How to make the text starts from left in edit text android - android

When i start entering in edit text, the text starts at the left border.I need to start entering text one step after the border line of the edit to do it?

Just add padding:
to your EditText

Simply give padding left like below in your EditText
<EditText android:paddingLeft="5sp"/>


How to reposition CheckBox text relative to checkbox

The default text position of TextBox text is to the right of the text box.
[x] TEXT
How can re-position the text above the box?
looking at this question seems like you just need to change drawableRight to drawableBottom.
You need to add the following line to your checkbox:

how can I display multiple lines of text on a button

My button's layout_width set to match_parent.
In order to display multi lines on the button, I tried:
insert '\n' into the text on button
set Singleline false set Maxlines to 2 or 3
convert html from Html.fromHtml
Nothing worked. '\n' showed up as a small square on the button while showing single line of text.
Does anybody have any idea why this is happening and how I can fix this?
UPDATE: I just found out I was using custom button that has its own text drawing. That's the reason. Sorry for the confusion. I just punished myself by banging my head.
If you're trying to add a new line in a layout XML file:
(new line)
If you're trying to add a new line in code, just use '\n', same as in any other text.
If you can't see the second line, it may be that your Button doesn't have enough height. IE, in my case, the layout containing the button had a fixed height that just happened to make my button perfectly display one line of text.
I just tried and it worked:
1) Define in ../res/values/strings.xml:
<string name="multilines">Line1Line1\nLine2Line2</string>
2) Refer it in the layout file:
In case you want to do that programmaticaly you can use System.getProperty("line.separator") in the string to change lines.
Like this:
String mybuttontext=line1+System.getProperty("line.separator")+line2;
and then set this String as buttons text.

Settings background for EDITTEXT cutting words in Android

I am having a strange issue, the words are cutting inside EDITTEXT i have set an image as background. Plz help me... for example here ffsds, is being cut, I want it to shift to bit right so that it doesnt get cut.
Increase paddingLeft value of edit text.
in xml layout.
Increasing the left padding is the easy solution. But if this smiley image is always on the left of the edittext, you can set the image by using the attribute android:drawableLeft on the edittext.

how to set Edit Textbox cursor start to some default position?

im using a edittext box drawable where the border is little graphical like it has two line border.the thing is if i enter the text its overlapping with the edge of the can i create a space/ gap in the beginning,so that i can enter the text after 1/2 spaces gap from the left end.
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
editText.setText("EditText component");
try this code to set cursor to position 3.
If you just want to add space at strting try adding paddingLeft attribute in your code.

help in android Edit Text

hi all i have a lil problem in android edit text
actually i made an app in which i m using two text fields for user name and password and set EditText size manually like in 200dip format. now when there is no text in the Edit Text it is in perfect size like in the image below but when we start typing text and the text exceeds the size of editText Field then it Expand downwards like in second image below.
What I want is that when text exceeds the size of EditText, it should not Change its size. please help
android:singleLine="true" should work.
add this property for EditText and check...
You have to do your ExitText to be single line. You can use android:singleLine but it is deprecated and it's replaced by android:inputType. Use android:inputType=text for single line and android:inputType=textMultiline for multiline
Another property...

