID in your API console project, or if you copied the wrong key value from keytool. Doing so is documented in the steps of the quick start guide on steps 7, 8, 9, and 10.
I've solved problem by removing .setScopes("PLUS_LOGIN") in the PlusClient.Builder.
I got this toast message error in my android application:
An internal error occurred
Assuming you made a mistake configuring the negotiation between your android app and the Android API server granting you access. Most likely caused by you not adding the correct package name or correct SHA1 fingerprint. I followed these steps to blow out the wrong configuration and do it right.
Steps to fix:
Go to your google api console and login: https://code.google.com/apis/console
Click "API Access" tab.
Click the button: "Create another client ID".
Choose: "Installed Application" radio button.
Choose: "Android" radio button.
Enter the package name of the android app that is displaying the above error. You can find it defined at the top of the PlusSampleActivity.java code file. For me it is com.google.android.gms.samples.plus
Acquire your SHA1 fingerprint value:
a. Use the command keytool -list -v -keystore /home/el/.android/debug.keystore. Enter password, If you never set it, the default password is 'android'.
b. The SHA1 fingerprint is shown on screen, copy that.
Paste the above value into the "Signing certificate fingerprint (SHA1):" box.
Click the button: "Create client ID".
Run your android application again, click "Sign in".
Now you are presented with an Activity to "Sign in to Google+ SDK with Google".
In my case, the solution was to actually set an email address in the Consent Screen.
First, I was a bit reluctant to select my personal address and for an strange reason you can save the form without this piece of data with no error. After checking what others have suggested, as soon as I set my email address in that form, it started working.
I have been searching how to fix this for a day with full of research without luck finally i managed
to resolve this issue with the following approach.
Before i begin resolving this (at least how ti worked for me) i have to say that everything on the
documentation is correct and you don't have to change any lines of code or so.
It looks like more of a bug in the https://cloud.google.com/console cloud console
First ensure you got the correct SHA1 and your project's package name as described in the docs
Now this bug as i noticed (at least for me) was that in my cloud console, the project i have created
was long ago with the old interface and few months ago i migrated to the new GUI.Once you get the new look on cloud console you will notice that new projects have an auto generated project id
like this atlantean-ares-331 while old projects got a long integer value as project id which is not visible. So if your project was created with the old GUI and you have just created new client id for OAuth for that project you will get the Toast "An internal error occurred” while trying to sign in with google.
How to Fix
Go to your cloud console
Make a new project i would suggest a name like
In APIs section enable Google+ API
Ensure that none of your projects has the same package name on
OAuth Client ID with the one you will use now otherwise you will get Error This client ID is globally unique and is already in use.(you will have to delete the old OAuth client id with the same package name you will use now).
Go to Credentials Create New Client ID for OAuth.
Installed application
Enter your project's package name and your SHA1
My solution to the problem was following.
I did everything others recommended and there was no typo regarding the package name and SHA1 key. I also tried removing the key and then adding it again but it didn't help.
What did help is removing the key and creating a new project (at https://code.google.com/apis/console) and then creating the Client ID (with package+sha1) again there. After that (5 secs) everything worked on my Android device.
This problem is related to the permissions from the api console.
if you are using a permission related with SCOPE_PLUS_LOGIN, in the api console you must create two keys, one for OAuth client id, and other for public api key.
In my case the problem was that I changed the package name of the app and didn't update in dev console.
For me it was that i was attempting to use my production key when installing it using my debug key. Make sure your using the right SHA1 from the right keystore.
I turned around to the Google IO 2013, and changed the initialization of PlusClient, then it works.
public static final String AUTH_SCOPES[] = {
"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/developerssite" };
mPlusClient = new PlusClient.Builder(this, this, this)
Thanks Thano for the solution
"Now this bug as i noticed (at least for me) was that in my cloud console, the project i have created was long ago with the old interface and few months ago i migrated to the new GUI.Once you get the new look on cloud console you will notice that new projects have an auto generated project id like this atlantean-ares-331 while old projects got a long integer value as project id which is not visible. So if your project was created with the old GUI and you have just created new client id for OAuth for that project you will get the Toast "An internal error occurred” while trying to sign in with google."
Recreating the project in the Google Console worked for me after several other attempts:
For any reason my project did not have a project ID (old console/new console?).
As Thano (above) suggested, I created a brand new project, created Client IDs, ... and then in worked. Thanks for the advice!!
Remember to use the built-in debug keystore for testing. I had everything else working correctly, but I had set my production keystore SHA1 fingerprint in the Credentials in the Developers Console, which caused it not to work.
If your facing this error when you try to run the sample application "or" copy the project which you have created in other machine which was running successfully in that and giving such pop-up error in the other machine where you are trying to run ,you can follow the below method and it will help.
If your are building the app for testing/debug purpose then,
1.Generate the new SHA1 if you copy your project and run it on other machine for the package name and path provided for keystore.
2.Change the ClientId in developers console for new generated SHA1 and run it in the new machine where you have copied the project and trying to run it.
Something often overlooked is the package name. I'd like to clarify the step 6 by Eric Leschinski above (can't comment there): the required package is not the package of an activity, rather the package of your app's manifest.
You may retrieve the correct value from the root element of AndroidManifest.xml:
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:versionName="1.0" >
In this example define "com.ntk.darkmoor" while creating the Client ID
I had the same issue when I used SHA1 for debug.keystore for debuging then exported my application forgetting to generate SHA1 for keystore that I used to export my application.
Its working for me when i connect the device and install the apk from Android Studio.
But its now working for me when i generate the .apk and install it from dropbox.
I went through all the answers provided here and others as well. In my case the issue was the SHA-1 as well. The reason I was getting the incorrect SHA-1 was my keytool export cert command.
Previously I was using
C:\Users\mysuername\.android SHA 1 signature keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "keystorepath" -list -v
The problem was in the androiddebugkey variable. Here you have to give the name of the key you use for signing the application.
C:\Users\mysuername\.android SHA 1 signature keytool -exportcert -alias mykeyname -keystore "keystorepath" -list -v
Hope this helps someone!
To add to this long list of reasons my problem was that i got the debugkey from the jks file rather than the app.
Its always something small.
I have an app that builds and runs fine using LVL from within eclipse.
When I build it using ant, adding obvuscation and my own signing the app responds when attempting to check the LVL license as COULD NOT BIND TO SERVICE.. exact error:
06-16 15:04:37.289: WARN/ActivityManager(62): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.a.a.a.f }: not found
06-16 15:04:37.299: ERROR/LicenseChecker(488): Could not bind to service.
I don't understand, the app runs fine if I take out the checker code, my call to do the LVL check is
mChecker = new LicenseChecker(
this, new ServerManagedPolicy(getApplicationContext(),
new AESObfuscator(SALT, getPackageName(), androidId)),
There are only 2 differences between Eclipse Generated and my own Generated code, that being that I am using obvuscation which isn't the issue because the code does run, and that I use my own signature vs the developer one.
Also, if I EXPORT the APK and have it use the keystore the ANT is using (or at least should be using) and install that APK all works fine... so it seems like maybe my ant build it grabbing the wrong keystore file. That's all I can think of. Anyone have any other ideas? Know where I should check in the build scripts for where its looking for the Keystore?
Thanks in advance.
Nevermind, I found the answer, it was indeed the obvuscation:
Add the following to the proguard config.txt file
-keep public interface com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService