Cocos2d for android supporting different resolutions - android

I am trying to build a game and was wondering how would one go about supporting different resolution and screen sizes. For position of sprite I've implemented a basic function which sets the position according to a certain ratio, which I get by getting the screen width and height from sharedDirector's winSize method.
But this approach is not tested as I have yet to develop something to calculate the scaling factor for sprites depending upon the resolution of device. Can somebody advise me some method and tips by which I can correctly calculate the scaling of sprite and suggest a system to avoid the pixelation of sprites if I do apply any such method.
I searched on Google and found that Cocos2d-x supports different resolutions and sizes but I am bound to use Cocos2d only.
EDIT: I am bit confused as this is my first game. Please point out any mistakes that I may have made.

Okay I finally did this by getting the device display denitiy like
and based on it I am multiplying by PTM ratio by 0.75,1,1.5,2.0 for ldpi,mdpi,hdpi,and xhdpi respectively.
I am also changing the scale of sprites accordingly. And for positioning I've kept 320X480 as my base and then multiplying that with a ratio of my current x and y in pixels with my base pixels.
EDIT: Adding some code for better understanding:
public class MainLayer extends CCLayer()
CGsize size; //this is where we hold the size of current display
float scaleX,scaleY;//these are the ratios that we need to compute
public MainLayer()
size = CCDirector.sharedDirector().winSize();
scaleX = size.width/480f;//assuming that all my assets are available for a 320X480(landscape) resolution;
scaleY = size.height/320f;
CCSprite somesprite = CCSprite.sprite("some.png");
//if you want to set scale without maintaining the aspect ratio of Sprite
//to set position that is same for every resolution
somesprite.setPosition(80f*scaleX,250f*scaleY);//these positions are according to 320X480 resolution.
//if you want to maintain the aspect ratio Sprite then instead up above scale like this
public float aspect_Scale(CCSprite sprite, float scaleX , float scaleY)
float sourcewidth = sprite.getContentSize().width;
float sourceheight = sprite.getContentSize().height;
float targetwidth = sourcewidth*scaleX;
float targetheight = sourceheight*scaleY;
float scalex = (float)targetwidth/sourcewidth;
float scaley = (float)targetheight/sourceheight;
return Math.min(scalex,scaley);


Find a point on scaled image

I have a image with high resolution shown in an image view on a tablet. In order to fit the image, android scales it down to available width & height. I want to show a marker on this image. I have coordinates of marker for original high resolution image. How do I translate them for new scaled down image?
I tried following code but doesn't work well with images of different sizes.
float scaleFactor = Math.min((float)(newHeight*1.0/originalHeight), (float)(newWidth*1.0/originalWidth));
float xCoordinate = Float.parseFloat(marker.getXCoordinate()) * scaleFactor;
float yCoordinate = Float.parseFloat(marker.getYCoordinate()) * scaleFactor;
I am using the scaling of type FIT_CENTER for showing image in imageview.
I have also tried with different scaling factors for height & width but didn't work out well.

Android canvas game, game speed

I have a simple function that increases the speed of my object in the screen:
float Velocity = 10;
float MaxVelocity = 100;
float VelocityGiven = 0;
RectF position = new RectF(ScreenHeight/2, ScreenWidth,0,0);
public void update()
if(VelocityGiven < MaxVelocity)
Position.left -= Velocity;
VelocityGiven += Velocity;
public void draw(Canvas canvas)
But depending on the phone screen size, or pixel density, this function moves the object too fast or too slow.
if I try that on a galaxy S4, witch has a really big screen resolution, the object goes slowly.
But if I try it on a low end device (small screens), the object goes very fast,
What can I do to avoid that?
I already have my FPS controlled, on every phone, this runs at 30 FPS. so it's not about the update ratio.
It depends on what you wish to do exactly. One simple approach would be to make everything proportional to screen size. For instance:
Position.left -= Velocity * getWidth() / REFERENCE_WIDTH;
where REFENRENCE_WIDTH corresponds to a screen resolution where your app behaves as you like.
You need to work with density independent units. That way it moves the same relative amount no matter what the pixel size is. To do this, decide how "big" your area is going to be. For example, to fix your width at a logical 1000 units:
float scaleWidth = (screenWidth / 1000);
float velocity = 10 * scaleWidth;
float maxVelocity = 100 * scaleWidth;
This would mean that no matter how wide the display actually is, at max velocity it would take 10 movements to go all the way across.
You are probably best to move your objects based on a grid system independent of the screen size. You could you meters, feet, or what ever works as your unit. Then get the screen size and screen resolution of the device and figure out what the relationship is. If your object moves one foot then how many pixels is that on the device. Based on resolution.
Here is a very general overview on screen sizes for android:
There are probably a lot more, and better, places to look for getting the device resolution and size.
Hope that at least gets you started :)

How can I code my game to work on every resolution of Android devices? (with Unity)

I have a game what I made in 480x320 resolution (I have set it in the build settings) in Unity. But I would like to publish my game for every Android device with every resolution. How can I do it, to tell Unity to scale my game up to the device's resolution? Is it possible to do?
Thanks in advance!
The answer to your question largely depends on how you've implemented the game. If you've created it using GUI textures, then it largely depends on how you've placed/sized your objects versus screen size, which makes things a little tricky.
If the majority of your game is done using objects (such as planes, cubes, etc) then there's two methods I usually choose to use.
1) First method is very easy to implement, though doesn't always look too good. You can simply change the camera's aspect ratio to match the one you've designed your game around. So in your case, since you've designed your game at 4:3, you'd do something like this:
Camera.aspect = 4f/3f;
However, if someone's playing on a screen meant for 16:9, the game will end up looking distorted and stretched.
2) The second method isn't as easy, requiring quite a bit of work and calculations, but will give a much cleaner looking result for you. If you're using an orthographic camera, one important thing to keep in mind is that regardless of what screen resolution is being used, the orthographic camera keeps the height at a set height and only changes the width. For example, with an orthographic camera at a size of 10, the height will be set to 2. With this in mind what you'd need to do is compensate for the widest possible camera within each level (for example, have a wide background) or dynamically change the Orthographic Size of the camera until its width matches what you've created.
If you've done a 3d game with a stereoscopic camera , screen resolution shouldn't really affect how it looks, but I guess that depends on the game, so more info would be required
The way i did is to change camera viewport according to device aspect ratio
Consider you made the game for 800x1280
The you can do this in any one of the script
float xFactor = Screen.width / 800f;
float yFactor = Screen.height / 1280f;
Camera.main.rect=new Rect(0,0,1,xFactor/yFactor);
and this works like magic
A easy way to do this is considering your target, I mean if you're doing a game for Iphone 5 then the aspect ratio is 9:16 v or 16:9 h.
public float targetRatio = 9f/16f; //The aspect ratio you did for the game.
void Start()
Camera cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
cam.aspect = targetRatio;
Here is my script for scaling the ortographic camera in 2D games
public float screenHeight = 1920f;
public float screenWidth = 1080f;
public float targetAspect = 9f / 16f;
public float orthographicSize;
private Camera mainCamera;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Initialize variables
mainCamera = Camera.main;
orthographicSize = mainCamera.orthographicSize;
// Calculating ortographic width
float orthoWidth = orthographicSize / screenHeight * screenWidth;
// Setting aspect ration
orthoWidth = orthoWidth / (targetAspect / mainCamera.aspect);
// Setting Size
Camera.main.orthographicSize = (orthoWidth / Screen.width * Screen.height);
I assume it's 2D instead of 3D, this what I do:
Create a Canvas object
Set the Canvas Scaler to Scale with Screen Size
Set the Reference Resolution to for example: 480x320
Set the Screen Match Mode to match width or height
Set the match to 1 if your current screen width is smaller (0 if height is smaller)
Create an Image as background inside the Canvas
Add Aspect Ratio Fitter script
Set the Aspect Mode to Fit in Parent (so the UI anchor can be anywhere)
Set the Aspect Ratio to 480/320 = 1.5
And add this snippet on main Canvas' Awake method:
var canvasScaler = GetComponent<CanvasScaler>();
var ratio = Screen.height / (float) Screen.width;
var rr = canvasScaler.referenceResolution;
canvasScaler.matchWidthOrHeight = (ratio < rr.x / rr.y) ? 1 : 0;
//Make sure to add Using Unity.UI on top of your Aspect Ratio Script!
For 3D objects you can use any of the answers above
The best solution for me is to use the theorem of intersecting lines so that there is neither a cut-off on the sides nor a distortion of the game view. That means that you have to step back or forward depending on the different aspect ratio.
If you like, I have an asset on the Unity asset store which automatically corrects the camera distance so you never have a distortion or a cut off no matter which handheld device you are using.

How can I support multiresolution in cocos2d Android? [duplicate]

I am trying to build a game and was wondering how would one go about supporting different resolution and screen sizes. For position of sprite I've implemented a basic function which sets the position according to a certain ratio, which I get by getting the screen width and height from sharedDirector's winSize method.
But this approach is not tested as I have yet to develop something to calculate the scaling factor for sprites depending upon the resolution of device. Can somebody advise me some method and tips by which I can correctly calculate the scaling of sprite and suggest a system to avoid the pixelation of sprites if I do apply any such method.
I searched on Google and found that Cocos2d-x supports different resolutions and sizes but I am bound to use Cocos2d only.
EDIT: I am bit confused as this is my first game. Please point out any mistakes that I may have made.
Okay I finally did this by getting the device display denitiy like
and based on it I am multiplying by PTM ratio by 0.75,1,1.5,2.0 for ldpi,mdpi,hdpi,and xhdpi respectively.
I am also changing the scale of sprites accordingly. And for positioning I've kept 320X480 as my base and then multiplying that with a ratio of my current x and y in pixels with my base pixels.
EDIT: Adding some code for better understanding:
public class MainLayer extends CCLayer()
CGsize size; //this is where we hold the size of current display
float scaleX,scaleY;//these are the ratios that we need to compute
public MainLayer()
size = CCDirector.sharedDirector().winSize();
scaleX = size.width/480f;//assuming that all my assets are available for a 320X480(landscape) resolution;
scaleY = size.height/320f;
CCSprite somesprite = CCSprite.sprite("some.png");
//if you want to set scale without maintaining the aspect ratio of Sprite
//to set position that is same for every resolution
somesprite.setPosition(80f*scaleX,250f*scaleY);//these positions are according to 320X480 resolution.
//if you want to maintain the aspect ratio Sprite then instead up above scale like this
public float aspect_Scale(CCSprite sprite, float scaleX , float scaleY)
float sourcewidth = sprite.getContentSize().width;
float sourceheight = sprite.getContentSize().height;
float targetwidth = sourcewidth*scaleX;
float targetheight = sourceheight*scaleY;
float scalex = (float)targetwidth/sourcewidth;
float scaley = (float)targetheight/sourceheight;
return Math.min(scalex,scaley);

Determine angle of view of smartphone camera

I'm trying to determine the degree size of the field-of-view of a Droid Incredible smartphone's camera. I need to know this value for an application that I'm developing. Does anyone know how I can find out/calculate it programmatically?
The Camera.Parameters getHorizontalViewAngle() and getVerticalViewAngle() functions provide you with the base view angles. I say "base", because these apply only to the Camera itself in an unzoomed state, and the values returned by these functions do not change even when the view angle itself does.
Camera.Parameters p = camera.getParameters();
double thetaV = Math.toRadians(p.getVerticalViewAngle());
double thetaH = Math.toRadians(p.getHorizontalViewAngle());
Two things cause your "effective" view angle to change: zoom, and using a preview aspect ratio that does not match the camera aspect ratio.
Basic Math
The trigonometry of field-of-view (Θ) is fairly simple:
tan(Θ/2) = x / 2z
x = 2z tan(Θ/2)
x is the linear distance viewable at distance z; i.e., if you held up a ruler at distance z=1 meter, you would be able to see x meters of that ruler.
For instance on my camera, horizontal field of view is 52.68° while vertical field of view is 40.74°. Convert these to radians and plug them into the formula with an arbitrary z value of 100m, and you get x values of 99.0m(horizontal) and 74.2m(vertical). This is a 4:3 aspect ratio.
Applying this math to zoom levels is only slightly harder. Now, x remains constant and it is z that changes in a known ratio; we must determine Θ.
tan (Θ/2) = x / (2z)
tan (Θ'/2) = x / (2z')
Θ' = 2 atan((z / z') tan(Θ/2))
Where z is the base zoom level (100), z' is the current zoom level (from CameraParameters.getZoomRatios), Θ is the base horizontal/vertical field of view, and Θ' is the effective field of view. Adding on degree->radian conversions makes this rather verbose.
private static double zoomAngle(double degrees, int zoom) {
double theta = Math.toRadians(degrees);
return 2d * Math.atan(100d * Math.tan(theta / 2d) / zoom);
Camera.Parameters p = camera.getParameters();
int zoom = p.getZoomRatios().get(p.getZoom()).intValue();
double thetaH = zoomAngle(p.getHorizontalViewAngle(), zoom);
double thetaV = zoomAngle(p.getVerticalViewAngle(), zoom);
Aspect Ratio
While the typical camera is a 4:3 aspect ratio, the preview may also be available in 5:3 and 16:9 ratios and this seems to be accomplished by actually extending the horizontal field of view. This appears to be undocumented, hence unreliable, but by assuming that's how it works we can calculate the field of view.
The math is similar to the zoom calculations; however, in this case z remains constant and it is x that changes. By assuming that the vertical view angle remains unchanged while the horizontal view angle is varied as the aspect ratio changes, it's possible to calculate the new effective horizontal view angle.
tan(Θ/2) = v / (2z)
tan(Θ'/2) = h / (2z)
2z = v / tan(Θ/2)
Θ' = 2 atan((h/v) tan(Θ/2))
Here h/v is the aspect ratio and Θ is the base vertical field of view, while Θ' is the effective horizontal field of view.
Camera.Parameters p = camera.getParameters();
int zoom = p.getZoomRatios().get(p.getZoom()).intValue();
Camera.Size sz = p.getPreviewSize();
double aspect = (double) sz.width / (double) sz.height;
double thetaV = Math.toRadians(p.getVerticalViewAngle());
double thetaH = 2d * Math.atan(aspect * Math.tan(thetaV / 2));
thetaV = 2d * Math.atan(100d * Math.tan(thetaV / 2d) / zoom);
thetaH = 2d * Math.atan(100d * Math.tan(thetaH / 2d) / zoom);
As I said above, since this appears to be undocumented, it is simply a guess that it will apply to all devices; it should be considered a hack. The correct solution would be splitting off a new set of functions getCurrentHorizontalViewAngle and getCurrentVerticalViewAngle.
Unless there's some API call for that (I'm not an Android programmer, I wouldn't know), I would just snap a picture of a ruler from a known distance away, see how much of the ruler is shown in the picture, then use trigonometry to find the angle like this:
now you have the two distances l and d from the figure. With some simple goniometry, one can obtain:
tan(α/2) = (l/2)/d,
α = 2*atan(l/2d)
So with this formula you can calculate the horizontal field-of-view of your camera. Of course measuring the vertical f.o.v. goes exactly the same way except that you then need to view the object in its vertical position.
Then you can hard-code it as a constant in your program. (A named constant, of course, so it'd be easy to change :-p)
I have a Droid Incredible as well. Android 2.2 introduced the functions you are looking for. In my code, I have:
public double getHVA() {
return camera.getParameters().getHorizontalViewAngle();
public double getVVA() {
return camera.getParameters().getVerticalViewAngle();
However, these require that you have the camera open. I'd be interested to know if there is a "best practices" way to not have to open the camera each time to get those values.
#David Zaslavsky - how? What is the mathematical relationship between the zoom levels? I can't find it anywhere (I asked in this question: What do the Android camera zoom numbers mathematically represent?)

