Android Getting distance using sound between two devices - android

The idea is Phone A sends a sound signal and bluetooth signal at the same time and Phone B will calculate the delay between the two signals.
In practice I am getting inconsistent results with delays from 90ms-160ms.
I tried optimizing both ends as much as possible.
On the output end:
Tone is generated once
Bluetooth and audio output each have their own thread
Bluetooth only outputs after AudioTrack.write and AudioTrack is in streaming mode so it should start outputting before the write is even completed.
On the receiving end:
Again two separate threads
System time is recorded before each
Sampling specs:
Reading entire buffer
Sampling 100 samples at a time using fft
Taking into account how many samples transformed since initial read()

Your method relies on basically zero latency throughout the whole pipeline, which is realistically impossible. You just can't synchronize it with that degree of accuracy. If you could get the delays down to 5-6ms, it might be possible, but you'll beat your head into your keyboard before that happens. Even then, it could only possibly be accurate to 1.5 meters or so.
Consider the lower end of the delays you're receiving. In 90ms, sound can travel slightly over 30m. That's the very end of the marketed bluetooth range, without even considering that you'll likely be in non-ideal transmitting conditions.
Here's a thread discussing low latency audio in Android. TL;DR is that it sucks, but is getting better. With the latest APIs and recent devices, you may be able to get it down to 30ms or so, assuming you run some hand-tuned audio functions. No simple AudioTrack here. Even then, that's still a good 10-meter circular error probability.
A better approach, assuming you can synchronize the devices' clocks, would be to embed a timestamp into the audio signal, using a simple am/fm modulation or pulse train. Then you could decode it at the other end and know when it was sent. You still have to deal with the latency problem, but it simplifies the whole thing nicely. There's no need for bluetooth at all, since it isn't really a reliable clock anyway, since it can be regarded as having latency problems of its own.

This gives you a pretty good approach
You have to create an 1 kHz sound with some amplitude (measure in dB) and try to measure the amplitude of the sound arrived to the other device. From the sedation you might be able to measure the distance.
As I remember: a0 = 20*log (4*pi*distance/lambda) where a0 is the sedation and lambda is given (you can count it from the 1kHz)
But in such a sensitive environment, the noise might spoil the whole thing, just an idea, how I would do if I were you.


expected live streaming lag from an android device

How much lag is expected when an android device's camera is streamed live?
I checked Miracast and it has a lag of around 150-300 ms(usually its around 160-190 ms).
I have a bluetooth and a wifi direct app and both lag by around 400-550 ms. I was wondering if it would be possible to reproduce or come closer to Miracast's performance.
I am encoding the camera frames in H.264 and using my own custom protocol to transmit the encoded frames over a TCP connection(in case of WiFi Direct).
Video encoding is compute intensive so any help you can get from the hardware usually speeds things up. It is worth making sure you are using codecs which leverage the hardware - i.e avoid having your H.264 encoding all in software.
There is a video here which discusses how to access HW accelerated video codecs, although it is a little old, but will apply to older devices:
I believe that MediaCodec now provides a Java API to the Hardware Codecs (have not tried or seen speed comparison tests myself), which makes things easier:
See the note here also about using the camera's Surface preview as a speed aid:
As an aside, 500ms does not seem that bad, and you are probably into diminishing returns so the effort to reduce may be high if you can live with your current lag.
Also, I assume you are measuring the lag (or latency) on the server side? If so you need to look at how the server is decoding and presenting also, especially if you are comparing your own player with a third party one.
It is worth looking at your jitter buffer on the receiving side, irrespective of the stream etc latency - in simple terms waiting for a larger number of packets before you start playback may cause more startup delay but it also may provide a better overall user experience. This is because the large buffer will be more tolerant of delayed packets, before going into a 'buffering' mode that users tend not to like.
Its a balance, and your needs may dictate a bias one way or the other. If you were planning a video chat like application for example, then the delay is very important as it starts to become annoying to users above 200-300 ms. If you are providing a feed from a sports event, then delay may be less important and avoiding buffering pauses may give better user perceived quality.

Minimum battery consumption for microphone threshold monitoring in Android

I would like to design a small Android app which triggers an event when the microphone's threshold is above a specific raw value.
Something along the lines of this:
As it is an always-on service, I'd like to keep battery consumption to minimum.
I understand that sound amplitude is not something that is handled by the system (am I right?), so I must calculate it from the raw values. In addition, I cannot measure amplitude without recording...
So that leaves me with taking care that there will be minimum effort for the CPU. I can use lowest 8kHz sample, but even that is overkill just for calculating aplitude.
Is there a way to use an ultra low sampling rate, like 50Hz or even 20Hz?
And in general, what advice is there to help me maintain bat consumption to a minimum using that application...?
Thanks a lot in advance!
This is going to suck the battery dry really quickly. And a phone with a flat battery is a terrible user-experience.
I doubt the sample-rate will have a huge effect on power consumption. However, buffer period will.
Whilst the phone will need to keep the audio codec, DMA engines and memory controller active pretty much the whole time, you can at least limit the number of times the CPU is woken up (a power hungry operation). In addition, processing a large number of samples at one is considerably cheaper per-sample that processing a small number infrequently.
Whether AudioFlinger modifies its own buffer period in response to active applications, I don't know. You might have to go direct with ALSA (on phones that have it). This has the added benefit of reducing the amount of code executed for each buffer period.

Android OpenSL ES crystal frequency

we have an app with mobile audio clients written in low-level OpenSL ES to achieve low-latency input from microphone. Than we are sending 10ms frames encapsulated in UDP datagram to server.
On server we are doing some post-processing which is curucially dependent on aan assumption that frames from mobile clients comes in fixed intervals (eg. 10ms per frame), so we can align them.
It seems that internal crystal frequencies on mobile phones can vary a lot and due to this, we are getting perfect alignment on the beggining but poor alignment after few minutes.
I know, that ALSA on Linux can tell you exact frequency of the crystal - so you can correct your counts based on this. Unfortunatelly I don't know how to get this information in Android.
Thx for help
The essence of the problem you face is that you have an ADC and a DAC on separate systems with different local oscillators. You're presumably timing your packets against a 3rd (and possibly 4th) CPU clock.
The correct solution to this problem is some kind of clock recovery algorithm. To do this properly you need some means of accurately timestamping (e.g. to bit accuracy) transmitted packets, and then use a PLL to drive the clock-rate of the receiver's sample clock. This is is precisely the approach that both IEEE1394 audio and MPEG2 Transport streams use.
Since probably can't do either of these things, your approach is most likely going to involve dropping or repeating samples (or even entire packets) periodically to keep your receive buffer from under- or over-flowing.
USB Audio has a similar lack of hardware support for clock recovery, and the approaches used there may be applicable to your situation.
Relying on the transmission and reception timing of network packets is a terrible idea. The jitter on delivery times is horrendous - particularly with Wifi or cellular connections. You'd be well advised to use not rely on it at all, and instead do as both IEEE1394 audio and MPEG 2 TS do, which is to decouple audio data transport from consumption using a model FIFO in which data is consumed at a constant rate and delivered to it in packets of unreliable timing.
As for ALSA, all it can do (unless if has an accurate external timing reference) is to measure the drift between the sample clock of the audio interface and the CPU's clock. This does not yield 'the exact frequency' of anything as neither oscillator is likely to be accurate, and both may drift dependent on temperature.

Generate FFT and decode on Arduino

I really fail at FFT and now I'm in need to communicate from the headphone jack of my Android to the Arduino there's currently a library for Arduino (talks about it in the blog post Real-time spectrum analyzer powered by Arduino) and one for Android too!
How should I start? How should I build audio signals which ultimately can be turned into FFTs and the Arduino can analyse the same using the library and I can actuate anything?
You are asking a very fuzzy question: "How should I build audio signals which ultimately can be turned into FFTs and the Arduino can analyse the same using the library and I can actuate anything?". I am going to help you think through the problem - asking yourself the right questions is essential to get any answers.
Presumably, your audio signals are "coming from somewhere" - i.e. they are sound. This means that you need to convert them into a stream of numbers first.
problem #1: converting audio signal into a stream of numbers
This breaks down into three separate sub problems:
Getting the signal to the right amplitude
Choosing the sampling rate needed
Digitizing and storing the data for later processing
Items (1) and (3) are related, since you need to know how you are going to digitize the signal before you can choose the right amplitude. For example, if you have a microphone as your sound input source, you will need to amplify the signal (and maybe add some automatic gain control) before feeding it into an ADC (analog to digital converter) that has a 5 V input range, since the microphone may have an output in the mV range. Without more information about the hardware you are using, there's not a lot to add here. It sounds from your tag that you are trying to do that inside an Android device - in which case I wonder how you intend to move the digital signal to the Arduino (over USB?).
The second point, "choosing the sampling rate", is actually very important. A sound signal contains many different frequencies - think of them as keys on the piano. In order to detect a high frequency, you need to sample the signal "faster than it is changing". There is a formal theorem called "Nyquist's Theorem" that states that you have to sample at 2x the highest frequency that is present in your signal. Note - it's not just "that you are interested in", but "that is present". If you sample a high frequency signal with a low frequency sample clock, it will appear "aliased" - it wil show up in your output as something completely different. So before you digitize a signal you have to decide what the frequencies of interest are, and remove all higher frequencies with a filter. Let's say you are interested in frequencies up to 500 Hz (about 1 octave above middle C on a piano). To give your filter a chance to work, you might choose to cut off all frequencies above 1 kHz (filters "roll off" - i.e. they increase in strength over a range of frequencies), and would sample at 2 kHz. This means you get 2000 samples per second, and you need to figure out where to put them on your Arduino (memory fills up quickly on the little board.)
Problem #2: analyzing the signal
Assuming that you have somehow captured a digital signal, your next task is analyzing it. The FFT is basicaly some clever math that tells you, for a given sound sample, "what keys on the piano were hit, and how hard". It breaks the sound signal into a series of frequency "bins", and determines how much energy is in each bin (it also computes the phase, but let's keep it simple). So if the input of a FFT algorithm is a sound sample, the output is an array of values telling you what frequencies were present in the signal. This is approximate, since it will find the "nearest bin". Sticking with the same analogy - if you were hitting a piano that's out of tune, the algorithm won't return "out of tune", but rather "a bit of C, and a bit of C sharp", since it cannot actually measure anything in between. The accuracy of an FFT is determined by the sampling frequency (which gives you the upper limit on the frequency you can detect) and the sample length: the longer you "listen" so the sample, the more subtle the differences you can "hear". So you have another trade-off to consider: if your audio signal changes rapidly, you have to sample for a short time (to capture the quick changes); but if you need an accurate frequency, you have to sample for a long time. For example if you are writing a Morse decoder, your sampling has to be short compared to a pause between "dits" and "dashes" - or they will slur together. Figuring out that a morse tone is present is pretty easy though, since there will be a single tone (one bin in the FFT) that is much larger than the others.
Exactly how you implement these things depends on your application. The third step, "doing something with it", requires you to decide what is a meaningful signal. Again, if you are making a Morse decoder, you would perhaps turn an LED ON when a single tone is present (one or two bins in the FFT have much bigger value than the mean of the others), and OFF when it is not (all noise - lots of bins with approximately the same size). But without a LOT more information from you, there's not much more one can say to help you.
You might learn a lot from reading the following articles:

How do I get most accurate audio frequency data possible from real time FFT on android?

So I'm trying to build an android app which acts as a real time audio analyzer as a precursor to a project that will involve detecting and filtering out certain sounds.
So I think I've got the basics of discrete Fourier transforms down, however I'm not sure what the best parameters should be for doing real time frequency analysis.
I get the impression that under ideal situations (unlimited computing power), I would take all the samples from the 44100 sample/sec PCM stream I'm getting from the AudioRecord class and put them through a 44100 element fifo "window" (padded to 2**16 with 0's and maybe a tapering function?) , running an FFT on the window every time a new sample came in. This would (I think), give me the spectrum for 0 - ~22 KHz updated 44100 times per second.
It seems like this is not going to happen on a smartphone. The thing is, I'm not sure which parameters of the computation I should reduce in order to make in order to make it tractable on my Galaxy Nexus while still holding on to as much quality as possible. Eventually I would like to be using an external microphone with better sensitivity.
I figure it will involve moving the window more than one sample between taking FFT's, but I have no idea at what point this becomes more detrimental to accuracy/aliasing/whatever than just doing the FFT on a smaller window, or if there is a third option I'm overlooking.
With the natively implemented KissFFT I'm using from libgdx, I seem to be able to do somewhere between 30-42 44100 element FFT's per 44100 samples and still have it be responsive (meaning that the buffer getting filled from the thread doing isn't filling up faster than the thread doing the fft's can drain it).
So my questions are:
Could the performance I'm currently getting just be the best I'm going to get? Or does it seem like I must be something stupid because much faster speeds are possible?
Is my approach to this at least fundamentally correct or am I barking entirely up the wrong tree?
I'd be happy to show any of my code if that would help answer my questions, but there's a lot of it so I figured I would do so selectively instead of posting it all.
if there is a third option I'm overlooking
Yes: doing both at the same time, a reduction of the FFT size as well as a larger step size. In a comment you pointed out that you want to detect "sniffling/chewing with mouth". So, what you want to do is similar to the typical task of speech recognition. There, you typically extract a feature vector in steps of 10ms (meaning with Fs=44.1kHz every 441 samples) and the signal window to transform is roughly about double the size of the step size, so 20ms which yields to a 2^X FFT size of 1024 samples (make sure that you choose an FFT size which is a power of 2, because it is faster).
Any increase in window size or reduction in step size increases the data but mainly adds redundancy.
Additional hints:
#SztupY correctly pointed out that you need to "window" your signal prior to the FFT, typically with a Hamming-wondow. (But this is not "filtering". It is just multiplying each sample value with the corresponding window value without accumulating the result).
The raw FFT output is hardly suited to recognize "sniffling/chewing with mouth", a classical recognizer consists of HMMs or ANNs which process sequences of MFCCs and their deltas.
Could the performance I'm currently getting just be the best I'm going to get? Or does it seem like I must be something stupid because much faster speeds are possible?
It's close to the best, but you are wasting all the CPU power to estimate highly redundant data, leaving no CPU power to the recognizer.
Is my approach to this at least fundamentally correct or am I barking entirely up the wrong tree?
After considering my answer you might re-think your approach.

