The projcet involves modifying Android to block/deny launching of particular apps. So if user tries to launch any of the pre-listed apps by any means, that app shouldn't get launched.
I'll be modifying Android source code. What are the different ways to do it? Suggestions are welcome.
I think one of the possible ways to do that is to modify in frameworks/base/core/java/android/os.
This class has start function which receives uid as an input paramenter. I think from this parameter we can get to know that for which app new process is being created. Is this the correct way to do it?
Also, as the apps are launched using intents, is it possible (by modifying any class) to remove particular intents?
In general, when an intent can be handled by an application(its activity, service), and the user prefers that application to handle it. The ActivityManagerService(Ams) in Android framework will first see whether the corresponding application of the target activity/service is still alive. If it hasn't been started yet or killed, the Ams will start that application by calling startProcessLocked method.
final ProcessRecord startProcessLocked(String processName,
ApplicationInfo info, boolean knownToBeDead, int intentFlags,
String hostingType, ComponentName hostingName, boolean allowWhileBooting,
boolean isolated) {
//you can get the uid from ApplicationInfo.uid
startProcessLocked(app, hostingType, hostingNameStr);
private final void startProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app,
String hostingType, String hostingNameStr) {
//prepare its uid, gid, gids for starting that process
Process.ProcessStartResult startResult = Process.start("",
app.processName, uid, uid, gids, debugFlags, mountExternal,, null, null);
So in that method, it start a new process. The Process.start is what you have mentioned in your question, and it finally calls Zygote to fork a new process.
I think intercepting the application startup process in Ams is a better way. You can get more information about this application and it is also the upstream of your Process.start method.
Just noticed that you were thinking about restricting intent. An intent can be handled by multiple applications, so we cannot restrict applications from sending a particular intent. But we can modify the resolving process. Resolving means the Android framework need to determine which activity/service can handle this intent. If there are multiple choices and the user haven't set any preference, then the following dialog will appear:
So it is possible to modify the resolving process to let the Android framework discard the fact that your specific application is able to handle that intent. I think this is also a way to do your work but it is much more compilicated because Android resolves intent differently for activity, service and receiver. For activity, Ams will call resolveIntent in PackageManagerService to get which activity to start. For service, it is the resolveService method in PackageManagerService get called. So you need to handle them differently. But since they will all get a list of ResolveInfo in their implementation, you can just filter out your application easily. For example, in resolveIntent in PackageManagerService:
public ResolveInfo resolveIntent(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
int flags, int userId) {
if (!sUserManager.exists(userId)) return null;
enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId, false, "resolve intent");
List<ResolveInfo> query = queryIntentActivities(intent, resolvedType, flags, userId);
//filter out here!!!!
return chooseBestActivity(intent, resolvedType, flags, query, userId);
You can easily get the ApplicationInfo from the ResolveInfo if you take a look at
For receiver, it is even more complicated because receivers registered in AndroidManifest.xml and by registerReceiver(...) are different. If the intent in broadcastIntent hasn't set the flag FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY(common case), then the resolving result would be a list of receivers that listen to that broadcast, which may contain two kinds of receivers. For those in AndroidManifest.xml, Ams will call queryIntentReceiver in PackageManagerService to get a list of receivers that listen to a broadcast. For those registered dynamically by registerReciever(...), they are managed by ActivityManagerService not PackageManagerService, so Ams will directly call mReceiverResolver.queryIntent to get those receivers. The mReceiverResolver is defined as:
final IntentResolver<BroadcastFilter, BroadcastFilter> mReceiverResolver
= new IntentResolver<BroadcastFilter, BroadcastFilter>() {
So what you need to do is override the queryIntent method to filter out the receivers in your application. For ContentProvider, the method is resolveContentProvider in PackageManagerService. Same way to handle it.
In Android 5.0 onwards, includes following function:
private void broadcastReport(BluetoothDevice device, byte[] report, int rpt_size) {
Intent intent = new Intent(BluetoothInputDevice.ACTION_REPORT);
intent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE, device);
intent.putExtra(BluetoothInputDevice.EXTRA_REPORT, report);
intent.putExtra(BluetoothInputDevice.EXTRA_REPORT_BUFFER_SIZE, rpt_size);
sendBroadcast(intent, BLUETOOTH_PERM);
I am not able to find any documentation on this flag in the intent. How should I receive this broadcast intent in my app?
Edited content deleted and formed into new question here
This constant is not documented in the Intent API docs because it is not intended for public use.
Here is a description from the android source code I found that describes it. (line 3018)
If set, when sending a broadcast before boot has completed only registered receivers will be called -- no BroadcastReceiver components will be launched. Sticky intent state will be recorded properly even if no receivers wind up being called. If FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY is specified in the broadcast intent, this flag is unnecessary.
This flag is only for use by system sevices as a convenience to avoid having to implement a more complex mechanism around detection of boot completion.
Emphasis mine.
I have a fairly standard Service which I wish to trigger using an alarm. Here's the initiation section of the service:
class MyService extends Service {
private Context context;
private AlarmManager alarmManager = null;
private final String startReason = "com.stuff.myreason";
private final int REASON_NO_INTENT = 0;
private final int REASON_ALARM = 1;
private final int REASON_X = 2; // and so on.
void onCreate() {
context = getApplicationContext();
alarmManager = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);
// do onCreate stuff
int onStartCommand (Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
int reason = REASON_NO_INTENT;
if (intent != null) {
reason = intent.getExtra(startReason, REASON_NO_INTENT);
switch(reason) {
// handle the different reasons we may have been "started"
When I trigger it using context.startService from an activity, it starts absolutely normally. In particular, if it is already running it doesn't (re)start from scratch but simply enters the existing instantiation via onStartCommand(). This is the expected behaviour. However, when I trigger it using the AlarmManager:
Intent intent = new Intent(context, MyService.class);
intent.putExtra(purposeOfStartCode, REASON_ALARM);
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getService(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, /* A time in the future */, pi);
When the alarm is due it seems to restart the service from scratch: it starts a new instantiation, calls onCreate() and then onStartCommand() rather than just calling onStartCommand() in the already running instantiation.
I have already tried changing the PendingIntent flag to FLAG_ONE_SHOT and replacing context with MyService.this with no improvement.
I am rather bemused by this - can anyone explain this behaviour and suggest ways to get it to behave as expected?
EDIT - The collection of actions that resulted in a solution are in my answer below.
After some investigation and work, I've discovered a number of things. Having done all of them, this problem looks like it's disappeared:
If you override onStart and onStartCommand in a service (to allow for older devices) and you put super.onStartCommand in the latter, it will call onStart, meaning you get every intent coming in twice!
As per one of the other answers (and comments on it), the AlarmManager is designed and specified to deliver Broadcast intents, not other types. However, in practice, it isn't picky and seems to honour other forms. I think that this was one of the keys in resolving the issue.
If the service is in the same process as other activites etc, the service sometimes seems to "just get restarted". This may be the actual cause of the issue noted in this question. See Android service onCreate is called multiple times without calling onDestroy.
Things seem to be more stable when solely using intents to communicate with the Service rather than binding and using a Messenger or binding and accessing methods. Whilst both of these are correct, they are quite complex to manage (although you could use this approach: What is the preferred way to call an Android Activity back from a Service thread and Using the Android Application class to persist data). Whilst I fully appreciate that the android docs disagree with me, in my observation moving to broadcast intent only communication seemed key. If you go for the separate process approach you'll have to do this anyway.
It pays to be consistent in how you declare and address your classes. It's a bit messy, but, because it sometimes seems to pay to use full names ("") rather than short ("CleverService" or ".CleverService"). So, it's probably better to always use full names.
The rule of thumb floating around out there about contexts ("use getApplicationContext") isn't really the right way to do it. See When to call activity context OR application context?; in essence use this, unless you really need to use a broader context, and manage your variables well.
It's possible for the garbage collector to clear up something still in use if it was created in an Activity, Service, Thread, AsyncTask, etc that is no longer around. If the application is based around a service, it may be wise to make a copy of classes coming in so that they don't get cleared up later.
A neater way to start a service than is often suggested is to give the service an intentFilter with it's full name as the action. You can then create the intent to start it with just the class name as a string. This means you don't have to worry about context. See Issue in Calling Service.
Well, I'm actually surprised that it runs your Service at all! The PendingIntent that you pass to the AlarmManager needs to be a broadcast Intent. So you need to rearchitect your code a bit. The AlarmManager will trigger a BroadcastReceiver and the BroadcastReciever can then call startService().
See the description of AlarmManager.set()
I got this to work by using the following code:
AlarmManager almgr = (AlarmManager)MyContext.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Intent timerIntent = new Intent(MyUniqueLabel);
PendingIntent pendingOffLoadIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(MyContext, 1, timerIntent, 0);
you MUST do these things for it to work.
1.) Call addFlags and the intent and pass it in FLAG_RECEIVER_FORGROUND
2.) Use a non-zero request code in PendingIntent.getBroadcast
If you leave any of those steps out it will not work.
In my app i have to receive USER_PRESENT and AIRPLANE_MODE intents. But each intent is broadcasted twice (sometimes thrice) which i don't want. I was trying to resolve this issue using SharedPreferences but i need to identify each intent uniquely (with any 'id' if it has or timestamp etc).
The following is the code where i was trying to allow only one onReceive call.
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
final SharedPreferences instanceCount = context.getSharedPreferences("Instances",Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE);
SharedPreferences.Editor instance_editor = instanceCount.edit();
Can any one please help in solving this. Thank You :)
Those are system broadcasts and you cannot control how many times they are broadcasted. Make your receiver(s) idempotent, e.g., it stays in the same state even if it is invoke multiple times. Instead of counting broadcasts, save the current state of your app and check it when you receive a broadcast. If you are already in the desired state, do nothing. Otherwise, change the state as appropriate and save it.
At the moment I am developing an application which catches the action NEW_OUTGOING_CALL with the help of a BroadcastReceiver. I am aborting the call by calling setResultData(null). After that I am showing the user a dialog which allows him to decide if he wants to use my application to rewrite its number. When the users decision has happened I am placing the new call depending on the decision. Now my broadcast receiver gets called up once again.
What is the correct way of getting to know that I have already processed the number? I got a working solution that uses a timestamp to guess if it could be already processed. Another solution would be to add a "+" at the end of the processed number.
These methods are working fine for my application being the only one catching the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL event. But what should I do when other applications (like Sipdroid or Google Voice) are also sitting there catching the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast aborting it and restarting it again? I don't see a possibility to get to know if we are still in the same "call flow" and if I already processed the number.
I would love to hear your ideas about this problem!
What API level are you working with? If it's >= 11, check out the new BroadcastReceiver.goAsync function that lets you extend the processing of the broadcast outside of the onReceive function of your receiver. This could bypass the need to loop altogether.
If, like me, you're stuck trying to do this before level 11, it is surprisingly tricky to do this elegantly. You may have done this as well, but I tried to include a "processed" flag as an extra in the ACTION_CALL intent that my code generated, hoping that it would somehow get included in the resulting ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast, but that sadly does not work.
The best solution I have been able to find is including a fragment in the URI for the ACTION_CALL intent that you generate. This fragment will be included for the resulting ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast, so your broadcast receiver can differentiate between the original call and the one that you generate, but it won't interfere with handlers that aren't looking for it.
Here's the basic code.
In your BroadcastReceiver for the ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL
public class YourBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// extract the fragment from the URI
String uriFragment = Uri.parse(
// if the fragment is missing or does not have your flag, it is new
if (uriFragment == null || !uriFragment.contains("your_flag")) {
// launch your activity, pass the phone number, etc.
// use getResultData to get the number in order to respect
// earlier broadcast receivers
// abort the broadcast
// otherwise, your code is there, this call was triggered by you
else {
// unless you have a special need, you'll probably just let the broadcast
// go through here
// note that resultData ignores the fragment, so other receivers should
// be blissfully unaware of it
When the user first dials the number, the fragment will either be missing altogether or your flag won't be present, so you'll abort the broadcast and start your activity. In your activity, if you decide to place the call again, do something like the following:
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL,
Uri.parse("tel:" + modified_number + "#your_flag")));
The "your_flag" fragment will then be present in the subsequent NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast and thus allow you to handle this case differently in your broadcast receiver.
The nice thing about this is the the fragment is completely ignored unless you look for it in the ORIGINAL_URI, so other broadcast receivers can continue to function. If you want to be really nice, you may want to look for an existing fragment and add your flag to it (perhaps with a comma separator).
I hope that helps. Good luck!
I don't see a possibility to get to
know if we are still in the same "call
flow" and if I already processed the
Technically, you are not in the same "call flow" as placing a new call is asynchronous. You have to use hints (such as a timestamp) as you seem to be doing already.
If you are confident that other applications will not rewrite the number except to change the prefix or to add a suffix, you may want to add another "proximity check" hint to avoid false positives/negatives, but I'm afraid that's about all you can do.
The onReceive() method in Broadcast receiver receives an Intent as an argument.
Extract the Bundle from the Intent using Intent.getExtras().
This Bundle contains 3 key-value pairs as follows : = null
android.intent.extra.PHONE_NUMBER = 98xxxxxx98 = tel:98xxxxxx98
98xxxxxx98 is the number dialled by the user.
When the onReceive() is called again, this number changes to 98xxxxxx98* or 0*
By checking for the asterisk(*) at the end of the dialled number, it can be inferred if the onReceive() method is called for the first time or the next subsequent times.
One of the answers would be to track the boolean extra in the intent. It is done in similar way by the Google Phone app. You can check this BroadcastReceiver here (look for alreadyCalled usage)
The other way would be just to pass that "rewritten" number from your broadcast to the next broadcast receiver down the road (can be any app, like Sipdroid, Google Voice, or custom VoIP app) without calling ACTION_CALL intent (this is why you get loop and you broadcast receiver called again) The following code is example of how I am handling call in my custom VoIP app. When I intercept NEW_OUTGOING_CALL in my broadcast receiver, I first check if there is internet connection. If phone is connected to internet I use custom defined intent action of my activity to place call through my VoIP app. If there is no internet connection, I just set original phone number to the broadcast receiver result data. This is used by the next broadcast receiver (probably default phone app, but doesn't have to be) in the flow to place a call.
public class BHTTalkerCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = "BHTTalkerCallReceiver";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.d(TAG, "Broadcast successfull ... ");
// Extract phone number reformatted by previous receivers
String phoneNumber = getResultData();
if (phoneNumber == null) {
// No reformatted number, use the original
phoneNumber = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER);
if (isNetworkAvailable(context)) { // Make sure this app handles call only if there is internet connection
// My app will bring up the call, so cancel the broadcast
// Start my app to bring up the call
Intent voipCallIntent = new Intent(context, TalkerActivity.class);
voipCallIntent.putExtra(TalkerActivity.OUT_CALL_NUMBER, phoneNumber);
} else { //otherwise make a regular call...
// Forward phone data to standard phone call
private boolean isNetworkAvailable(final Context context) {
final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = ((ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE));
return connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null && connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo().isConnected();
I currently have a Service in Android that is a sample VOIP client so it listens out for SIP messages and if it recieves one it starts up an Activity screen with UI components.
Then the following SIP messages determine what the Activity is to display on the screen.
For example if its an incoming call it will display Answer or Reject or an outgoing call it will show a dialling screen.
At the minute I use Intents to let the Activity know what state it should display.
An example is as follows:
Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra("", true);
Intent x = new Intent();
So the activity will have a broadcast reciever registered for these intents and will switch its state according to the last intent it received.
Sample code as follows:
SipCallListener = new BroadcastReceiver(){
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
Log.d("cda ", "Got RINGING action SIPENGINE");
Log.d("cda ", "Got PHONE RINGING action");
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(CallManager.SIP_INCOMING_CALL_INTENT);
registerReceiver(SipCallListener, filter);
This works however it seems like it is not very efficient, the Intents will get broadcast system wide and Intents having to fire for different states seems like it could become inefficient the more I have to include as well as adding complexity.
So I was wondering if there is a different more efficient and cleaner way to do this?
Is there a way to keep Intents broadcasting only inside an application?
Would callbacks be a better idea? If so why and in what way should they be implemented?
UPDATE 2015:
This question/answer still gets a little bit of activity, but it is over 5 yrs old and things have changed quite a bit. 5 years ago, the answer below was how I would have handled it. Later I wrote a very lightweight dependency injection solution that I was using for a while (which I mentioned in the comments). Nowadays, I would answer this question using Dagger and RxAndroid. Dagger to inject a "mediator" class into both the Service and all Activities that need to be notified, the Service would push the status update to the mediator class, and the mediator class would expose an observable for the activities to consume the status update (in place of the OP's broadcast receiver).
Original answer
I usually subclass Application and let my in-app communication go through this class (or have a mediator owned by the Application do the work...regardless, the Application being the entry point for the service to communicate with). I have a bound service that needs to update the UI as well (much simpler than yours, but the same idea) and it basically tells the app its new state and the app can then pass this information along in one way or another to the currently active activity. You can also maintain a pointer to the currently active activity (if there is more than one), and make decisions whether or not to simply update the current activity, broadcast the intent to launch a different activity, ignore the message, etc. I would also subclass Activity and have your new activity base class tell the Application that it is currently the active one in onResume and that it is being paused in onPause (for cases where your service is running in the background and the activities are all paused).
In response to the comment, here's more specifics.
Your application currently consists of Activity-derived and Service-derived classes for the most part. Inherently, you get functionality from an instance of the class. This is declared in your manifest (by default) with the following line:
<application android:icon="#drawable/icon" android:label="#string/app_name">
The application element in your manifest doesn't use the android:name attribute, so it just creates an instance of the default class to represent your global application context.
In my apps, I create a subclass of Application (ApplicationEx, for example) and I tell my app through the manifest that this is the class to instantiate as MY global application context. For example:
I can now add methods to ApplicationEx for activities and services to use to communicate. There is always a single instance of your global application context, so this is your starting point if anything needs to be global for your app.
A second piece of this is that instead of deriving my services and activities from Service and Activity, I create a subclass of each with a getAppContext method that casts the return value of getApplicationContext (which exists already in both of these classes because they derive from Context) to my ApplicationEx class.
All that being said, you add a CurrentActivity property to your ApplicationEx class of type Activity (or ActivityBase if you subclass it as I do). In ActivityBase's onResume method, you pass yourself to ApplicationEx for it to set CurrentActivity to that activity. Now, you can expose methods on ApplicationEx to pass information directly to the current activity instead of relying on the Intent mechanisms.
That's about as clear as I can make it
You can send broadcast intents just to your own application and not system wide with LocalBroadcastManager:
Helper to register for and send broadcasts of Intents to local objects within your process. This is has a number of advantages over sending global broadcasts with sendBroadcast(Intent):
You know that the data you are broadcasting won't leave your app, so don't need to worry about leaking private data.
It is not possible for other applications to send these broadcasts to your app, so you don't need to worry about having security holes they can exploit.
It is more efficient than sending a global broadcast through the system.
However, I'd still recommend going with the Service approach and locally binding and talking through Handler when necessary to update UI components for efficiency.