Integrating Instagram to android - android

I am new to instagram concept. Is there any sdk available for to integrating instagram to our application. I want to share images to instagram through my application as like what i share to facebook from my application.

you cannot post images to instagram from other applications.
Here’s some text from the very bottom of:
At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons:
Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos from within the app. However, in the future we may give whitelist access to individual apps on a case by case basis.
We want to fight spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources, it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem. All this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.

There is no specific api to integrate instagram to Android application. But we can pass the intent in order to share the images if the device installed instagram.


Share to Instagram functionality on Android

From what I've seen, the only way to share pictures on Instagram is through Intents.
At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a
conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons:
Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos from within the app. We want to fight spam & low quality
photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources, it's harder to
control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem. All this being said,
we're working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and
high-quality experience on our platform.
The only problem is that after uploading the pic, you don't get back in your application and this is not really user friendly, unless back button is pressed or you switch back to your App. Is there a way to fix this?
Short answer: no, there is no way for you to control the app behavior after the sharing was completed. Instagram provides the opportunity to 'send' the image to their app via intents and they don't give you any chance to control this process (at least for now).

Android app upload picture to Instagram

It is possible to upload photo from Android App to Instagram?
Some says its not possible because of this
I just want to clarify if it is possible or not. If not possible if there another way on how to upload photo to instagram?
No it is not really possible. The Instagram API only supports the retrieval of data (as you can see based on all of those GETs).
There really are no alternatives either since Instagram doesn't want to let other people have this type of functionality (otherwise we would see a ton of knockoff Instagram apps).

Android app for third party that can share on Facebook

I'm developing (actually it's done, only the Facebook and Hyves shares are missing) Android mobile app that should share image to Face and Hyves.
There are couple of problems that I do not understand, so I need (urgent) help.
My idea was to save user/pass on device, and to check during the input if these details are correct. Then I wanted to somehow use API's to share image on the wall, preferably without any additional apps created, just share photo like you would share it from gallery.
Now I'm reading Facebook Developers guide, and it advises to create facebook app with domanin / e-mail, but this is not my app and I do not have authority to create anything in the name of third party.
So, what is the proper way to share photo to Social Networks, without creating "apps" and getting apps ID and stuff.
It seems that I can't find that kind of info on FB Developers page, and I'm afraid how will I get proper information for hyves (Dutch social network, and I do not speek dutch).

Is there a way in which Pinterest can be integrated with an android Application

I wish to drop pins or view the photo's which are of my interest in my Android Application, do we have any SDK by pinterest , as I would want to integrate the same inside my Android Application.
Any suggestions would be like a boon
This is for others who might want to get started with pinterest and land in this page.
It seems like the answer is "not yet"... But go and sign up with them, I'm sure it's on their radar and will come soon enough if it's in their basic FAQ.
Another option (or just for the meantime before they release an official API) may be if the official pinterest app offers an intent for sharing? Plenty of other social web entities like twitter, facebook, etc give intent based access in their official apps, that let you dump media, links, etc into them from other apps in the system, and have the information posted to your accounts.

How to integrate google plus to Android application

I want to know how to integrate google plus in my app. Currently I am developing news application, in which I would like to have a news sharing option for things like facebook, twitter, gmail, and google plus. How can I achieve this functionality?
Sharing the Android way doesn't involve integrating services one by one. That would require you to update your app any time a new service launches that you might want to integrate with. Instead you use the ACTION_SEND Intent.
This blog post gives a good intro to its use:
When you implement sharing this way your users can share using any app they have installed on their device. If they install a new app that can accept sharing intents your app will immediately be able to integrate with it with no changes from you. The Google+ app accepts these sharing intents.
You can easily share to Google+ with ShareCompat, you only need the support library for that.

