JellyBean external display not found with MediaRouter or DisplayManager - android

I am trying to use Presenter feature in JellyBean to show custom graphics on additional large screen. I am connected with MHL compliant HDMI adapter (microUSB -> HDMI). Piece of my code trying to detect external display is below. For some reason - I do get output on my external monitor but DisplayManager won't detect external display. I wonder if this has to do with adapter or it would be the case if I connected phone to external display with HDMI cable directly?
My logcat:
My code piece:
private void updatePresentation() {
// Get the current route and its presentation display.
Log.d(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Inside updatePresentation() call...");
MediaRouter.RouteInfo route = mediaRouter.getSelectedRoute(MediaRouter.ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO);
Log.d(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Route name: " + route.getName() + " , route status: " + route.getStatus());
Display externalDisplay = null;
if(route != null && route.getName().equals("HDMI")){
externalDisplay = route.getPresentationDisplay();
if(externalDisplay == null){ //Maybe not ready...
Log.d(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Waiting for external display to become ready...");
DisplayManager displayManager = (DisplayManager)getSystemService(DISPLAY_SERVICE);
Display[] presentationDisplays = displayManager.getDisplays(DisplayManager.DISPLAY_CATEGORY_PRESENTATION);
if(null == presentationDisplays || presentationDisplays.length == 0){
Log.d(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Didn't find any presentation displays by category...");
externalDisplay = presentationDisplays[0]; //OK: Take first
//Try to manually select display...
if(externalDisplay == null){
Display[] allDisplays = displayManager.getDisplays();
for(int i=0; i<allDisplays.length; i++){
Log.d(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Detected display "+(i+1)+ " : " + allDisplays[i].getName());
//externalDisplay = allDisplays[0]; //FIXME: Take by some criteria...
if(externalDisplay != null){
Log.i(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Detected external display...");
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;
Log.i(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "External display resolution: " + width + "px x " + height + "px");
// Dismiss current presentation if display changes
if(quantumPresentation != null && quantumPresentation.getDisplay() != externalDisplay){
Log.i(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Leaving presentation because current route no longer has a presentation display.");
quantumPresentation = null;
// Show new presentation if needed
if(quantumPresentation == null && externalDisplay != null) {
Log.i(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Showing presentation on display: " + externalDisplay);
quantumPresentation = new QuantumPresentation(this, externalDisplay);
Log.i(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Starting additional display presentation...");;
} catch (WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException ex){
Log.w(EXTRA_DISPLAY_TAG, "Couldn't show presentation! External display was removed in the meantime!", ex);
quantumPresentation = null;
// Update the contents playing in activity...

The Galaxy Nexus does not support multiple independent displays, as has been reported:


WebRTC - Echo issue in Multiple calls on android devices

I am working on an Android app that allows live chat and call functionality. I am new to WebRTC in android. I am trying to add multiple call functionality using WebRTC. I got success in connecting multiple P2P calls (Upto 6 users are easily gets connected using Mesh Topology.
Here are the steps that I am following:
A => B Call successful ==> Result: audio clear no problem on both the ends
A => C Adding New Caller C from A ==> Result: audio clear no problem on both the ends.
C => B in background C gives call to B and gets accepted on B's end => Result: audio clear no problem on all the ends.
Now, All 3 participants are connected and can communicate easily.
The issue is:
When any of the participants leaves the call, Any of the remaining participants are hearing Echo of their own voice.
All my call related setups are done using RingRTC. Please help if anyone has faced this issue.
I tried setting up Noisce Supressors, AcousticEchoCanceler and other options for each remaining audio sessions as below. But its not helping.
public void enable(int audioSession) {
Logging.d(TAG, "enable(audioSession=" + audioSession + ")");
assertTrue(aec == null);
assertTrue(agc == null);
assertTrue(ns == null);
// Add logging of supported effects but filter out "VoIP effects", i.e.,
// AEC, AEC and NS.
for (Descriptor d : AudioEffect.queryEffects()) {
if (effectTypeIsVoIP(d.type) || DEBUG) {
Logging.d(TAG, "name: " + + ", "
+ "mode: " + d.connectMode + ", "
+ "implementor: " + d.implementor + ", "
+ "UUID: " + d.uuid);
if (isAcousticEchoCancelerSupported()) {
// Create an AcousticEchoCanceler and attach it to the AudioRecord on
// the specified audio session.
aec = AcousticEchoCanceler.create(audioSession);
if (aec != null) {
boolean enabled = aec.getEnabled();
boolean enable = shouldEnableAec && canUseAcousticEchoCanceler();
if (aec.setEnabled(enable) != AudioEffect.SUCCESS) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Failed to set the AcousticEchoCanceler state");
Logging.d(TAG, "AcousticEchoCanceler: was "
+ (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
+ ", enable: " + enable + ", is now: "
+ (aec.getEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
} else {
Logging.e(TAG, "Failed to create the AcousticEchoCanceler instance");
if (isAutomaticGainControlSupported()) {
// Create an AutomaticGainControl and attach it to the AudioRecord on
// the specified audio session.
agc = AutomaticGainControl.create(audioSession);
if (agc != null) {
boolean enabled = agc.getEnabled();
boolean enable = shouldEnableAgc && canUseAutomaticGainControl();
if (agc.setEnabled(enable) != AudioEffect.SUCCESS) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Failed to set the AutomaticGainControl state");
Logging.d(TAG, "AutomaticGainControl: was "
+ (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
+ ", enable: " + enable + ", is now: "
+ (agc.getEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
} else {
Logging.e(TAG, "Failed to create the AutomaticGainControl instance");
if (isNoiseSuppressorSupported()) {
// Create an NoiseSuppressor and attach it to the AudioRecord on the
// specified audio session.
ns = NoiseSuppressor.create(audioSession);
if (ns != null) {
boolean enabled = ns.getEnabled();
boolean enable = shouldEnableNs && canUseNoiseSuppressor();
if (ns.setEnabled(enable) != AudioEffect.SUCCESS) {
Logging.e(TAG, "Failed to set the NoiseSuppressor state");
Logging.d(TAG, "NoiseSuppressor: was "
+ (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
+ ", enable: " + enable + ", is now: "
+ (ns.getEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
} else {
Logging.e(TAG, "Failed to create the NoiseSuppressor instance");

How to add a skip-ad button to exoplayer with IMA extention using react-native-video

After much research I've asked this question instead. It gets to the core of the problem. Google IMA webview is not showing when used inside react native on android
We are using react-native-video to use the exoplayer on android to show video with adds. The problem is, the exoplayer doesn't show the skip-button when an ad is skippable. To solve this problem we need to know if an ad is skippable and show a custom skipp-button. That's where I'm stuck. I can't get access to this information without changing the sourcecode of the exoplayer ima-extention.
The preferred solution would be to change the ImaAdsLoader**.onAdEvent() to broadcast an event when the add is loaded that exposes the Ad that has been loaded. Then monitor the playback-progress and show/hide a custom skipp-button.
Is there a way to get the information without altering the code of the ima-extention?
public void onAdEvent(AdEvent adEvent) {
AdEventType adEventType = adEvent.getType();
boolean isLogAdEvent = adEventType == AdEventType.LOG;
if (DEBUG || isLogAdEvent) {
Log.w(TAG, "onAdEvent: " + adEventType);
if (isLogAdEvent) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : adEvent.getAdData().entrySet()) {
Log.w(TAG, " " + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue());
if (adsManager == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Dropping ad event after release: " + adEvent);
Ad ad = adEvent.getAd();
switch (adEvent.getType()) {
case LOADED:
//This line is what I need
// The ad position is not always accurate when using preloading. See [Internal: b/62613240].
AdPodInfo adPodInfo = ad.getAdPodInfo();
int podIndex = adPodInfo.getPodIndex();
adGroupIndex = podIndex == -1 ? adPlaybackState.adGroupCount - 1 : podIndex;
int adPosition = adPodInfo.getAdPosition();
int adCountInAdGroup = adPodInfo.getTotalAds();
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Loaded ad " + adPosition + " of " + adCountInAdGroup + " in ad group "
+ adGroupIndex);
adPlaybackState.setAdCount(adGroupIndex, adCountInAdGroup);
// After CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED, IMA will playAd/pauseAd/stopAd to show one or more ads
imaPausedContent = true;
if (ad.isSkippable()) {
case TAPPED:
if (eventListener != null) {
if (eventListener != null) {
imaPausedContent = false;
// Do nothing. The ads manager will be released when the source is released.

Google Fit Session title not "sticking"

My Referee watch creates a Google Fit Session using the following code:
private void insertFitSession(final Game currentGame, final Period period,
final long periodStartTime, final long periodEndTime) {
//add the detailed Sensor data (using History API) if available
boolean activityWasInserted = false;
if (!RefWatchUtil.isRefWatchFree()) {
//If there are speeds then we will insert an activity
//4.5.09: Unfortunately mFitnessDataSets[] can have leftover data from a period where you did track fitness
//So we had to replace with period-by-period dataSets
activityWasInserted = (period.getFitnessDataSet(SPEED_LISTENER_IDX) != null)
&& !period.getFitnessDataSet(SPEED_LISTENER_IDX).isEmpty();
//create a Session in Google Fit for the period that just completed
//(this happens even for Free)
try {
String sessionBaseName = currentGame.getTitle();
if (sessionBaseName.isEmpty()) sessionBaseName = currentGame.getLocation();
if (sessionBaseName.isEmpty()) sessionBaseName = RefWatchUtil.timeMillisToDefaultShortDateTime(currentGame.getStartTimeMillis());
final String sessionName = sessionBaseName + ": " + String.format(getResources().getString(R.string.fitness_period_label), period.getPeriodNum());
final Session.Builder fitnessSessionBuilder = new Session.Builder();
.setStartTime(periodStartTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.setEndTime(periodEndTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
//If we're Free, then we don't have real fitness session data and just guess at Jogging
// (also if we have no Activity data in Pro)
if (RefWatchUtil.isRefWatchFree() || !activityWasInserted) {
final Session fitSession =;
SessionInsertRequest insertRequest = new SessionInsertRequest.Builder()
Fitness.SessionsApi.insertSession(mFitnessApiClient, insertRequest)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(#NonNull Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Successfully inserted Session " + sessionName);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "There was a problem inserting the session " + sessionName
+ ": " + status.getStatusCode() + " " + status.getStatusMessage());
} catch (RuntimeException e){
Log.e(TAG, "There was a runtime exception inserting the session: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
Note the sessionName defaults to either Title, Location, or Time appended with the current Period. This has been working great.
Recently (last month or so?) the Fit session is correctly inserted (I can track it in the log) but the Name doesn't stick. Instead I get "25 min running" for some, but not all, of them.
Has anybody else experienced this type of override by Fit?

stream screen to chromecast using Presentation

I'm using to develop an app that stream the screen to the TV using chromecast.
The problem is that when i retrieve the presentationDisplay it is null!
I'm using default receiver app and it seems that chromecast does not support
This is the code:
private void updatePresentation() {
Log.d(TAG, "updatePresentation()");
MediaRouter.RouteInfo route = mMediaRouter.getSelectedRoute();
Display presentationDisplay = route != null ? route.getPresentationDisplay() : null;
Log.d(TAG, "MediaRouter.RouteIngo: " + route.getName());
if (presentationDisplay != null)
Log.d(TAG, "presentationDisplay " + presentationDisplay.getName());
else if (presentationDisplay == null)
Log.d(TAG, "presentationDisplay is null");
// Dismiss the current presentation if the display has changed.
if (mPresentation != null && mPresentation.getDisplay() != presentationDisplay) {
Log.i(TAG, "Dismissing presentation because the current route no longer "
+ "has a presentation display.");
mPresentation = null;
// Show a new presentation if needed.
if (mPresentation == null && presentationDisplay != null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Showing presentation on display: " + presentationDisplay);
mPresentation = new DemoPresentation(this, presentationDisplay);
mPresentation.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog)
if (mPresentation != null) mPresentation.dismiss();
try {
Log.d("mPresentation", "showing");;
} catch (WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException ex) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't show presentation! Display was removed in "
+ "the meantime.", ex);
mPresentation = null;
on my own nexus 10 i used Chromecast App to setup the chromecast device and on my nexsus 4 all happened automatically.
No, I am not referring to just the Chromecast app.
Chromecast natively supports the Cast SDK and RemotePlaybackClient. It also supports serving as an external display, which can be used for Presentation. However, the user has to manually go into Settings > Displays > Cast Screen and choose the Chromecast. Then, you will get screen mirroring, and Presentation will work.

Connecting to existing Google Chromecast Session from Android (for generic remote control)

I am creating a generic Chromecast remote control app. Most of the guts of the app are already created and I've managed to get Chromecast volume control working (by connecting to a Chromecast device along side another app that is casting - YouTube for example).
What I've having difficult with is performing other media commands such as play, pause, seek, etc.
Use case example:
1. User opens YouTube on their android device and starts casting a video.
2. User opens my app and connects to the same Chromecast device.
3. Volume control from my app (works now)
4. Media control (play, pause, etc) (does not yet work)
I found the Cast api reference that explains that you can sendMessage(ApiClient, namespace, message) with media commands; however the "message" (JSON) requires the sessionId of the current application (Youtube in this case). I have tried the following, but the connection to the current application always fails; status.isSuccess() is always false:
new ResultCallback<Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult>() {
public void onResult(
Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult result) {
Status status = result.getStatus();
if (status.isSuccess()) {
ApplicationMetadata applicationMetadata = result
sessionId = result.getSessionId();
String applicationStatus = result
boolean wasLaunched = result
"Joined Application with sessionId: "
+ sessionId
+ " Application Status: "
+ applicationStatus);
} else {
// teardown();
"Could not join application: "
+ status.toString());
Is is possible to get the sessionId of an already running cast application from a generic remote control app (like the one I am creating)? If so, am I right in my assumption that I can then perform media commands on the connected Chromecast device using something like this:
JSONObject message = new JSONObject();
message.put("mediaSessionId", sessionId);
message.put("requestId", 9999);
message.put("type", "PAUSE");
"", message.toString());
I have tried the recommendations provided by #Ali Naddaf but unfortunately they are not working. After creating mRemoteMediaPlayer in onCreate, I also do requestStatus(mApiClient) in the onConnected callback (in the ConnectionCallbacks). When I try to .play(mApiClient) I get an IllegalStateException stating that there is no current media session. Also, I tried doing joinApplication and in the callback performed result.getSessionId; which returns null.
A few comments and answers:
You can get the sessionId from the callback of launchApplication or joinApplication; in the "onResult(result)", you can get the sessionId from: result.getSessionId()
YouTube is still not on the official SDK so YMMV, for apps using official SDK, you should be able to use the above approach (most of it)
Why are you trying to set up a message yourself? Why not building a RemoteMediaPlayer and using play/pause that is provided there? Whenever you are working with the media playback through the official channel, always use the RemoteMediaPlayer (don't forget to call requestStatus() on it after creating it).
Yes it is possible , First you have to save sesionId and CastDevice device id
and when remove app from background and again open app please check is there sessionId then call bello line.
Cast.CastApi.joinApplication(apiClient, APP_ID,sid).setResultCallback(connectionResultCallback);
if you get success result then need to implement further process in connectionResultCallback listener.
//Get selected device which you selected before
public void onRouteAdded(MediaRouter router, MediaRouter.RouteInfo route) {
// Log.d("Route Added", "onRouteAdded");
/* if (router.getRoutes().size() > 1)
Toast.makeText(homeScreenActivity, "'onRouteAdded :: " + router.getRoutes().size() + " -- " + router.getRoutes().get(1).isSelected(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Toast.makeText(homeScreenActivity, "'onRouteAdded :: " + router.getRoutes(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();*/
if (router != null && router.getRoutes() != null && router.getRoutes().size() > 1) {
// Show the button when a device is discovered.
// Toast.makeText(homeScreenActivity, "'onRouteAdded :: " + router.getRoutes().size() + " -- " + router.getRoutes().get(1).isSelected(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
selectedDevice = CastDevice.getFromBundle(route.getExtras());
routeInfoArrayList = router.getRoutes();
if (!isCastConnected) {
String deid = MyPref.getInstance(homeScreenActivity).readPrefs(MyPref.CAST_DEVICE_ID);
for (int i = 0; i < routeInfoArrayList.size(); i++) {
if (routeInfoArrayList.get(i).getExtras() != null && CastDevice.getFromBundle(routeInfoArrayList.get(i).getExtras()).getDeviceId().equalsIgnoreCase(deid)) {
selectedDevice = CastDevice.getFromBundle(routeInfoArrayList.get(i).getExtras());
ReSelectedDevice(selectedDevice, routeInfoArrayList.get(i).getName());
//Reconnect google Api Client
public void reConnectGoogleApiClient() {
if (apiClient == null) {
Cast.CastOptions apiOptions = new
Cast.CastOptions.Builder(selectedDevice, castClientListener).build();
apiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addApi(Cast.API, apiOptions)
// join Application
private final GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks reconnectionCallback = new GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks() {
public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {
// Toast.makeText(homeScreenActivity, "" + isDeviceSelected(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
try {
String sid = MyPref.getInstance(homeScreenActivity).readPrefs(MyPref.CAST_SESSION_ID);
String deid = MyPref.getInstance(homeScreenActivity).readPrefs(MyPref.CAST_DEVICE_ID);
if (sid != null && deid != null && sid.length() > 0 && deid.length() > 0)
Cast.CastApi.joinApplication(apiClient, APP_ID, sid).setResultCallback(connectionResultCallback);
isApiConnected = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {
isCastConnected = false;
isApiConnected = false;

