Action bar Action Item location - android

I'm currently creating an app where it would be useful for the user to have all the options in the actionbar.
This is the current situation:
As you can see, Item1 and Item2 are on the right but I'd like to have these on the left side.
Is this possible?
If it is not possible, how would I simulate what I want?
An ImageView with Buttons functioning as the ActionBar?

I had a similar issue but I wanted something on the left, something in the middle, and overflow on the right. I created a custom layout with three ImageButtons for the three elements. Then used an <include> tag to include this layout in my Activities xml files.
I also created a BaseActivity for my other Activities to extend and put the menu functionality in there like OnMenuItemClickListener() then I could just override them in my Activities if I needed different functionality for a certain Activity aside from what it did in the BaseActivity. I also used PopupMenu here (requires API >= 11).


Bottom Menu bar with submenu

Im using the BottomNavigationViewEx library to display a Bottom Menu Bar in my android app, the library works well and fixes many of the shortcomings of the standard BottomNavigationView.
The problem comes when as per requirements I need to show 7 options in the menu, with 4 options being the direct access to their respective functionality and a "More" option, that should show a submenu with 3 more options (similar to a toolbar with items with property showAsAction="never")
Since the library does not admit more than 5 items and does not support submenus either I've been trying to implement a solution to no avail. Is there a way to implement this or any other bottom menu library that I could use that implements submenus (or lets me extend it to create a submenu)?
#Jeav148, you can take help from androidhive tab tutorial.
From this tutorial you can check the scrollable tabs, so you'll be able to add tabs as much menu items you want.
Just you need to use the tablayout inside RelativeLayout with property AlignParentBottom = "true" to show the tabs at bottom.
Even though Adil's answer could have worked, I didn't go for it since it could create other problems. So I ended up making a Popup Menu anchored to the last menu item in the BottomNavigationView

How to make a actionbar drop-down-menu that shows items horizontally?

I want to make a action-bar drop-down-menu that shows items (icons) horizontally. Like this:
This is suppose to be a action-bar withe drop-down menu, where you can choose a color.
So it should show the icons (colors) horizontally and the icons should be clickable. Until now I have only managed to make a vertical list.
If possible I would like to do this in XML.
The ActionBar is not designed for such a use-case. The ActionBar buttons are meant to replace the old options menu that could be triggered with a separate hardware button on older devices (pre HC/ICS). The overflow button (the one with the 3 dots) that you've drawn in your sketch is used when there isn't enough room to show all buttons (the Android framework takes care of this automatically), so those will be grouped in the overflow menu. Overriding this behavior is a bad idea (if even possible).
Instead you should consider another approach: Add one ActionButton to the ActionBar that is meant to handle the color chooser. When this button is clicked the best solution is to show an AlertDialog (you can easily insert your on Views here that show the colors you want) because this will work best even if the button is hidden in the overflow menu.
Alternatively you could trigger a PopupMenu or implement some QuickAction to handle the color chooser (this will probably suck if your button is hidden in the overflow menu and will also lead to a very confusing UI).

Action Bar Sherlock with buttons

i'm building an app and i really want to align buttons to the left using ABS (action bar sherlock) 4.0
I really like the dropbox interface as shown under this:
So, my question is: How can i align the buttons to the left and how can i jump between views in ViewFlow using buttons?
I've seen that people can add tabs to their ABS, but not with the title like the Dropbox interface.
Also if u need my sourcecode i will add it later if needed.
Stian Instebø
setCustomView() is the magic method you might be looking for.
To achieve the same layout shown in the Dropbox app, you would first call setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false) on your ActionBar.
Next, you could define the layout for the buttons somewhere in XML. Once this is done, calling setCustomView(R.layout.my_actionbar_nav) will do the trick. (It will now be positioned on the left-hand side of the ActionBar).
It'll be your responsibility to wire up the appropriate onClick listeners for your layout's inner button Views, but it's not a bad price to pay for setting up custom navigation.

Creating an Android Nav Bar that replaces button with image when that activity is active

I am looking to create a Nav Bar in my Android application that functions very similar to the Nav Bar used by the Netflix app. There will be 4 buttons aligned horizontally. When one of those buttons is selected, the appropriate activity loads and that button is replaced by an image.
There are multiple ways I can achieve this, but since I am new to programming for Android, I figured I'd ask the community first. I list the first two that come to my head below.
Create a Linear Layout and define a separate layout for each activity. The Layout would include two more linear layouts, a horizontal linear layout for the nav bar and a vertical layout for the content.
Create a custom ui component named nav bar that extends a linear layout (based upon earlier threads I have seen about nav bars on here). Inflate that layout for each activity, then make a framelayout that overlays an image on top of the active button (the button that was just pressed). Then create onButtonClick listeners for each button except for the active button.
I'm not sure if there is a better way to achieve this and I am open to any suggestions. Any feedback would be great.
I'm not sure how the netflix app looks, but you might want to check out ye good olde tab-layout? ( )
Also be sure to take a look at the android design page:

How to create a custom Pulldown in the Honeycomb ActionBar?

I would like to add a custom pulldown menu to the actionbar in my project similar to the one that can be found in the google books app (screen).
In this case it represents the complete table of contents of the book.
I tried to follow the guide from the developer site where there is an example with a SpinnerAdapter. But when i use a custom Layout (in my case a RelativeLayout with two TextViews in it) i get an Exception that saying "ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView". So i dismissed my idea with the pulldown but then i found the pulldown in the books app wich looks to me like they used a custom layout as well because it looks to me like two single TextViews in one Layout.
Could anybody please enlighten me if what i want to do is even possible and how?
To me, that looks like the options menu -- that's where options menu items not promoted to the action bar itself appear. Use onCreateOptionsMenu() and add whatever items you want to the Menu.
Sorry, the screenshot was a bit confusing. There are two possibilities that I can see:
This could be a submenu for that action bar item -- I haven't played with submenus and the action bar yet (though this reminds me that I need to do that...)
This could be a PopupMenu tied to a custom action bar View

