Android App and REST API - android

I searched for good REST / HTTP Clients for Android-Development, but I did not found something that meets my needs.
Now I have a question. Is there a good way to reuse HTTP client-objects in an android project?
It would be good if there is a central place (maybe static class?) to access an httpclient to do request (async)...
How can I do this in an android project?
Same thing for my credentials. (I use basic auth and do not want to pass the credentials from activity to activity)

I would recommend you RoboSpice:
RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous
network requests easy.
It does have a cache manager, and works as service, which is, to me, better than common AsyncTasks.
Also, you should not touch the R class, it is automatically built from your ressources.

I suggest checking out
I would also suggest a minor improvement change RESTLoader.RESTResponse data so as data be the final data in that case List<String> so as the parsing moved to the acync loader and avoid latency on UI thread. Adding the code pointing out the suggestions for change.
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<RESTLoader.RESTResponse> loader, RESTLoader.RESTResponse data) {
int code = data.getCode();
String json = data.getData(); // <-- (change) this should be the final data
// Check to see if we got an HTTP 200 code and have some data.
if (code == 200 && !json.equals("")) {
// For really complicated JSON decoding I usually do my heavy lifting
// Gson and proper model classes, but for now let's keep it simple
// and use a utility method that relies on some of the built in
// JSON utilities on Android.
List<String> tweets = getTweetsFromJson(json); // <-- (change) that parse move to loader
// Load our list adapter with our Tweets.
for (String tweet : tweets) {
else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Failed to load Twitter data. Check your internet settings.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

As said RoboSpice is a very good choice. If you want to simply keep your local resource syncronized with remote data you can use RestDroid which is a "resource oriented" library to handle asynchronous REST request.


Is ther any way to load text after building game for android in unity

I had created a small android game that had some character names and some values, I want to control the names and value so that I change value whenever I need. I searched online but I didn't find any quick solution for that. Is there any way to control the values online through some web service so that I can change value online and it will create changes in my game?
You'd need a server to store your data, even GitHub would do and it has free plan.
Then your code needs to be designed so it takes those.
Here could be a short example. This is what you have on github:
"characterName" : "Buldor",
"strength" : 10
You'd need a C# version of that:
public class Response
public string characterName = null;
public int strength = 0;
Then you'd need a loading screen on your game where you fetch the info from the server and assign them. It means your game is no longer valid offline (or you'd used previous loaded or default values).
void Start()
IEnumerator GetText()
using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("github_url"))
yield return www.Send();
if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
// Show results as text
Response res = JsonUtility.FromJson<Response>(www.downloadHandler.text);
PlayerPrefs.SetString("characterName", res.characterName);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("strength", res.strength);
And finally, you have the character class:
public class Character : MonoBehaviour
void Start(){
string characterName= PlayerPrefs.GetString("characterName", "OldName");
int strength = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("strength", 0);
So to sum it up, first create a json to store on a server, get the url of the location.
Then download the file, it can be json, xml, txt or anything, but make sure you know how to parse it and json already have it all so more simple.
Then parse the file and store the values, either in PlayerPrefs like I did or directly into the player.
Then extend the json file to store more info.
Yes this is possible! You can use the database like Mongo, Redis or MySQL, it depends on your value! And work with the POST or GET HTTP request to get the value! And for the back-end, you can use Golang, PHP, or anything you can! If you have a game with many users my offer is Golang!
And you can use these link to work with and POST Get in unity:
Good luck! If you have a question about Golang or PHP code you can ask me! :))

Recommended way / order to read data from a webservice, parse that data and insert it in a SQLite db

I'm one to start mentioning that I'm totally new to Android, I've just finished reading a quick, introductory book and now I have to implement my very first app.
This app is going to be use to take orders. Among all the data I'm going to store in a local db, two tables are the most important: Customers and Articles, being the latter the largest of all the tables (aprox 20000 records)
One of the main process in my app, fetches all the data that my app need to work off-line when the user press a button that starts the daily operations on the device.
Well, the process consists of the following steps :
a. Read a restful service to retrieve the Customers Data
b. Parse the response to Json Objects
c. Insert those customers to the Customers Table
d. Read a restful service to retrieve the Articles Data
e. Parse the response to Json Objects
f. Insert those articles to the Articles Table
This is what I've planned to do:
Write a helper class that handles all the HTTP GET requests. Then call this class whenever I need to download all the Customers and Articles data
Since all this process might take a lot of time, I need to do it the background. So based on some suggestions I'm going to put all this code inside a Bound Service.
While all this long processing is taking place in the background I'll have to show some sort of indicator (a ProgressDialog) This is the reason I opted for using a Bound Service
Though I think I've got the general idea of how to do most of these thing separately, I think that putting the all together is quite a different story.
So these are the questions I've got now that I have to put the puzzle together:
Do you think the order in which I'm executing all the 6 steps of the process described is correct / efficient? If you had to make some changes, what would you change?
If the activity that started the service is explicitly cancelled or is hidden by another activity, the service has to have a way to let the user know that the process has finished. How could I implement that?
Is it possible/ recommended to write to the SQLite DB within the service? Is it the same as when I do so within an activity?
In J2ME I've done something similar, and when I put something like the 6 steps I mentioned above all of them are executed sequentially, that is , one after the other. Is it the same in Android?
I hope I'm not asking too many questions. I just put them together because they are all related.
Basically in this question I'm not asking for working code ( though it'd be OK if you could provide some sample code) What I'm really after is some suggestions, some guidance. Something like "Hey, I think this might help you with point number 3" or "You might find this article useful", "I think you'd better off using this instead of that". That kind of thing.
I decided to come to you because you're the experts and I really need someone to put me in the right direction.
Thank you very much.
P.S. Please do not close this question, if your think I need to change something just let me know and I'll do it.
I decided to come to you because you're the experts
first i am not expert and also i am not knowledgeable you can find more expert people than me but this is my opinion hope to give you some help.
first of all forget to use AsyncTask to download because it must be used for short background jobs not like yours i think the amount of file you want to download is pretty large.(i think so)
check downloadmanager of google to see how it works it may help you.
if you want to use service use unbound service because you do not want the service to be destroyed by android or user when the user close the apps do you? i think you want to get your data any way.
in order to be efficient i recommend these steps:
a. Read a restful service to retrieve the Customers Data
b. when you get Customer data do :
create another service or thread to Read a restful service to retrieve the Articles Data
Parse the response to Json Objects on your old service or thread
now you have 2 services or threads that run concurrently so follow the steps that obvious insert parse and so, on each service or thread.
why do not i combine a and d? because i think user do not like to wait much time behind download progress bar.
in order to insert your data to database use transaction and i recommend you use:
it is more efficient ORM than others for database and you get free from db implementation.
If the activity that started the service is explicitly cancelled or is hidden by another activity, the service has to have a way to let the user know that the process has finished. How could I implement that?
use notification:
While all this long processing is taking place in the background I'll have to show some sort of indicator (a ProgressDialog) This is the reason I opted for using a Bound Service`
how can I update the UI from an Unbound Service?`
Use a LocalBroadCastManager, or in general BroadCastReciever
Android update activity UI from service
In J2ME I've done something similar, and when I put something like the 6 steps I mentioned above all of them are executed sequentially, that is , one after the other. Is it the same in Android?
this is depends on your steps, if you follow my idea you run concurrently and if you run your idea you will run sequentially.
Good Luck.
I did something like yours.
In first step I get data from webservice in HTTP GET of POST method using AsyncTask like this:
public class GetService extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
private String mRestUrl;
private ServiceCallback mCallback;
private final HttpClient Client = new DefaultHttpClient();
private String Content;
private String url;
private String Error;
private ProgressDialog barProgressDialog;
private ProgressDialog Dialog;
public GetService(String restUrl, ServiceCallback callback) {
this.mRestUrl = restUrl;
this.mCallback = callback;
this.url = restUrl;
Dialog = new ProgressDialog(AppContext.CurrentContext);
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected String doInBackground(String... urls) {
Content = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(this.url);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (status == 200) // sucess
HttpEntity e = response.getEntity();
// String data = EntityUtils.toString(e);
InputStream content = e.getContent();
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(content));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
Content = builder.toString();
} else if (status == 401) {
return "-Auth Failed Error Code 400";
} else {
return "-Error Code: " + status;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Error = ex.getMessage();
} finally {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
return Content;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
try {
GetService.this.get(20000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
and my callback class is:
public abstract class ServiceCallback{
public abstract void onTaskComplete(String result);
I call AsyncTask in my code everywhere I want to get data from webservice:
new GetService(url, new ServiceCallback() {
public void onTaskComplete(String response) {
// Parse Response of WebService
In second step I Parse response of WebService in onTaskComplete method using json helper Libraries like Gson or Jackson. for example in jackson:
List<YourClass> data = new ObjectMapper()
new TypeReference<List<YourClass>>() {
At the end I store Data in Database. for connecting to DB I Prefer to use GreenDao as my ORM. In this way storin data in DB can be done in one line code like this:
//after converting json to object
To Use GreenDao ORM this link is very helpful;
Do you think the order in which I'm executing all the 6 steps of the
process described is correct / efficient? If you had to make some
changes, what would you change?
It depends. If this data is related and cannot exists without each other then you should change the order like this:
a. Read a restful service to retrieve the Customers Data
b. Parse the response to Json Objects
d. Read a restful service to retrieve the Articles Data
e. Parse the response to Json Objects
c. Insert those customers to the Customers Table
f. Insert those articles to the Articles Table
Steps c and f should be combined in transaction.
Otherwise, the order does not matter. If data is not related then separating these processes and running them in sequence might be a good idea.
If the activity that started the service is explicitly cancelled or is
hidden by another activity, the service has to have a way to let the
user know that the process has finished. How could I implement that?
I suggest to start with implementation of the IntentService class. It handles for you background thread and works like a queue of events where single Intent delivers a data to process.
Actually you could implement one of the patterns presented by Google on one of their IO conferences. I have implemented an option A shown on the video. It works for me really well. The trick is that using ContentProvider from the background automatically updates UI which listen for changes thanks to CursorAdapter.
To update UI progress you can use LocalBroadcastManager or event bus libraries e.g. Otto.
You can also extend your tables and store status and progress, updating tables would automatically update UI as well, just keep in mind that these updates should be rare e.g. control in the service background how often table progress is updated calculating the progress first and checking with service local variable if it's changed.
In case your app is in the background, post status notification. User should be able to navigate back to your app clicking on the notification.
Is it possible/ recommended to write to the SQLite DB within the
service? Is it the same as when I do so within an activity?
You can do it within the Service. Actually, if you follow the pattern I have mentioned above, you would do it in the Processor tier on the background service thread.
In J2ME I've done something similar, and when I put something like the
6 steps I mentioned above all of them are executed sequentially, that
is , one after the other. Is it the same in Android?
It's completely up to you how communication with the server will work. If you decide to use IntentService class then it will work in a sequence which is not a bad idea on Android. On the other hand you may extend Service class directly and implement own thread executor with a thread pool. You can also have dedicated IntentService classes for unrelated operations.
I also recommend to read lessons:
Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery
Transferring Data Using Sync Adapters
If you don't want to play directly with HTTP connection implementation then consider using Retrofit or Volley
If you just need JSON parsers then these 2 are the best:

How to maintain progress bar state when using volley?

It is easy to maintain progress bar state when i use AysncTask with fragments Callback but how should i achieve it with volley? I can;t use AsyncTask because it is outdated and volley is better and faster.
Any Help or Hint will be grateful.
I am using google's volley to Post and Get Requests
I think there are misconceptions here.
First off, Volley faster than AsyncTask.
This is comparing apples and oranges. They both use threads. Volley threads are not any faster than the threads in async task. The queues are separate but that is about it. In API 11 & higher you are allowed to use your own threadpool for AsyncTask instances.
Second, define better.
Volley is designed for sending a lot of light payloads (GET/POST) to a server and getting back pretty quick responses. These responses can then be used by the caller.
AsyncTask is designed to complete a given task off the UI thread and provide various callbacks as to the state of that task.
For your ProgressBar I am assuming you are trying to determine the progress of a request that is being executed. In the Volley world, since these are expected to be tiny, you have pretty much 3 states.
Not Started
Executing(also contains start parsing)
Done (comprised of success, error and cancelled and such)
As you know with AsyncTask there is a callback for onProgress when using publishProgress. So your instance can define anything it wants to send through as an indication of progress.
If your payload is big and will take time to transfer to the server, Volley may not be appropriate. Volley doesn't do a great job or even try to do a great job of sending large payloads to and from a server. The reason is that this just isn't what it is meant for. Like it requires that all payloads, upload and receive can fit in memory entirely. So If you have a few volley requests going all over, and each one with like a 1MB payload and a 1MB response, you could see this adding up pretty quickly. You would need a streaming option to better handle that.
Volley is great library but consider what it is recommended to be used for. Read the documentation and implementation of the code for more info.
If you are doing something that is going to take a rather long time, I would write a specific request type in volley that sends and streams content to and from. That way you can tell how much work is left with the request. I am assuming you are using bytes sent and receive as the measure for progress.
you can add a listener to the queue which is executed when the request end
mRequestQueue.addRequestFinishedListener(new RequestQueue.RequestFinishedListener<String>() {
public void onRequestFinished(Request<String> request) {
if (progressDialog != null && progressDialog.isShowing())
It's a pretty simple fix. Before you make your volley request, call the method, and then on your response, call progress.dismiss() Just did this and it works great!
It's very easy to do that.. see the below code snippet
JsonObjectRequest jsObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, URL, null,
new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

improving speed performance on a data call

I am making an API call to a web service from the android application the problem is that it returns around 22000 records, I am loading this into an array after i convert each record into an object then assign that Array to a ListView. What is the fastest/best way to fetch this data from the web service? (buffer) ? and what are the best practices for this type of issues.
I would recommend using a library to handle your data call...
Please try using Android Query; specifically, see the section entitled Asynchronous Network.
This AQuery library (AndroidQuery) is lightweight, and requires only 1 jar SMALL jar file. It can be used with Maven or Gradle Android projects as well. It allows you to EASILY fetch XML or JSON data from a remote server in either asynchronous or synchronous fashion. I have used it many times with a JSON back-end, and it is a real timesaver.
This library also allows you to specify a ProgressBar that will automatically appear and disappear during the network download process.
Here is an example of an HTTP call to a JSON back-end, asynchronously:
public void asyncJson(){
//perform a Google search in just a few lines of code
String url = "";
aq.ajax(url, JSONObject.class, this, "jsonCallback");
public void jsonCallback(String url, JSONObject json, AjaxStatus status) {
if(json != null) {
//successful ajax call
} else {
//ajax error
AQuery can also simplify other aspects of Android programming (such as eliminating the findViewById() calls for many scenarios).

Fetching big amount of data, what is the best way to go?

I have severals URLs I need to get data from, this should happen in order, one by one. The amount of data returned by requesting those URLs is relatively big. I need to be able to reschedule particular downloads which failed.
What is the best way to go? Shall I use IntentService, Loaders or something else?
Additional note: I would need not only to download, but also post process the data (create tables in db, fill it with data, etc). So DownloadManger can't be of help here.
I would use an IntentService.
It has a number of advantages that are suitable for your needs, including being able to download the data without your application running and supporting automatic restart of the service using setIntentRedelivery().
You can set a number of identifiers for the particular job, you need to perform using Intent extras, and you can keep track of the progress using SharedPreferences - that way you can also resume the work if it's been cancelled previously.
The easiest way is probably to use the system DownloadManager
(answering from my phone, so please excuse the lack of formatting)
I would suggest a service for this. Having service resolves many problems
It would allow reporting of progress asynchronously to the application so you can enable or disable a specific gui in application based on the download status of data
It will allow you to continue the download even if the user switches to other application or closes the application.
Will allow you to establish independent communication with server to prioritize downloads without user interaction.
Try a WakefulIntentService for creating a long-running job that uses wakelocks to keep your task alive and running .
Also, if your whole app process is getting killed, you may want to look into persisting the task queue to disk, using something like Tape, from Square
I think the way to go is loading urls in an array, then starting an AsyncTask, returning a boolean to onPostExecute indicating if the operation has success or not. then, keeping a global int index, you can run the AsyncTask with the next index if success, or the same index otherwise. Here is a pseudocode
private int index=0;
//this array must be loaded with urls
private ArrayList<String> urlsArray;
new MyDownloaderAsyncTask().execute(urlsArray.get(index));
class MyDownloaderAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String,String,Boolean>{
doInBackground(String... input){
//downlaod my data is the function which download data and return a boolean
return downloadMyData();
onPostExecute(Boolean result){
new MyDownloaderAsyncTask().execute(urlsArray.get(++index));
new MyDownloaderAsyncTask().execute(urlsArray.get(index));
hope this help
I have just completed an open source library that can do exactly what you need. Using droidQuery, you can do something like this:
$.ajax(new AjaxOptions().url("")
.success(new Function() {
public void invoke($ droidQuery, Object... params) {
//since dataType is JSON, params[0] is a JSONObject
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) params[0];
//TODO handle data
//TODO start the next ajax task
.error(new Function() {
public void invoke($ droidQuery, Object... params) {
AjaxError error = params[0];
//TODO adjust error.options before retry:
$.ajax(error.request, error.options);
You can specify other data types, which will return different object types, such as JSONObject, String, Document, etc.
Similar to #Murtuza Kabul I'd say use a service, but it's a little complicated than that. We have a similar situation related to constant internet access and updates, although ours places greater focus on keeping the service running. I'll try to highlight the main features without drowning you in too much detail (and code is owned by the company ;) )
android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission and a BroadcastReceiver listening for android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED to poke the service awake.
Don't link the service to the Activity, you want it running all the time. eg we call context.startService(new Intent(context.getApplicationContext(), OurService.class))
The service class is just a simple class which registers and calls an OurServiceHandler (as in our case we fire off repeated checks and the Handler manages the 'ticks')
We have an OurServiceRunnable which is a singleton which is checked and called by the Handler for each test. It protects against overlapping updates. It delegates to an OurServiceWorker to do the actual lifting.
Sounds heavy handed, but you want to ensure that the service is always running, always ticking (via the Handler) but only running a single check at a time. You're also going to run into database issue if you use the standard SqlLite DbHelper paradigm, as you can't open the DB on multiple threads and you definitely want the internet access off the main thread. Our hack was a java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock protecting access to the DB, but you could probably keep DB access on the UI thread and pass DB operations via the Handler.
Beyond this it's just a matter of keeping the downloads atomic in terms of "get task, download task, complete task" or enabling it to pick up from a failed state eg downloaded OK, attempt to complete.
You should take a look at the volley library :
There is also an interesting video of the author that took place at google io 2013 :
Mainly because it eases the process of managing a lot of these fastidious tasks that are connection checking, connection interruption, queue management, retry, resume, etc.
Quoting from the javacodegeeks "Advantages of using Volley :
Volley automatically schedule all network requests. It means that Volley will be taking care of all the network requests your app executes for fetching response or image from web.
Volley provides transparent disk and memory caching.
Volley provides powerful cancellation request API. It means that you can cancel a single request or you can set blocks or scopes of requests to cancel.
Volley provides powerful customization abilities.
Volley provides Debugging and tracing tools"
Update from dennisdrew :
For large file, better use a variant of volley which authorize using another http client implementation. This link gives more details :
The volley article about this modification :
The github file detail :
public class FetchDataFromDBThread implements Runnable {
* Defines the code to run for this task.
public void run() {
// Moves the current Thread into the background

