i'm beginner developer of phonegap android application developer. i'm in confusion. i want to make a photo gallery that work online(with internet). 1st: how can i embed my photo gallery with the application. 2nd: if user connection lost during checking photos there is not show the my app url (could not find URL http://www.domain.com/app/index.php) after connection lost it will go to on default error page of no internet connection.
my online application is in php how can i iframe that app in my native application.
phonegap android application developer help me. i'm very thankful to you for this.
Phonegap is not really a way to embed a full application inside an app. The app itself is its own website (sort of).
Your best direction is to create a PHP page on your sever that outputs an XML or JSON file of the images you are going to show THEN create a custom application using HTML / Javascript that pulls in the XML/JSON and parses it into your app. For best practise you should cache or store said files locally for when the device isn't connected to the network.
I have to develop a user registration form that is going to run on an Android tablet locally, without internet connection.
The idea I have is to make the submit using Javascript and store the user data in a .CSV file.
The page that show the form will be opened with Chrome or Safari, that is, in a web browser.
Is it possible to do this on an Android tablet? What would be the procedure?
I think that programming the form and then putting it in some internal folder will be enough and then open the index.html file with the browser.
Any advice or suggestion?
Thank you very much.
I have the below tag in my website for downloading image
<a href="data:image/png;base64,%20iVBOdfd...." download="myimage.png" />
The above tag is working normally, when it is pressed, it will download the image without any issue.
When I tried this function on ios / android, the web browser will download the image to some "Download" folder instead of writing it to camera roll (IOS) / DCIM (android).
My question is, is it possible to write to camera roll or DCIM? If it is possible, how can I achieve it? This function is crucial to my application as my users always find it hard to navigate on phone to retrieve the downloaded images at later time.
P.S: My concern is more about the writing destination, filesystem access on phone, not the download itself.
P.S: this is a normal website written using html, vuejs. not native, not react native, not vue-native.
Thank you.
That is not possible since it is the web browser who has access to the device and your web application cannot decide where to save the image. You'll need to implement an app to achieve the expected result. Also study Progressive Web Apps to see whether it's possible
Im new with Android. My task is to create a mobile application based on a responsive WordPress website. I would like to be able to download some of the content of this site. Website uses HTTPS. In the first, most primitive version, I tried to use WebView. I wanted to use the following: WebView load website when online, load local file when offline. Unfortunately, only the white page appeared and nothing more. In the case of "Google.com link" a page has been loaded in an external browser (Oreo Android).
Any suggestion how should I start? The easiest way would be to download an HTML page or have access to files on the server. Unfortunately, I do not have that access.
As always -1 without even trying to help....
As I said load from cache when Internet is disabled not working. Work only WebView (without login, because CORS). So how should I face it?
I am developing a PhoneGap app which will show a PDF of a newsletter. I am linking to the externally hosted PDF from the app. The PDF will change every week. Obviously it is not practical to ask people to update the app every week, so I am looking for suggestions on how to go about this?
I had trouble getting PDF to display on android, but solved this by uploading the PDF to google drive and linking to the PDF on google drive. The fact that I need to use google drive eliminates the option of using a static link and uploading the latest PDF to the same destination (and with the same name obv) every week.
You can make a PHP or ASP service on server which will give a XML or json response.
There you can update the new PDF link.
Make an call to those php or ASP service from your app, get the new pdf link (e.g. you can use jquery ajax call for this)
I have a cloud storage website and I want to create an Android application for that website.
I tried 2 methods.
First Method
Using Phonegap to open a remote website which handles everything and its built-in PHP so everything works fine. But a Cloud Storage app must allow uploading and downloading. In Phonegap I can upload through the website but can't download directly to local storage. It can only be done locally if my website is in the local www folder. Also in this way API of Phonegap can't be used either. If I download any file the browser opens up, in this case.
Second Method:
I tried to use Phonegap locally and just create an API of my cloud storage website so that locally with the help of jQuery ,Ajax so that I can post data to the remote URL, but that can't be done due to the Same Origin policy. I may receive the JSON data of files and show but can't log the user in and other features. :( Again a problem.
What else can I do? Is there any other method or solution you can provide me regarding these two methods or any alternative method I can use?
Depending on the kinds of data you're talking about there are several alternatives.
You're describing a cloud storage app (I'm assuming like drop box or Google drive right).
Therefore you'll want to write to the file system instead of some kind of database (locally ofc)
I would therefore check out the following api docs;
Examples are there too.
PS ive had same origin problems in development, but they seem to go away in production, try testing there too.