I am looking for code hints for this pattern: http://www.androidpatterns.com/uap_pattern/horizontal-scrolling-page-indicators
I tried few Android libraries like https://github.com/pakerfeldt/android-viewflow , but couldn't get the required layout.
Can anyone tell here that how can I achieve the required layout?
Take a look at ViewPager class and ViewPagerIndicator library
you can use ViewPager see ViewPager
Hello first of all i'm a newbie for the libraries stuff.
I found a Demo Project on Github here but it contains more than i need
I want this like Slider
I have optimized it but its not working. So someone here, please take a look and guide me
Or any other stuff by which i can make that like layout?
Need to use padding for SlidingTabStrip. TabLayout has only app:tabContatentStart property, but you need to set both sides for this behavior.
Look here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36886331/651770
I am working on this issue for over 10 hours and its pushing me hard,
I need a library, which has circular dots, auto scroll, infinite scroll and I will provide title of the picture below it, I checked all the libraries provided so far and they did not help me, is there a library you guys use so far ? thank you
for circular indicators you can make use of this library :
and for autoscrollview you can use this library :
I am using these two in my projects. make use of the github samples. it will help you for implementation details
Instead of finding libraries for this, implement the code that I am attaching below. Your dots view, auto scroll and infinite scroll will work with it. For the name of the image you can add code in the onPageChangeListener method to show the name of the image
View Pager Example for You
Hope your issue is resolved using this example that I made for you
what Android layout or view type to be used to create horizontally swipeable images. What I am after is like what is used by a lot of app when we firstly install it or when it was just updated. Usually app uses this type of view to explain some main features of the app.
Hopefully I am making sense. Thank you.
You can use android ViewPager.
Visit http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/ViewPager.html
You can use a ViewPager class to implement this feature. Check out the tutorial here
You can also use coverflow to show swipable images with good animation that is more good than view pager only.
I want to change the animation style of Android's ViewPager class with using Android Animation Framework. Is it possible?
See my answer at: Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android, might be helpful.
You can further customize the Scroller class to change the Interpolator to something more extreme.
You can use new android-support-v4.jar to do it.
Please reference the following official web page: Customize the Animation with PageTransformer
Maybe this post can be helpful if you are looking for a different animation. This animation did not use android's native pager. There are some issues that should be solved but at all i think it is helpful
Look at the example here
Search ViewPager.java for mForcedScrollDurationMillis. It's a hack to control the smooth scroll speed.
It also require to remove ViewPager and its internal classes from the original jar
Something other than slide may be more involved.
could somebody help me and give a example of how can I do a viewpager that can be rotated right/left, something like this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0Sjg8-LaZuo/TkxHAPOkAkI/AAAAAAAACgM/VjNo-nK9fuk/s1600/device-2011-08-18-005327.png
What you need is this http://viewpagerindicator.com/
Best solution I have seen so far.
Archive that you'll find on this site contains both library and example showing how to implement such type of GUI in you app.