Python for Android APK without dependencies - android

Is it possible to build an APK using Python for Android that doesn't need Python for Android to be there, i.e. it includes Python? If so, how?

I believe this is what you are looking for:
This will embed python into your apk. On first launch it will give you a dialog stating it is "installing". This part will install your script along with an integrated version of python. You are also able to embed different versions of python if you have a preference (2.6, 2.7, & 3.2).
Tutorials to get started are found here:

I think you can use py2exe to convert your programm to an .exe - File and then convert this .exe - File to an .apk - File.


Argon 2 library use in android

I dont have any knowledge of using c libraries, i need to use Argon2 library in my android application, i read alot of articles about adding c code into android app, but i cannot find the .so file of the library, i tried opening the library in visual studio to build but no luck. i tried to use the make command in cmd windows but no luck, is it possible to add the c code directly into my android app with out the need to build, or i must build an os? i am using a mac computer for my android development.
if possible, please guid me into doing it, note that we need to add same library to our ios app and c# website and server.
thank you in advance

Embedding Crosswalk without using eclipse, the app is built with python-for-android

I wrapped a Django server with python-for-android and kivy into my android app and use webview to interact with the user. The app currently works flawlessly. Just that I need to support Android 4.1 which is not a chromium webview. So I want to use Crosswalk to replace the default webview.
My current build process use ant on Mac terminal, so no eclipse involved.
I want to know how to embed Crosswalk without using eclipse.
I tried to copy crosswalk jar files into python-for-android/libs folder, it did compile and generate the APK, but the APK crushes every time I open it.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Follow the guide on their site to a T .. Crosswalk Android Install
I found the procedure easy to follow and worked as expected, until i tried the WebRTC demo. It didn't work using the standard cordova build/run commands, so instead, I used commands found in their WebRTC demo.
Crosswalk Example Using Python Build Commands
python --package=org.crosswalkproject.example \
You'll need to grab the Android source files from their website (supports x86 and arm), and use it to generate your apk files.
There might be a better way to do this, but this should get you going

"Standalone" Android Apps with Python?

It's known you can run Python on Android with QPython, but first users have to download and install it on their phone.
Just wondering: is it possible to pack QPython dependencies together with "app" script creating a "standalone" PlayStore-ready .apk?
It's not a direct answer to your question, but you can create totally standalone apks with the graphical framework kivy, or specifically kivy's android build tools. They only directly support apps with a kivy gui, but this is easy to construct if you just want to run a simple script.
Alternatively, I think you actually only need to put your code in a kivy App class, which will run the script but then immediately exit if you don't define any graphics. Maybe this is exactly what you want.

What and where is the app when I'm using cordova?

I apolagize in advance for the extreme noobiness of my question...
I'm on mac os and using cordova to build an app. I know nothing of java or c, so the only thing I did was to put my index, js and css files in the www folder and test it with the CLI.
$ cordova emulate /* with android and ios */
$ cordova run /* with android and ios */
$ cordova build
I was able to make the app work on android and ios virtual and real devices, and got the BUILD SUCCEEDED message on my terminal.
But to be honest none of this is familiar and if it wasn't for a tutorial I read one line at a time I wouldn't have been able to do it.
The probleme is the tutorial stops at the build step, and I can't find any other tutorial that explains very plainly and simply(not to say idiotically) how to go from there.
I'm left with lots of folder and have no idea what exactly is the app amongst all those files.
How can I put it on my website for download? Do I need an executable?
For iOS and android you would typically have two different types of files.
iOS uses .ipa files and android uses .apk files.
I am not sure about Cordova, but generally the cross platform software would generate those two types of files, these can then be put onto the device and run.
I'm sure you've found out more since 2014 but for others (like me landing here from google), in Windows, at the CMD command line, use
WHERE CORDOVA find where the cordova builder is actually located.
For Android, your output is an *.APK file which should be announced at the very end for the cordova console output, eg:
..where C:\MyApps\TrialApp\phonegap\ is your phonegap project folder assuming you are using phonegap.
If you do not want to submit it to Google Play, you can host the *.apk on various hosts including your own site, a freebee like (care, may download trash to phones), or etc.
Hopefully that will give other newbies a heads up.

Determing if Android APK was created using Corona Labs SDK

Is there a way to determine or have a clue if an Android App APK was created leveraging the Corona Cross Platform SDK from CoronaLabs? Will the android manifest have any activities or values that might indicate it came from Corona? Will any files exist such as specific Lua files that give an indication?
Not sure if there are any files in the apk that indicate it's a Coronalabs package. But you can determine it in runtime by checking the Android logfile when running the application. Try it using adb with the following syntax:
adb logcat Corona:v *:s
Good luck!

