How to create nanohttpd server in android? - android

Actually ,I had searched some questions and go to the github. But I'm new ,I cannot understand the example.
I want to create the http server in android so I can access it in PC browser.
I had instance a class extend nanohttpd, but the server just don't work. I don't know why ,my computer and phone are in the same WIFI,uh.....
public class MyHTTPD extends NanoHTTPD {
* Constructs an HTTP server on given port.
public MyHTTPD()throws IOException {
public Response serve( String uri, Method method,
Map<String, String> header, Map<String, String> parms,
Map<String, String> files )
System.out.println( method + " '222" + uri + "' " );
String msg = "<html><body><h1>Hello server</h1>\n";
if ( parms.get("username") == null )
msg +=
"<form action='?' method='get'>\n" +
" <p>Your name: <input type='text' name='username'></p>\n" +
msg += "<p>Hello, " + parms.get("username") + "!</p>";
msg += "</body></html>\n";
return new NanoHTTPD.Response(msg );
public static void main( String[] args )
new MyHTTPD();
catch( IOException ioe )
System.err.println( "Couldn't start server:\n" + ioe );
System.exit( -1 );
System.out.println( "Listening on port 8080. Hit Enter to stop.\n" );
try {; } catch( Throwable t ) {
System.out.println("read error");

Your sample code is missing one small detail - you create the server but you never call the "start()" method which kicks it off to listen for incoming connections. In your main() method, you could write
(new MyHTTPD()).start();
and all would be well, your server would respond the way you hoped it would.
The reason it works that way is twofold: I want the constructor to be a cheap, inexpensive operation, without side-effects. For instance, while unit testing, I call "start()" in the setup and "stop()" in the teardown methods of my jUnit test.

This is the code working for me, but I have different version of NANOHTTPD, I don't have time right now to test out your solution. Here is UploadServer class and Nano class. I return file-upload.htm from sdcard/Discover Control/Web path
public class UploadServer extends NanoHTTPD {
public UploadServer() throws IOException {
super(8080, new File("."));
public Response serve( String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms, Properties files ) {
File rootsd = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File path = new File(rootsd.getAbsolutePath() + "/Discover Control/Web");
Response r = super.serveFile("/file-upload.htm", header, path, true);
return r;
NanoHttpd class
Hope this helps and enjoy your work.

Android Activities have a lifecycle and do not use a main() function.
If you want to start and stop the webserver as part of the Activity then you need call start and stop
in onPause and onResume, ie
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
private MyHTTPD mServer;
protected void onResume() {
try {
mServer = new MyHTTPD();
} catch (IOException e) {
mServer = null;
protected void onPause() {
if(mServer != null) {
mServer = null;
An alternative is to implement the webserver as part of a Service.
In an app I'm working I have a requirement to keep the webserver running even if the user leaves the app. The only way to do this is to start and stop the webserver as part of a long-running Service that is not bound to the Activity. See Vogella's great tutorial on Android Services.

This code working for fine viewing html pages with css class which are in my assesst folders
this will start the server below code for server functions
public class AndroidWebServer extends NanoHTTPD {
Realm realm;
Map<String, String> parms;
DBHelper db = new DBHelper(OpenRAP.getContext());
boolean isStartedHS = MainActivity.isStartedHS;
private AsyncHttpServer server = new AsyncHttpServer();
private AsyncServer mAsyncServer = new AsyncServer();
private String TAG = "androidwebserver";
Storage storage = new Storage(OpenRAP.getContext());
public AndroidWebServer(int port) {
public AndroidWebServer(String hostname, int port) {
super(hostname, port);
public String getHostname() {
return super.getHostname();
public Response serve(IHTTPSession session) {
Method method = session.getMethod();
String uri = session.getUri();
Map<String, String> files = new HashMap<>();
SharedPreferences prefs = OpenRAP.getContext().getSharedPreferences(MainActivity.mypreference, MODE_PRIVATE);
OpenRAP app = (OpenRAP) OpenRAP.getContext();
Storage storage = new Storage(OpenRAP.getContext());
String currentpath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/www/";
String temp = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/www/temp/";
String ecarpath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/www/ecars_files/";
String xcontent = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/www/xcontent/";
String Endpoint = session.getUri();
if (Endpoint.equals("/")) {
String answer = "";
try {
// Open file from SD Card
File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsoluteFile();
FileReader index = new FileReader(root +
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(index);
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
answer += line;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.w("Httpd", ioe.toString());
return newFixedLengthResponse(answer);


How to download Google Doc, Spreadsheet and Presentation file by using Drive API?

I used the following Drive API code in Android for download files from Google Drive.
GoogleSignInAccount signInAccount = GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(GoogleDriveActivity.this);
DriveClient mDriveClient = Drive.getDriveClient(getApplicationContext(), signInAccount);
DriveResourceClient mDriveResourceClient = Drive.getDriveResourceClient(getApplicationContext(), signInAccount);
By using this code I am able to download all files i.e Docx, Doc, Image, xls, xlsx, txt, pdf etc.
but it has given the issue for the following files.
Google Doc (application/,
SpreadSheet (application/,
Presentation file (application/
even I tried to change metadata for the selected file by using this code but still, its shown file size is 0 (Zero) and
the extension is null.
MetadataChangeSet changeSet = new MetadataChangeSet.Builder()
Task<Metadata> updateMetadataTask =
mDriveResourceClient.updateMetadata(file, changeSet);
So please suggest the solution if anybody implemented it.
I tried to download Google Doc, Spreadsheet and Presentation file by using Google Drive Android API but didn’t get any proper solution for it by using Drive API.
But I have read in many places that you can download this documents using REST. Finally, I got the right solution for it when I combined both these codes i.e. Drive API Code and REST code
Here is the code for it.
First, you need to add these two lines in your build.gradle file in App module.
compile('') {
exclude group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents'
compile('') {
exclude group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents'
Second, Initialize GoogleAccountCredential and Drive by your selected account.
private driveService = null;
private GoogleAccountCredential signInCredential;
private long timeStamp;
private String fileName;
// Initialize credentials and service object.
signInCredential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(
getApplicationContext(), Arrays.asList(SCOPES))
.setBackOff(new ExponentialBackOff());
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(signInAccount.getAccount().name)) {
signInCredential.setSelectedAccount(new Account(signInAccount.getAccount().name, getPackageName()));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(signInCredential.getSelectedAccountName())) {
HttpTransport transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
driveService = new, jsonFactory, signInCredential)
//Pass two parameters i.e fileId and mimeType which one you get when you select the file name.
public void retrieveGoogleDocContents(String fileId, String mimeType) throws IOException {
try {
File storageDir =createStorageDir();
timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
//selectedFileName which one you get when you select any file from the drive, or you can use any name.
fileName = selectedFileName + "." +getFileExtension(mimeType);
File localFile = new File(storageDir, timeStamp + "_" + fileName);
if (!localFile.exists()) {
if (localFile.createNewFile())
Log.d(TAG, fileCreated);
AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean>() {
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
boolean isSuccess = false;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(localFile); request = driveService.files().export(fileId,getFileMimeType(mimeType));
request.getMediaHttpDownloader().setProgressListener(new GoogleDriveActivity.CustomProgressListener());
isSuccess = true;
} catch (UserRecoverableAuthIOException e) {
startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION);
} catch (IOException transientEx) {
// Network or server error, try later
Log.e(TAG, transientEx.toString());
} finally {
return isSuccess;
protected void onPostExecute(Boolean isSuccess) {
Log.i(TAG, "Download Successfully :" + isSuccess);
} catch (IOException e){
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
public static void close(Closeable c) {
if (c == null) return;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
public static File createStorageDir() {
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + Constants.IMAGE_DIRECTORY;
File storageDir = new File(path);
if (!storageDir.exists()) {
if (storageDir.mkdir())
Log.d(TAG, "Directory created.");
Log.d(TAG, "Directory is not created.");
} else
Log.d(TAG, "Directory exist.");
return storageDir;
Here are file mime type and extension.
public final static String ICON_DOCX = "docx";
public final static String ICON_PPTX = "pptx";
public final static String ICON_XLSX = "xlsx";
public final static String MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_DOC = "application/";
public final static String MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET = "application/";
public final static String MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_PRESENTATION = "application/";
public final static String MIME_TYPE_DOCX = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document";
public final static String MIME_TYPE_XLSX = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
public final static String MIME_TYPE_PPTX = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation";
public static String getFileExtension(String fileMimeType) {
String fileExtension = Constants.ICON_PDF;
if (fileMimeType.equals(Constants.MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_DOC))
fileExtension = Constants.ICON_DOCX;
else if (fileMimeType.equals(Constants.MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET))
fileExtension = Constants.ICON_XLSX;
else if (fileMimeType.equals(Constants.MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_PRESENTATION))
fileExtension = Constants.ICON_PPTX;
return fileExtension;
public static String getFileMimeType(String fileMimeType) {
String newMimeType = Constants.MIME_TYPE_PDF;
if (fileMimeType.equals(Constants.MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_DOC))
newMimeType = Constants.MIME_TYPE_DOCX;
else if (fileMimeType.equals(Constants.MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET))
newMimeType = Constants.MIME_TYPE_XLSX;
else if (fileMimeType.equals(Constants.MIME_TYPE_GOOGLE_PRESENTATION))
newMimeType = Constants.MIME_TYPE_PPTX;
return newMimeType;

AmazonSNS - - NullPointerException

I am new to Android Studio and intelliJ.
I am trying to work with AmazonSNS - Push. I am unable to figure out how to add file to classpath of the module. I get a NPE at line 57 in the image below(at method getResourceAsStream()). I added the required keys in file.
In the questions that i have come across on StackOverflow regarding similar issues, some suggested that the file should be in the root folder, where, src is. I placed it in the same folder as that of src, but still getting the NPE. I also tried placing the file in com/test/ but with no use.
How do i solve this? Are there any other steps involved?
EDIT after starting a bounty - Adding java files
Here is what i did till now..
Create an Android Application called MyApplication. Imported all classes(,, from the demo application. Added required libs, and ran it and got the registationId as response from Amazon.
In the same application, i created a new module called snspush and imported file into it. Also imported the file to the same path as that of Added the keys in file.
Followed the steps in documentation to uncomment necessary funtions.
Project Structure:
Java files:
public class AndroidMobilePushApp extends AppCompatActivity {
private TextView tView;
private SharedPreferences savedValues;
private String numOfMissedMessages;
// Since this activity is SingleTop, there can only ever be one instance. This variable corresponds to this instance.
public static Boolean inBackground = true;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
numOfMissedMessages = getString(R.string.num_of_missed_messages);
tView = (TextView) findViewById(;
tView.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod());
startService(new Intent(this, MessageReceivingService.class));
public void onStop(){
inBackground = true;
public void onRestart(){
public void onResume(){
inBackground = false;
savedValues = MessageReceivingService.savedValues;
int numOfMissedMessages = 0;
if(savedValues != null){
numOfMissedMessages = savedValues.getInt(this.numOfMissedMessages, 0);
String newMessage = getMessage(numOfMissedMessages);
Log.i("displaying message", newMessage);
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent){
// If messages have been missed, check the backlog. Otherwise check the current intent for a new message.
private String getMessage(int numOfMissedMessages) {
String message = "";
String linesOfMessageCount = getString(R.string.lines_of_message_count);
if(numOfMissedMessages > 0){
String plural = numOfMissedMessages > 1 ? "s" : "";
Log.i("onResume","missed " + numOfMissedMessages + " message" + plural);
tView.append("You missed " + numOfMissedMessages +" message" + plural + ". Your most recent was:\n");
for(int i = 0; i < savedValues.getInt(linesOfMessageCount, 0); i++){
String line = savedValues.getString("MessageLine"+i, "");
message+= (line + "\n");
NotificationManager mNotification = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor=savedValues.edit();
editor.putInt(this.numOfMissedMessages, 0);
editor.putInt(linesOfMessageCount, 0);
Log.i("onResume","no missed messages");
Intent intent = getIntent();
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
for(String key: extras.keySet()){
message+= key + "=" + extras.getString(key) + "\n";
return message;
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return true;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
if(item.getItemId() =={
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
package com.test.awstestapp;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class ExternalReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
MessageReceivingService.sendToApp(extras, context);
MessageReceivingService.saveToLog(extras, context);
public class MessageReceivingService extends Service{
private GoogleCloudMessaging gcm;
public static SharedPreferences savedValues;
public static void sendToApp(Bundle extras, Context context){
Intent newIntent = new Intent();
newIntent.setClass(context, AndroidMobilePushApp.class);
public void onCreate(){
final String preferences = getString(R.string.preferences);
savedValues = getSharedPreferences(preferences, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
// In later versions multi_process is no longer the default
savedValues = getSharedPreferences(preferences, Context.MODE_MULTI_PROCESS);
gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(getBaseContext());
SharedPreferences savedValues = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
if(savedValues.getBoolean(getString(R.string.first_launch), true)){
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = savedValues.edit();
editor.putBoolean(getString(R.string.first_launch), false);
// Let AndroidMobilePushApp know we have just initialized and there may be stored messages
sendToApp(new Bundle(), this);
protected static void saveToLog(Bundle extras, Context context){
SharedPreferences.Editor editor=savedValues.edit();
String numOfMissedMessages = context.getString(R.string.num_of_missed_messages);
int linesOfMessageCount = 0;
for(String key : extras.keySet()){
String line = String.format("%s=%s", key, extras.getString(key));
editor.putString("MessageLine" + linesOfMessageCount, line);
editor.putInt(context.getString(R.string.lines_of_message_count), linesOfMessageCount);
editor.putInt(context.getString(R.string.lines_of_message_count), linesOfMessageCount);
editor.putInt(numOfMissedMessages, savedValues.getInt(numOfMissedMessages, 0) + 1);
postNotification(new Intent(context, AndroidMobilePushApp.class), context);
protected static void postNotification(Intent intentAction, Context context){
final NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
final PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intentAction, Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS | Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL);
final Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher)
.setContentTitle("Message Received!")
mNotificationManager.notify(R.string.notification_number, notification);
private void register() {
new AsyncTask(){
protected Object doInBackground(final Object... params) {
String token;
try {
token = gcm.register(getString(R.string.project_number));
Log.i("registrationId", token);
catch (IOException e) {
Log.i("Registration Error", e.getMessage());
return true;
}.execute(null, null, null);
public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
return null;
package com.test;
public class SNSMobilePush {
private AmazonSNSClientWrapper snsClientWrapper;
public SNSMobilePush(AmazonSNS snsClient) {
this.snsClientWrapper = new AmazonSNSClientWrapper(snsClient);
public static final Map<Platform, Map<String, MessageAttributeValue>> attributesMap = new HashMap<Platform, Map<String, MessageAttributeValue>>();
static {
attributesMap.put(Platform.ADM, null);
attributesMap.put(Platform.GCM, null);
attributesMap.put(Platform.APNS, null);
attributesMap.put(Platform.APNS_SANDBOX, null);
attributesMap.put(Platform.BAIDU, addBaiduNotificationAttributes());
attributesMap.put(Platform.WNS, addWNSNotificationAttributes());
attributesMap.put(Platform.MPNS, addMPNSNotificationAttributes());
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
* TODO: Be sure to fill in your AWS access credentials in the
* file before you try to run this sample.
AmazonSNS sns = new AmazonSNSClient(new PropertiesCredentials(
System.out.println("Getting Started with Amazon SNS");
try {
SNSMobilePush sample = new SNSMobilePush(sns);
/* TODO: Uncomment the services you wish to use. */
// sample.demoKindleAppNotification();
// sample.demoAppleAppNotification();
// sample.demoAppleSandboxAppNotification();
// sample.demoBaiduAppNotification();
// sample.demoWNSAppNotification();
// sample.demoMPNSAppNotification();
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
.println("Caught an AmazonServiceException, which means your request made it "
+ "to Amazon SNS, but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");
System.out.println("Error Message: " + ase.getMessage());
System.out.println("HTTP Status Code: " + ase.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("AWS Error Code: " + ase.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Error Type: " + ase.getErrorType());
System.out.println("Request ID: " + ase.getRequestId());
} catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
.println("Caught an AmazonClientException, which means the client encountered "
+ "a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with SNS, such as not "
+ "being able to access the network.");
System.out.println("Error Message: " + ace.getMessage());
public void demoAndroidAppNotification() {
// TODO: Please fill in following values for your application. You can
// also change the notification payload as per your preferences using
// the method
String applicationName = "snspushtest";
String registrationId = "REPLACED_WITH_REG_ID_FROM_AMAZON";
snsClientWrapper.demoNotification(Platform.GCM, "", serverAPIKey,
registrationId, applicationName, attributesMap);
public void demoKindleAppNotification() {
// TODO: Please fill in following values for your application. You can
// also change the notification payload as per your preferences using
// the method
String clientId = "";
String clientSecret = "";
String applicationName = "";
String registrationId = "";
snsClientWrapper.demoNotification(Platform.ADM, clientId, clientSecret,
registrationId, applicationName, attributesMap);
public void demoAppleAppNotification() {
// TODO: Please fill in following values for your application. You can
// also change the notification payload as per your preferences using
// the method
String certificate = ""; // This should be in pem format with \n at the
// end of each line.
String privateKey = ""; // This should be in pem format with \n at the
// end of each line.
String applicationName = "";
String deviceToken = ""; // This is 64 hex characters.
snsClientWrapper.demoNotification(Platform.APNS, certificate,
privateKey, deviceToken, applicationName, attributesMap);
public void demoAppleSandboxAppNotification() {
// TODO: Please fill in following values for your application. You can
// also change the notification payload as per your preferences using
// the method
String certificate = ""; // This should be in pem format with \n at the
// end of each line.
String privateKey = ""; // This should be in pem format with \n at the
// end of each line.
String applicationName = "";
String deviceToken = ""; // This is 64 hex characters.
snsClientWrapper.demoNotification(Platform.APNS_SANDBOX, certificate,
privateKey, deviceToken, applicationName, attributesMap);
public void demoBaiduAppNotification() {
* TODO: Please fill in the following values for your application. If
* you wish to change the properties of your Baidu notification, you can
* do so by modifying the attribute values in the method
* addBaiduNotificationAttributes() . You can also change the
* notification payload as per your preferences using the method
* com.amazonaws
String userId = "";
String channelId = "";
String apiKey = "";
String secretKey = "";
String applicationName = "";
snsClientWrapper.demoNotification(Platform.BAIDU, apiKey, secretKey,
channelId + "|" + userId, applicationName, attributesMap);
public void demoWNSAppNotification() {
* TODO: Please fill in the following values for your application. If
* you wish to change the properties of your WNS notification, you can
* do so by modifying the attribute values in the method
* addWNSNotificationAttributes() . You can also change the notification
* payload as per your preferences using the method
* com.amazonaws.sns.samples
* .tools.SampleMessageGenerator.getSampleWNSMessage()
String notificationChannelURI = "";
String packageSecurityIdentifier = "";
String secretKey = "";
String applicationName = "";
packageSecurityIdentifier, secretKey, notificationChannelURI,
applicationName, attributesMap);
public void demoMPNSAppNotification() {
* TODO: Please fill in the following values for your application. If
* you wish to change the properties of your MPNS notification, you can
* do so by modifying the attribute values in the method
* addMPNSNotificationAttributes() . You can also change the
* notification payload as per your preferences using the method
* com.amazonaws
* ()
String notificationChannelURI = "";
String applicationName = "";
snsClientWrapper.demoNotification(Platform.MPNS, "", "",
notificationChannelURI, applicationName, attributesMap);
private static Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> addBaiduNotificationAttributes() {
Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> notificationAttributes = new HashMap<String, MessageAttributeValue>();
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
return notificationAttributes;
private static Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> addWNSNotificationAttributes() {
Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> notificationAttributes = new HashMap<String, MessageAttributeValue>();
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
return notificationAttributes;
private static Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> addMPNSNotificationAttributes() {
Map<String, MessageAttributeValue> notificationAttributes = new HashMap<String, MessageAttributeValue>();
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
.withStringValue("token")); // This attribute is required.
new MessageAttributeValue().withDataType("String")
.withStringValue("realtime")); // This attribute is required.
return notificationAttributes;
I changed the following code to:
AmazonSNS sns = new AmazonSNSClient(new PropertiesCredentials(
AmazonSNS sns = new AmazonSNSClient(new BasicAWSCredentials("ACCESS_KEY_REPLACED",
Now, there is a different error: Logcat
Getting Started with Amazon SNS
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParserException
at com.test.SNSMobilePush.demoAndroidAppNotification(
at com.test.SNSMobilePush.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 11 more
Process finished with exit code 1
I'm using sns v2.2.5 :
build.gradle > compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-sns:2.2.5'
Here is my solution for subscribe/unsubscribe:
public class AmazonPushClient {
private static final String TAG = "AmazonPushClient";
private static final String PLATFORM_APPLICATION_ARN = "*****";
private static final String IDENTITY_POOL_ID = "******";
private AmazonSNSClient mClient;
private boolean isUnregistering;
private Application mApp;
private NotifPreferencesHelper mNotifPreferencesHelper;
public AmazonPushClient(Application application) {
try {
mApp = application;
mClient = createPushClient(application);
mNotifPreferencesHelper = new NotifPreferencesHelper(application);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGE(TAG, "AmazonPushClient", e);
private String token() {
try {
return InstanceID.getInstance(mApp).getToken(mApp.getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId),
GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGW(TAG, "token", e);
return null;
private CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider cognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(Application application) {
return new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
Regions.EU_WEST_1 // if your identity_pool_id start with : eu-west-1
private AmazonSNSClient createPushClient(Application application) {
AmazonSNSClient client = new AmazonSNSClient(cognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(application));
return client;
public void pRegister() {
synchronized (TAG) {
LOGD(TAG, "registering");
isUnregistering = true;
String token = token();
if(TextUtils.isEmpty(token)) {
CreatePlatformEndpointRequest platformEndpointRequest = new CreatePlatformEndpointRequest();
CreatePlatformEndpointResult result = mClient.createPlatformEndpoint(platformEndpointRequest);
public void pUnregister() {
synchronized (TAG) {
LOGD(TAG, "unregistering");
isUnregistering = false;
DeleteEndpointRequest deletePlatformApplicationRequest = new DeleteEndpointRequest();
private RequestHandler2 mHandler = new RequestHandler2() {
public void beforeRequest(Request<?> request) {
public void afterResponse(Request<?> request, Response<?> response) {
if (isUnregistering) {
public void afterError(Request<?> request, Response<?> response, Exception e) {
NotifPreferencesHelper is just something to store the EndpointARN. You have to use this class in a background thread
In association you have to implements GcmListenerService etc.. SNS is just for subscribe, not receive.
With respect to the Properties Credentials
A. Are you sure you are exporting the file in the build? Have you made sure you can access the file using regular file I/O outside of the credentials provider? Are you sure the file is formatted correctly (see
Also looking at the source you should be able to load this file yourself using
However, I highly recommend not using this credentials provider. It is extremely unsafe in a mobile applications. Anyone could decompile your app and steal your credentials. A much safer approach is to use Amazon Cognito, which there is a plethora of examples. (Bottom of , any of the examples here: as well as samples in the GitHub repo
Cognito requires a little bit of set-up but the guides are tested, and it really doesn't take much more than a few minutes to be much more secure.
Don't think you should import 'SNSMobilePush' to a module of your android application
In the same application, i created a new module called snspush and
imported file into it. Also imported the file to the same path as that of Added the keys in file.
SNSMobilePush is just a Java app provided by AWS to do tasks like
upload (bulkupload package) several tokens (device tokens or registration IDs) to Amazon SNS or
send a push notification.
You need to register your mobile app with AWS (using AndroidMobilePushApp android app). You should obtain below information (refer this link)
Client ID and client secret
API key
Device token or Registration ID (per device)
Then you can use SNSMobilePush java app or even a AWS SNS console as described here to send push notification to your registered device.
I would suggest you to try out sending push notification from the console instead of java app. You can register tokens from devices that will install your app in the future as described in the one of the options (preferably the last option) as described here

backup_data: SKIP_PADDING FAILED at line X

I am using the Google Backup API for SharedPreferences as described here:
When using bmgr, as described here:
I do get the log messages for onRestore an onBackup methods, but in onRestore I get this line:
06-06 11:24:16.546: D/backup_data(24615): SKIP_PADDING FAILED at line 332
The only reference for it is here:
And no input is read.
My Helper class:
public class NoteBackupAgent extends BackupAgentHelper {
public static final Object[] DATA_LOCK = new Object[0];
private static final String PREFS_BACKUP_KEY = Const.ENTRY_PREFS;
public void onBackup(ParcelFileDescriptor oldState, BackupDataOutput data,
ParcelFileDescriptor newState) throws IOException {
Log.d(toString(), "########### onBackup() " + oldState.getStatSize());
synchronized (DATA_LOCK) {
super.onBackup(oldState, data, newState);
public void onCreate() {
SharedPreferencesBackupHelper preferencesHelper = new SharedPreferencesBackupHelper(this,
getPackageName() + "_preferences");
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "onCreate", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
addHelper(PREFS_BACKUP_KEY, preferencesHelper);
public void onRestore(BackupDataInput data, int appVersionCode, ParcelFileDescriptor newState)
throws IOException {
synchronized (DATA_LOCK) {
//super.onRestore(data, appVersionCode, newState);
// There should be only one entity, but the safest
// way to consume it is using a while loop
StringBuilder total = new StringBuilder();
while (data.readNextHeader()) {
String key = data.getKey();
int dataSize = data.getDataSize();
// If the key is ours (for saving top score). Note this key was used when
// we wrote the backup entity header
if (PREFS_BACKUP_KEY.equals(key)) {
// Create an input stream for the BackupDataInput
byte[] dataBuf = new byte[dataSize];
data.readEntityData(dataBuf, 0, dataSize);
ByteArrayInputStream baStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuf);
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(baStream);
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String line;
while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
Log.d(toString(), "########## data " + total);
} else {
Log.d(toString(), "########## onRestore()" + total.toString());
In our case the solution was preventing enforcing Base64 encodings on the values stored in our shared preferences.
As you mentoined #Demonick, is the cause of the error, BackupDataReader::skip_padding() is using Base32 encoding for paddings.
Conclusion is:
Prevent using Base64.encodeToString(input, Base64.NO_PADDING) for writing shared preferences.

AsyncTask in an android socket application

i am making an android socket app to communicate with the server for creating accounts, and i noticed i have to do this in AsyncTask sub class, even when i seperate it to another class without UI,but i am terribly confused how can i use AsyncTask on this, is there any one expert here who can help me please?
this is the code:
public class AccountCreator extends Activity {
public AccountCreator(){
// for I/O
ObjectInputStream sInput; // to read from the socket
ObjectOutputStream sOutput; // to write on the socket
Socket socket;
public static String LOGTAG="Lifemate";
public String server = "localhost";
public String username = "user";
public String password = "rezapassword" ;
public int port = 1400;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.i(LOGTAG,"oncreate called");
AccountCreator(String server, int port, String username,String password) {
this.server = "localhost";
this.port = 1400;
this.username = username;
Log.i(LOGTAG,"first accountcreator called");
public boolean start() {
// try to connect to the server
//this method returns a value of true or false when called
try {
socket = new Socket(server, port);
// if it failed not much I can so
catch(Exception ec) {
// display("Error connectiong to server:" + ec);
Log.i(LOGTAG,"Error connectiong to server:" + ec);
return false;
String msg = "Connection accepted " + socket.getInetAddress() + ":" +
// display(msg);
Log.i(LOGTAG, msg);
/* Creating both Data Stream */
sInput = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
sOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
catch (IOException eIO) {
// display("Exception creating new Input/output Streams: " + eIO);
Log.i(LOGTAG,"Exception creating new Input/output Streams: " +
return false;
// creates the Thread to listen from the server
// Send our username to the server this is the only message that we
// will send as a String. All other messages will be ChatMessage objects
catch (IOException eIO) {
// display("Exception doing login : " + eIO);
Log.i(LOGTAG,"Exception doing login : " + eIO);
return false;
// success we inform the caller that it worked
return true;
// private void display(String msg) {
// TextView screenprint = (TextView)findViewById(;
// screenprint.setText(msg);
// }
private void disconnect() {
Log.i(LOGTAG,"reached disconnect");
try {
if(sInput != null) sInput.close();
catch(Exception e) {} // not much else I can do
try {
if(sOutput != null) sOutput.close();
catch(Exception e) {} // not much else I can do
if(socket != null) socket.close();
catch(Exception e) {} // not much else I can do
public void Begin() {
Log.i(LOGTAG,"it begun");
int portNumber = 1400;
String serverAddress = server;
String userName = username;
String newpassword = password;
AccountCreator accountcreator = new AccountCreator(serverAddress, portNumber,
i was trying to put whole code in Async, i dont know if was i right, do i need to do that also or just some parts of it?
In brief, AsyncTask contains a few methods which may be helpful:
This method is the first block of code executed when calling asyncTask.execute(); (runs on mainUIThread).
Here you put all the code which may suspend you main UI (causes hang for your application) like internet requests, or any processing which may take a lot of memory and processing. (runs on background thread), contains one parameter taken from the asyncTask.execute(ParameterType parameter);
Runs after doInBackground(). Its parameter is the return value of the doInBackground function, and mainly you put the changes in UI need to be done after the connection is finished (runs on mainUIThread)
You have to declare another class within the class you have already created.
class SomeName extends Async<Void, String, Void>{
protected void OnPreExecute(){
// starts the task runs on main UI thread
// Can be used to start a progress dialog to show the user progress
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params){
// does what you want it to do in the background
// Connected to the server to check a log-in
return result;
protected void OnPostExecute(Void result){
// finishes the task and can provide information back on the main UI thread
// this would be were you would dismiss the progress dialog

Parsing large text file efficiency

Due to simplicity i have a text file with entries separated by ; and parses every line into an object. The problem is that the text file contains almost 10 000 rows.
I also need to create keys for each object im parsing so i can filter the results in a search interface.
It takes almost 16 seconds in emulator to parse the text and add the keys. I'm i doing something wrong here? Or is there a more efficient way?
Here is my database singleton:
public class Database {
private static Database instance = null; private final Map<String, List<Stop>> mDict = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Stop>>();
public static Database getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Database(); } return instance; } public List<Stop> getMatches(String query) {
List<Stop> list = mDict.get(query);
return list == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : list;
private boolean mLoaded = false;
* Loads the words and definitions if they haven't been loaded already.
* #param resources Used to load the file containing the words and definitions.
public synchronized void ensureLoaded(final Resources resources) {
if (mLoaded) return;
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private synchronized void loadStops(Resources resources) throws IOException
if (mLoaded) return;
Log.d("database", "loading stops");
InputStream inputStream = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.allstops);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
try {
String line;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] strings = TextUtils.split(line, ";");
addStop(strings[0], strings[1], strings[2]);
} finally {
Log.d("database", "loading stops completed");
mLoaded = true;
private void addStop(String name, String district, String id) {
Stop stop = new Stop(id, name, district);
int len = name.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
String prefix = name.substring(0, len - i).toLowerCase();
addMatch(prefix, stop);
private void addMatch(String query, Stop stop) {
List<Stop> matches = mDict.get(query);
if (matches == null) {
matches = new ArrayList<Stop>();
mDict.put(query, matches);
Here is some sample data:
Mosseporten Senter;Norge;9021014089003000;59.445422;10.701055;273
Oslo Bussterminal;Norge;9021014089004000;59.911369;10.759665;273
Västra bryggan;Strömstad;9021014026421000;58.893080;11.009997;7
Lindholmens vändplan;Strömstad;9021014026156000;58.890212;11.128393;64
Stensviks korsväg;Strömstad;9021014026341000;59.001499;11.137203;63
You should add the information into a SQLite database and ship the app with the database in res/raw.
Additionally, the db file can often be effectively compressed into a zip file.
See this for more information: Ship an application with a database
The fastest way to load that data into memory is to place it right into .java file. E.g. stopNames={"Stop1", "Stop2", ...}; latitudes={...};
I do this in my public transit app, loading similar amounts of the data this way takes under a second, filtering is instant.

