Android - call TextWatcher for highlighted text - android

So I'm new to Android development and I'm currently figuring out TextWatcher.
What I'm attempting to do is attach my TextWatcher listener to an EditText widget and after the user has put in some text, say "Hello" and he highlights "llo" and types in r, I display the change in a TextView widget. For the above example it will display "llo --> r".
Now from what I've read and tried, since the textchangelistener is called every time the user types in something, my code ended up crashing when I ran it on my phone.
Is there a way to call the listener only when the highlighted text is changed so as to avoid calling it every time I'm just typing something in the EditText widget? I hope my question makes sense, I've tried looking around before posting here but I couldn't find anything.
Not looking for code, just some pointers so I can figure out how to do this.

Your best bet would be to use a OnEditorActionListener instead of a textwatcher which I didnt know existed until now. It gets called when there is a change to a textview, and since edit text is a textview than it will work perfectly.
Heres some info on the listener
Btw welcome to the android platform, I think you'll find that it is a rich language and definitely worth learning. If you really want some pointers your main point of reference should be this link which has many guidelines and pointers in the develop tab. Good luck


Text editor options with Kotlin

I was wondering how to make a text editor toolbar for an android app using Kotlin.
I've already implemented the view as you can see here. But I can't find a way to make it work propperly. I've tried to use Spannable String and Typeface but I think that they are not what I am looking for.
When using spannable, I need to put some string. But I can't put a string because there may be no text yet.
Maybe using the textchange listener of the EditText would work? I've tried it too but it doesn't seem to fit into my logic.
This is what I was thinking about: A listener for every button. Whenever a button is pressed, add that style to the future text that will come. To specify the start and the end of the text, maybe I could take the current position of the cursor to specify the start and the position of the cursor whenever the button is "unpressed" to specify the end. But I can't find something that fits my logic.
Maybe you could give me some ideas, another logic...Which is the proper way to do it?
Thank you very much :)

Create a textfield which only supports copy-option

Is there a way to make a textfield (EditText, TextView) on Android which displays copyable text (no edit options)? Something like Swing's JTextField().setEditable(false) on Windows?
Edit: It seems that my question was a little bit unclear, so I'm going to give it some real-world context. I am working on a checksum calculator which lets you pick a file and prints the results of the calculation into 4 different textfields. I want the user to be able to copy those hashes from the textfield, but to disable all edit options.
I believe what you are asking is very straightforward and simple, if I am reading your question wrong, please correct me!
Are the four text fields that hold the results required to be EditText 's?
otherwise - >
How to make TextView only copyable, not editable
Well using a TextView solves the not editable part
and if you take a look
at my android studio. I have a simple TextView with an attribute of
allowing users to copy and paste!
Hope this helped!

Autocomplete/Autofill Edit Text Android

I am looking to achieve the functionality of an AutocompleteTextView but slightly different. Instead of getting a drop-down list with suggestions i want it to complete the sentence for me.
For example: i type abc and i get completed, with the rest of the text in grey: abc1#etc.etc and then click a button to keep this text or keep writing to filter this even further.
Do you think is is achievable somehow?
I have looked my problem up so far but all the answers i found involved a drop-down list, perhaps i haven't looked deep enough.
Why don't you try to implement a custom view?
Basically, you need to the same things that the AutoCompleteTextView does but instead of displaying N elements into the drop down list you have to add the first option to your EditText.
Have a look at:
TextWatcher in order to see how detect the user input and progress
You can then play with indexes and spannables in order to keep track of the data input by the user and the data that you are suggesting.
One thing that I don't like about this idea is the fact that if you have got:
You need to type a lot of letters without the possibility to choose something different from the solution that you are providing.
use below example ... i think help you...

How to make a custom EditText tool bar?

I am currently trying to make a Writing program. I would like the functionality of an Edit tool bar that contains things such as BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE, etc. I see that it is under Typeface but I'm struggling to figure out how to make it function on just selected text or just for formatting text. I already have the GUI and button listeners in place. Thanks.
There is nothing really built into Android for this, except at a fairly low level. I have the beginnings of a RichEditText custom widget, as a drop-in EditText replacement, but it needs a fair bit of work, which I will get to later in June (I hope I hope I hope).
In a nutshell, you will need to get a Spannable object from your EditText via getText(), then call methods like setSpan() on it to apply your formatting.
Two words my friend, "creative commons". In my experience, mundane pieces of code like date/time pickers, RTF text boxes, etc.. they've all been coded and thought through more thoroughly than you'll ever have the time for. For something like this, don't reinvent the wheel, check out someone else's code, build on it, and check it back in.

What is the difference between text field types

I am new to android. I was stuck on a problem but I finally solved it.
I was using a TextField instead of CompleteTextViewField so whats the difference between these two and when should I use each one of them?
Neither of those classes you mention (TextField, CompleteTextViewField) exist. Do you mean EditText and AutoCompleteTextView? I think the documentation explains it pretty well:
[AutoCompleteTextView is] An editable text view that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can choose an item to replace the content of the edit box with.
That is, use it rather than a normal EditText if you have a set of common autocompletions for what gets entered in the box. The docs also link to a full sample that shows how to populate that list of suggestions with an Adapter.

