Android viewing an arraylist in text view - android

I have a program that has a text input and a button. When I type something into the input and press the button I want that String to be added to a String Arraylist and have that Arraylist displayed in a TextView. Right now I have a method:
public void addString(View view)
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
String message = editText.getText().toString();
"edit-choices" is the name of the text input and "choices" is the name of the array list. First of all am I doing this correctly? Second, how to I get the text view to display the contents of "choices". Right now my TextView id is just textView1

Please keep in mind that it is not the best way to show list items in a TextView. You can do this using a ListView. Anyhow, see pseudo code below (didn't test that in Eclipse, however, it should show how it is basically going to work):
public class YourActivity extends Activity {
Vector<String> choices = new Vector<String>();
public void onCreate(Bundle ....) {
(Button) myButton = (Button) findViewById(;
myButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public boolean button.onClick() {
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
String listRepresentation = "";
for (String choice : choices)
if ("".equals(listRepresentation))
listRepresentation = choice; else
listRepresentation = ", " +choice;
textView.setText(listRepresentation );
public void addString(View view)
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
String message = editText.getText().toString();
So simply assign an OnClickListener to your button that does what you need.

The question is how you want the Text to be displayed...
Either like a list view or just as a normal text.
If you want to show the text as a normal text in the text view you can simply do something like this.
for(String msg : choices)
If you want the choices to be displayed in list view you need to set an adapter to the list view using the choices that you have.

First of all am I doing this correctly?
If it works for you, sure. I would maybe cache the EditText so you don't have to "find" it every time you want to access it's content.
Your only "problem" here is, that a TextView has no method that accepts a List<String>. So, you'll need to make a single string out of your list of strings.
You can simply iterate over the list and con-cat them together:
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : choices){
This will simply build one string from all the items in your list, adding line-breaks after every item.
You'll need to set your TextView's android:inputType-attribute to textMultiLine, so it will actually show you multiple lines.


How to use the Edittext in android

So I have 6 edit texts and a button as shown below:
My question is how do I use the input from the EditTexts (which I have stored in content_main.xml) to do mathematical operations like calculating an average which I want to show up in a toast when the calculate button is pressed. I have already written some code in the file that brings up a toast when the calculate button is pressed (also in content_main.xml), I just need to figure out how to use the inputs from the EditTexts in the toast.
EditText myText // = findViewById...
String text = myText.getText().toString();
What you should do first is to give each of its elements ID to also recognize from the Activity.
Then you should use the click event of the button
//Here it is referring to the id that gave his element in its layout
Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
And finally, like the button, get their input values EditText
//Here it is referring to the id that gave his element in its layout
EditText text = (EditText)findViewById(;
And in order to do math, parse the string value remaining on a double (double for decimals can give the exact calculation if you want something, if you want to be an int approximately)
Double value = Double.parseDouble(text);
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
//Message for error parse

How to move next (navigate button)from one string content to another string in edittext in android

I have multiple strings in my java file.
I want to create a Next button that navigate through string content on button click one by one in a single EditText.
How do I do this?
Do you want to achieve something like the following image .
add android:imeOptions="actionNext" in your EditText (in layout.xml)
If you mean to highlight the words one after another, you can do something like this:
public int index = 0; //word that is highlighted at this moment
Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
EditText editTextView = (EditText)findViewById(;
and then in the onClick method:
String textInEditText = editTextView.getText().toString();
String[] words = textInEditText.split(' ');
String toBeHighlighted = words[index];
toBeHighlighted = "<font color='red'>"+toBeHighlighted+"</font>");
textInEditText.replace(words[index], toBeHighlighted);
index++; // move to next word

Select text from group of views in listview

Is it somehow possible to achieve that?
In example: we have listView with 20 items, every item has some text. User want to select half of ending text from item 1. and the half of another item text (same behaviour like in webView or selectable textView). Did someone think about that feature? Where should I search the solution?
This topic will be updated when solution will be found.
ps. I know you will say "show us code first". I do not have it yet.
In your istview on item click listener code like this
lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int position, long arg3)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TextView tv;
String text_from_tv, finalText;
tv= (TextView) view.findViewById(;
text_from_tv = tv.getText();
finalText += text_from_tv.substring(0,text_from_tv.length()/2);
finalText += text_from_tv.substring(text_from_tv.length()/2,text_from_tv.length());
//Save this finalText String to any string array and use those values
and that string array contains the second halfs of the selected word, if it helpful up vote the answer!!
In your list_item.xml for your list view. You will want to set,android:textIsSelectable="true" and make android:clickable="true" for that same item.
I won't give any code, just how I would do it :
boolean firstPartSelected false;
String finalText ="";
// ListView Definition
// OnItemClickListener
finalText += TextFromItem.substring(0,TextFromItem.length()/2)
finalText += TextFromItem.substring(TextFromItem.length()/2,TextFromItem.length())
This is not some real code, just an idea of how to implement it. Is that what you wanted ?
Try handle OnFocusChangeListener for your EditText, when focus will be change, color selected text in EditText using spans (Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()?). If you have large count of EditText you can use view.setTag(etNumber) and (Integer)view.getTag() for each EditText and use this information while concat output string in loop (look for more info Android - get children inside a View?)
P.S. EditText is inheritor of TextView, what yo can do with TextView you will can do with EditText

android working with Views

In my activity I have the following views
TextView player1;
TextView player2;
TextView player3;
TextView player4;
EditText player1name;
EditText player2name;
EditText player3name;
EditText player4name;
Each of the TextView's has the onclick listener applied to it. and so fires the OnClick function.
When we get to the onClick this is what i am currently doing:
public void onClick(View v) {
//the v variable is the clicked textview, in this case "player1"
//hide the textview and show the resultant edittext
//set focus on edit text and when focus is lost hide it and set the textview text
imm.showSoftInput(player1name, InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED);
player1name.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View y, boolean x) {
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(player1name.getWindowToken(), 0);
String name = player1name.getText().toString();
if (name.equals("")) {
v.setText("Player Name1");
} else {
However with this solution I will need to duplicate this code and change the view names for player2 - player2name, player3 - player3name etc
i can obviously grab the clicked TextView via v, however what i cant seem to do is grab its corresponding EditText.
i had thought of doing this:
View test = v + "name";
//then i replace all references to player1name with the test variable
but it doesnt work it wants me to convert View test; into a string
any suggestions?
EDIT: made it easier to understand my question
View test = v + "name";
will give a compile error. Because "v" is not a string type. and also even if it was String, test is not. This line is pretty wrong.
There a few options to achieve what you want,
You can use hashmap
Declare a global field for hashmap
private final HashMap<Integer,EditText> map = new HashMap<Integer,EditText>();
and in onCreate method put your textview id as key, and put your edittext variables in value.
player1name = (EditText) findViewById(;
map.put(, player1name);
// for the rest
in onClick method
EditText e = map.get(v.getId());
Then replace them with "e"
e.requestFocus(); //example
Will you please state your problem clearly? Currently, your language is very ambiguous and I can not figure out, exactly what are you looking for. It will help us to know your problem and in turn solve it.

Select text by ContextMenu

I have a looong text in TextView in ScrollView and I want to make a function to tab on text and select current paragraph to add it in bookmarks, but I haven't any ideas how to do it, please somebody help me. I'm trying to get current positions, but I don't know how to slect text.
You can just use new TextView for each paragraph, and let it impliment a click Listener
the code should look like this
public void onCreate(Bubdle bundle) {
ScrollView view = (ScrollView) findViewById(;
// String txt = getText from Somewhere
String[] text = txt.split(".");
for (String t : text) {
TextView view = new TextView();

