How to display the logcat of android emulator on travis-ci? - android

I got an Android project on GitHub that uses Travis-ci for continuous integration.
Builds currently fail and I need to display the logcat of the emulator to find more details about the problem that occurs during the automated build.
I tried to add both :
- adb logcat
- adb logcat
But both commands never get executed.
Maybe this is due to travis-ci java project builds that execute a mvn install command before the real script is executed and both commands don't get executed... I am really stuck. Any help would be appreciated.

I think you already dont need it but I'll try to answer the question.
You need add the --all flag otherwise these packages were not available.
Google deprecated the -p --obsolete flag and only suggested (newer) packages are available without -a --all flag.
See missing build-tools - line 56
echo "y" | android update sdk --filter platform-tools,build-tools-17.0.0,android-16,extra-android-support,$ANDROID_SDKS --no-ui --force > /dev/null
Error: Missing platform-tools
Error: Missing platform-tools
Error: Ignoring unknown package filter 'build-tools-17.0.0'
Currently latest platform-tools are suggested always without --all flag but:
$ ./android update sdk -u -t build-tools-17.0.0
Error: Ignoring unknown package filter 'build-tools-17.0.0'
Warning: The package filter removed all packages. There is nothing to install.
Please consider trying to update again without a package filter.
$ ./android update sdk -a -u -t build-tools-17.0.0
Packages selected for install:
- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 17
Probably the lack of build-tools and android-17 platform are the cause of Properties file not found.
And I saw here a work around for travis-lint, I don't use it.
This is the current work around I use for logs, needs be improved but works, -e for emulator. You need custom your MOD_NAME.
# adb -e: direct an adb command to the only running emulator. Return an error if more than one.
# - echo 'LOGCAT'
# Check logcat debug output:
# Check debugging log:
# Comment the lines belows to debug output and redirect it to a file. Custom tags for your app.
- adb -e logcat *:W | tee logcat.log > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# - echo 'FAILURE'
# Check apt configuration:
# Comment out the lines below to show log about tests with app name customized on exports section.
- sudo apt-get install -qq lynx
- export MOD_NAME=yourappmodulename
- export LOG_DIR=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/${MOD_NAME}/build/outputs/reports/androidTests/connected/
- lynx --dump ${LOG_DIR} > myConnectedDevice.log
- lynx --dump ${LOG_DIR} > myTesting.log
- for file in *.log; do echo "$file"; echo "====================="; cat "$file"; done || true
# Uncomment the line below to kill adb and show logcat output.
- echo " LOGCAT "; echo "========"; cat logcat.log; pkill -KILL -f adb
I'm looking for a pre-installed alternative to lynx because sudo is not available using container-based infrastructure and cat is really for concatenate files, if anyone knows to improve it, thanks.

After some additional attempts, I can get logcat via either one :
#build 25
#run all tests
- mvn clean install -DskipTests=false
#build 26
- adb logcat &
in before_install travis phase.
I by pass the mvn install -DskipTests=true of Travis. Nevertheless I couldn't get any way to get the logcat during a regular build. Any idea ?


Set environment in AWS codebuild for Android build

I am trying install Android environment in AWS server.
Here it is buildspec.yml file that contain set of command to install
Android SDK, NDK and gradlew for generate android build .
SDK and NDK for Android successfully downloaded and installed at AWS Ubuntu system. Even I can see a log for ./gradlew build that build
version: 0.1
- echo Nothing to do in the install phase...
- sudo apt-get -y install wget
- echo Nothing to do in the pre_build phase...
- wget
- tar zxvf android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz
- mkdir -p android-sdk-linux/licenses
- cp android-sdk-license ./android-sdk-linux/licenses/
- echo sdk.dir='pwd'/android-sdk-linux >
- wget
- unzip
- export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=`pwd`/android-ndk-r13b
- export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}
- echo "sdk.dir=$ANDROID_HOME" >
- echo "ndk.dir=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME" >>
- root/./gradlew --debug --stacktrace build
- root/./gradlew assemble
- echo Build completed on `date`
- Monoca/app/**/*
While I try to execute ./gradlew assemble command for Android build it can generate application file (.apk) in Android output directory in Android Studio
but unfortunately it's not working in AWS CodeBuild environment.
Anyone have deep insight regarding this issue ? Please suggest if you find anything wrong in set up part.
I have followed this tutorial for AWS CodeBuild.
I think the problem here is with propagating the environment variable values across commands that CodeBuild does not follow. CodeBuild executes each commands in fresh shell. The last 2 commands would essentially set sdk.dir and ndk.dir variables to be empty (you can validate this by running cat
- echo "sdk.dir=$ANDROID_HOME" >
- echo "ndk.dir=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME" >>
The right approach here would be to move your build logic to a script that gets executed from the buildspec.yml
- ./
Not use the environment variables to set variables in, but use paths instead.
- echo sdk.dir='pwd'/android-ndk-r13b >
- echo ndk.dir='pwd'/android-ndk-r13b >>
I hope this helps.

Installation is not happening according to Docker file

I am running a calabash-android test using docker. When I build the container with my docker file it seems like nothing executing except the first line. When I check whether ruby installed or not it shows the ruby version. Apart from that nothing is working. I am adding the docker file structure here.
# Docker file to run Calabash for android automation testing.
FROM ruby:2.1-onbuild
# install Android SDK dependencies
RUN apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
# Install android sdk
RUN wget
RUN tar -xvzf android-sdk_r23-linux.tgz
RUN mv android-sdk-linux /usr/local/android-sdk
RUN rm android-sdk_r23-linux.tgz
# Install Android tools
RUN echo y | /usr/local/android-sdk/tools/android update sdk --filter platform,tool,platform-tool,extra,addon-google_apis-google-19,addon-google_apis_x86-google-19,build-tools-19.1.0 --no-ui -a
#install calabash-android
RUN gem install calabash-android
ENV ANDROID_HOME /usr/local/android-sdk
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
I have followed this link to implement the Docker file. Since this is for the first time I am setting up docker for android haven't the faintest idea whether it is proper or not. Someone please help to fix the issue. All kinda helps are appreciated.
I get this response for the docker build
Step 0 : FROM ruby:2.1-onbuild
# Executing 4 build triggers
Trigger 0, COPY Gemfile /usr/src/app/
Step 0 : COPY Gemfile /usr/src/app/ Gemfile: no such file or directory
First, as long as the docker build does not execute all the steps, it is perfectly expected to not see anything installed.
Second, the ONBUILD directives from the ruby:2.1-onbuild are made to complete the image when building a new one from said image.
As I mention before, you can try first using
FROM ruby:2.3.0
That does not require extra onbuild trigger.

Android emulator on Travis CI showing > hasTests[test(AVD) - 4.4.2] FAILED even though tests present

I've read through > hasTests[test(AVD) - 5.0] FAILED and I am having a very similar problem. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to discern what the actual solution to that problem was, given all of the discussion the solution author gave.
Essentially, I have the following .travis.yml file:
language: android
- build-tools-21.1.0
- android-19
- extra-google-google_play_services
- extra-google-m2repository
- extra-android-m2repository
- addon-google_apis-google-19
- addon-google_apis-google-21
- sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-19
- echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-19 --abi armeabi-v7a
- emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &
- cat `which android-wait-for-emulator`
- android-wait-for-emulator
- adb shell input keyevent 82 &
script: ./gradlew clean build connectedCheck
When I push, and travis builds the appropriate .apk, I end up with the following log:
If I run ./gradlew clean build installDebug, the build turns out fine, so it doesn't appear to be an issue with the timeout being too short in the android-wait-for-emulator script (also, it's using the newer version, I've checked - see the cat which android-wait-for-emulator command in the .travis.yml.
Additionally, I do have a single test in my source repository, and running ./gradlew clean build connectedCheck on my local development machine (with a phone attached) works fine.
This just started happening since I updated gradle to 2.2.1 and updated the build tools to 21.1.0. However, I have another project using the exact same .travis.yml that isn't failing for some reason.
My application has the following directory structure:
- WageBase/
- src/
- androidTest/
- java/
- com.thisclicks.wagebase/ <- Test Sources
- main/
- java/
- com.thisclicks.wagebase/ <- App sources
It appears that if I run this on a local emulator, it also fails with the same error. I used the same configuration as in Travis, i.e.:
$ echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-19 --abi armeabi-v7a
$ emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &
$ adb wait-for-device
$ ./gradlew connectedCheck
About Unable to find instrumentation target package: com.thisclicks.wagebase:
If wagebase is a Project Library, check the first response, otherwise the second response here:
You have to create and setup an Application Project that depends on
the Library Project, in order to test the Library Project.
When you create android test project remember to set good target
<manifest xmlns:android=""
package="com.example.test" <-------------------
If you run gradle installDebug --debug you'll know more about the error (share the log here), perhaps an installation issue. And you can show androidTest logs as I do here, line 3848
cat ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/*/build/outputs/androidTest-results/connected/*
About dependencies, I think that you don't need extra-google-google_play_services included in extra-google-m2repository. You can check a working travis.yml file for google apis here.
- build-tools-21.1.2
- android-21
- addon-google_apis-google-21
- extra-google-m2repository
- extra-android-m2repository
- sys-img-armeabi-v7a-addon-google_apis-google-21
- echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t "Google Inc.:Google APIs:21" --abi google_apis/armeabi-v7a

How to install Android SDK Build Tools on the command line?

I want to setup the Android dev environment from command line, and encounter the following issue:
after extract the file, run
tools/android update sdk --no-ui
However, it is too slow on running
The result is that nothing in folder build-tools, and I want is aapt and apkbuilder, since I want to build apk from command line without ant.
By default, the SDK Manager from the command line does not include the build tools in the list. They're in the "obsolete" category. To see all available downloads, use
android list sdk --all
And then to get one of the packages in that list from the command line, use:
android update sdk -u -a -t <package no.>
Where -u stands for --no-ui, -a stands for --all and -t stands for --filter.
If you need to install multiple packages do:
android update sdk -u -a -t 1,2,3,4,..,n
Where 1,2,..,n is the package number listed with the list command above
As mentioned in other answers, you can use the --filter option to limit the installed packages:
android update sdk --filter ...
The other answers don't mention that you can use constant string identifiers instead of indexes (which will change) for the filter options. This is helpful for unattended or scripted installs. Man for --filter option:
... This also accepts the identifiers returned by 'list sdk --extended'.
android list sdk --all --extended :
Packages available for installation or update: 97
id: 1 or "tools"
Type: Tool
Desc: Android SDK Tools, revision 22.6.2
id: 2 or "platform-tools"
Type: PlatformTool
Desc: Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 19.0.1
id: 3 or "build-tools-19.0.3"
Type: BuildTool
Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.3
Then you can use the string ids as the filter options to precisely specify the versions you want:
android update sdk --filter tools,platform-tools,build-tools-19.0.3 etc
Version 25.2.3 (and higher) of Android SDK Tools package contains new tool - sdkmanager - which simplifies this task of installing build-tools from the command line.
It is located in android_sdk/tools/bin folder.
Usage (from documentation):
List installed and available packages:
sdkmanager --list [options] \
[--channel=channel_id] // Channels: 0 (stable), 1 (beta), 2 (dev), or 3 (canary)
Use the channel option to include a package from a channel up to and including channel_id. For example, specify the canary channel to list packages from all channels.
Install packages:
sdkmanager packages [options]
The packages argument is an SDK-style path, wrapped in quotes (for
example, "build-tools;25.0.0" or "platforms;android-25"). You can
pass multiple package paths, separated with a space, but they must
each be wrapped in their own set of quotes.
Example usage (on my Mac):
alex#mbpro:~/sdk/tools/bin$ ls ../../build-tools/
alex#mbpro:~/sdk/tools/bin$ ./sdkmanager "build-tools;25.0.2"
alex#mbpro:~/sdk/tools/bin$ ls ../../build-tools/
25.0.0/ 25.0.2/
You can also specify various options, for example to force all connections to use HTTP (--no_https), or in order to use proxy server (--proxy_host=address and --proxy_port=port).
To check the available options, use the --help flag. On my machine (Mac), the output is as following:
alex#mbpro:~/sdk/tools/bin$ ./sdkmanager --help
sdkmanager [--uninstall] [<common args>] \
[--package_file <package-file>] [<packages>...]
sdkmanager --update [<common args>]
sdkmanager --list [<common args>]
In its first form, installs, or uninstalls, or updates packages.
<package> is a sdk-style path (e.g. "build-tools;23.0.0" or
<package-file> is a text file where each line is a sdk-style path
of a package to install or uninstall.
Multiple --package_file arguments may be specified in combination
with explicit paths.
In its second form (with --update), currently installed packages are
updated to the latest version.
In its third form, all installed and available packages are printed out.
Common Arguments:
--sdk_root=<sdkRootPath>: Use the specified SDK root instead of the SDK containing this tool
--channel=<channelId>: Include packages in channels up to <channelId>.
Common channels are:
0 (Stable), 1 (Beta), 2 (Dev), and 3 (Canary).
--include_obsolete: With --list, show obsolete packages in the
package listing. With --update, update obsolete
packages as well as non-obsolete.
--no_https: Force all connections to use http rather than https.
--proxy=<http | socks>: Connect via a proxy of the given type.
--proxy_host=<IP or DNS address>: IP or DNS address of the proxy to use.
--proxy_port=<port #>: Proxy port to connect to.
* If the env var REPO_OS_OVERRIDE is set to "windows",
"macosx", or "linux", packages will be downloaded for that OS.
ADB Build-Tools Will Not be downloaded automatically, by command android update sdk --no-ui
So for installing Buil-Tool type (in console):
android list sdk --all
Remember the number that is listed before the item and execute the following:
android update sdk -u --all --filter <number>
commands should be typed in /YourFolder/android-sdk-linux/tools
Also for remote folder (server opened by ssh for example) type:
**./android** list sdk --all
**./android** update sdk -u --all --filter <number>
For simple list of ADB packages type in terminal:
android list sdk
for install all packages:
android update sdk --no-ui
Or with filters (comma is separator):
android update sdk --no-ui --filter 3,5,8,14
A great source of information I came across while trying to install everything Android SDK related from the command line, was this Dockerfile. Inside the Dockerfile you can see that the author executes a single command to install platform tools and build tools without any other interaction. In the case the OP has put forth, the command would be adapted to:
echo y | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update sdk --all --filter build-tools-21.1.0 --no-ui
If you have sdkmanager installed (I'm using MAC)
run sdkmanager --list to list available packages.
If you want to install build tools, copy the preferred version from the list of packages available.
To install the preferred version run
sdkmanager "build-tools;27.0.3"
The "android" command is deprecated.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
If you do not need Android Studio, you can download the basic Android command line tools from in section Command line tools only.
from CLI it should be somfing like:
curl --output
wget --output-document
After that just unpack the archive to the target folder
And now we can install everything you need...
./tools/bin/sdkmanager --install 'build-tools;29.0.2' 'platform-tools' 'platforms;android-29' 'tools'
You can get a complete list of packages using the command ./tools/bin/sdkmanager --list
Some packages require acceptance of the license agreement. you can accept it interactively or just pass "y" to the input stream, like this(two agreements in case):
echo -ne "y\ny" | ./tools/bin/sdkmanager --install 'system-images;android-29;default;x86_64'
And of course, for your convenience, you can export variables such as ANDROID_HOME or ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (including doing it in ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile) or patch the PATH variable - all this is at your discretion.
Script example:
mkdir /opt/android-sdk
cd /opt/android-sdk
curl --output
echo -ne "y" | ./tools/bin/sdkmanager --install 'build-tools;29.0.2' 'platform-tools' 'platforms;android-29' 'tools'
curl(or wget) and unzip
if you see Warning: Could not create settings, you need to have the tools directory inside the cmdline-tools directory inside the ANDROID_HOME (create it if needed with this exact name) see Android Command line tools sdkmanager always shows: Warning: Could not create settings
I just had a heck of a time getting android sdk dependencies installed via command line and since the documentation that comes with the tools and online are woefully lacking, I thought I'd post what I discovered here.
I'm working with android sdk r24.4.1 for linux. There are two commands that you can run to list the available packages:
android list sdk
and the more exhaustive:
android list sdk --all
The package numbers for specific packages differ for each command above! For example, the former lists package API 23.1 revision 3 as package #3 and the latter lists it as #29.
Now, there are two different ways to install using the android command.
tools/android update sdk --no-ui --filter <package number>
tools/android update sdk -u -a -t <package number>
Given that the install commands each can take the package # as a parameter, which package number do you use? After much online searching and trial and error, I discovered that
android update sdk --no-ui --filter uses the package numbers from android list sdk
android update sdk -u -a -t uses the package numbers from android list sdk --all
In other words - to install API 23.1 revision 3 you can do either:
android update sdk --no-ui --filter 3
android update sdk -u -a -t 29
Crazy, but it works.
Most of the answers seem to ignore the fact that you may need to run the update in a headless environment with no super user rights, which means the script has to answer all the y/n license prompts automatically.
Here's the example that does the trick.
( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) \
| android update sdk --no-ui --all \
--filter ${FILTER}
No matter how many prompts you get, all of those will be answered. This while/sleep loop looks like simulation of the yes command, and in fact it is, well almost. The problem with yes is that it floods stdout with 'y' and there is virtually no delay between sending those characters and the version I had to deal with had no timeout option of any kind. It will "pollute" stdout and the script will fail complaining about incorrect input. The solution is to put a delay between sending 'y' to stdout, and that's exactly what while/sleep combo does.
expect is not available by default on some linux distros and I had no way to install it as part of my CI scripts, so had to use the most generic solution and nothing can be more generic than simple bash script, right?
As a matter of fact, I blogged about it (NSBogan), check it out for more details here if you are interested.
However, it is too slow on running
Yes, I've had the same problem. Some of the file downloads are extremely slow (or at least they have been in the last couple of days). If you want to download everything there's not a lot you can do about that.
The result is that nothing in folder build-tools, and I want is aapt and apkbuilder, since I want to build apk from command line without ant.
Did you let it run to completion?
One thing you can do is filter the packages that are being downloaded using the -t switch.
For example:
tools/android update sdk --no-ui -t platform-tool
When I tried this the other day I got version 18.0.0 of the build tools installed. For some reason the latest version 18.0.1 is not included by this filter and the only way to get it was to install everything with the --all switch.
I prefer to put a script that install my dependencies
Something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install JUST the required dependencies for the project.
# May be used for ci or other team members.
for I in android-25 \
build-tools-25.0.2 \
tool \
extra-android-m2repository \
extra-android-support \
extra-google-google_play_services \
do echo y | android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter $I ; done
I just had this problem, so I finally wrote a 1 line bash dirty solution by reading and parsing the list of aviable tools :
tools/android update sdk -u -t $(android list sdk | grep 'Android SDK Build-tools' | sed 's/ *\([0-9]\+\)\-.*/\1/')
Inspired from answers by #i4niac & #Aurélien Lambert, this is what i came up with
csv_update_numbers=$(./android list sdk --all | grep 'Android SDK Build-tools' | grep -v 'Obsolete' | sed 's/\(.*\)\- A.*/\1/'|sed '/^$/d'|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'| tr '\n' ',')
( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) \
| ./android update sdk --all -u -t $csv_update_numbers_without_trailing_comma
get a comma separated list of numbers which are the indexes of build tools packages in the result of android list sdk --all command (Ignoring obsolete packages).
keep throwing 'y's at the terminal every few miliseconds to accept the licenses.
Download android SDK from (its currently a 149mb file for windows OS). It is worthy of note that android has removed the sdkmanager GUI but has a command line version of the sdkmanager in the bin folder which is located inside the tools folder.
When inside the bin folder, hold down the shift key, right click, then select open command line here.
Shift+right click >> open command line here.
When the command line opens, type sdkmanager click enter.
Then run type sdkmanager (space), double hyphen (--), type list
sdkmanager --list (this lists all the packages in the SDK manager)
Type sdkmanager (space) then package name, press enter.
Eg. sdkmanager platform-tools (press enter)
It will load licence agreement. With options (y/n). Enter y to accept and it will download the package you specified.
For more reference follow official document here
I hope this helps. :)
Build tools could not be downloaded automatically by default as Nate said in post.
But I wrote small tool that make everything for you
I used "expect" tool as danb in post.
You only need android-sdk and python27, expect.
This script will install all build tools, all sdks and everything you need for automated build:
import subprocess,re,sys
w = subprocess.check_output(["android", "list", "sdk", "--all"])
lines = w.split("\n")
tools = filter(lambda x: "Build-tools" in x, lines)
filters = []
for tool in tools:
m ="^\s+([0-9]+)-", tool)
tool_no =
if len(filters) == 0:
raise Exception("Not found build tools")
filters.extend(['extra', 'platform', 'platform-tool', 'tool'])
filter = ",".join(filters)
expect= '''set timeout -1;
spawn android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter %s;
expect {
"Do you accept the license" { exp_send "y\\r" ; exp_continue }
}''' % (filter)
print expect
ret =["expect", "-c", expect])
As stated in other responses, the build tools requires the --all flag to be installed. You also better use a -t filter flag to avoid installing ALL the packages but there is no way to filter all the build tools.
There are already features requests for these two points in AOSP bug tracker. Feel free to vote for them, this might make them happen some day:
I tried this for update all, and it worked!
echo y | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update sdk --no-ui
1. List all packages
android list sdk --all
2. Install packages using following command
android update sdk -u -a -t package1, package2, package3 //comma seperated packages obtained using list command
android update sdk
This command will update and install all latest release for SDK Tools, Build Tools,SDK platform tools.
It's Work for me.
To setup android environment without installating the whole android studio :
Download JDK (version greater than 8)
Download gradle from
Download command line tools from scroll down and download command line tools only
Setup the necessary environment variables
Download the necessary SDK tools

Is there a way to automate the Android SDK installation?

Now I have to download and install the Android SDK and AVD Manager, and then install the APIs, tools through the UI. Is there a way to automate this process?
The latest versions introduce sdkmanager, a command line tool that allows you to view, install, update, and uninstall packages for the Android SDK.
The sdkmanager tool is provided in the Android SDK Tools package (25.2.3 and higher) and is located in android_sdk/tools/bin/.
sdkmanager [--uninstall] [<common args>] [--package_file <file>] [<packages>...]
sdkmanager --update [<common args>]
sdkmanager --list [<common args>]
sdkmanager --licenses [<common args>]
In its first form, installs, or uninstalls, or updates packages.
By default, the listed packages are installed or (if already installed)
updated to the latest version.
--uninstall: uninstalled listed packages.
<package> is a sdk-style path (e.g. "build-tools;23.0.0" or
<package-file> is a text file where each line is a sdk-style path
of a package to install or uninstall.
Multiple --package_file arguments may be specified in combination
with explicit paths.
In its second form (with --update), all installed packages are
updated to the latest version.
In its third form, all installed and available packages are printed
In its fourth form (with --licenses), show and offer the option to
accept licenses for all available packages that have not already been
Common Arguments:
--sdk_root=<sdkRootPath>: Use the specified SDK root instead of the SDK
containing this tool
--channel=<channelId>: Include packages in channels up to <channelId>.
Common channels are:
0 (Stable), 1 (Beta), 2 (Dev), and 3 (Canary).
--include_obsolete: With --list, show obsolete packages in the
package listing. With --update, update obsolete
packages as well as non-obsolete.
--no_https: Force all connections to use http rather than https.
--proxy=<http | socks>: Connect via a proxy of the given type.
--proxy_host=<IP or DNS address>: IP or DNS address of the proxy to use.
--proxy_port=<port #>: Proxy port to connect to.
* If the env var REPO_OS_OVERRIDE is set to "windows",
"macosx", or "linux", packages will be downloaded for that OS.
So, to update the packages run
sdkmanager --update
To accept the licenses,
yes | sdkmanager --licenses
(Please note: The android command is deprecated!)
The closer you can get to automation probably is:
android update sdk --no-ui
android provides these options for automatic updates:
Action "update sdk":
Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
-f --force Forces replacement of a package or its parts, even if something has been modified
-u --no-ui Updates from command-line (does not display the GUI)
-o --obsolete Installs obsolete packages
-t --filter A filter that limits the update to the specified types of packages in the form of
a comma-separated list of [platform, tool, platform-tool, doc, sample, extra]
-s --no-https Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS (the default) for downloads
-n --dry-mode Simulates the update but does not download or install anything
If you want to list which packages are available for installation you can use
android list sdk
And you'll obtain an ordered list of packages, for example
Packages available for installation or update: 9
1- ARM EABI v7a System Image, Android API 15, revision 2
2- Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 15, revision 1
3- Android Support, revision 8
4- Google AdMob Ads SDK, revision 6
5- Google Analytics SDK, revision 2
6- Google Play APK Expansion Library, revision 1
7- Google Play Billing Library, revision 2
8- Google Play Licensing Library, revision 2
9- Google Web Driver, revision 2
Also you can limit the update only to a desired component if you use the --filter option
android update sdk --filter <component> --no-ui
where component is one or more of
the numbers returned by android list sdk (i.e. 1, also know as package index)
Or can be one or more specific identifiers. For instance, if you just want to download a small set of specific packages, you could do this:
android update sdk -u --filter platform-tools,android-16,extra-android-support
And you'll just get the platform tools, API level 16 and support package JAR files. This is really handy if you're building a build machine only and would have to pay for downloading all the extra stuff that you'll never use.
To see the available options you can use --help, for example
android --help list sdk
android [global options] list sdk [action options]
Global options:
-h --help : Help on a specific command.
-v --verbose : Verbose mode, shows errors, warnings and all messages.
--clear-cache: Clear the SDK Manager repository manifest cache.
-s --silent : Silent mode, shows errors only.
Action "list sdk":
Lists remote SDK repository.
-o --obsolete : Deprecated. Please use --all instead.
-a --all : Lists all available packages (including obsolete and
installed ones)
--proxy-host: HTTP/HTTPS proxy host (overrides settings if defined)
--proxy-port: HTTP/HTTPS proxy port (overrides settings if defined)
-s --no-https : Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS (the default) for downloads.
-e --extended : Displays extended details on each package
-u --no-ui : Displays list result on console (no GUI) [Default: true]
This didn't work for me...
echo "y" | android ....
So I ended up here:
expect -c '
set timeout -1 ;
spawn sudo /opt/android-sdk/tools/android update sdk -u;
expect {
"Do you accept the license" { exp_send "y\r" ; exp_continue }
I use this to install and update the SDK on Travis CI:
curl --location | tar -x -z -C $HOME
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-linux
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) | android update sdk --no-ui --filter platform-tool,android-19,sysimg-19,build-tools-19.0.1
To answer all licenses with 'y', you can try this in the script:
(while :
echo 'y'
sleep 2
done) | android update sdk -u .....
For anyone still searching for a method to download all Android packages, I have wrote a script to do that. It will download all non-obsoleted packages.
# Install all non-obsolete Android SDK packages.
# author: Tai Le Tien (letientai299 at
function install_sdk {
android update sdk -u -s -a -t "$1"
function fetch_non_obsoled_package_indices {
# Fetch the SDK list using non-https connections
android list sdk -u -s -a |\
# Filter obsoleted packages
sed '/\(Obsolete\)/d' |\
# Filter to take only the index number of package
sed 's/^[ ]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' |\
# Remove the empty lines
sed -n 's/^[^ $]/\0/p'
for package_index in $(fetch_non_obsoled_package_indices)
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Start to install package: ${package_index}"
echo "====================================================================="
# Auto accept license
echo -e "y" | install_sdk "${package_index}"
You can also see it on my GitHub repository
The good:
Not depend on expect.
The downsides:
You still have to install basic SDK manually, and put android into your path.
The script only works on Unix.
In newer Android versions (e.g., 25.2.5) we should use sdkmanager (instead of the android command).
Example of installing a package:
android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager "extras;android;m2repository"
Command to get a list of all available packages:
android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --verbose --list
This web-page lists download links for the SDK-tools:
Here is a link to an open-source repository docker-android which can install android in a Docker image.
You may also find the answers in this SO question: Automatically accept all SDK licences useful.
Starting with Android Plugin for Gradle version 2.2.0, missing SDK components get downloaded automatically.
I got frustrated with this as well and built a Gradle plugin named com.quittle.setup-android-sdk that will detect and install what you need. It works on Windows, OS X, and Linux and doesn't require any additional dependencies if you build with Gradle.
If you're interested, you can checkout my documentation on it here:
To automate the sdkmanager.bat --licenses prompt away on Windows (say you're installing via automation for build infrastructure)... Don't run it. Don't waste time trying to figure out how to pipe y into it. I tried; abject fail.
Rather - run it one time, yourself, and take note that it generates files into C:\android\android-sdk\licenses (where you're running C:\android\android-sdk\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat - your install root may vary).
Take those files, and place them somewhere you can grab them from in your automated setup scripts. Personally, Ansible is my poison, so:
# Note to future-us:
# These are magical files generated by running `c:/android/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager.bat --licenses`
# This, delightfully, is interactive, and wants to _actually_ read the keyboard buffer.
# That's reputedly possible via SendKeys. I elected to not try that.
# So, instead:
# 1) remote to an instance like a cave-dweller
# 2) run `c:/android/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager.bat --licenses` in a prompt.
# 3) _actually type_ `y` however many godforsaken times you need to.
# 4) meticulously harvest `c:/android/android-sdk/licenses/*` to this task.
# (you don't need the newline that they thoughtfully put before the hash in each file).
- name: set up android licenses by hand
path: c:/android/android-sdk/licenses/{{ }}
line: "{{ item.line }}"
create: true
- {name: "android-googletv-license", line: "SOME HASH"}
- {name: "android-sdk-license", line: "SOME OTHER HASH"}
A script to download only needed, non-{obsolete, source, emulator-image, doc} packages:
set -e
# cd into where tools/android can be found
if [[ -d "$ANDROID_HOME" ]]; then
elif [[ -x "$(dirname "$0")/tools/android" ]]; then
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
echo "FAILED: Cannot find ANDROID_HOME/tools/android"
exit 1
android () {
"$(dirname $0)/tools/android" "$#"
needed_packages () {
android list sdk -u -s -e \
| grep '^id:' \
| cut -d'"' -f2 \
| grep -v 'source' \
| grep -v 'sys-img' \
| grep -v 'doc' \
| paste -d, -s -
main () {
(while : ; do
echo 'y'
sleep 1
done) | android update sdk -u -s -a -t "$(needed_packages)"
Some parts are taken from other answers.
For a newbie Android developer, but an experienced Java developer, it is really bewildering to know which dependencies, even if you get past all of the nightmares in the previous answers.
A colleague of mine advised me to use Android Studio (which is IntelliJ IDEA based :-) specifically because of the above nightmares.
I followed his advice.
But I did not accept the defaults for the installation, and tried to install it in a software drive of mine. It turned out to be a nightmare. The SDK dialogue seemed to hang and was not intuitive at all. Which is why I ended up here.
After reading the above, I gave Studio another try, and this time it accepted all the defaults for the installation.
Hey took care of all the SDK dependencies (core ones I am guessing) in a couple of dialogues without being prompted i.e., Ctrl + Shift + S and the SDK.
I would therefore recommend it for a newbie. Here the proof of the pudding as it downloads:
The version of Studio I downloaded and installed:
Version of windows:
And here after it did its good stuff:

