Ouput to text file using C++ STL library in Android - android

I have an Android application that use JNI. In JNI I used C++ STL library to output some data into a text file.
This is the snippet code.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
float mydata[4] = {0.0f};
ofstream file;
file.open("Data.txt", ios::app);
// For example
when I ran ndk-build, I did not face any errors and the program seems run properly. But I did not found any text file in my Application directory.
does anybody know what could be the issue? Please help.

Your code works, but you apparently try to access a path which is forbidden.
Firstly, be sure that your Android application asks for storage permissions.
Secondly, try to replace "Data" by an absolute path you know you have access to (e.g. "/sdcard/Pictures/Data.txt").
Also, as a better practice, you should test if the file has been opened before writing to it.


How can i reach files from Android NDK?

I never make a android project and i don't know java. I am trying to port my c++ sdl opengl project to android. I am using android studio. I opened sdl sample android project and now i can manage project from main.cpp . How do i know this because I changed the color of the window and it worked. But when i try to load shader.text file with ifstream program crashed. I understand that this will not happen. After this i searched but I couldn't find a complete code or an example.
When i put files in assets folder and build apk. apk size grows as files. Therefore I need to kepth files in assets folder ?
I think i need to use asset manager but of course i don't know.
What files should I write what code? I mean what i need to add main.cpp and I need to add code java side also ?
main.cpp :
int main()
//lets say i have filePath like these
char file_vert[100];
char file_Texture[100];
//i am using them in cpp project
//shader text file like this
std::ifstream vShaderFile;
//and i am loading texture file with "stbi" library
unsigned char *data = stbi_load(file_Texture, &width, &height, &nrComponents, 0);

Arduino NearBus NearbusEther_v16.h: No such file or directory

I am working on a project with arduino, i am using NearBus connect my arduino to cloud. I am using api downloaded from NearBus but when i load it an compile it says "NearbusEther_v16.h: No such file or directory" although file is available in libraries folder.
Please help.
Have you used
#include "NearbusEther_v16.h"
#include <NearbusEther_v16.h>
There is a difference. Also did you try manually adding the file through the Sketch>Add File dialog?

Android JNI what is current working directory for C/C++ executed code?

In Android if an C/C++ shared library created using NDK is invoked and it loads a file what is its currently working directory? Thanks
The current directory is "/", not the application directory:
#include <jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
char cwd[1024];
if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL)
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "", cwd);
To get the application directory, you need to use JNI calls to Java code, which in turn gets android application directory from Context.
Negative. Native code getcwd() will return '/', which is not the application directory. To let native know where it is, must pass application directory (obtained from Context object) to native deliberately via a native method.
Or try to call Context's method with native codes, which is too complex.
Maybe NDK sample at "android-ndk-rxx/samples/two-libs" will give you some useful message.

Eclipse: Problems with JNI code debugging

I'm writing application for android, using Eclipse in Windows. I'm implementing C code in JAVA and for that I'm using JNI. I have many functions and my problem is that I want to debug functions in JNI.
Can I debug my code which is written in JNI in C language ?
Here is answer How to start logging for Android NDK !
Some weeks I was researching how I can write logs in Eclipse from Android NDK code. I found some examples in Internet and want to share it with you. Following steps below you can start logging on Eclipse.
Include log.h file into your Android NDK source file
#include <android/log.h>
Add the line below to your Android.mk make file.
Now you can start logging, this two steps allows you to write logs in Eclipse from Android NDK. Write the line below in your Android NDK code and the log will bw appear in the Eclipse
use following Flags to write logs in the column which you want.
typedef enum android_LogPriority {
ANDROID_LOG_DEFAULT, /* only for SetMinPriority() */
ANDROID_LOG_SILENT, /* only for SetMinPriority(); must be last */
} android_LogPriority
For example if you want to write in Info column you must write
So, Good Luck !

Problem to build NDK with C++ in Android

Currently I am working with the Android NDK and JNI. I am trying to build a C++ code with NDK.
But I got the following errors:
E:/Android/Tranining_workspace/BackUpMigrant/jni/ReadBackupArc5/ReadBackupArc5.cpp:10:19: error: fstream: No such file or directory
E:/Android/Tranining_workspace/BackUpMigrant/jni/ReadBackupArc5/ReadBackupArc5.cpp:20: error: 'ifstream' does not name a type
E:/Android/Tranining_workspace/BackUpMigrant/jni/ReadBackupArc5/ReadBackupArc5.cpp:21: error: 'ofstream' does not name a type
E:/Android/Tranining_workspace/BackUpMigrant/jni/ReadBackupArc5/ReadBackupArc5.cpp:22: error: 'ofstream' does not name a type
E:/Android/Tranining_workspace/BackUpMigrant/jni/ReadBackupArc5/ReadBackupArc5.cpp:34: error: 'string' was not declared in this scope
Can anyone please help me out?
I just encountered the same problem. Seems the STL is not automatically included in NDK projects by default. That also means iostream, fstream, string etc can't be used straight away. To enable them, you'll need to modify your Application.mk file. If you don't have one (it's in the <project>/jni directory), then just create a new, blank one. Add the line:
APP_STL := stlport_static
Also, also remember to include using namespace std; or equivalent, along with the usual #include <iostream> etc.
Did you remember your:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
definitions at the top of the file?
("using namespace std" isn't always a good idea, but that's a separate issue.)

