I am trying to create a 2D game. Because I am using OpenGL ES I have to plot everything in 3D, but I just fix the z coordinate, which is fine. Now what I want to do is calculate the angle between two vectors (C = player center, P = point just above player, T = touch point) CP and CT so that I can make the player face that direction. I know how to get the angle between 2 vectors, but my problem is getting all the points to exist on the same plane (by translating the T).
I know that T exists on a plane where (0,0) is upper left and UP is actually DOWN (visually). I also know that C and P's UP is actually UP and that any their X and Y is on a completely 3 dimensional different plane to T. I need to get either C and P onto T's plane (which I have tried below) or get T onto C and P's plane. Can anyone help me? I am using the standard OpenGL projection model and I am 0,0,-4 zoomed out of the frustrum (I am looking directly at (0,0,0)). My 2D objects all sit on the plane (0,0,1);
private float getRotation(float touch_x, float touch_y)
//center_x = this.getWidth() / 2;
//center_y = this.getHeight() / 2;
float cx, cy, tx, ty, ux, uy;
cx = (player.x * _renderer.centerx);
cy = (player.y * -_renderer.centery);
ux = cx;
uy = cy+1.0f;
tx = (touch_x - _renderer.centerx);
ty = (touch_y - _renderer.centery);
Log.d(TAG, "center x: "+cx+"y:"+cy);
Log.d(TAG, "up x: "+ux+"y:"+uy);
Log.d(TAG, "touched x: "+tx+"y:"+ty);
float P12 = length(cx,cy,tx,ty);
float P13 = length(cx,cy,ux,uy);
float P23 = length(tx,ty,ux,uy);
return (float)Math.toDegrees(Math.acos((P12*P12 + P13*P13 - P23*P23)/2.0 * P12 * P13));
Basically I want to know if there is a way I can translate (tx, ty, -4) to (x, y, 1) using the standard view frustum.
I have tried some other things now. In my touch event I am trying to do this:
float[] coords = new float[4];
GLU.gluUnProject(touch_x, touch_y, -4.0f, renderer.model, 0, renderer.project, 0, renderer.view, 0, coords, 0);
Which is throwing an exception I am setting up the model, projection and view in the OnSurfaceChanged of the Renderer object:
GL11 gl11 = (GL11)gl;
model = new float[16];
project = new float[16];
int[] view = new int[4];
gl11.glGetFloatv(GL10.GL_MODELVIEW, model, 0);
gl11.glGetFloatv(GL10.GL_PROJECTION, project, 0);
gl11.glGetIntegerv(GL11.GL_VIEWPORT, view, 0);
I have several textbooks on openGL and after dusting one off I found that the term for what I want to do is called picking. Once I knew what I was asking, I found a lot of good web sites and references:
OpenGL ES (iPhone) Touch Picking
Coordinate Picking with OpenGL ES 2.0
Android OpenGL 3D picking
converting 2D mouse coordinates to 3D space in OpenGL ES
Coordinate Picking with OpenGL ES 2.0
Ray-picking in OpenGL ES 2.0
Android: GLES20: Called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
The list is almost innumerable. There are 700 ways to do this, and none of them worked for me. Ultimately I have decided to go back to basics and do a thorough OpenGL|ES learning stint, to which effect I have bought the book here: http://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Programming-Android-Programmer-ebook/dp/B0070D83W2/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1362250733&sr=1-2&keywords=opengl+es+2.0+android
One thing I have already learnt is that I was most definitely using the wrong type of projection. I should not use full 3D for a 2D game. In order to do picking in a full 3D environment I would have to cast a ray from the screen point onto the surface of the 3D plane where the game was taking place. In addition to being a horrendous waste of resources (raycasting per click), there were other tell-tales. I would render my player with a circle encompassing her, and as I moved her, the circle would go off center of the player. This is due to the full 3D environment rendered on a 2D plane. It just will not produce a professional result. I need to use an orthographic projection.
I think you're trying to do too much all at once. I can understand each sentence of your question separately; but strung all together, it's very confusing.
For the exceptions, you probably need to pass identity matrices instead of zero matrices to get a basic 1-to-1 projection.
Then I'd suggest that you scale the y dimension by -1 so all the UPs and DOWNs match at least.
I hope this helps, because I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do. Particularly, " translate (tx, ty, -4) to (x, y, 1) using the standard view frustum" doesn't make sense to me. You can translate with a translation matrix. You can clip to a view frustum, or project an object from the frustum to a plane (usually the view plane). But if all your Zs are constant, you can just discard them right? So, assuming x=tx and y=ty, then tz += 5?
I'm working with OpenGL ES 2.0 and trying to build my object class with some methods to rotate/translate/scale them.
I just set up my object in 0,0,0 and move it afterwards to the desired position on the screen. Below are my methods to move it seperately. After that i run the buildObjectModelMatrix to pass all the matrices into one objectMatrix, so i can take the vertices and multiply them with my modelMatrix/objectMatrix and render it afterwards.
What i think is right, i have to multiply my matrices in this order:
I've found some literature. Maybe i get it in a few Minutes, if i will, i will update it.
Beginning Android 3D
setIdentityM(scaleMatrix, 0);
setIdentityM(translateMatrix, 0);
setIdentityM(rotateMatrix, 0);
public void translate(float x, float y, float z) {
translateM(translateMatrix, 0, x, y, z);
public void rotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z) {
rotateM(rotateMatrix, 0, angle, x, y, z);
public void scale(float x, float y,float z) {
scaleM(scaleMatrix, 0, x, y, z);
private void buildObjectModelMatrix() {
multiplyMM(tempM, 0, scaleMatrix, 0, rotateMatrix, 0);
multiplyMM(objectMatrix, 0, tempM, 0, translateMatrix, 0);
The Problem within the whole thing is, if you scale before you translate you get a difference in the distance you translate! the correct code for multiplying your matrices should be (correct me if i'm wrong)
private void buildObjectModelMatrix() {
multiplyMM(tempM, 0, translateMatrix, 0, rotateMatrix, 0);
multiplyMM(objectMatrix, 0, tempM, 0, scaleMatrix, 0);
with this you translate and rotate first. Afterwards you can scale the object.
Tested with multiple Objects... so i hope this helped :)
You know this is the most common issue with most people when beginning to deal with matrix operations. How matrix multiplication works is as if you were looking from the objects first person view getting some commands: For instance if you began at (0,0,0) facing toward positive X axis and up would be positive Y axis then translate (a,0,0) would mean "go forward", translate (0,0,a) would would mean "go left", rotate (a, 0, 1, 0) would mean "turn left"...
So if in your case you scaled by 3 units, rotated by 90 degrees and then translated by (2,0,0) what happens is you first enlarge yourself by scale of 3, then turn 90 degrees so you are now facing positive Z still being quite large. Then you go forward by 2 units measured in your own coordinate system which means you will actually go to (0,0,2*3). So you end up at (0,0,6) looking toward positive Z axis.
I believe this way is the best to be able to imagine what goes on when dealing with such operations. And might save your life when having a bug in matrix operation order.
You should know that although this kind of matrix operating is normal when beginning with a 3D scene you should try to move to a better system as soon as possible. What I mostly use is to have an object structure/class which contains 3 vectors: position, forward and up (this is much like using glLookAt but not totally the same). So when having these 3 vectors you can simply set a specific position or rotation using trigonometry or your matrix tools by multiplying the vectors with matrices instead of the matrices with matrices. Or you can work with them internally (first person) where for instance "go forward" would be done as position = position + position*forward*scale, turn left would be rotating a forward vector around the up vector. Anyway I hope can understand how to manipulate those 3 vectors to get a desired effect... So what you need to do to reconstruct the matrix from those 3 vector is need to generate another vector right which is a cross product of up and forward then the model matrix consists of:
right.x, right.y, right.z, .0
up.x, up.y, up.z, .0
forward.x, forward.y, forward.z, .0
position.x, position.y, position.z, 1.0
Just note the row-column order may change depending on what you are working with.
I hope this gives you some better understanding...
I have a renderer using directx and openGL, and a 3d scene. The viewport and the window are of the same dimensions.
How do I implement picking given mouse coordinates x and y in a platform independent way?
If you can, do the picking on the CPU by calculating a ray from the eye through the mouse pointer and intersect it with your models.
If this isn't an option I would go with some type of ID rendering. Assign each object you want to pick a unique color, render the objects with these colors and finally read out the color from the framebuffer under the mouse pointer.
EDIT: If the question is how to construct the ray from the mouse coordinates you need the following: a projection matrix P and the camera transform C. If the coordinates of the mouse pointer is (x, y) and the size of the viewport is (width, height) one position in clip space along the ray is:
mouse_clip = [
float(x) * 2 / float(width) - 1,
1 - float(y) * 2 / float(height),
(Notice that I flipped the y-axis since often the origin of the mouse coordinates are in the upper left corner)
The following is also true:
mouse_clip = P * C * mouse_worldspace
Which gives:
mouse_worldspace = inverse(C) * inverse(P) * mouse_clip
We now have:
p = C.position(); //origin of camera in worldspace
n = normalize(mouse_worldspace - p); //unit vector from p through mouse pos in worldspace
Here's the viewing frustum:
First you need to determine where on the nearplane the mouse click happened:
rescale the window coordinates (0..640,0..480) to [-1,1], with (-1,-1) at the bottom-left corner and (1,1) at the top-right.
'undo' the projection by multiplying the scaled coordinates by what I call the 'unview' matrix: unview = (P * M).inverse() = M.inverse() * P.inverse(), where M is the ModelView matrix and P is the projection matrix.
Then determine where the camera is in worldspace, and draw a ray starting at the camera and passing through the point you found on the nearplane.
The camera is at M.inverse().col(4), i.e. the final column of the inverse ModelView matrix.
Final pseudocode:
normalised_x = 2 * mouse_x / win_width - 1
normalised_y = 1 - 2 * mouse_y / win_height
// note the y pos is inverted, so +y is at the top of the screen
unviewMat = (projectionMat * modelViewMat).inverse()
near_point = unviewMat * Vec(normalised_x, normalised_y, 0, 1)
camera_pos = ray_origin = modelViewMat.inverse().col(4)
ray_dir = near_point - camera_pos
Well, pretty simple, the theory behind this is always the same
1) Unproject two times your 2D coordinate onto the 3D space. (each API has its own function, but you can implement your own if you want). One at Min Z, one at Max Z.
2) With these two values calculate the vector that goes from Min Z and point to Max Z.
3) With the vector and a point calculate the ray that goes from Min Z to MaxZ
4) Now you have a ray, with this you can do a ray-triangle/ray-plane/ray-something intersection and get your result...
I have little DirectX experience, but I'm sure it's similar to OpenGL. What you want is the gluUnproject call.
Assuming you have a valid Z buffer you can query the contents of the Z buffer at a mouse position with:
// obtain the viewport, modelview matrix and projection matrix
// you may keep the viewport and projection matrices throughout the program if you don't change them
GLint viewport[4];
GLdouble modelview[16];
GLdouble projection[16];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
// obtain the Z position (not world coordinates but in range 0 - 1)
GLfloat z_cursor;
glReadPixels(x_cursor, y_cursor, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &z_cursor);
// obtain the world coordinates
GLdouble x, y, z;
gluUnProject(x_cursor, y_cursor, z_cursor, modelview, projection, viewport, &x, &y, &z);
if you don't want to use glu you can also implement the gluUnProject you could also implement it yourself, it's functionality is relatively simple and is described at opengl.org
Ok, this topic is old but it was the best I found on the topic, and it helped me a bit, so I'll post here for those who are are following ;-)
This is the way I got it to work without having to compute the inverse of Projection matrix:
void Application::leftButtonPress(u32 x, u32 y){
GL::Viewport vp = GL::getViewport(); // just a call to glGet GL_VIEWPORT
vec3f p = vec3f::from(
((float)(vp.width - x) / (float)vp.width),
((float)y / (float)vp.height),
// alternatively vec3f p = vec3f::from(
// ((float)x / (float)vp.width),
// ((float)(vp.height - y) / (float)vp.height),
// 1.);
// now p elements are in (-1, 1)
vec3f near = p * vec3f::from(APP_FRUSTUM_NEAR);
vec3f far = p * vec3f::from(APP_FRUSTUM_FAR);
// ray in world coordinates
Ray ray = { _camera->getPos(), -(_camera->getBasis() * (far - near).normalize()) };
_ray->set(ray.origin, ray.dir, 10000.); // this is a debugging vertex array to see the Ray on screen
Node* node = _scene->collide(ray, Transform());
cout << "node is : " << node << endl;
This assumes a perspective projection, but the question never arises for the orthographic one in the first place.
I've got the same situation with ordinary ray picking, but something is wrong. I've performed the unproject operation the proper way, but it just doesn't work. I think, I've made some mistake, but can't figure out where. My matix multiplication , inverse and vector by matix multiplications all seen to work fine, I've tested them.
In my code I'm reacting on WM_LBUTTONDOWN. So lParam returns [Y][X] coordinates as 2 words in a dword. I extract them, then convert to normalized space, I've checked this part also works fine. When I click the lower left corner - I'm getting close values to -1 -1 and good values for all 3 other corners. I'm then using linepoins.vtx array for debug and It's not even close to reality.
unsigned int x_coord=lParam&0x0000ffff; //X RAW COORD
unsigned int y_coord=client_area.bottom-(lParam>>16); //Y RAW COORD
double xn=((double)x_coord/client_area.right)*2-1; //X [-1 +1]
double yn=1-((double)y_coord/client_area.bottom)*2;//Y [-1 +1]
_declspec(align(16))gl_vec4 pt_eye(xn,yn,0.0,1.0);
gl_mat4 view_matrix_inversed;
gl_mat4 projection_matrix_inversed;
I am making a 2d game. The phone is held horizontally and a character moves up/down & left/right to avoid obstacles. The character is controlled by the accelerometer on the phone. Everything works fine if the player doesn't mind (0,0) (the point where the character stands still) being when the phone is held perfectly flat. In this scenario it's possible to just read the Y and X values directly and use them to control the character. The accelerometer values are between -10 and 10 (they get multiplied by an acceleration constant to decide the movement speed of the character), libgdx is the framework used.
The problem is that having (0,0) isn't very comfortable, so the idea is to calibrate it so that 0,0 will be set to the phones position at a specific point in time.
Which brings me to my question, how would I do this? I tried just reading the current X and Y values then subtracting it. The problem with that is that when the phone is held at a 90 degree angle then the X offset value is 10 (which is the max value) so it ends up becoming impossible to move because the value will never go over 10 (10-10 = 0). The Z axis has to come into play here somehow, I'm just not sure how.
Thanks for the help, I tried explaining as best as I can, I did try searching for the solution, but I don't even know what the proper term is for what I'm looking for.
An old question, but I am providing the answer here as I couldn't find a good answer for Android or LibGDX anywhere. The code below is based on a solution someone posted for iOS (sorry, I have lost the reference).
You can do this in three parts:
Capture a vector representing the neutral direction:
Vector3 tiltCalibration = new Vector3(
Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ() );
Transform this vector into a rotation matrix:
public void initTiltControls( Vector3 tiltCalibration ) {
Vector3.tmp.set( 0, 0, 1 );
Vector3.tmp2.set( tiltCalibration ).nor();
Quaternion rotateQuaternion = new Quaternion().setFromCross( Vector3.tmp, Vector3.tmp2 );
Matrix4 m = new Matrix4( Vector3.Zero, rotateQuaternion, new Vector3( 1f, 1f, 1f ) );
this.calibrationMatrix = m.inv();
Whenever you need inputs from the accelerometer, first run them through the rotation matrix:
public void handleAccelerometerInputs( float x, float y, float z ) {
Vector3.tmp.set( x, y, z );
Vector3.tmp.mul( this.calibrationMatrix );
x = Vector3.tmp.x;
y = Vector3.tmp.y;
z = Vector3.tmp.z;
[use x, y and z here]
For a simple solution you can look at the methods:
Gdx.input.getAzimuth(), Gdx.input.getPitch(), Gdx.input.getRoll()
The downside is that those somehow use the internal compass to give your devices rotation compared to North/South/East/West. I did only test that very shortly so I'm not 100% sure about it though. Might be worth a look.
The more complex method involves some trigonometry, basically you have to calculate the angle the phone is held at from Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX/Y/Z(). Must be something like (for rotation along the longer side of the phone):
Math.atan(Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX() / Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ());
For both approaches you then store the initial angle and subtract it later on again. You have to watch out for the ranges though, I think Math.atan(...) is within -Pi and Pi.
Hopefully that'll get you started somehow. You might search for "Accelerometer to pitch/roll/rotation" and similar, too.
I did a lot of search and nothing solved my problem. I'm both new to android and to 3d programming. I'm working on an Android project where I need to draw a 3d object on the android device using opengl es. For each pixel I have Distance value between 200 and 9000, which needs to be mapped as a Z coordinate. The object is 320x240.
The questions are:
How do I map from (x,y,z) to opengl es coordinate system? I have created a vertex array whose values are {50f, 50f, 400f, 50f, 51f, 290f, ...}. Each pixel is represented as 3 floats (x,y,z).
How can this vertex array be drawn using opengl on an android?
Is it possible to draw 320*240 pixels using OpenGl ES?
OpenGL doesn't really work well with large numbers (like anything over 10.0f, just the way it is designed). It would be better to convert your coordinates to be between -1 and 1 (i.e. normalize) than to try and make openGL use coordinates of 50f or 290f.
The reason the coordinates are normalized to between -1 and 1 is because model coordinates are only supposed to be relative to each other and not indicative of their actual dimensions in a specific game/app. The model could be used in many different games/apps with different coordinate systems, so you want all the model coordinates to be in some normalized standard form, so the programmer can then interpret in their own way.
To normalize, you loop through all your coordinates and find the value furthest from 0 i.e.
float maxValueX = 0;
float maxValueY = 0;
float maxValueZ = 0;
// find the max value of x, y and z
for(int i=0;i<coordinates.length'i++){
maxValueX = Math.max(Math.abs(coordinates[i].getX()), maxValueX);
maxValueY = Math.max(Math.abs(coordinates[i].getY()), maxValueY);
maxValueZ = Math.max(Math.abs(coordinates[i].getZ()), maxValueZ);
// convert all the coordinates to be between -1 and 1
for(int i=0;i<coordinates.length'i++){
Vector3f coordinate = coordinates[i];
coordinate.setX(coordinate.getX() / maxValueX);
coordinate.setY(coordinate.getY() / maxValueY);
coordinate.setZ(coordinate.getZ() / maxValueZ);
You only need to do this once. Assuming you are storing your data in a file, you can write a little utility program that does the above to the file and save it, rather than doing it every time you load the data into your app
Checkout the GLSurfaceView Activity in the APIDemos that ship with the Android SDK. That will give you a basic primer on how Android handles rendering through OpenGL ES. This is located in android-sdk/samples/android-10/ApiDemos. Make sure you have downloaded the 'Samples for SDK' under the given API level.
Here's a couple of resources to get you started as well:
Android Dev Blog on GLSurfaceView
Instructions on OpenGLES
Android Development Documentation on OpenGL
Hope that helps.
Adding to what James had mentioned about normalizing to [-1,1].
A little bit of code :
FIll in data in a flat array as x,y,z assuming you are using a vertex shader similar to :
"attribute vec3 coord3d;" +
"uniform mat4 transform;" +
"void main(void) {" +
" gl_Position = transform * vec4(coord3d.xyz, 1.0f);" + // size of 3 with a=1.0f for all points
" gl_PointSize = 10.0;"+
Get the attribute :
attribute_coord3d = glGetAttribLocation(program, "coord3d");
Create VBO:
glGenBuffers(1, vbo,0);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[0]);
Put data in:
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, size:SIZE_OF_ARRAY, makeFloatBuffer(FlatArray), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
where makeFloatBuffer is a function that creates a buffer:
private FloatBuffer makeFloatBuffer(float[] arr) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(arr.length*4);
FloatBuffer fb = bb.asFloatBuffer();
return fb;
Bind and Point to buffer:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[0]);
size:3,GL_FLOAT,false,stride:vertexStride, 0);
where vertexStride = num_components*Float.BYTES; in our case num_components = 3 // x,y,z.
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, NUM_OF_POINTS);
Disable VBO:
I am developing an application which uses OpenGL for rendering of the images.
Now I just want to determine the touch event on the opengl sphere object which I have drwn.
Here i draw 4 object on the screen. now how should I come to know that which object has been
touched. I have used onTouchEvent() method. But It gives me only x & y co-ordinates but my
object is drawn in 3D.
please help since I am new to OpenGL.
Best Regards,
t Google IO there was a session on how OpenGL was used for Google Body on Android. The selecting of body parts was done by rendering each of them with a solid color into a hidden buffer, then based on the color that was on the touch x,y the corresponding object could be found. For performance purposes, only a small cropped area of 20x20 pixels around the touch point was rendered that way.
Both approach (1. hidden color buffer and 2. intersection test) has its own merit.
1. Hidden color buffer: pixel read-out is a very slow operation.
Certainly an overkill for a simple ray-sphere intersection test.
Ray-sphere intersection test: this is not that difficult.
Here is a simplified version of an implementation in Ogre3d.
std::pair<bool, m_real> Ray::intersects(const Sphere& sphere) const
const Ray& ray=*this;
const vector3& raydir = ray.direction();
// Adjust ray origin relative to sphere center
const vector3& rayorig = ray.origin() - sphere.center;
m_real radius = sphere.radius;
// Mmm, quadratics
// Build coeffs which can be used with std quadratic solver
// ie t = (-b +/- sqrt(b*b + 4ac)) / 2a
m_real a = raydir%raydir;
m_real b = 2 * rayorig%raydir;
m_real c = rayorig%rayorig - radius*radius;
// Calc determinant
m_real d = (b*b) - (4 * a * c);
if (d < 0)
// No intersection
return std::pair<bool, m_real>(false, 0);
// BTW, if d=0 there is one intersection, if d > 0 there are 2
// But we only want the closest one, so that's ok, just use the
// '-' version of the solver
m_real t = ( -b - sqrt(d) ) / (2 * a);
if (t < 0)
t = ( -b + sqrt(d) ) / (2 * a);
return std::pair<bool, m_real>(true, t);
Probably, a ray that corresponds to cursor position also needs to be calculated. Again you can refer to Ogre3d's source code: search for getCameraToViewportRay. Basically, you need the view and projection matrix to calculate a Ray (a 3D position and a 3D direction) from 2D position.
In my project, the solution I chose was:
Unproject your 2D screen coordinates to a virtual 3D line going through your scene.
Detect possible intersections of that line and your scene objects.
This is quite a complex tast.
I have only done this in Direct3D rather than OpenGL ES, but these are the steps:
Find your modelview and projection matrices. It seems that OpenGL ES has removed the ability to retrieve the matrices set by gluProject() etc. But you can use android.opengl.Matrix member functions to create these matrices instead, then set with glLoadMatrix().
Call gluUnproject() twice, once with winZ=0, then with winZ=1. Pass the matrices you calculated earlier.
This will output a 3d position from each call. This pair of positions define a ray in OpenGL "world space".
Perform a ray - sphere intersection test on each of your spheres in order. (Closest to camera first, otherwise you may select a sphere that is hidden behind another.) If you detect an intersection, you've touched the sphere.
for find touch point is inside circle or not..
public boolean checkInsideCircle(float x,float y, float centerX,float centerY, float Radius)
if(((x - centerX)*(x - centerX))+((y - centerY)*(y - centerY)) < (Radius*Radius))
return true;
return false;
1) centerX,centerY are center point of circle.
2) Radius is radius of circle.
3) x,y point of touch..