I'm writing an app that changes the cpu governor similar to setCpu.
The problem im having is sometimes when writing the governor file (a system file), i get an IOException (bad file number) and it seems to happen randomly.
I'm requesting root in my onCreate method and keeping the process as a field:
private Process suProcess;
public void onCreate(Bundle ...) {
suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
and when i need to write a system file this is my code:
try {
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
out.writeBytes("echo " + FILE_CONTENTS + " > " + SYSTEM_FILE);
} catch (IOException e) {
Is this the proper way to handle root permissions? And why am i getting the IOException randomly? (sometimes it works sometimes not)
Not alot of interest in this question apparently but heres my solution.
in onCreate to ensure the user doesn't have to deal with the SU dialog during use.
Then when writing system files create another SU process (application should already have su permission)
try {
Process suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
out.writeBytes("echo " + FILE_CONTENTS + " > " + SYSTEM_FILE);
} catch (IOException e) {
I have a weird problem. Last week I had my code working like a charm. I'm working on a rooted tablet, and I'm setting Debug Mode on from code, but no idea why, I ran my app this morning and the command I'm using to to this doesn't work anymore, I get "Permission Denial etc.." BUT, when I type the command from my device's terminal, it works... Any help ?
private void grantPermission(){
try {
Process suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
Log.e("PACKAGE", getPackageName());
os.writeBytes("adb shell" + "\n");
os.writeBytes("pm grant "+getPackageName()+" android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION" + "\n");
os.writeBytes("pm grant "+getPackageName()+" android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" + "\n");
} catch (Exception e){
Log.e("SETTINGS", "FAIL");
Here it is! I finally fixed it out ! The permission wasn't set fast enough until the call, I simply added a call to the processe's waitFor() method and it worked again. But I still wonder why it used to work before !
private void grantPermission(){
try {
Process suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("pm grant "+this.getPackageName()+" android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" + "\n");
os.writeBytes("pm grant "+this.getPackageName()+" android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION" + "\n");
} catch (Exception e){
UPDATE There are a number of other posts asking how to get a Screenshot in android but none seemed to have a full answer of how to do so. Originally I posted this as a question due to a particular issue I was running into while attempting to open a stream to the Frame Buffer. Now I've swapped over to dumping the Frame Buffer to a file so I've updated my post to show how I got there. For reference (and acknowledgement), I found the command to send the FrameBuffer to a file from this post (unfortunately he didn't provide how he got to that point). I'm just missing how to turn the raw data I pulled from the Frame Buffer into an actual image file.
My intention was to take a full dump of the actual screen on an Android Device. The only way I could find to do so without using the adb bridge was to directly access the Frame Buffer of the system. Obviously this approach will require root privileges on the device and for the app running it! Fortunately for my purposes I have control over how the Device is set up and having the device rooted with root privileges provided to my application is feasible. My testing is currently being done on an old Droid running 2.2.3.
I found my first hints of how to approach it from https://stackoverflow.com/a/6970338/1446554. After a bit more research I found another article that describes how to properly run shell commands as root. They were using it to execute a reboot, I use it to send the current frame buffer to an actual file. My current testing has only gotten as far as doing this via ADB and in a basic Activity (each being provided root). I will be doing further testing from a Service running in the background, updates to come! Here is my entire test activity that can export the current screen to a file:
public class ScreenshotterActivity extends Activity {
public static final String TAG = "ScreenShotter";
private Button _SSButton;
private PullScreenAsyncTask _Puller;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
_SSButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.main_screenshotButton);
_SSButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (_Puller != null)
//TODO: Verify that external storage is available! Could always use internal instead...
_Puller = new PullScreenAsyncTask();
private void runSuShellCommand(String cmd) {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = null;
OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
StringBuilder sbstdOut = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sbstdErr = new StringBuilder();
try { // Run Script
proc = runtime.exec("su");
osw = new OutputStreamWriter(proc.getOutputStream());
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
if (osw != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
if (proc != null)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
sbstdOut.append(readBufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())));
sbstdErr.append(readBufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream())));
private String readBufferedReader(InputStreamReader input) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(input);
StringBuilder found = new StringBuilder();
String currLine = null;
String sep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
try {
// Read it all in, line by line.
while ((currLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
class PullScreenAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
File ssDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "/screenshots");
if (ssDir.exists() == false) {
Log.i(TAG, "Screenshot directory doesn't already exist, creating...");
if (ssDir.mkdirs() == false) {
//TODO: We're kinda screwed... what can be done?
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to create directory structure necessary to work with screenshots!");
return null;
File ss = new File(ssDir, "ss.raw");
if (ss.exists() == true) {
Log.i(TAG, "Deleted old Screenshot file.");
String cmd = "/system/bin/cat /dev/graphics/fb0 > "+ ss.getAbsolutePath();
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
_Puller = null;
This also requires adding the android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to the Manifest. As suggested in this post. Otherwise it runs, doesn't complain, doesn't create the directories nor the file.
Originally I couldn't get usable data from the Frame Buffer due to not understanding how to properly run shell commands. Now that I've swapped to using the streams for executing commands I can use '>' to send the Frame Buffer's current data to an actual file...
Programmatically you can run "adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/img.png" as below :
Process sh = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su", null,null);
OutputStream os = sh.getOutputStream();
os.write(("/system/bin/screencap -p " + "/sdcard/img.png").getBytes("ASCII"));
An easy solution for ICS devices is to use the following from the command line
adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png
adb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png screenshot.png
This'll save the screenshot.png file in the current directory.
Tested on a Samsung Galaxy SII running 4.0.3.
That would be different for different phones. It depends on the underlying graphics format of your device. You can poll what the graphics format is using system calls. If you are only going to run this on devices that you know the graphics format of you can write a converter that turns it into a known format.
You can have a look at the following project: http://code.google.com/p/android-fb2png/
If you look at the source code for fb2png.c you can see that they poll FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO which contains info about how the device stores the screen image in memory. Once you know that, you should be able to convert it into a format you can use.
I hope this helps.
I'm developing my first Android application, and I'm curious if there are any "standard" ways for executing privileged shell commands. I've only been able to find one way to do it, by executing su, and then appending my commands to stdin of the su process.
DataOutputStream pOut = new DataOutputStream(p.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream pIn = new DataInputStream(p.getInputStream());
String rv = "";
// su must exit before its output can be read
pOut.writeBytes(cmd + "\nexit\n");
while (pIn.available() > 0)
rv += pIn.readLine() + "\n";
I've read about wrapping privileged (superuser) calls up in JNI: is this possible? If so, how would one go about accomplishing it? Other than that, are there any other ways of calling privileged instructions from Java?
As far as I know, you can only run command-line commands using root privileges. You can use this generic class I made that wraps the root access in your code:
All you need to do is extend this class and override the getCommandsToExecute method to return the commands you want to execute as root.
public abstract class ExecuteAsRootBase
public static boolean canRunRootCommands()
boolean retval = false;
Process suProcess;
suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(suProcess.getInputStream());
if (null != os && null != osRes)
// Getting the id of the current user to check if this is root
String currUid = osRes.readLine();
boolean exitSu = false;
if (null == currUid)
retval = false;
exitSu = false;
Log.d("ROOT", "Can't get root access or denied by user");
else if (true == currUid.contains("uid=0"))
retval = true;
exitSu = true;
Log.d("ROOT", "Root access granted");
retval = false;
exitSu = true;
Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected: " + currUid);
if (exitSu)
catch (Exception e)
// Can't get root !
// Probably broken pipe exception on trying to write to output stream (os) after su failed, meaning that the device is not rooted
retval = false;
Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected [" + e.getClass().getName() + "] : " + e.getMessage());
return retval;
public final boolean execute()
boolean retval = false;
ArrayList<String> commands = getCommandsToExecute();
if (null != commands && commands.size() > 0)
Process suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
// Execute commands that require root access
for (String currCommand : commands)
os.writeBytes(currCommand + "\n");
int suProcessRetval = suProcess.waitFor();
if (255 != suProcessRetval)
// Root access granted
retval = true;
// Root access denied
retval = false;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.e("ROOT", "Error executing root action", ex);
catch (IOException ex)
Log.w("ROOT", "Can't get root access", ex);
catch (SecurityException ex)
Log.w("ROOT", "Can't get root access", ex);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.w("ROOT", "Error executing internal operation", ex);
return retval;
protected abstract ArrayList<String> getCommandsToExecute();
A possible solution I know is to sign your application as system, which is not exactly the same as root as far as I know: How to sign Android app with system signature?. But I suppose this is not what you wanted.
Another thing I did is to create a native application that does what is needed, running it as an external process. But it is necessary to give this native application the privileges you need and the suid bit, provided the partition is not nosuid. But this is not what you needed either I suppose.
C code called through JNI should be subject to the same limitations as living in the same process, I suppose.
If you have the su binary available then you can run commands from java with something like: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su -c reboot").
I don't remember any other way.
I was in the need of doing this in a rooted device recently and found out about libsu, which is a library allowing to execute su commands.
This library is written by the author of Magisk.
I have a rooted device with Magisk and libsu works pretty well from my app. The first time you execute a su command, Magisk will show a dialog where you grant or deny the root capabilities.
Running a command with libsu from an app is as simple as doing the following:
Shell.cmd("find /dev/block -iname boot").exec()
Please Tell me it is possible to run a shell script file from My Android application.
and read the data from script file.
If it is possible than how to proceed , Please give me some guideline.
You can use this code snippet (from Aaron C)
void execCommandLine(String command)
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = null;
OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
proc = runtime.exec("su");
osw = new OutputStreamWriter(proc.getOutputStream());
catch (IOException ex)
Log.e("execCommandLine()", "Command resulted in an IO Exception: " + command);
if (osw != null)
catch (IOException e){}
catch (InterruptedException e){}
if (proc.exitValue() != 0)
Log.e("execCommandLine()", "Command returned error: " + command + "\n Exit code: " + proc.exitValue());
But this requires root access I think.
You could also try to use GScript
I've been using this to run shell scripts in my android app. Only thing I've yet to figure out how to do is direct the output to where I want it. You don't need root for this, which is why I'm posting.
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("top -n 1");
//Get the output of top so that it can be read
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
I am trying to write an android application that runs a shell commands, or a shell script if that is preferable, and displays the output... can anyone give me in the right direction?
My code is as follows:
void execCommandLine()
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = null;
OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
String[] str={"/system/bin/sh","/data/shTest.sh"};
System.out.println("EXEC STRING");
proc = runtime.exec(str);
osw = new OutputStreamWriter(proc.getOutputStream());
catch (IOException ex)
//Log.e("execCommandLine()", "Command resulted in an IO Exception: " + command);
if (osw != null)
catch (IOException e){}
catch (InterruptedException e){}
if (proc.exitValue() != 0)
//Log.e("execCommandLine()", "Command returned error: " + command + "\n Exit code: " + proc.exitValue());
// **************************************
Code is running successfully but I am not getting any output in adb shell logcat
would anyone tell me if this script is executed successfully how to get this output
in Adb shell.
Have you looked into GScript. It is quite flexible.