I'm creating an Android app (my second) and I'm not really sure how to structure it.
The section of the app I'm having issues with is basically a sort of simple catalogue; a user clicks a button which opens a layout containing a title (TextView) and an image (ImageView).
Image for clarity:
What is the best way to structure this? Since I'm pretty new to Android development, my approach would have been to create an activity for the first view (no.1), create a seperate activity for each of the "Products"-pages, "Products 1", "Products 2" etc. and a third activity for the single item view.
I know how to reuse the "single item"-layout (no.3) but I'm not really sure what the best approach is for no.2.
Should I create six new activities for "Products 1", "Products 2",..,"Products 6" and corresponding layouts for each? Or should I try to keep the number of activities to a minimum?
Any help is highly appriciated.
Your app is like a tree-structure app, so three activities/views are enough for your application.
Products Category List(Contains Product1, Product2, etc.)
Product List(Contains Product1-1, Product1-2, etc.)
Product(Contains image for a product)
You should not create an extra activity for every product because it will consume too many system resources.
For coding, you can make a base class since these three activities are similar, and put common elements into the base class.
If you use listviews the first two screens can be just one activity, with different data passed in to display screen 2. And screen 3 will be common for all, another activity.
If you are planning on keeping the screens as you displayed above, with buttons, then you can just create one layout with button, use it as a row layout within a listview. The activity logic would be such that, depending on data, it would populate one or more rows. With this option too you can do screens 1 and 2 using one activity and one set of layouts.
You make one layout:-
1. layout one you can visible(visibility) first 6 textview and other will b gone(visibility).
2. Layout two you can visible(visibility) textview what you want and other will b gone(visibility).
3. Layout three you can visible(visibility) only image view and other will b gone(visibility).
note:- change textview value through setText.
I have looked everywhere but don't seem to be able to find what I am looking for. I have an activity with multiple buttons, each button opens a new activity with an identical recyclerview layout, but different data. I am wondering if it is possible to use one activity and layout instead of multiple? this way instead of having 10+ activities (one for each button) I only have to manage one when a button is clicked and simply pass the necessary list data to it.
I believe you could set the intents for each button to call the same activity but with an integer such as 1-10, in the activity it takes the value and decides which list should be presented? If anyone thinks of how this could be done or a simpler way I would greatly appreciate it!
Yes, there are various ways to do that.
You could use multiple fragments on the same activity. Then add/remove fragments on each button click.
You can have multiple layouts within your activity. Say you have two buttons, and you have three layouts layout1, layout2, layout3, sequentially one after the another. So if initially, layout1 is visible and the rest are gone using layout.setVisiblity(View.GONE), if you click button1, ypu can do layout1.setVisiblity(View.GONE); layout3.setVisiblity(View.GONE); layout2.setVisiblity(View.VISIBLE) and vice-versa for pressing button2.
Are all the activities opened by the buttons similar? If so, you could only take care of the changes in the elements of the layout & specify conditions.
For instance, if you click a button, instead of changing the whole thing, you only go into the buttons & change their texts with btn.setText("..."). You could define different conditional statements inside the onClickListener of that button.
It could be something like:
if(btn.getText().equals("a certain text that you set to the button")){
else if(btn.getText().equals("another option")){
Following this logic, you could continually update the elements in your layout & your code will decide what to do depending on what's stored in these elements.
The second option that comes to my mind would be creating different xml layout files & simply changing the layout of your MainActivity to the appropriate one depending on what stage of your process you are at.
I hope this helps,
I want to make a quiz application for android,where each page will have a single question and on click of next button second question will be displayed,
I want to keep the next button common and use single fragment to display different layouts on click of next button.And on the basis of answer submitted next question will be displayed.
How to achieve this.How to use single fragment for multiple layout and maintain its stack.
Using different layouts to load various questions would be an incorrect solution to your problem, rather fetch the data from your question bank(xml, excel, db, any source) and set your question TextView to it. The Multiple choice answers(if any) could also be populated in the same way on a single fragment. You would just need one single layout.
my problem goes like this-
this is a commercial application in which users can purchase different products they see within app..
there is one view cart button available on the main screen
there are 10 different products available in an activity and there are 3 such activities( each of them containing various different products)
these products are arranged in a linear fashion (linear layout).
every product is having an add to cart image button.
what i want is, when the user presses that button, 3 things should happen..
a new activity will be created containing that product information (when the user presses another "add to cart" button, this new product will come below the previous product and so on).
there is one cart button in the menu bar, that cart should show a number equal to the nos of product in the cart.
its simple, a small flash notification that the product has been added to the cart.
any help will be deeply appreciated.
You would see some benefit by using Fragments instead. Use a main Activity as a "switchboard" and multiple Fragment instances to show the per item details.
You don't need to dynamically create a new Activity. Taking into consideration that you call yourself a newbie in android development, I can only tell you what to study to accomplish your plan.
First, learn to make an Activity that will contain a ListView. Make an XML layout for your ListView items, containing TextViews, Buttons, whatever you want. Then, make an adapter that will fill items with corresponding values (texts, button names, images, etc).
And second, make them all clickable (onItemClickListener or an onClickListener for every button) and make your Activity get inflated with a Fragment containing TextViews, ImageViews, etc... whatever you need to represent information about the item selected.
The best practical way is to make an empty Activity with an empty Fragment. The last one will be either inflated (populated) or even replaced with whatever things you need.
Sorry, but teaching you how to make all these things technically is beyond the scope of any sensible answer that someone can post here. It's all the matter of study and practice. But I hope the vector of study I gave you is transparent and affordable.
is using setContentView multiple times bad while changing layouts?
Some people say that it's bad and they never say why.
and is there some other thing to change layout using button?
Let's take a look at the Android Documents:
Set the activity content to an explicit view. This view is placed directly into the activity's view hierarchy.
So, setContentView will overwrite the layout, and replace it with a new one. Usually, you only want to do this once in onCreate. Theoretically, you could do it more, but it involves re-drawing the entire layout, and this could take some time. There are a few alternatives, depending on exactly what you want:
ViewAnimator: This is useful for showing a quick animation, if you want to change the view multiple times in quick succession.
Fragments- Instead of re-drawing the entire view, you can switch out fragments. Each fragment is a kind of mini activity, and overall this will contain the code much better.
Pass Intent Arguments- Pass information to an activity to help it set up. The first activity passes information to a common second activity, which knows how to set itself up based off of the information it receives from the first activity.
As for your specific application, here's what I would do:
Each band follows a specific layout. There is only 1, or maybe a few, possible layouts.
When the Band activity starts, the appropriate layout is chosen, and populated, knowing what's in there.
The Android SDK shows how to pass data from one activity to another. Just pass the data that the second activity needs from the first, using something like this:
Intent intent=new Intent(...);
intent.putExtra("Album","Some Album")
The second activity will do this:
Intent intent=getIntent();
String albumName=intent.getExtraString("Album");
//Does something with albumName, maybe get a TextView and .setText()
Yes this is bad, because it inflates your activity with your layout, and if your layout has a lot of views, it may take time.
To avoid that you should use a ViewAnimator, where you put all your layouts and you switch by showNext() and showPrevious(), i.e:
<ViewAnimator xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
<RelativeLayout> </RelativeLayout>
<RelativeLayout> </RelativeLayout>
And in your code:
// Don't forget the setContentView
// Load the ViewAnimator and display the first layout
ViewAnimator va = (ViewAnimator) findViewById(;
// Switch to the second layout
// Add another layout at the third position
LinearLayout fooLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
va.addView(fooLayout, 3, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT));
i cant show example because i'm waiting for answer to do it. okay i
have the app of lyrics(it will show lyrics of band) and albums are new
activities but i dont want many activities and thats why i want to
make songs only layouts and change views with button press
It sounds like you're going about this the wrong way. If you want to change the UI an Activity contains, then Fragments would be the better approach. There's a bit of a learning curve there, but it's good android design, and well documented.
Further, you seem to be confusing formatting and content. If you're displaying song lyrics, you don't need a new layout for each song. You just need to change the lyrics and keep them in the same activity. What you're doing is akin to creating a new web-browser for each web-page you intend to visit. Instead, find a way to store the lyrics and display them on a single activity (or in a fragment) to display those lyrics. The same would apply to each album: One activity would display the album cover in the corner (or as background), the title, release date, etc, as text, and then a list of songs below. The actual content of the TextViews can change, but the layout ought to be the same.
Can I choose different layout for the Fragment based on the Button that has been clicked on the Activity, or should I create one Fragment class for each Button?
I know that Fragments exist to accommodate different UI but in my case I have many buttons that on click display a FrameLayout and I was thinking if it is possible to save time from copy/paste ?
I'd say that depends on how your layouts/fragments look like. If they are huge and very similar it could be better to have one layout. You could also think about using <merge /> or <include/> in that case.
This way you can maintain equal parts in (sub-)layouts without the need of code repetition.
Have a look at Googles site here.