How to start Android AOSP emulator on MAC - android

I have downloaded and compiled Android source code per instructions on Android source website (
I chose
$ lunch full-eng
an emulator engineering build and everything has compiled just fine.
Then it says to launch the image inside an emulator just type:
The emulator is added to your path automatically by the build process. To run the emulator, type
$ emulator
Well, not sure it is added to the path. Typing emulator does not do anything.
However if I go to
emulator: ERROR: You did not specify a virtual device name, and the system
directory could not be found.
If you are an Android SDK user, please use '#<name>' or '-avd <name>'
to start a given virtual device (see -help-avd for details).
So I am confused ... at this point do I have to create an AVD ?
How do I create an AVD for this image exactly ?
Has anyone done this on MAC can they supply me with some instructions ?

I'm not sure if there is any difference on osx, but it is a common error on Linux. After you build the whole AOSP, the building process will add the <AndroidBase>/out/host/<host-arch>/bin/emulator into the PATH, but after you restart your computer or open another session, emulator will no longer be in the path.
To fix the "You did not specify a virtual device name, and the system
directory could not be found" error, you can explicitly set ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT to point to your disk image directory. In general, the disk image directory would be <AndroidBase>/out/target/product/generic. So
$export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=<ANDROID BASEDIR>/out/target/product/generic/
would help.
Actually, you can run
. build/
It will do a similar work for you.

I build with aosp_x86_64-eng and have verified that the following will launch the emulator in a new terminal window:
source build/
lunch aosp_x86_64-eng


How to run Android Virtual Device in WebStorm

I've started react native programming recently, I use WebStorm for coding, I always have to run Android Studio and start my Android Virtual Device and then Close Android Studio and work with WebStorm and run and test my react native app.
how can I run my Android Virtual Device from webstorm without the need to open Android Studio?
Finally, with the help of "Martin Zeitler", I succeeded in doing this in the following way:
In webstorm select File>settings, in search bar type "External Tools" select "External Tools", in "tools" section click on plus icon (add) fill this window like my parameter:
Name: android avd
*as you like
Program: C:\Users(your user name)\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\emulator.exe
*this is your emulator.exe address and this is the default address, you have to replace (your user name) with your system user name or change the address for locating to your emulator.exe address
Arguments: -avd Nexus_5X_API_23
*Nexus_5X_API_23 is a sample you have to type your emulator name that you create it before in android studio
Working directory: C:\Users(your user name)\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator
*like Program address but without emulator.exe
click ok
now in webstorm in tools menu in External Tools section you can find android avd or your custom name. by click on it you can run your emulator from webstorm.
finally you don't need android studio at all , you can run it from webstorm.
it might be easier to explain with a screenshot ...
except that for Windows™ you'd have to use a .bat batch script, instead of .sh shell script
the shell script, which is being used in the example, can be found here.
it does a little more than just start the emulator and is for Linux only.
(just to provide an idea, what can be done in the given situation).
here it is explained:
Start the emulator from the command line.
No, WebStorm provides no Android support and there are no plugins you can use to run android virtual devices within Webstorm.
Although you can run android emulator from terminal without using Android studio.
For example on Windows, you can use the following from the command prompt:
start "" C:\Users\qasim\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\emulator.exe #Pixel_XL_API_28

Cannot launch AVD in emulator:QT library not found

I am new to Android Studio and I am having problems while using the emulator. When I try to run it keeps crashing saying:
"Cannot launch AVD in emulator" [6816]:ERROR:./android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at
Could not launch 'C:\Users\Jay\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator/qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe':
No such file or directory
I have enabled VT-x from BIOS settings yet I am having the problem. I have searched a lot and cannot find an answer. Any help will be much appreciated. Can anyone give me a solution?
Screenshot of error
This seems to be an issue relating to the recent update. A temporary solution is to launch emulator from within the /path/to/android-sdk/tools directory in the commandline.
See to follow the issue.
All other answers did not work for me as "Android Emulator" was not installed with a standard installation of Android Studio. Make sure you have installed it and then try other answers if required.
For Linux or Mac systems you can add the following to ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc):
function emulator { cd "$(dirname "$(which emulator)")" && ./emulator "$#"; }
then run to load the changes:
source ~/.profile
(or source ~/.bashrc of course)
This will allow to execute emulator until they fix the issue
(based on #10 yanokwa comment from
I've installed the latest Android Emulator 26.1.2 which has solved this problem.
Btw if in your PATH you have both of this:
The emulator command will try to use the emulator.exe inside the tools folder, which is not working.
To solve this in your PATH you need to move C:\AndroidSDK\emulator
in the line before the tools directory, in this way the emulator
executable will be searched inside the emulator folder first and will
take precedence over the one present in the tools folder
If you have a Mac you can move
~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator before
a simple solution is to add this alias to your .bashrc .profile or equivalent
alias emu="$ANDROID_HOME/tools/emulator"
then source .bashrc or .profile or just simply open a new terminal
finally running your emulator will be as simple as emu -avd name
Zsh users can add:
function emulator { ( cd "$(dirname "$(whence -p emulator)")" && ./emulator "$#"; ) }
to .zshrc (or .zshenv).
Load changes to current shell by sourcing changed file:
source ~/.zshrc
Now you can use emulator command in zsh.
Thanks to J. Costa for his answer for bash.
I had same problem with latest Android Studio installed just yesterday on Macbook.
Though the emulator binary was available in the sdk/tools folder, Android Emulator package wasn't installed. Selecting Android Emulator in Android Studio->Preferences->System Settings->Android SDK, downloaded the emulator package and installed it.
After the emulator installation, I am able to launch the emulator.
First of all, the issue thread on Google Issue Tracker was already resolved. You don't have to set environment variable like LD_LIBRARY_PATH as a workaround any more. But you have to upgrade your Android SDK and use the LATEST emulator package (binaries). Without having that, you'll still see the annoying QT errors.
Then, it's crucial to make sure that the required SDK packages are installed to launch an emulator. When installing a specific emulator image by sdkmanager, it won't check or ask you to install required dependencies. Whenever you see error complains about ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, such as PANIC: Cannot find AVD system path. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT or PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value, it's exactly because of that.
So the 3 other essential dependencies apart from the emulator image are:
Which you can install via:
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-<api_level>" "emulator"
The api_level is the same API level your emulator image is.
For those who are still experiencing the issue even when performing the command from .../Sdk/tools directory, try adding the -use-system-libs argument.
So it should be in the following format:
path/to/Sdk/emulator -use-system-libs -avd [AVD-NAME]
For me, here is an example:
/home/cillian/Android/Sdk/emulator -use-system-libs -avd Nexus5
I had the same problem and I solved it by installing the emulator cause somehow the updates seem to have deleted it. Do that from Android Studio tools-> SDK manager. Hope this helps
I see that you should only add below into the path to be able to launch emulator
After installing Android Studio 3.0 and higher, I see that C:\Users\Ram\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator has same files as C:\Users\Ram\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools
The tools folder is missing some files, so remove the tools folder from path.
You can use below emulator commands to launch emulator from command prompt:
emulator -list-avds
emulator #Pixel_2_XL_API_26 - Based on the avd that you have setup
I have installed Android Studio 2.3.3 (today 2017-08-01) on windows 10 x64
Same issue.
I have manually installed emulator from Android Studio -> Tools -> Android -> Sdk Manager -> SDK Tools -> Android Emulator (version 26.1.2)
After installation ... same issue
I have added my path from emulator folder to my environments variables before tools path (like as one answer above) but still same issue.
Then I have deleted emulator.exe and emulator-check.exe from tools folder and this solved for mi the issue
Follow these steps to resolve that problem (Windows 10):
Check in Android studio if you installed Android emulator, if not, install it.
Check in Android studio if you installed Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer), if not, install it.
In Environment variables => System variables edit "Path". You need to add this line for emulator: %ANDROID_HOME%\emulator before %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools (The third step was a solution for me.)
For Mac
If have create emulators, try this shell code:
cd /Users/***/Library/Android/sdk/tools/
avds=`emulator -list-avds`
echo "show All emulators"
for item in $avds
echo [$i] $item
let i+=1
read index
# echo ${avds[$index]}
emulator -avd ${avds[$index]}
*** is your user name
This problem seems to be fixed in Cordova version 7.0.X
If you are using Cordova version 6.5.0 you can fix it easily.
The root of the problem is in the emulator.js file located from the root of your project directory at ./platforms/android/cordova/lib/emulator.js
Simply update the following line, (for me it was line 205):
.spawn('emulator', args, { stdio: 'inherit', detached: true})
.spawn('emulator', args, { stdio: 'inherit', detached: true, cwd: process.env['ANDROID_HOME'] + '/tools'})
This will fix the relative path issue your are experiencing.
Also, there is a second fix needed for the Cordova version 6.5.0 on line 56. Simply drop the letter "s" from the word "avds" plural, to make it "avd" singular.
I was facing this issue Cannot download
I updated to studio 3.0 in windows 10, my emulators stopped working.Things I did for fixing,
Deleted previous installation folders of android studio like 2.0 and 2.1 present under my username alongside .AndroidStudio3.0 folder(leaving it untouched).
Deleted previously installed emulators which any way stopped working.
Downloaded the emulator zip file manually from the link above.
Pasted its contents in emulator folder of
Created a new emulator and started it, Bingo! it is working!!
My android studio is in the windows operating system. but most of the answers in this page do not work for me.
but I figure it out with an easy way.
In your android studio IDE, open the [Sdk manager], check if you have downloaded the [Android Emulator] and [Android SDK tool]
How to check them?
[SDK Manager] -> [Appearance & behavior] -> [System Setting] -> [Android Sdk] -> There are tabs here and choose the second one [SDK tools]. then check [Android Emulator] and [Android SDK tool].
Hope that it can help you.
Good luck!
I just solved this issue for headless emulator scenario So If I checked my andrdoid_sdk folder there are 2 executable emulator. The issue is sitting one the version
version 29.3.4
no issue
and the second one is
version 26.0.3
QT issue
so make sure you're using latest emulator version especially if you need headless emulator as stated on :
cd $ANDROID_HOME/tools then emulator --avd #whatever_name_it_is
It seems I was having same problems with emulator in tools folder and AS 4.1.1. A quick solution that I've found for Mac users to work with the new emulator of the emulator folder is to specify the whole path to it:
~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator <device> <flags>
I was trying on Mac and facing the similar challenge. Mistakes I was doing, is adding PATH before to ANDROID_HOME which should be come at the end. Below is my zshrc file which worked.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-8.jdk/Contents/Home
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/rohitmandiwal/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$PATH
Installing Android emulator will solve the issue as this setting is not by default enabled in android studio. In android studio 3+ onwards you cannot find it under Tools-->Android-->Sdk Manager -> SDK Tools -> Android Emulator  but it's under File-->Settings-->Appearance &Behavior-->System Settings-->Android SDK-->SDK Tools-->Android Emulator
I manage to solve this error. In my system varible i need to set ANDROID_HOME
For my User variable i need
both these path
Remember to delete C:\Users\tonyhudson\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools because it will cause the error
When you have installed only Android SDK and not Android studio. You need to find out the path of the emulator and execute with full path. For example,
/usr/local/share/android-sdk/tools/emulator #test
This should resolve your problem. At least this is what worked for me.
I added the following to my ~/.zshrc file and it worked. (M1 Pro Macbook)
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export JAVA_HOME=/Applications/Android\
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH
Remember to do source ~/.zshrc after editing it.
My problem turned out to be that I was running VirtualBox at the same time as the emulator. For anybody else running into this problem, have a look here: Android emulator and virtualbox cannot run at same time. Hopefully one of the answers will give you a working solution.
You can also just open the Tools > AVD Manager from Android Studio and start the emulator manually.
There can be the bugs / updates happened in the underlying OS. So, instead of updating in .profile, /etc/environment, or .bashrc file to point adb, emulator etc, put (copy and paste) all the emulator folder inside /usr/bin directory. This /usr/bin is by default pointed by the system. Install adb tool from the terminal. This should solve everything.
And/Or, update your all environment variables in /etc/bash.bashrc file. Note that: /etc/bash.bashrc file is what gets executed everytime you open the bash terminal.
If you're using a Docker container which is running a Ubuntu x86 image, it may not be possible to run an x86-based emulator within the Docker image. You will either get the "Qt library not found" error or the "Please ensure KVM is properly installed and usable" error (more info here).
An alternative is to use an ARM-based emulator, which are easier to run, although they are slower:
# Download an ARM emulator image
android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager "system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a"
# Create an ARM-based emulator AVD with 250 MB SD card
avdmanager create avd -n Android_7.0_API_24 -k "system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a" -c 250M --force
# Check the image is properly created and available to run
android-sdk/emulator/emulator -list-avds
# Run the emulator
android-sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Android_7.0_API_24
More info:
A solution that worked for me that I've not seen here before is to link android-sdk/emulator/emulator to android-sdk/tools/emulator.
Dumb? Genius? worksforme.

How to use Youwave in place of Android Emulator

I've tried for days and failed to run AVD on my PC. So I decided to look for an alternative and found out that Youwave can be used as an emulator. Here is my question: How can I run Android source (apps not finished so they are not .apk) on Youwave?
You can't run Android Source which is not finished to become .apk.
The best alternative of emulator is Genymotion.
hopefully it would be useful for others that reach this page through googling,
run command prompt in windows by typing "cmd" in the search field of the start menu
change the directory to "platform-tools" in your sdk folder. For example, suppose that your sdk is located in "c:\android\source\sdk\" use the command "cd\android\source\sdk\platform-tools" for changing the current directory.
Run the following command for connecting YouWave to AndroidStudio:
"adb connect"
Enjoy it!

adb is not recognized as an internal or exteral command error in Android studio

My application code is written and executed with no errors. However my emulator will not show up nor does my android device that's plugged in (virtualization is turned on, SDK packages are downloaded, Hyper V is not installed). I get this message from the ADB console:
adb is not recognized as an internal or exteral command, operable program or batch file.
I have tried editing the %PATH% in both system and user variables but it never works.
I am using the latest Android studio and all the tutorials and answers to my problem refer to Eclipse. At this point I am wondering if I should just abandon Android studio and take refuge in the larger Eclipse community.
Can anyone advise me how to fix it? I've been already trying a long time and I would like to finally see my application in action.
Your PATH is incorrectly setup.
For Windows :
Open up Command Prompt
and type
setx ANDROID_ADB_PATH "pathtoyoursdkplatformtools" /m
setx ANDROID_ADB_PATH "C:\android-sdk-win\platform-tools" /m
Identify the exact location of your SDK. From command prompt cd to that folder and execute adb from there. if it still fails, your installation is corrupted. Delete all previous installtions of Android Studio and install fresh. If it works from adb folder , then you are making a mistake in setting up the path correctly.
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
this will only work for that particular session though.With respect to HAXM, always make sure the memory you allocate for a AVD is less than 650MB and check the Use Host GPU checkbox.
You've to set the adb.exe path location here.
You can find that, file>other setting>default project structure>{get your sdk file location}
Ex: C:\Users\Spectrum_Developer\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Open this path in file explorer and get into platform-tools. You can see adb.exe here.
Set this current path which is for ex. C:\Users\Spectrum_Developer\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools in your system environmental path variable
Restart the system.
Happy coding :-)

Launching Android Open Source SDK from Eclipse in Linux

I have downloaded Android Open Source Project and build it in Linux from command line. All are fine. I can use the emulator.
I installed also Eclipse and AVD via eclipse. Now I want to use the open source emulator that I build from command line. How can I do that?
From the shell in which you build AOSP you can run emulator and it will start an emulator which it built as part of AOSP along with the system image created in your AOSP build. You can also use the SDK provided emulator by passing it command line arguments for the kernel, init RAM disk, system partition and data partition.

