Livecode Interactive Ads Android - android

I'm working off Livecode v5.5.4 on the Android platform... I've been able to successfully publish apps, however, can not figure out how to install inneractive ads... As LC has partnered with inneractive they provide direction which suggests its as easy as...
mobileAdRegister "YOUR-AD-KEY" //I've replaced with my APP ID from inneractive
local tDetails
put "30" into tDetails["refresh"] // The advert refresh interval in seconds
put 25 into tDetails["age"] // The age of the target audience
put "male" into tDetails["gender"] // The expected gender of the target audience
mobileAdCreate "myAd1", "banner", (0,0), tDetails
however, nothing seems to work... any LC ppl out there with advice??... thanks

If there's no error reported from Mark's suggestion you might want to ensure it's visible with:
mobileAddSetVisible "myAd1",true
Failing that could you post the result of the mobileAds function and let us know if the adLoaded or adLoadFailed message is being sent to the object that executed mobileAdCreate?

You need to check the value of the result:
mobileAdCreate "myAd1","banner",(0,0),tDetails
put the result into rslt
if rslt is not empty then
answer error rslt
end if
Kind regards,


Googlesheet with Flutter : invalid_grant Invalid JWT

So, I've spent the past 2 hours searching for a solution for this but I cannot get anywhere.
I've followed this link to setup the google sheet API in order to use it with Flutter.
I keep getting this error:
ServerRequestFailedException (Failed to obtain access credentials. Error: invalid_grant Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token (60 minutes) and in a reasonable timeframe. Check your iat and exp values in the JWT claim. Status code: 400)
As far as I've seen, this is related to a time problem but I've made sure the device's time is correct + enabled auto setting in the settings.
I'm using an android emulator (Pixel 4 API 27)
These are 2 pictures to show my time settings:
My code: (I'm calling the initSheet() in main)
class SpreadSheet {
static late final gsheets;
static late final spreadsheet;
static Future<bool> initSheet() async {
// TODO: Handle errors (Wrong time....)
gsheets = GSheets(_credentials);
/// link looks like so
/// [YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID] in the path is the id your need
spreadsheet = await gsheets
return (spreadsheet == null ? false : true);
Somehow, the code is running perfectly now.
I used flutter clean & had to re-download gradle-6.9 zip because it got corrupted somehow.
I still don't know if that's exactly what actually fixed it or no but it'll be worth the try if someone faces this problem again.

Android - ConsentInformation - Could not parse Event FE preflight response

I ve seen this error posted in many places but no one has ever answered what needs to be done to fix it or why is it happening. I m hoping I ll have better luck.
ConsentInformation consentInformation = ConsentInformation.getInstance(getActivity());
String[] publisherIds = {"pub-**********~*******"};
consentInformation.requestConsentInfoUpdate(publisherIds, new ConsentInfoUpdateListener() {
public void onConsentInfoUpdated( consentStatus) {
//do something
public void onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo(String errorDescription) {
Log.e("GDPR ", errorDescription);
This is how I am using the consent sdk. I always get the same error: Could not parse Event FE preflight response
My import in gradle is implementation ''
I am running this code on the OnCreateView method of the first fragment loaded. Also tried running a few seconds later in case it was a timing thing...still the same error.
Also tried adding the ca-app- prefix before the pub in publisher id...same result.
Any help is appreciated.
Make sure that you're using Publisher ID and not App ID
Publisher ID is the unique identifier for your AdMob account.
Looks something like this pub-7100389293873601
App ID is the unique ID assigned to your app. It looks something like this ca-app-pub-7100382293173983~6849306728.
You can have multiple App IDs (for each app) but you can only have one Publisher ID for your account.
You can find your publisher ID in you AdMob Settings:
Or make sure you pasted it correctly.
Hope this helps!
The Admob account I used was completely new and the "Could not parse Event FE preflight response" was displayed repeatedly. Only when I tried it with an older account it worked. I think you have to wait a bit for verification.
Another thing to try is add your payment information to your Admob account
like described in this answer and also check the other points there.

Codename one GoogleConnect setScope is not effective

I am using the new GoogleConnect thing and set the scope like
Login gc = GoogleConnect.getInstance();
However, when the access token is generated and checked in
, it shows
"scope": ""
Is it related to any recent updates or new build hint?
I am totally lost here. It is an Android build.
Edited to add gc.doLogin() code, to clarify that I am NOT trying to set the scope after the access token is generated.
Same problem here, setScope only works on the simulator
"scope": "",
My scopes (for reference):
google.auth.scopes= email profile

Nest ETA update not working: No write permission(s) for field(s): eta

I'm building an Application that integrates with your Nest devices (both the thermostat and the Nest Protect, but this issue is about the thermostat).
What I'm trying to do is set my thermostat's ETA to be in x minutes (2 hours for example so 120 minutes).
This is my code that I'm executing:
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");
final String path = buildStructureFieldPath(structureID, Keys.STRUCTURE.ETA);
Structure.ETA eta = new Structure.ETA.Builder()
sendRequest(path, eta.toJSON().toString(), listener);
The path is /structures/MY_STRUCTURE_ID/eta
Unfortunately that's not working. I'm always getting an error code -2 and error message: No write permission(s) for field(s): eta
And that's were it gets strange. No permission, but I did request the permission and I did an authenticate, which is successful, before launching the update call.
In the two attached screenshots you can see first my Nest Developer Account where you can find the ETA write permission and in the second you can see the logging from within my app (using the NestAPI as can be found on GitHub, just added the ETA feature myself).
Anyone have any idea on how to solve this issue?
Can you print out the exact JSON blob you're sending and post it here? (the value of eta.toJSON().toString())
Best guess is that it isn't formatted exactly correctly and as such is maybe attempting to write in such a way that doesn't adhere to the api-reference.
This is the format that it needs to match:
"eta": {
"trip_id": "myTripHome1024" ,
"estimated_arrival_window_begin": "2015-10-31T22:42:59.000Z" ,
"estimated_arrival_window_end": "2015-10-31T23:59:59.000Z"
Single line:
{"eta":{"trip_id":"myTripHome1024","estimated_arrival_window_begin":"2015-10-31T22:42:59.000Z","estimated_arrival_window_end": "2015-10-31T23:59:59.000Z"}}
To pinpoint exactly which field may be erroneous, try sending just one change at a time for each ie: structures/ID/eta/trip_id, etc for the others.
Useful JSON Validator:
You could also try to send it to /structures/MY_STRUCTURE_ID.json?auth=[TOKEN] instead of /structures/MY_STRUCTURE_ID/eta.

Appium: "An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters" error

I am new to Appium and have been trying to automate the Conversion Calculator app for Android. Am getting the error "org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters", when trying to find a EditText element. Using Appium ver 1.0.0 and Android 4.3
The following is my code:
List<WebElement> textViews = driver.findElements(By.className("android.widget.TextView"));
for (i=0; i<textViews.size(); i++) {
if(textViews.get(i).getText().toLowerCase().contains("memory")) {
WebElement editText = driver.findElement(By.className("android.widget.EditText"));
Even findElement by ID is not working. Please let me know what I am doing wrong here or if I need to provide more details.
I would use
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); instead of Thread.sleep(5000).
Try to use a newer version of Appium, I's been improved a lot. You can download the latest version of Appium and Appium clients here:
But be careful because in the newer version the findElement throws an Exception if there are more then one result of the search.
I would write this in a comment but I've not enough reputation :/
Possible Cause:
Multiple EditText in the current screen.
Please try with the following:
List<WebElement> editText = driver.findElements(By.className("android.widget.EditText"));
0 - Index of EditText
Use any other locating strategy like Xpath.
Maybe you could try waiting until the element is visible or enabled using a WebDriverWait object?
Avoid using sleep as much as possible, try using the WAIT command.
Sleep without waiting for the time that has been determined, even if the element is already on the screen.
In the case of the wait command, as soon as the element appears, the action will already be performed, this along the code will reduce the execution time considerably.
The issue for me was the app path I was using. If you are using a config file make sure to declare the application separately from the device.
If not, make sure the "app" capability has the right path. Here is the code in my config file for example:
devices_by_ids = {
"platformName": "Android",
"appium:DEVICE ADB ID": {
"android_version": "13",
"device_name": "google_Pixel_5a",
"autoGrantPermissions": "true",
"appium:app": "YOUR APP PATH",
"appium:appWaitActivity": "*"
In Appium v2 use

