Send android local HTML forms via ajax to remote php server - android

Is there a way to send android local HTML forms via ajax to remote php server? (local means the files are in my device) My scenario is this: In my app, I have an html files in my android device and is loaded in a webview, i also have the javascript file in my device. What i want to do is to send the html forms data to a remote server. In my current situation, its not sending any data, I've check the javascript and php and the code is fine, and it's working on iOS version of the app. I've tried other workarounds and what I've observed is that, when i load html file in webview using local files (e.g. webview.loadUrl("file://"+ Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/android_asset/list.html"), the android is looking for all other related files (e.g. formsprocessor.php) locally, though in javascript/ajax all necessary arguments in it's functions are supplied properly. The errors i've encountered are: FileNotFound: content:// & Unknown chronium error: -6.
Is there a way or what is the best way to do this?
Thanks, Clint.

This solve my problem:
Used a javascripthandler, and in my javascript i call the function from the handler. So basically, the android handled the upload of data to server using httppost. Here's the codes;
the handler:
final class IJavascriptHandler{
public void sendJSONToAndroid(String text){
if(!Config.canConnect((ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE), home) && dialogNoConnFlag == false) {
dialogNoConnFlag = true;
Config.notificationMsg(Config.ERRORNOCONN,home, Config.TITLE1 + " " + Config.TITLE6);
try {
Log.v("SendToServer","Send JSON to Server");
String url = "";
JSONObject json_data = new JSONObject(text);
JSONArray names= json_data.names();
JSONArray values = json_data.toJSONArray(names);
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
for(int i = 0 ; i < values.length(); i++){
if(names.getString(i).equals("url")) {
url = json_data.getString(names.getString(i)).toString();
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair( names.getString(i).toString(), json_data.getString(names.getString(i)).toString()));
Config.uploadToServer(nameValuePairs, url);
catch (JSONException e)
Config.notificationMsg(Config.ERRORMSG + e.getMessage(), (Activity) home, Config.TITLE1 + " " + Config.TITLE6);
the httppost:
public static String uploadToServer(List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs, String url){
httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
httpclient = new MyHttpClient().getNewHttpClient();
((AbstractHttpClient) httpclient).getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(
new AuthScope(Session.siteIp, 443),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(Session.siteUsername, Session.sitePassword));
httppost = new HttpPost(url);
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
// Execute HTTP Post Request
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
catch (ClientProtocolException e)
return e.getMessage();
catch (IOException e)
return e.getMessage();
return null;
the javascript:
function CheckCompleteRecords() {
DB.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql(SelectCompleteForUploadStatement, [], function(tx, result) {
Dataset = result.rows;
for (var i = 0, item = null; i < Dataset.length; i++) {
item = Dataset.item(i);
var a = createJSON(item['FormName'],item['UserID'],item['Image1'],item['Image2'],item['Image3'],item['Image4'],item['Image5'],item['Field1'],item['Field2'],item['Field3'],item['Field4'],item['Field5'],item['Field6'],item['Field7'],item['Field8'],item['Field9'],item['Field10'],item['Field11'],item['Field12'],item['Field13'],item['Field14'],item['Field15'],item['Field16'],item['Field17'],item['Field18'],item['Field19'],item['Field20'],item['Field21'],item['Field22'],item['Field23'],item['Field24'],item['Field25'],item['Field26'],item['Field27'],item['Field28'],item['Field29'],item['Field30'],item['Field31'],item['Field32'],item['Field33'],item['Field34'],item['Field35'],item['Field36'],item['Field37'],item['Field38'],item['Field39'],item['Field40'],item['Field41'],item['Field42'],item['Field43'],item['Field44'],item['Field45'],item['Field46'],item['Field47'],item['Field48'],item['Field49'],item['Field50'],item['Field51'],item['Field52'],item['Field53'],item['Field54'],item['Field55'],item['Field56'],item['Field57'],item['Field58'],item['Field59'],item['Field60'],item['Field61'],item['Field62'],item['Field63'],item['Field64'],item['Field65'],item['Field66'],item['Field67'],item['Field68'],item['Field69'],item['Field70'],item['Field71'],item['Field72'],item['Field73'],item['Field74'],item['Field75'],item['Field76'],item['Field77'],item['Field78'],item['Field79'],item['Field80'],item['Field81'],item['Field82'],item['Field83'],item['Field84'],item['Field85'],item['Field86'],item['Field87'],item['Field88'],item['Field89'],item['Field90'],item['Field91'],item['Field92'],item['Field93'],item['Field94'],item['Field95'],item['Field96'],item['Field97'],item['Field98'],item['Field99'],item['Field100'],item['CurrentDateTime'],item['Geolocation'],item['BarCode']);
window.location = "senttoserver://app_action";


communication between server and android app

i try to send information from android app to server to save in data base my code runs correctly but no data saved in database and i didn't get any response. i don't know where is the mistake in my code
private class postData extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
// private final ProgressDialog dialog =, "",
// "Saving data to server. Please wait...", true);
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
// perform long running operation operation
// SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_FILE, 0);
//String server = settings.getString("server", "");
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("");
String json = "";
String responseStr="";
try {
// Add your data
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(1);
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("ticket", "welcome"));
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// Execute HTTP Post Request
// ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler=new BasicResponseHandler();
//String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httppost, responseHandler);
// if (Boolean.parseBoolean(responseBody)) {
// dialog.cancel();
// }
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
responseStr = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.i("HTTP Failed", e.toString());
return responseStr;
protected void onPostExecute(String responseStr) {
// Update your Button here
my code in server
public function check_user(Request $request){
$ticket = new ticket;// this line responsible to set data in database
$ticket->ticket = $request->ticket;
return response()->json(['data','true']);
In your server, do
$ticket = new ticket;// this line responsible to set data in database
$ticket->ticket = $request->ticket;
$ticket->save(); //<-- this line will save
Or in one go
$ticket = Ticket::create([
'ticket' => $request->ticket
Now, make sure you call your ticket class properly. Not sure whether it's capital T (Ticket) or lowercase (ticket).
Since it's not working, you need to debug it step by step to see where the bottleneck is. First, in your function, simply do
return response()->json($request->ticket);
//This will prove that the request makes it to the server
Once you are sure you request makes it to the server, try to manually save something like
'ticket' => 'random string'
You can call this function directly from your browser to test if it works. If nothing is saved in the db, make sure you have a $fillable array in your model and that you can connect properly to the db.

Handling HTTP Get/ Delete Android using REST

I m implementing a REST based HTTP server in Android. The server responds for GET, DELETE and POST requests. Two android devices communicate using HTTP Post (I m using a service, where a device keeps listening on a port and post to next device and this keeps going on).
I m testing the GET and DELETE using Mozilla Poster. Should I add a separate socket/port to handle the same? Because when I try now, sometimes I get timeout error or no response found. However, I am able to see server response in Logcat window. Please help me.
Code to handle GET request:
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(getFilesDir()+File.separator+"script.json")));
String read;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");
while((read = reader.readLine()) != null)
String JSONContents = builder.toString();
JSONObject jsonObject;
try {
jsonObject = new JSONObject(JSONContents);
String name = jsonObject.getString("name");
JSONObject stateObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("state");
String stateValue = stateObject.getString("value");
HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, 200, "OK");
response.setEntity(new StringEntity("State is:" + stateValue));
HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, 404, "Not Found");
response.setEntity(new StringEntity("The requested resource " + target + " could not be found due to mismatch!!"));
} catch (JSONException e) {
HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, 404, "Not Found");
response.setEntity(new StringEntity("The requested resource " + target + " could not be found!!"));
The link has a very good example. I missed conn.close() in my code.

Android SSL Certificate Authentication (with the Android KeyChain API) to a WCF Service

I have big problems with getting the certificates running under android.
I have an android client which connects to a WCF-Service.
I think the problem is, that the certificates are not transfered. I get an error message:
403 forbidden (in the response). I really hope you can help me.
=> in my android client
In internet explorer, it works just fine => status 200
I found this article:
"A common use of the private key is for SSL client authentication. This can be implemented by using an HttpsURLConnection with a custom X509KeyManager that returns the PrivateKey retrieved from the KeyChain API. The open source Email application for ICS uses KeyChain with an X509ExtendedKeyManager. To learn more, have a look at the source code (in"
I have checked out the SSLUtils class and I am trying to use it.
Here is some code:
private void setHttpsAdvanced() {
HostAuth ht = new HostAuth();
ht.mPort = 443;
ht.mClientCertAlias = "jensZert";
HttpParams params = getHttpParams();
MyThreadSafeClientConnManager ccm = MyThreadSafeClientConnManager
.newInstance(params, true, 443);
try {
MyThreadSafeClientConnManager.makeScheme(true, false,
ccm.registerClientCert(getApplicationContext(), ht);
// checkCertificate(ht.mClientCertAlias);
} catch (CertificateException e) {
Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage());
this.httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);
connectionInfo = this.getConnectionInfo();
this.url = String.format("%1$s://%2$s/%3$s/%4$s",
connectionInfo.Protocol, connectionInfo.ServerName,
connectionInfo.WebserviceName, connectionInfo.Path);
httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
private String callTheWebserviceCertificate() {
String result = "";
HttpResponse response = null;
try {
response = (HttpResponse) this.httpclient.execute(httpGet);
result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
result = e.getMessage() + "\n";
for (StackTraceElement el : e.getStackTrace()) {
result += el.toString() + "\n";
Log.d(TAG, result);
return result;

DefaultHttpClient change response size?

What I try to do
Hello Guys, I'm trying to create an App in which I can view the Orders the Customers gave to me. For this I created a interface on my server, on which I can send post/get/set request's. The response of the Server is in JSON-Format. (For your Information atm only dummydata is filled in)
Now when I do a get request from my app to the server, I get a response from it but it isn't complete about the half of the response I should get isn't there! :( But when I open the URL with the Get-Request in my browser, I get the full response.
Like you see it can't be a server-based problem, because I also tryed via 'curl' to do this get requst, and allways got the full response.
In my App i work with the DefaultHttpClient, so I tought the Problem simply could be that there's a limit for the response but I didn't found it.
So where can I change this "response-size" and what else could be the problem why I don't get the full response! Some good code-snippets or whatever you can imagine would help!
Down here you'll find the code of the Methode which does the Get-Request.
If you need more Code, just write it in the comments!
public void getOrders() {
Log.d("DataHandlerService", "Aufträge werden geladen");
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
String userid = settings.getString("userid", "uid");
Log.d("DataHandlerService", userid);
// Download-URL
String URL = "" + userid
+ "/assignments.json";
Log.d("Request-URL", URL);
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse response;
try {
HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
request.setURI(new URI(URL));
response = client.execute(request);
int statuscode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
switch (statuscode) {
case 200:
if (response != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity()
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(line + "\n");
String result;
result = sb.toString();
Log.d("Response", result);
JSONReader(result); //here the json will be generated
case 500:
// Error-Handling
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("DataHandler", "URLConnection-Error" + e);
Here's the Response you asked for, like you see a part of it isn't there!:
[{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:00Z","end_datetime":"2008-03-25T13:00:00Z","id":2127,"start_datetime":"2008-03-25T13:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:00Z","title":"2127 Foobar","referee_forename":"Peter","referee_surname":"Gertsch","referee_full_name":"Peter Gertsch","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:03Z","end_datetime":"2008-04-04T12:00:00Z","id":2134,"start_datetime":"2008-04-04T12:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:03Z","title":"2134 Foobar","referee_forename":"Daniel","referee_surname":"Brunner","referee_full_name":"Daniel Brunner","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:03Z","end_datetime":"2008-04-07T12:00:00Z","id":2136,"start_datetime":"2008-04-07T12:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:03Z","title":"2136 Foobar","referee_forename":"Andreas","referee_surname":"Lutz","referee_full_name":"Andreas Lutz","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - technisches problem"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","end_datetime":"2008-05-22T07:00:00Z","id":2144,"start_datetime":"2008-05-22T07:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","title":"2144 Foobar","referee_forename":"Pascal","referee_surname":"Pichand","referee_full_name":"Pascal Pichand","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","end_datetime":"2008-05-15T07:00:00Z","id":2145,"start_datetime":"2008-05-15T07:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","title":"2145 Foobar","referee_forename":"Hansruedi","referee_surname":"W\u00fcrgler","referee_full_name":"Hansruedi W\u00fcrgler","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","end_datetime":"2008-05-26T08:00:00Z","id":2146,"start_datetime":"2008-05-26T08:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","title":"2146 Foobar","referee_forename":"Martina","referee_surname":"Issler","referee_full_name":"Martina Issler","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","end_datetime":"2008-06-03T14:00:00Z","id":2147,"start_datetime":"2008-06-03T14:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:08Z","title":"2147 Foobar","referee_forename":"Matthias ","referee_surname":"Kuhn","referee_full_name":"Matthias Kuhn","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:12Z","end_datetime":"2008-07-07T07:00:00Z","id":2157,"start_datetime":"2008-07-07T07:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:12Z","title":"2157 Foobar","referee_forename":"Eberhard","referee_surname":"Polatzek","referee_full_name":"Eberhard Polatzek","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:13Z","end_datetime":"2008-07-11T08:00:00Z","id":2161,"start_datetime":"2008-07-11T08:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:13Z","title":"2161 Foobar","referee_forename":"Magali","referee_surname":"Bohin","referee_full_name":"Magali Bohin","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:14Z","end_datetime":"2008-07-25T08:30:00Z","id":2163,"start_datetime":"2008-07-25T08:30:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:14Z","title":"2163 Foobar","referee_forename":"(Hotel Centrum Griesalp)","referee_surname":"Haltenegg Betriebs AG","referee_full_name":"(Hotel Centrum Griesalp) Haltenegg Betriebs AG","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:16Z","end_datetime":"2008-08-07T09:00:00Z","id":2170,"start_datetime":"2008-08-07T09:00:00Z","updated_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:16Z","title":"2170 Foobar","referee_forename":".","referee_surname":"SAC Hollandiah\u00fctte","referee_full_name":". SAC Hollandiah\u00fctte","category_title":"Installation - SAT","status_title":"Closed - Erfolgreich"},{"created_at":"2012-01-06T17:10:16Z","end_datetime":"2009-05-07T06:30:00Z","i
Ah. Right, the problem isn't your connection or anything like that. Your service is returning an array - not an object - thus you should parse it like this:
HttpResponse response = ...
if (.. validate status ..) {
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(HttpEntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));
// Your JSONArray is now ready to play with.
And consider using an AsyncTask instead of a Thread, like this:
class AssignmentsTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, JSONArray> {
protected JSONArray doInBackground(String... params) {
final String url = "" + params[0]
+ "/assignments.json";
try {
HttpResponse response = mClient.execute(new HttpGet(url));
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
return new JSONArray(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Error receiving assignments for " + params[0] + ", " + response.getStatusLine());
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Proto: Error fetching assignments for " + params[0], e);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "IO: Error reading assignments for " + params[0], e);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Parse: Error parsing assignments for " + params[0], e);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "JSON: Error parsing JSON for " + params[0], e);
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(JSONArray result) {
// Stuff that handles the resulting JSONObject on
// the UI-thread goes here (i.e. update View:s)
// result is null if the operation failed
And to retrieve an order for the user "116":
new AssignmentsTask().execute("116");
The response size should be given by the web server you are contacting. You could read the response size using :
Also, what can happen is a connection timeout, making it impossible for the client to receive all data of the response. In that case, try using a timeout that is long enough to be sure you get all the data.
If your json is too large, then it's not a good idea in a mobile context to expect all the data coming in a single request, you could then have to design a web server that could give you chunks of a response, you would then require the first chunk, then the a different one, etc..
Usually, the http protocole's partial content is the answer for that problem.

Problems running deployed apps on Google AppEngine

I have written a web application to run on Google AppEngine using the Restlet framework, communicating using json with web clients. Those work as expected. However, one specific resource written to provide response to an Android client doesn't work when accessed through Android. However, it does work when accessed through a web browser (I do not send the request parameters from the browser and thus get a 400 which is ok in this case).
This code works when running on the DevAppServer:
public class PlayResource extends ServerResource {
private final float SCOREBASE = 1000.0F;
public JsonRepresentation play() {
try {
JsonRepresentation rep = new JsonRepresentation(getRequestEntity());
JSONObject inputJson = rep.getJsonObject();
JSONObject outputJson = new JSONObject();
String country = inputJson.optString("country");
outputJson.put("country", doSomething("country",country));
return new JsonRepresentation(outputJson);
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
return new JsonRepresentation(
new JSONObject()
.put(Messages.TYPE_ERROR, Messages.BAD_REQUEST));
} catch (JSONException e2) {
return null;
} catch (JSONException e) {
try {
return new JsonRepresentation(
new JSONObject()
.put(Messages.TYPE_ERROR, Messages.BAD_FORMAT));
} catch (JSONException e2) {
return null;
and the client Android device is running this code:
Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
try {
JsonRepresentation requestJSON = new JsonRepresentation(new JSONObject()
.put("country", country.trim())
Request req = new Request(Method.GET,"http://****",requestJSON);
Response resp = client.handle(req);
String res = resp.getEntity().getText();
JSONObject resultJSON = new JSONObject(res);
Running this request just hangs the Android client, the server doesn't write any log messages whatsoever suggesting the request doesn't arrive there.
It seems that it's more a Appengine/Java issue than an android issue, but...let's try something else:
instead of using Client and the stuff u are using, first just try to see what the server responds to the simplest connection (as you do in a web browser):
URL url;
try {
url = new URL("");
String content = (String) url.getContent();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
If it works and you get your expeted 400, if so...try to send an httppostrequest with the this:
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpUriRequest httpRequest = new HttpPost("");
//set the content type to json
httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//get and work with the response
HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(httpRequest);
Let me know if the answer was useful

