Android: Refresh the previous fragment data when pressed backbutton - android

I've got 2 Fragments, Fragment A and Fragment B. I added Fragment B over Fragment A, by using FragmentTransaction().add, which means Fragment A is underlying Fragment B. Is there a way to change the data in Fragment A after I did something on Fragment B and pressed the Back button from Fragment B? I wish to have a generic way to notify the Fragment A. Because it may be another Fragment being overlaid. I tried using FragmentTransaction.replace() - it works fine for refreshing the previous page.

Just overwrite onBackPressed() in your activity and your fragment and do your required calls there.
More to callbacks / communication with other fragments can be found here:
Communicating with Other Fragments
public class FragmentA extends Fragment {
public void updateMyself(String updateValue){
Log.v("update", "weeee Fragment B updated me with" + updateValue);
public class FragmentB extends Fragment {
public Interface FragmentBCallBackInterface {
public void update(String updateValue);
private FragmentBCallBackInterface mCallback;
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mCallback = (FragmentBCallBackInterface) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement FragmentBCallBackInterface");
//As an example we do an update here - normally you wouln't call the method until your user performs an onclick or something
private void letsUpateTheOtherFragment(){
mCallback.update("This is an update!);
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements FragmentInterfaceB {
public void update(String updateValue){
FragmentA fragmentA = (FragmentA) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
if (fragmentA != null) {
} else {
//replace the fragment... bla bla check example for this code


How to synchronize two buttons in two seperate fragments

Is it possible for two (switch) buttons to have synchronized behavior between fragments? i.e: When button A is switched on in fragment A, I want button B's appearance in fragment B to also appear switched on.
How would I do that? The end goal is to have a global button on either fragment.
You can use a boolean flag in your activity and set it false by default and when any of switch is pressed on in either fragment then set its value to true, and when you navigate to another fragment then check flag value and if its true then switch it on or else off.
That would depend on whether both fragments are on same activity. If they are, then all you need is a boolean flag on the said activity and synchronise depend on that.
If not, then maybe create an boolean preference and synchronise based on that. Hope this helps. If you need code examples, let me know.
public interface Listener {
public boolean getFlag();
public void setFlag(boolean enable);
public class SomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements Listener {
// getFlag, setFlag implementation
public class FragmentA {
private boolean state;
private Listener listener;
private Switch switchBtn;
public void onAttach(Context ctx){
listener = (Listener) this.getActivity();
// check for ClassCast Exception
public void onActivityCreated() {
state = listener.getFlag();
For details view this page
Sample of communication between Fragments. Example below is modified from Communicating with Other Fragments
Step 1. Create an interface
public interface ButtonCallback{
void onClick(boolean val)
Step 2. In the HostActivity which hosts both fragment A and B, make HostActivity implements interface ButtonCallback.
public class HostActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ButtonCallback{
void onClick(boolean val){
Step 3. In fragment A & B, initialize the callback with casting the activity
class FragmentA extends Fragment{
ButtonCallback callback;
public void onAttach(Context context) {
//Make sure activity host implement ButtonCallback interface
try {
callback= (ButtonCallback ) context;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement ButtonCallback");
//public method to update fragment's button state
public void setGlobalButtonState(boolean val){
//globalButton has been initialized in onCreateView function
class FragmentB extends Fragment{
ButtonCallback callback;
public void onAttach(Context context) {
try {
callback= (ButtonCallback ) context;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement ButtonCallback");
public void setGlobalButtonState(boolean val){
//globalButton has been initialized in onCreateView function
Step 4. In Fragment A, call ButtonCallback.onClick(boolean) when user click on the button
globalButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(View v){
Boolean value = !v.isEnabled();
Step 5. In HostActivity's onClick function, find a way to get Fragment B that suis your context, and update the button in Fragment B via the setGlobalButtonState function
void onClick(boolean val){
//get Fragment B.
Additional note, if the button meant to be global, it might worth to consider to put the button on the host Activity instead if that suits your context.
Here is the developer guide on communicating with other fragments: .
In the activity have the shared attribute. In each fragment, go to the parent activity to get that attribute on button click.
To reduce dependency, use an interface to obtain the data from the activity, as shown in the link provided

Call a function of Activity from a fragment

I want to call the function Ask() of MainActivity from fragment2.
How can I call a function of MainActivity from fragment2?
I want to import results into a page called from fragment2.
I already see that discussion, but don't have the solution of my problem.
Make that function static, after that you can access that function in Fragment e.g. MainActivity.Ask();
From fragment to activty:
From activity to fragment:
FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
//if you added fragment via layout xml
YourFragmentClass fragment = (YourFragmentClass)fm.findFragmentById(;
If you added fragment via code and used a tag string when you added your fragment, use findFragmentByTag instead:
YourFragmentClass fragment = (YourFragmentClass)fm.findFragmentByTag("yourTag");
I would recommend you read this documentation.
call to function Ask() of MainActivity from fragment2.
For this you need a create a interface in your fragment2. The below code is an example from the document. You shouldn't ignore the onAttach method in your fragment as well.
public class Fragment2 extends ListFragment {
OnCallActivityListener mCallback;
// Container Activity must implement this interface
public interface OnCallActivityListener {
public void callAskMethod();
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
// This makes sure that the container activity has implemented
// the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception
try {
mCallback = (OnCallActivityListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement OnHeadlineSelectedListener");
Now the fragment can deliver messages to the activity by calling the callAskMethod() method (or other methods in the interface) using the mCallback instance of the OnCallActivityListener interface.
For example, the following method in the fragment is called when the user clicks on a list item. The fragment uses the callback interface to deliver the event to the parent activity.
public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
// Send the event to the host activity
After that you should implement the interface in your host activity.
public static class MainActivity extends Activity
implements Fragment2.OnCallActivityListener{
public void callAskMethod() {
// Do something here
So that is it. You have called ask() method from fragment2 fragment.
I want to import results into a page called from fragment2.
The host activity can deliver messages to a fragment by capturing the Fragment instance with findFragmentById(), then directly call the fragment's public methods.
In your `MainActivity you can call send the result to the fragment.
Fragment2 fragment2 = (Fragment2) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
So you have a instance value of the Fragment2 in MainActivity. So you can any public method of the fragment2 from there.
for example
That's it.

Receiving data from a DialogFragment if you're calling from an Activity vs a Fragment?

I call my DialogFragment like so:
If I am in an Activity:
MyDialogFragment dialogfragment = new MyDialogFragment();, "");
If I am already in a Fragment:
MyDialogFragment dialogfragment = new MyDialogFragment();, "");
In MyDialogFragment, which inflates an XML and allows the user to input some values to EditTexts and so forth, I want to be able to return those values back to wherever I called the dialog from.
For the sake of the question let's say my dialog class wants to return some private variables String mName and int mValue.
Is there a proper way to do this without knowing where the dialog is being called from (either an Activity or a Fragment)? How do I pass the values back / how do I receive them?
If you want to send data to activity from fragment. You can do that by calling public method of activity by:
((MainActivity)getActivity()).sendData(Object object);
You can't do the same for sending data to a fragment.
As doc says:
All Fragment-to-Fragment communication is done through the associated Activity. Two Fragments should never communicate directly.
What you should do is:
Define an Interface in the fragment.
Implement that Interface in the activity
Deliver data to the activity
then activity will deliver data to some other fragment.
BTW, you can also use this practice to send data to activity (upto point 3).
Reference and example
Defining an interface:
public interface DataListener {
public void onDataReceived(Object obj);
inside the fragment:
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
DataListener callback;
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
// This makes sure that the container activity has implemented
// the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception
try {
callback = (DataListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement DataListener");
Sending data from fragment;
callback.onDataReceived(object); // some object data
Receiving data in activity:
public static class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity
implements DataListener{
public void onDataReceived(Object object) {
// Do something here with object data
Now if you want, you can send this data to any other fragment.
Sending data from activity to some other fragment:
AnotherFragment anotherFrag = (AnotherFragment)
if (anotherFrag != null) {
// create a new instance of the fragment and pass data to it.
Create a callback interface and have pass it into your dialogfragment
interface DialogValuesCallback {
void callThisFunctionWhenUserClicksOnOkInDialog(String passinmName,int passinmValue);
You can have your Activity or Fragment implement this interface.
Have a constructor in your MyDialogFragment which accepts the interface and assigns it to an member variable.
MyDialogFragment(DialogValuesCallback activityOrFragmentWhichImplementsThis){
mInterfaceCallbackObjectRef = activityOrFragmentWhichImplementsThis;
#Rohit Arya this is what you should know first that fragments needs to declare an interface that must be implemented by every activity that uses that fragment so you can pass data from the fragment to the activity(s)... and must cast the activity displaying the fragment currently into this interface like this in your onAttach method
//#param Listener is the declared interface in your fragment class
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
Listener mInterface;
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mInterface = (Listener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()`
+ " must implement DataListener");
public interface Listener{
//#param type = data type, cont = variable
public void sendData(type cont, type2 cont2)
make sure the interface declared in your fragment get implemented in your baseActivity then what ever data you pass to the interface using
mInterface.sendData(value, value1);
you can get it in the base activity like
public class baseActivity extends Activity implements MyFragment.Listener{
//#param cont & cont2 are data sent from MyFragment
public void sendData(type cont, type cont2){
//do what ever with your values here
got it now?

Transitioning between Android Fragments using a Fragment controller

I am new to Android and I am trying to build an app containing three fragments: let's say A, B, and C. I want a button on A to show me B when clicked, and a button on B to show me C when clicked. I understand that one way is to use FragmentManager like this: in fragment A, I can have a button click listener that does
.add(, new B())
However, I do not want A to know about fragment B, or B to know about C. I was thinking of creating some kind of FragmentController to solve this problem such that the Controller would know about the necessary transitions and maintain a state machine.
Is this a common pattern in Android? I tried googling but I didn't see many code examples for this pattern. How can I decouple the different fragments so that the fragments don't have to worry about the transitions?
Yes, it is a common pattern, you need understand how to work the comunnication between fragments.
Taking on, your fragments are contained in an activity, maybe you can do the next:
The Fragment listener
public interface FragmentNavigationListener {
public void onNavigateTo(int fragment);
The Activity which implements callback
public static final int Fragment FRAGMENT_A = 0;
public static final int Fragment FRAGMENT_B = 1;
public void onNavigateTo(int fragment){
switch fragment{
Each Fragment
must encore that parent activity implements the listener
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mCallback = (FragmentNavigationListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement FragmentNavigationListener");
In OnclickListener from each button in each fragment you call the listener.
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Perform action on click
Write fragmentInteraction interfaces, define methods in this interface, then onAttach of the fragment lifeCycle do this
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
try {
mListener = (OnFragmentInteractionListener) activity;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
+ " must implement OnFragmentInteractionListener");
That way every activity to which this fragment gets attached to must implement the OnFragmentInteractionListener. Now in your onClick method do mListener.onClick(view) assuming you have a method called onClick(View v) defined in your interface. And in your activity's implementation of the onClick function do the fragmentTransaction

Suggested way for common fragment listener

For Fragment-Activity communication, this is the suggested way of doing it, by using a listener.
In my case I have two fragments and a button at each and I would like them to do the exact same thing when pressed.
Should I create a separate listener class that the Activity implements and then instantiate a listener in each fragment or there is a better design that I am not aware of?
I am sorry, I probably didn't communicate that properly. I am not looking for communication between fragments. I have a Fragment A with a buttonA and a Fragment B with a buttonB. When I click on buttonA, there is a listener in my Activity and method doSomething() is called. Now I want buttonB calling doSomething() too. Should I A) create a second listener and have the activity implement that too, B) create one separate listener class and use this one for both or C) a better choice ??
For communication between fragment to frament or activity to fragment communication via events. There are few alternatives are there e.g. this otto eventbus I know. and the tutorial about this can be found Here or just google it.
As from the documentation :
Two Fragments should never communicate directly.
So you best follow the pattern explained in the article and communicate thru the activity on which the fragments are attached.
When a listener is called from fragment A then get the fragment B from the fragmentManger
YourFragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
I'm using this pattern and it works well for me:
public class Fragment1 extends Fragment {
FragmentListener mCallback;
public interface FragmentListener {
public void onAction1();
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
if (activity instanceof FragmentListener) {
mCallback = (FragmentListener) activity;
public void onAction2() {
// do your stuff...
public class Fragment2 extends Fragment {
FragmentListener mCallback;
public interface FragmentListener {
public void onAction2();
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
if (activity instanceof FragmentListener) {
mCallback = (FragmentListener) activity;
public void onAction1() {
// do your stuff...
public class MainActivity implements Fragment1.FragmentListener, Fragment2.FragmentListener {
private Fragment1 fragment1;
private Fragment2 fragment2;
* Listening to events from first fragment and forwarding to second fragment
public void onAction1() {
* Listening to events from second fragment and forwarding to first fragment
public void onAction2() {
The Activity listens to "events" from the fragments and if needed forward it to the other fragment(s).

