Access denied when obtaining android md5 fingerprint - android

When obtaining my md5 fingerprint for an Android app I have encountered problems when entering the keystore command on both the cmd and jdk bin prompt:
keystore is an invalid command
In the cmd I got this error,which I researched and found that it means my keystore path is incorrect.So I double checked my path and it was correct and found a tutorial explaining to enter the same command through the jdk bin cmd prompt:
Access denied
key store address is:
The command I'm using is as follows:
keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\Users\Brian\.android\debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android

What are you trying to obtain.
Maby this answer can help
I see what your problem is, you are trying to obtain a debug key but you specify a path.
but try to just copy paste this commnad without modifying it.
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
it worked for me to obtain my debug key for a facebook app.
I could be wrong about this but I think this should work
Did some digging, the keytool comes with the java jdk. like commonsware answerd here
so do you have the JDK or the SDK installed is my next question.
Edit (another)
to answer you question in the comment take a look here.
finale update
this is the last update for this particular answer.
Browse to the JDK folder and execute the command from that directory.
kind regards


Unable to get the SHA-1 key through terminal

I tried to get my SHA-1 key by using the terminal but I don't know what problem is there, can anyone help me with this? I know how to get sha-1 key in android studio by signing report, but I want to generate in terminal.
Here is what I got when I run the command, I tried this answer but got nothing: how to get sha1 of android app in Vs code
above is my cmd. It is saying that it is an illegal option.
I have my Java bin directory here C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin and debug.keystore here: C:\Users\91819\.android
Put a space between "C:\Users\91819\.android\debug.keystore" and -alias
open the Project folder in VS code
Open the Terminal
Enter the following cmd and enter
keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\yourusernamehere\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
Replace yourusernamehere to your windows user name
you will get the SHA1 and other details.

Obtain sha1 key

In android I have try to obtain a google apikey version 2 ,
I tried to obtain the sha 1 key as follows keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android but in command prompt keytool is not recogenize as internal or external command how can I overcome this
Probably this happens because the Java home is not in your Path. Add the full path to the jdk folder to the Path variable and you'll be fine.
Where is the command keytool stored? Is it in your path? If not, then you need to give the full path.
More instructions can be found at this earlier question

Android debug.keystore issue

i've got a little problem while generating my SHA1 for an app i'm developing, (please understand i'm really new to android developement).
I'm using ECLIPSE on win 7, and the .android/debug.keystore file seems to be correctly generated... the point is: when i navigate inside c:\Users\ via windows console i try to run the file this way:
When i press submit,it open the "impossible open the file" window, and it asks me to select a program, local or on internet, to be able to run the file..
I know it's quite simple operation, but i'm gettin mad on it... What am i doing wrong?
Thank you all
Solved! The answer of prosper was actually the right one, i should execute the keytool command inside the JDK folder that contains the keytool... Many thanks to everyone
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin>keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\your_user_name\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
More precisely it would be like this
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\Users\\debug.keystore | C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl sha1 -binary | C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl base64
You will have to download OpeSSL and extract in a folder, mine is C:\OperSSL
Execute this code inside the JDK bin folder

how to get android:apikey

How to get the android:apikey for googlemap i searched it but could not understand any of the articles. can someone please explain me how to get that key. thankyou
in command prompt set your jdk path ...
C:/program files/java/jdk6/bin>
keytool -v -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Documents and
and check you debug.keystore path and hit as a below...
C:/program files/java/jdk6/bin >keytool -v -list -alias androiddebugkey
-keystore "C:\Documents and Settings\Samir\ .android\debug.keystore"
and android as a password
then copy MD5 Figerprint and add go to below link...
go to jdk path using command prompt :
cd java\jdk1.6.0.21\bin
then execute keytool command using this :
keytool.exe -list -keystore "c:\Documents and Settings\admin\.android\debug.keystore"
then android as password: and press enter , you ll get your api key
Basic Requirement is to have android-sdk and java. You will be needed debug.keystore.
Now the Following is a website which will give you A to Z info..
You can usually find the Keytool.exe from the "C:\Program
Files\Java\YOUR VERSION\bin" folder
Keytool.exe will help you in Generating MD5 fingerprint.
signup link for android map api key '' is not working.
showing 'Could not connect to remote server' in iframe above the fotter of the page.did any one worked on it recently?

cant get MD5 Fingerprint of the SDK Debug Certificate

Am using ubuntu .am developing apps with google map.for that i registering for map apikey.I follwed the instruction in this following Link link text
from this instruction i got MD5 Fingerprint of Your Signing Certificate,also i have keystore ,But i cant able get MD5 Fingerprint of the SDK Debug Certificate, for this I followed the commend
keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey \
-keystore .keystore \
-storepass android -keypass android.
I specified the path_to_debug_keystore location according to my application location. But wen i execute that commend
I get the "bash: my-release-key.keystore: Permission denied."
I dont know which commend will i use to get this MD5 Fingerprint of the SDK Debug Certificate.can any one give me the solution for this.
Thanks in advance,
Find out where your debug.keystore is located - where the avd manager is:
I realize you are using Linux, but
in WindowsXP it's under "C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\.android\debug.keystore"
in Windows7: C:\Users\[user]\.android\debug.keystore
I am not familiar with ubuntu - sorry. But, the instructions should translate respectively.
So in the command prompt adapt this generic path reference to your specific info:
~path\keytool -list -keystore\debug.keystore
Do not enter a password as there is none.
Look for the MD5 fingerprint

