Challenging other players using Facebook API with the same data - android

I'm in course of developing an application, which basically is a quiz. I store all the questions on an external server, and fetch them as JSON files. I'd like to implement some Facebook features, most importantly the possibility of challenging other players. However, in order to compare the results, I'd like that other user to use the same set of questions in a current game, as I do - situation similar as in SongPop, where two players guess the same songs. I'm not sure though if it's possible for a standard Android app, not Facebook app like SongPop. I'm looking for a way of somehow sending a 'data pack' to him, containing the questions I have for the current challenge.

Create a Question Set which is a collection of Questions.
e.g. QuestionSet1 will contain Question2, Question4, Question5.
You can just send QuestionSet1 to the user being challenged. e.g.
On your server, if the url contains the parameter 'questionsetid', that meets you'll get the questions from the Question Set.


How to make agent learn something dynamically?

I am currently using , to create agent to perform specific tasks, but one question i don't have answer to is , can i make it learn something while chatting , mean that i speak my name is 'John Cena' and she should store it and then whenever i ask her again bot should answer me that. i know there is a way to do it by logging into web and manually add entries , but it will not help, is there any work around programmatically or automatically ? the file i've been using to practice is given in github . and here is working DEMO
You basically need for your bot to "learn" facts. There are many different ways to achieve this, but recently the most common way is to arrange knowledge into Semantic "Triples" and store the knowledge into a Graph repository (like Neo4j, Titan, Spark Graph, etc). In your example, "my name is John Cena" would translate into a Triple like ("anubava","Name","John Cena"). That way, the next time you are logged in as anubhava and ask "What is my name?", it would translate into a Graph search that will return "John Cena". A word of caution, achieving this is not trivial and would require some significant amount of fine tuning. For more info, you can check here and here.
Finally, most complete solutions (that I know of), are Server Side solutions. If you want for the whole knowledge base to reside in your mobile device, you could probably use the resources there as inspiration, and build your own Linked Data repository using an embedded database.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
To store and recall the user's name, you'll need to set up a webhook with some basic data persistence capabilities. Any database or key-value store would work fine.
Here's the breakdown:
Implement webhook fulfillment for the intent that captures the user's name. The webhook should store the name along with a unique, identifying ID that you should supply from your front-end in either the sessionId or as a context parameter in your call to /query.
Implement webhook fulfillment for the intent that reads the user's name. The webhook should look up the name by ID and return a response that tells the user their name.
The high-level docs for writing a fulfillment webhook are here:

Best method to store and read data from a cloud source in Android?

The situation: I have many real life locations with specific information associated with them, and updated frequently. I am unsure of how to store this information for use in an android application.
My original thought was storing the data on some server/cloud source/database, reading from the server from each Activity in the app to make sure the info is up to date, and update the server with any changes that may or may not have been made.
For example: there are 200 people inside the library, one person leaves.
So we would read the number of people from the server, display this on the app, person leaves, subtract one, send the new number back to the server.
Would this be an incorrect approach? I'm fairly new to Android in general, and I really have no experience on how to approach this type of situation, what services to use, etc.
I would look into using Parse, its a pretty sweet way to power the backend, and their website is very detailed in explaining how to use it.

Android: working with the Twitter search api

I'm working on an Android app that works intensively with the Twitter search api, retrieving twitts that contain certain keywords, and then tokenizing other words in them. My question is the following: form an architectural point of view, is it better to do all the work inside the app or to retrieve the information from a webservice? (I was considering this last option at f
first, but I'm afraid that even caching the results wouldn't be enough to bypass the limit rates of the Twitter api).

ContentProvider appropriate for very dynamic data?

I'm an Android newbie, learning the SDK by creating some basic apps. I'm currently working on an app that will display content from a news aggregator with news items and comments on each item. Each news item has an 'id', and many comments associated with it.
Each results page will have a 'before' and 'after' reference id to the news item at the beginning of the page and the end, respectively. So each 'query' will be something like '/?before=$ID' or '/?after=$ID'.
It seems like ContentProviders are the preferred way to store data on android. However, the content of the site changes so much that I question whether or not using a ContentProvider would be wise.
I appreciate any insight.
Well content providers are used by the e-mail app to hold e-mail, gmail to store and sync its mail messages, gtalk and contacts to keep track of the people you know and their chat status, etc.
I am not sure just how dynamic you are thinking, but those are all pretty dynamic.
One way to look at it -- a content provider is just an API to access structured data across processes. If that API serves your purpose, well that's a good sign. The other aspect to them is that usually they are implemented on top of a SQLite database, and that is the easiest way to implement them because there is a lot of framework support for that. So you will most likely be using a SQLite database for your content provider impl. Is a database dynamic enough for you?

How to best add a comment/rating system to an android app

I already published an android app where you can see a list of specific objects and detailed informations about them. The list changes every day but some of the objects can appear again.
The application is communicating with a PHP server over HTTP and periodically pulls the list of objects.
I now plan to extend the app to make it possible to rate the objects and add a comment similar to how it is done in the android market. I'd like to avoid forcing the user to sign up for an account for being able to comment.
I see two problems:
The comment-system could be abused by spammers
A comment could be added from another system
So my questions are:
How to protect the system from spam?
How to authenticate the application with the server?
How do I limit the number of comments to one per user and object?
What about the androids device id? Is it unique enough to use it as identifier for the user?
Which other problems do you see?
2020 Commenting/Rating/Reviews Options
Since Socialize is out, here are a few options you can explore:
Build your own comment/rating implementation. Personally I love reddit and how it handles nested comments and ratings. Here's a library I found that implements it beautifully. Please note you'll need to tie this with a cloud-database. This is based on groupie. Article & implementation. Many ways to do this -
Disqus - SDK's coming soon to iOS and Android.
BazaarVoice - commercial
Social Networks SDKs like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Personally I dislike this as we'll need to authenticate users with respective networks to use the APIs. It's like we are shipping off users of our apps to social networks. If you don't have a problem with that - then it might be for you
Legacy Option in 2014:
You can try out Socialize SDK which is open-source and a really good SDK for the rating and commenting you are looking for. It already has a well-functioning Commenting system built-in along with a 'like/love' facility and sharing to FB and Twitter. Each 'entity' (object in your case) can have metadata associated with it. So all you have to do is construct/use a rating widget, then send that rating with the entity attached to your object. To display your rating/comment is as simple as retrieving them from Socialize.
Each object (element from your app) should be associated with an entity which has a unique key in the form of a URL - sort of like a primary key to recognize your items. This entity can have meta-data - any data that you can insert on behalf of your object. Once you do that, you can retrieve that metadata any time you want.
I've been using Socialize for around a year now. They've matured over this period and are always aspiring to be the best at what they do.
Look at the Socialize Bar at the bottom. Its can be customized to your needs.
What's more - Socialize is free.
As for your questions:
There is comment moderation built into the Socialize Web Component
where you can filter out anything you feel is out of place.
Socialize allows you to authenticate through Facebook and Twitter.
Limiting to one comment per user can be achieved by using their User
and Comments API.
Socialize has both Anonymous authentication as well as Social A/c
authentication. I believe you can remove anonymous auth. So that
ensure that every user is authenticated before rating/commenting.
For authentication, you could use OpenID like StackOverflow does or Facebook authentication. Once you have them authentication, it shoud be easy to limit the number of comments to one per user per object. As far as spam, you could follow StackOverflow's model and allow users to vote comments up or down or flag as spam. Perhaps users with comments that have been voted up would have more power and be able to flag comments as spam.
You'll need some sort of rate limiting. I've used this one in this example before.
So you need a table with the user's ID and how many api calls they have left, and then when their last api call was. Then use the algorithm to update the values in the table every time a method is called.
Read through this, I think it should be possible to create an UUID for every case:
And then keep a hidden api key which is hard coded, or at least get's everytime calculated the same or in enigma style influenced by the time it is used. But you will be never be sure, that it won't be find out by crackers/hackers and maybe abused, you will always have this Problem.
Authenticate with the UUID of the user + api-key.

