Android asynctask with no input or output - android

I have set up an async task that will get a list of countries from a wsdl and from the result i create a bunch of country objects and add the objects to an arraylist in the country class file.
I want to be able to run this async task that will populate the array list then from another view be able to call specific indexes from the array list based on what the user has selected.
i have tried creating a class that extends AsyncTask and i have inserted the same code from the gingerbread version of the app i created which worked fine because network actions could be ran from the main thread
The type getWSDL2 must implement the inherited abstract method AsyncTask.doInBackground(Object...)
i dont have any objects to pass to this i all variables and stuff to get the wsdl data is within the async task and all the data i need from it is assigned to the arraylist from within the async task.
public class getWSDL2 extends AsyncTask {
protected void doInBackground()

Pass Void... as a parameter for doInBackground
protected void doInBackground(Void... params)

The way I understand your question you're not sure how to implement the AsyncTask because you have no need to pass values into it. All of the variables and data you need are included within the code that will execute the transaction with your server to download whatever it is you intend to display.
public class getWSDL2 extends AsyncTask {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
//All I/O code here
protected Void onPostExecute(){
//Anything that needs to run on the UI thread here
The general structure of the AsyncTask is listed above. The doInBackground method must contain any I/O functions while any thing you do tha touches a view, i.e. displaying the results of you're query as saved in a array list, must be called from onPostExecute, which runs on the UI thread.
From what I gather the solution is simple. Put all the code that is required for your server transaction within the doInBackground method. If you need to display the results of that transaction in a view just add a return statment to doInBackground and include the type of object/variable you will return in the varargs listed for the AsyncTask. For example if you were going to display the result of an ArrayList generated in your doInBackground method
public class getWSDL2 extends AsyncTask {
protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(Void... params) {
//All I/O code here
return nameOfArrayListYouBuild
protected Void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> whatever){
//use ArraList whatever to display your stuff
In the alternative if you don't need to display anything or run any functions on the UI thread then don't use the onPostExecute method at all.
public class getWSDL2 extends AsyncTask {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
//All I/O code here
return null
You can structure you're task so that it just uses doInBackground


how to allow UI thread to wait for the background thread to finish?

I can use AsnycTask get() method to wait for the background task to be completed, But how do I do it if I'm using CursorLoader and ContentProvider with LoaderManager Callback?
Is it also possible to prevent the UI thread from waiting for the data returned in the background thread?
You can easily pass your interface to get call back of Asynctask .This is right way to get solution of your problem
Show ProgressDialog to wait untill response is not receive. if your response is receiving from same class or activity then do not use interface call back, if response is receiving from other activity of class then use interface call back
Wait on UIThread is not recommended it makes app looks like laggy or stucked. blundell made good point in the edit.
I have exactly the same situation in one of my current project where i have to request the list of contacts using the content provider and cursor loaders to display them later on a listview.
So here is what you should do:
Make an Async call to the content provider from whithin your activity/fragment using the async task as a static inner class.
Inside the AsyncTask doInBackground() method you place your function to retrieve the cursor and process your data there so you end up with returning a List<Object> Object is the returned Model (Contact) in my case.
Inside the AsyncTask's onPostExecute() method you just pass the retreived data list to whatever View you are working with (again in my case it's a List<Contact> and there where your mainThread is receiving data and only there it has to process the data when it's ready.
AsyncTask make your life much easier as they have a string structure to handle passing data from a MainThread to a background separate Thread and then ship back the data from the background Thread to the MainThread.
In terms of code your code should look like :
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private AsyncTask mTask;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Call the AsyncTask and pass your Data
mTask = new Task(this);
private static class Task extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, List<Object> {
private WeakReference<Contex> mContextRef;
public Task(Context context) {
mContextRef = new WeakReference<>(context);
//later when you need your context just use the 'get()' method. like : mContextRef.get() (this will return a Context Object.
protected void onPreExecute() {
// show progress Dialog
//this method is processed in the MainThread, though it can prepare data from the background thread.
protected List<Object> doInBackground(Void ... params) {
List<Object> mList = new ArrayList<>();
//Call your content provider here and gather the cursor and process your data..
//return the list of object your want to show on the MainThread.
return mList;
protected Void onPostExecute(List<Object> list) {
if(list.size() > 0) {
//do your stuff : i.e populate a listView

How to get multiple implementations of a single AsyncTask class in Android?

I am developing an Android application, where most of my activities are fetching content from a MySQL database separately, through an http request.
For this, I am required to add the AsyncTask class separately to each such activity.
Is there a possibility that I may use a common AsyncTask class for all such data fetching and create their objects separately in the activities and fetch data based on the parameters?
Of course, you can create separate class extending AsyncTask for making HTTP requests, which will take appropriate parameters and re-use it in many activities. You don't have to create nested private classes in each activity. You can use input parameters of AsyncTask in doInBackground(parameters) method. See documentation of AsyncTask at:
Below, you can see very simple example of using AsyncTask with some pseudo-code:
public class DownloadDataTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> {
protected String doInBackground(String address) {
// you should have method for performing HTTP request
// and return result - in this case as String
String result = performHttpRequest(address);
return result;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
// this method is executed after downloading result
// now, you can perform some action - e.g. display data in a TextView
In this definition: AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> first parameter is type of input parameter (in this case address of the end-point), second parameter is type of progress value (we are not using it in this example), last parameter is type of output value (in our case, HTTP response as String).
When DownloadDataTask class is placed in a separate file, you can re-use it in many activities with the following call:
new DownloadDataTask().execute(address);
Of course, it's very basic example with some pseudo-code. I haven't initialized TextView and I haven't provided implementation of performHttpRequest() method. You should adjust it to your needs. You can also upgrade this solution and pass reference to a TextView or another widget in which your result will be displayed.
Nevertheless, consider using RxJava and RxAndroid instead of AsyncTask. It will make you app simpler and less error-prone. I do not recommend using AsyncTask, because we have many better solutions for Android right now. Regardless of this fact, you decide which solution will be used in your project.
You can achieve this in much the same way as you would with any other Class - create a separate class file that extends AsyncTask and create an object where it's required.
For more flexibility, you could declare the class abstract and use an unknown type parameter, so that you can adjust it as your requirements change.
public abstract class MyTask<T> extends AsyncTask<T, Void, Void>{
protected void onPreExecute() {
Log.i("Tag", "onPreExecute");
protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
Log.i("Tag", "onPostExecute");
And then, whenever you want to create an instance:
MyTask<String> mt = null; //Or URL etc.
if (mt == null) {
mt = new MyTask() {
protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
return null;

Call different callback from AsyncTask onPostExecute()

I have implemented an internal AsyncTask for my class that does initial setup data query from server and stores into device cache. The setup data in split between 2 JSON files. The first JSON is read/cached and if certain conditions are on then second JSON file will be downloaded and stored into cache. I want to use same AsyncTask from both operations.
In doInBackground(), I perform JSON download operation independent of JSON type. But in onPostExecute() I want to call different callbacks depending if its 1st JSON file or second, since they require different handling. Is that possible?
EDIT: Pls note I do not want to use booleans, enum to decide which callback to call as in future I will have more files to process. From my calling class I want to set the callback and rest should happen automatically.
Below implementation should solve your problem:
private class MyCustomAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>{
private boolean mShouldCallMethod1;
public MyCustomAsyncTask(boolean shouldCallMethod1){
mShouldCallMethod1 = shouldCallMethod1;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
//code goes here..
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
i.e have a customized AsyncTask as innerclass.
If you use the same interface which contains the two callbacks this is no problem. Simply declare an interface with 2 callback methods (json1, json2) and pass an instance of the interface to the AsyncTask.
In your onPostExecute() you can call the callback(s).
As android does not support setListner Methods for onPostExccute so there is two ways:
Extend AsychTask and imlement setOnPostExcuteListner
Or just call "your method" from onPostExcute simple!

Android: How to retrieve values from an AsyncTask?

I've been researching all day trying to find out how to retrieve the values computed in the doInBackground async task. No luck at all.
I'm doing a basic HttpURLConnection request and parsing some XML data from a webpage using the DOM. I successfully store the data in two different arrays
///////////inside doInBackground:
for(int x=0; x<10; x++)
username[x] = element.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
score[x] = anotherElement.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
Now, all I want to do is simply output the values onto a textView.
Among many other things, I have attempted:
protected void onPostExecute(String result)
for (int xx = 0; xx<10; xx++)
theMainTextView.append(username[xx] + " scored " + score[xx] +"\n");
Nothing I have attempted works. A recurring error I'm receiving is the NullPointerException. Am I doing something dramatically incorrect? Know of any other (even obscure) methods I could try? Ignore the for loops if that helps...I've omitted a lot of code. Just assume I want to retrieve two values...a username and a score.
Edit: I should probably mention that the AsyncTask ends with return null;
Edit: apparently the code is not faulty but I had a globally declared button which was causing a null Pointer Exception. Sorry about that.
If you get a NullPointerException as stated in the question and this is all of your onPostExecute() code than the field theMainTextView must be null.
You must initialize it before starting the AsyncTask - best place to do so is in onCreate() for Activities or onCreateView() for Fragments.
Although it's not the best practice, your code should work. I think the problem comes from another part. Can you please specify what line is throwing the NullPointerException?
To retrieve values from an AsyncTask you can use listener.
First create interface listner (new file):
public interface AsyncListener {
void onAsyncFinishMethod(String params);
Second, use implement for your main class where you call async task (example)
public class MainActivity implements AsyncListener {
Third, create full body for listener method in your main class. You are overriding method from interface. So if you change params you will have to change too in interface. Here you will get all results after task finish and call onPostExecute.
public void onAsyncFinishMethod(String params) {
Log.d("xxx", params);
Fourth, set listener for your async task. It means: In your async task class create this method
public void setOnAsyncFinishedMethod(AsyncListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
Make sure, your async task has private param with type that listener
private AsyncListener listener;
In onPostExecute in async task class call listener method as a last (if you don't have this method, please create it)
protected void onPostExecute(String params) {
Last step, during calling async task in your main class don't forget bind setOnAsyncFinishedMethod method to it
My Example:
private void runMyAsyncTask() {
CustomAsync async = new CustomAsync();
async.setOnAsyncFinishedMethod(this);//<<< before execute use setOnAsyncFinishedMethod
Of course, params used in onAsyncFinishedMethod could be different than you, also onPostExecute.

AsyncTask Save Variables from doInBackground

I have two AsyncTasks as inner classes in my Activity. One returns an ArrayList in doInBackground and asigns a ListAdapter to it on postExecute. The other AsyncTask returns a StringArray and sets some TextViews.
On Rotation everything is gone, also the layout changes on Rotation.
I'd like to have access to the results of the doInBackground-Methods. If I had access I could just simply save the variables in onSaveInstanceState and reasign the values manually.
You can access the results of doInBackground in onPostExecute.
Simply change your class to:
public class YourTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, ObjectYouWantToReturn> {
protected ObjectYouWantToReturn doInBackground(Beneficiary... params) {
ObjectYouWantToReturn obj = new ObjectYouWantToReturn();
//... do your stuff
return obj;
protected void onPostExecute(ObjectYouWantToReturn result) {
//there you go, here you have the results from doInBackground
Shared preferences is solution of your problem i think.
revise the link given below.

