I have a question about android MediaPlayer class
As I've seen that MediaPlayer by default continues to run when the user switches to background mode.
But what I have seen here Media Playback .. They stated that if we want to make MediaPlayer plays in background, we must use Services.
I want to know why I should use services if it is already playing in background
Best regards
Activities are very fickle, if android runs out of memory it will start to kill off backgrounded tasks/activities with onDestroy(). Once that method is called your mediaPlayer will be destroyed and will stop playing. Services, however, are given a higher priority than backgrounded activities and android will avoid destroying them for as long as it can, probably never.
I am developing a video call app, and all of my camera, networking, encoding, decoding and audio are running in my activity.
The main problem is that whenever the user locks their screen or switches apps, the activity is shut down and I lose the call.
I've tried wakelocks, notifications, foreground services, nothing keeps my activity alive past Android 10.
Any suggestions?
It is normal for the activity to disappear when the memory is insufficient. You need to use the foreground service to keep the program. Just like the music player, they all use the foreground service.
I am just clearing up my Android doubts. So lets talk about Services, we use services when we have to perform an operation in the background. Lets say Playing Music in the background? Thats one of the most popular reasons why people use Services.
But i just used Mediaplayer in my Mainactivity and i used .start() method in onCreate of my activity. I then minimized the app, but guess what....music still plays. I open the app again, and the music is still playing. I then remove the app from recent apps, basically destroying it and the music stops. Basically the app performs how it is supposed to. Works PERFECT!
Then why do we use services at all for these kind of tasks?
Is there any scenario this code might create a problem? Or is this creating some memory leak or something?
When "minimized" the App continues to play music due to OS delay which allow an User to re-open the App without delay (due to a closure mistake?) because all remained in memory (even the Music) in the previous state.
But the memory is limited, and the CPU the same, so the OS could kill or freeze (using Doze) a background Activity in any moment without prompt User/Developer.
An Activity could be killed to claim Memory or freezed to save CPU cycles. In this situation only explicitely declared Background Services are allowed to run (however with some limitations and special-behaviours), so if you don't use Service your Music could stop in any moment in the future.
PS: even Background Service could be killed from OS, but this case is very-very rare and only on Extreme Low Memory situations.
It will play as long as Android lets it live. It may stop at any moment, usually after 10-20 minutes.
Consider using Foreground Service to playback music. It will last until user kills it, and also provides notification bar with control over the playback.
I currently have an activity that plays music. When the activity is destroyed (i.e. user rotates the screen) I have the application store the music player's state and then play the music from the exact spot in the song once the activity is re-created.
My only issue is that there is a noticeable pause in the music when the activity is re-created. Any ideas on how to increase the activity's performance in regards to re-creating the app more efficiently. I know I can stop the activity to not re-create objects by using the configChanges tag in the android manifest but I would like to avoid that.
Is running the music in a separate service my only option?
Since the activity is destroyed it will pause no matter what you do. You should use a Service for this purpose. A service runs on a separate thread and is not effected by your activity. There's loads of tutorials and stackoverflow questions for services
Why should service be used for playing background music in Android? Why not I just create another media player object loop the player to play the music?
Keyword is background. If you tie your Media Player object to an activity, you don't have the guarantee that your object will be around if your activity goes to the background. The GC will destroy it when resources become low.
Therefore using a Service is safer. And services are designed for running in the background unlike activities.
I read Anndroid document - http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/mediaplayer.html
which said ".. you want it to continue playing while the user is interacting with other applications—then you must start a Service and control the MediaPlayer instance from there. "
But I found if I start a local a music file from an activity, then leave that activity, ( for example, press HOME key and interact with another app ), the music continues playing.
So, I don't understand " the "must start a Service" in document. Did I miss something?
This was not a big obstacle for my app at this moment. I am just wondering what's the potential problems could be if I do not use Service.( Services have longer lifespan, so the mediaplayer could be killed earlier, any others ? )
Our development is based on Android 2.2.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Big reason, if you are not using a service, users cannot listen to music outside of your app when the the activity gets paused or terminated. Technically you can make a music app but if your users cant listen to music when another app is in the foreground or the phone is in a different state(locked) it wont make for a very good app. You should take a look at the activity lifecycle for a deeper understanding of the process. Note that this behavior is by design for saving power, memory and cpu cycles.
It helps also not to think of services in the more traditional desktop dev usage. You want this thing to live even when your activity is not up and about.
For more about activity life cycles Managing the Activity Lifecycle
For the How
For the why
Why is it important to use Services for background tasks?
Playing the music in the Activity might be fine for now, but when Android is low on resources it might try to kill your Activity. When you add a service to an app, Android will try to keep that process alive as long as possible if it falls under certain criteria (such as playing music). Read over the Process Lifecycle section on Services:
The activity can get killed by Android or by the user and then the music would stop playing.