In my application, I have an TextView with many lines beside of product, but I need the data with proper appearance.Is it possible to have justified alignment dynamically?
you can align your text dynamically some how as you want...
but, i guess there is no such facility available in android to fully justify text as the text editors does...
Use Html Formatting in your textView like
yourTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<h1>Product Name</h1><br><p>Content</p>"));
Yes you can get the instance of TextView on activity startup
TextView t = (TextView)FindViewById(
So, let's assume that I want to show a text such as : "Hello stranger ", using TextView. How would I do that? I realized that I cannot edit only a part of the text in TextView by changing textStyle attribute.
Use yourTextViewName.setText(Html.fromHtml(<b>Hello</b> <i>stranger</i>);
Reference here:,%20int,%20android.text.Html.ImageGetter,%20android.text.Html.TagHandler)
Don't bother with complexity.
Place a TextView with the uneditable text on the left of the EditText. Change the margins and everything that makes it look like a unified view and you're done.
You can define the string in string.xml like this
<string name="text"><b>Hello</b><i>stranger</i></string>
and call it in your TextView like android:text="#string/text". It will work for you.
I want to make something like
wow its cool app
in android. so that users can see a bold text in both TextView and EditText like WhatsApp. I don't know what to do. I searched and found something in which we can use HTML tags but some of the users don't know how to use that. Is there a way so that it is easy for users to make some part of text bold and remaining will normal.
Here is the image which will clear more
in this image, users can bold some part of text by enclosing that in *'s.
For you to make text bold? Place it in a StyleSpan with a bold style to it. For the user to make it bold? You'll have to provide some UI for them to do that, that isn't built in.
You have to use HTML code and set to textview or edittextview as following..
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
String first = "Hello what's up ";
String next = "<B>some bold text </B>";
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(first + next));
if you want to add bold text after '' character then find that character from textview or edittextview and apply tag after '' this character and set text into textview and edittextview
I want to Justify the text into textView. I does not want to use web view. because i can't increase the text size at run time for different screens. So I want To use the text view.
I want some things like that.
You can set HTML on a TextView.
String htmlString = "<p align=\"justify\">This is some text in a paragraph.</p>";
Good Luck. :)
Is it possible to wrap a textview around a textview, where the 2nd textview would wrap to the next line under the first textview?
For example:
<This is one textview> <This is
another textview>
I have tried using android:layout_weight="1" and relative layouts, however, they dont produce this effect.
No. If you're looking to format the two bits of text differently, consider using spans within one TextView.
This will be helpful to you. You can get same effect with HTML in text view
How to display HTML in TextView?
This is impossible because the "another textview" would have a non-rectangular widget area then.
I want to access text of particular line in a multi-line TextView. Any suggestions on how I could do this?
Fetch the Layout (android.text.Layout) of the TextView by calling mTextView.getLayout(); There you can for instance use the getLineStart or getLineEnd methods to get the offset of the text. That combined with getText and used using normal String operations should probably be enough for u!
By default, text view is multi line. Set the text with new line characters for ex. "First line \nSecond line".
Another option is listed here :