According to RoboSpice documentation , i can use it in any Context.
Can't find an example of using Robospice in service context.
I did some attempts but nothing happened, requests just not executes, no exceptions (Maybe some log leaking, what i need to do to enable robospice log on device?)
Where to start/stop it? (spiceManager.start(this) / spiceManager.shouldStop())
Where to create SpiceManager instance? (My service starts in application.onCreate() method, maybe i have to wait for some SpiceService initialization?)
some code
public abstract class SpicyService extends Service {
private SpiceManager spiceManager = new SpiceManager(SpiceService.class);
public void onCreate() {
public void onDestroy() {
Shame on me ...
After drinking some coffee i spotted that child Service, dont have super.onCreate() call to start spiceManager.
It's working perfectly fine now!
Sorry for your time.
I have an app that the MainActivity has a method (called doUpdate()) that is called from a button hit. This uses the MainActivity's public variables to access a database, perform some updates, and update some records. This works well.
We now need to automate this with a PeriodicTask as well.
I created a GCMTaskManager service as follows:
public class MyPeriodicTaskService extends GcmTaskService {
public MyPeriodicTaskService() {
public int onRunTask(TaskParams taskParams) {
Log.i("MYLOG","Task Running...");
return 0;
In my MainActivity, onCreate(), I setup the PeriodicTask as follows:
GcmNetworkManager networkManager=GcmNetworkManager.getInstance(this);
PeriodicTask task=new PeriodicTask.Builder()
By watching the LOG, I know that the onRunTask() fires periodically as I hoped.
Now I need to call my MainActivity method... doUpdate(). Because this method is declared PUBLIC VOID and not STATIC, I can't call it from the services doRunTask(). If I attempt to make it a STATIC PUBLIC VOID then the MainActivity variables can't be accessed properly as needed for the internal processing steps.
How do I get around this... any recommendations?
I have a service in Android that encapsulates a framework that has a start method. The service boils down to something like this, many things omitted:
public class MyService extends Service {
private IBinder thisBinder;
public MyService(){
thisBinder = new LocalBinder();
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return thisBinder;
public void start(Map<String, Object> options)
I also have a bridging class that makes calls to the service:
public class MyServiceBridge implements ServiceConnection {
private boolean started = false;
private boolean bound = false;
private MyService myService;
public MyServiceBridge(Context context){
this.context = context;
public void bindService(){
Intent intent = new Intent(getContext(), MyService.class);
getContext().bindService(intent, this, getContext().BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
// Here's a sample call, and the one that is relevant
public void start(Map<String, Object> options){
if(bound == true){
started = true;
I call the bridge's start method in order to run the service. This works fine, except in this particular situation (so far). The MyApplication class calls the bridge's start method on onCreate:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
This, according to the docs is "Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created.". Indeed it appears to be so, because the service does not start, and instead starts when I close the app (odd, at least). This works if I move the call to an activity's onCreate method, but that's not ideal because I can also stop the service, and I want the service to run for the lifetime of the app. That is, the service should start when the app starts and stop when the app terminates. Does this make sense? Is there another way to do this?
In my opinion, you did a good job when you decided to run service in Application onCreate. but it is strange to hear that service is started when you close the app.
I have done this several times, and service starts in application onCreate which must be called.
Have you checked if your application is alive and run in background? Please make sure that you killed you application before testing. Use Task Killer or something like that, to be sure that application is always freshly started.
Sadly, Android does not have appropriate mechanism to notify you when application is exited, because it is still alive until system decides to kill it and free resources.
So, from what I understand, I should use intents to update the UI of an activity from a service.
But, I am a bit concerned about the efficiency of what I want to do.
Theoretically, it shouldn't really pose a serious problem, but I don't want to have a situation in which I wake up my phone, and have 20-30 onTick-s running at once, each time generating a new intent.
What I want (if possible) is for each onTick's intent to overwrite the previous one, so that the receiver only has process one at a time.
I know pending intents have FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, but doing things the right way means (if I understand correctly) using a local broadcast, which doesn't work with pending intents.
This turned out to be surprisingly simple.
A pskink suggested in his comment, all you need is a binder:
Create a class that extends the Binder class. Keep in mind that the Binder class implements IBinder, which is why you can pass an instance of your new class as an instance of IBinder (which is something you will be doing later on)
In this class, implement various functions you want your main activity to be able to use. If you want your service to be able to run things from the activity as well, you can pass an instance of an inner class of the activity, which has the relevant functions in it, or even pass a pointer to the activity (this).
Keep in mind: Do these things at your own risk. If, for example, your activity is destroyed - for example, due a change of orientation, the pointers might become worthless and errors will be thrown
I recommend implementing an invalidate inside your new class to help you handle these situations, but perhaps there are better practices I am not personally familiar with.
Now, you have a two-way communication channel with your activity.
Below is some sample code. Note that if you don't want your service to be destroyed when the activity is, you need (as far as I understand it) to also start it using startService (in addition to using bindService)
public class MyService extends Service {
private IBinder yourBinder; //A class that will connect your service and your activity
public void onCreate() {
yourBinder = new YourBinderClass();
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
// TODO: Return the communication channel to the service.
return yourBinder;
Your binder class:
public class YourBinderClass extends Binder {
private Service thisService;
public YourBinderClass(Service myService)
thisService = myService;
public Service getService()
return thisService;
And finally, inside your main activity:
private YourBinderClass yourBinderClass;
private Service yourService;
private ServiceConnection sc = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
yourBinderClass = (YourBinderClass) service;
yourService = yourBinderClass.getService();
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
And to launch the service:
getBaseContext().bindService(new Intent(getBaseContext(),MyService.class), sc, 0)
Note that the service won't be ready immediately, so if your activity is dependent on it, you might want to signal that you are ready to do stuff in onServiceConnected
"MainActivity has leaked ServiceConnection org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager that was originally bound here" - this is the problem, I'm facing. I'm using AltBeacon from a class in a library. The class is getting passed a Context element at instantiation. The class implements BeaconConsumer and the overrides are acting like shown below:
public Context getApplicationContext() {
return mContext.getApplicationContext();
public boolean bindService(Intent intent, ServiceConnection connection, int mode) {
return mContext.bindService(intent, connection, mode);
public void unbindService(ServiceConnection connection) {
public void onBeaconServiceConnect() {
// do things
The bindService works, but because there is no onDestroy in the library (and finalize() is never called either), unbindService will never be called. This leads to the leak mentioned above.
How can I recover from that? I don't want to expose a special cleanup() function, the library shall be able to detect the shutdown moment and should cleanup internally. Is that possible?
Any pointer welcome.
OK, added a cleanup function.
I need to get a reference to the main Activity from a Service.
This is my design:
public class MainActivity extends Activity{
private Intent myIntent;
myIntent=new Intent(MainActivity.this, MyService.class);
btnStart.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View V){
class MyService extends Service{
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
//Here I need to have a MainActivity reference
//to pass it to another object
How can I do this?
Thanks to all for the answers!
This app is a web server, that at this moment works only with threads, and I want to use a service instead, to make it work also in the background.
The problem is that I have a class that is responsible for getting the page from assets, and to do this operation I need to use this method:
InputStream iS =myActivity.getAssets().open("www/"+filename);
At this moment my project has only one Activity and no services, so I can pass the main activity's reference directly from itself:
WebServer ws= new DroidWebServer(8080,this);
So, in order to make this app work with a service, what should I change in my design?
You didn't explain why you need this. But this is definitely bad design. Storing references to Activity is the first thing you shouldn't do with activities. Well, you can, but you must track Activity lifecycle and release the reference after its onDestroy() is called. If you are not doing this, you'll get a memory leak (when configuration changes, for example). And, well, after onDestroy() is called, Activity is considered dead and is most likely useless anyway.
So just don't store the reference in Service. Describe what you need to achieve instead. I'm sure there are better alternatives out there.
Ok, so you do not actually need reference to Activity. Instead you need reference to Context (which in your case should be ApplicationContext to not keep reference to Activity or any other component for that matter).
Assuming you have a separate class that handles WebService request:
class WebService
private final Context mContext;
public WebService(Context ctx)
//The only context that is safe to keep without tracking its lifetime
//is application context. Activity context and Service context can expire
//and we do not want to keep reference to them and prevent
//GC from recycling the memory.
mContext = ctx.getApplicationContext();
public void someFunc(String filename) throws IOException
InputStream iS = mContext.getAssets().open("www/"+filename);
Now you can create & use WebService instance from Service (which is recommended for such background tasks) or even from Activity (which is much trickier to get right when web service calls or long background tasks are involved).
An example with Service:
class MyService extends Service
WebService mWs;
public void onCreate()
mWs = new WebService(this);
//you now can call mWs.someFunc() in separate thread to load data from assets.
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)
return null;
To communicate between your service and activity you should use AIDL.
More info on this link:
EDIT: (Thanks Renan Malke Stigliani)
The AIDL is overkill unless the activity and service are in seperate apks.
Just use a binder to a local service.
(full example here:
public class LocalBinder extends Binder {
LocalService getService() {
return LocalService.this;
Agree with inazaruk's comments. But, In terms of communicating between an Activity and a Service, you have a few choices - AIDL (as mentioned above), Messenger, BroadcastReicever, etc. The Messenger method is similar to AIDL but doesn't require you to define the interfaces. You can start here: