Could not find apk - android

I installed Eclipse/ ADT in Ubuntu on my computer. I am able to run Chapter 4 To do list examples Part 1-3 successfully (of Reto Meier's PA4AD book), but when I run Chapter_4_Compass, I get the following error. Please help immediately:
[2013-05-20 18:34:55 - Chapter_4_Compass] ------------------------------
[2013-05-20 18:34:55 - Chapter_4_Compass] Android Launch!
[2013-05-20 18:34:55 - Chapter_4_Compass] adb is running normally.
[2013-05-20 18:34:55 - Chapter_4_Compass] Could not find Chapter_4_Compass.apk!
Shekar M.

Right Click on your app -> properties -> android. Uncheck 'Is Library'.

If you are using Android SDK Tools v22, make sure that you have the most up-to-date versions of Android SDK Platform-tools and Android SDK Build-tools also installed (rev. 17).
1) Open the Android SDK Manager
2) Update all of the items in the tools folder
*This may require you to restart the SDK manager a few times.

Here is somthong that just worked for me. I had the same problem as the original poster after moving a project from my PC to a laptop and back again to do some programming whilst on the go.
I tried everything suggested by CRUSADER much of which has worked for many others on SO (if you read the other threads on this subject).
What I noticed was that in the project's Bin directory the APK file was not there. Instead there was a Jar file containing the project name. I know as some point during the build and run process a jar gets initial made and then converted to an APK (Dexing I believe part of this process is called).
Anyway to cut a long story short. I got an APK from one of my earlier project backups. Pasted it into the bin folder folder and now I'm able to build and run my project again.
Weird but it works, like so much of Android/Eclipse.

Try following steps:-
Restart Eclipse (Solves issue most of time...)
Right-click your project and select Android tools --> Fix project
Right-click your project and select Build path --> Configure build
path.. In here, check if all libraries are imported correctly..
If above doesn't works then go to Help --> Install new software and
then Help --> Install new software . Follow this steps till your
eclipse says no update found or its upto date..
Restart Eclise once again..
Hope this helps..

Maybe it's a little old post, but someone can have similar problem. I had an ' Could not find android-support-v7-appcompat.apk!' error.
I had to remove appcompat from Java Build Path and add a .jar with the same name.
Right click your project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects
There I had android-support-v7-appcompat project. Remove it.
Now click Libraries tab.
Your android-support-v7-appcompat.jar should be missing. Click add 'JARs...' and:
If you have android-support-v7-appcompat project in your workspace, expand it go to bin folder and there you have it :D Select it and hit OK. It should work now.
If you DON'T have android-support-v7-appcompat project, click 'Add External JARs...' and go to "drive:\your android sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\libs\".
There you should have your jar.


How to create a new PhoneGap Android project in Eclipse "Juno" on Mac?

I recently reinstalled my OS, and used to have a PhoneGap / Android project. Now I want to use it again, so I reinstalled Eclipse and the ADT plug in. So far so good. Now the instructions say:
"Choose New > Android Project"
However, Android Project doesn't show up under new projects, like it used to.
I downloaded phonegap-2.6.0, but perhaps it isn't connected to Eclipse... what do I do at this stage to get Android Project to show up?
If there is no 'Android Project' under the menu it is not about PhoneGap it is maybe about ADT, are you sure you installed it correctly ?
And, also you can create Android Project with PhoneGap by using 'command line', then you just go to the same menu:" New > Project " then choose Android Project with existing source choose the path you created before by command line and that's it.
edit1: Make sure you locate true directory for 'android-sdk-mac_x86'
edit2:this is how you create Android project by using Terminal
/path/to/cordova-android/bin/create /path/to/my_new_cordova_project com.example.cordova_project_name CordovaProjectName
I had a similar problem. For me, Eclipse wouldn't respond when I clicked Finish when importing source from a phonegap project.
I later found that I had mentioned an incorrect path to the android-sdk.
Check if that is your problem.
If it is, here is how you change it:
In Eclipse IDE, click on the Window menu and then Preferences.
A pop-up will be opened.
On the left pane, click on Android (click on it, not on the + sign beside it).
In the field SDK Location, click Browse and point to the location of your android-sdk.
You are done!
Hope that helped.
I am using Eclipse Juno, but the options must hopefully be pretty much the same for other versions too. Please comment if this is incorrect.

AndroidManifest.xml is missing

I created one android application project in eclipse and whenever I tried to run that application its throwing an error message saying AndroidManifest.xml file is missing. what is the reason for this ?
I am using eclipse with android-sdk and ADT version is 20. in SDK manager I installed android 2.2 API level only.. Is this is the problem for that error ?
Delete bin folder in project and your library dependencies. Then re-run application.
you should clean and refresh your project once.
I was able to fix this by manually deleting the bin directory, as well as the gen directory, right clicking project and selecting Android Tools->Fix Project Properties, then using Project->Build All.
Restart your eclipse and make sure that build automatically checked. It worked for me all the time. Hope this helps some one.
I closed all projects that were unrelated with the one I was trying to run (right-click on project in Project Explorer and then selecting Close Project) and the problem magically disappeared (for no apparent reason). Then, even after I re-opened the closed projects, the problem did not come back.
I put the AndroidManifest.xml that in appcomatv7 and pasted to the project and problem solved
Click project -> Refresh (F5) -> Go to "Project" in the menu bar -> Clean. It works for me.
I was having the same problem and didn't understand why - followed all deletes of /bin, /gen, fixing AVD's, etc, still to no avail.
The /bin got me thinking though -
I had previously used this advice to exclude /bin from the resource filters (in an effort to remove results from the search)....
I removed the filter for /bin and voila.....
Interesting this only affected me when I wanted to Debug or Run within Eclipse -- I could export a working APK without any problem, but debugging failed.
Hope this helps.
I had the problem in android studio after an update , it worked by Tools ->Android ->sync with gradle file
(what worked for me)
1 - copy the file build.gradle
2 - drop the copied file in the android folder [example MyApp/android]

Eclipse cannot find Android Support Library

I am an experienced programmer but new to Android, hence using Eclipse for the first time.
Unfortunately I cannot get my first project off the ground. I get as far trying to create the project when the following sequence happens.
A screen arrives titled 'Install Dependencies' telling me that the required version is 8 and the installed version is 'Not installed'
I click on the Install/Upgrade button and something must happen because Android SDK Manager pops up and I get a whole series of 'Fetching:' messages.
The next screen asks me to Choose Package to Install and the only option is Android Support Library, revision 10. This doesn't bother me as I presume 10 is better than 8 so I hit the Install button.
This is where it all goes wrong as I get a red message saying:-
File not found:C:\Program Files (X86)\Android\android-sdk\temp\ (Acces is denied).
Sure enough, when I check this folder, it is empty.
Now, something must have happened as as SDK Manager did a whole lot of fetching and must have put these files somewhere.
I am quite happy to find them and put them in the correct folder but the question is
What is the name of the files that I am looking for?
Run SDK Manager as administrator and then install Android Support Library from Extras
Download the sdk manager seperately and install files from there. put it in a place which is accessible to you and then point your eclipse android directory to it. tools>options>android sdk
Run eclipse as Administrator. This is the solution.
Try running your application (Eclipse) in Admin Mode.
Right click on the Eclipse app, and choose "Run as Administrator"
This will fix your problem.
properties >java build path >click library tab > add jars > add jars from the support library.

Could not find folder 'tools' inside SDK

I am doing Android Development using Eclipse. I have downloaded all the required software, but I am having the same problem as discussed in "Unable to set up Android Target in Eclipse". Now I do not find the solution of the problem on that discussion so let me rewrite the problem again,
When I load Eclipse and create a new Android project, it keeps on waiting for the ADT to load. To figure out what is wrong I went to preferences and tried to put the location of the ADT I created in it but it keeps giving me this error when I put the address of ADT,
Could not find folder 'tools' inside SDK 'E:\Documents and
How can this issue be resolved?
I created the folder tools manually, now I am getting this error:
[2011-12-24 15:23:56 - DDMS] DDMS files not found: E:\Documents and Settings\me\android-sdks\platform-tools\adb.exe E:\Documents and Settings\me\android-sdks\tools\hprof-conv.exe E:\Documents and Settings\me\android-sdks\tools\traceview.bat
[2011-12-24 15:42:06 - DDMS] DDMS files not found: E:\Documents and Settings\me\.android\platform-tools\adb.exe E:\Documents and Settings\me\.android\tools\hprof-conv.exe E:\Documents and Settings\me\.android\tools\traceview.bat
If you install Eclipse properly then:
Start Eclipse
From the menu bar, select Window > Preferences > Android
For Android location, browse the folder in which you install Android SDKs.
In Android SDKs folder, rename the folder platforms-tools to tools.
Select the folder Android SDKs through Preferences dialog box.
If I get you correctly you have just downloaded Android sdk and want to configure it working with Eclipse. I think you miss one step from the installation of the sdk:
1) you download it
2) you extract it somewhere
3) then go to the specified directory and start AndroidManager (or was it just android??). There you specify you need platform-tools and the manager will configure that for you. This will also provide you with the 'adb' executable which is crucial for the Android developement.
After that you install ADT (which I think you already did) and from Eclipse preferences -> Android options you get a place to specify where your android-sdk is. If you specify it after you did the 'step 3' you should be good to go.
I am not 100% sure I got it correctly and what your state is, so please forgive me if my comment is irrelevant. If I am wrong I will be happy to help if you provide some more details.
Something I am completely sure is that you shouldn't need to create the folder 'tools' by yourself.
PS: The description I gave is for newer versions of android sdk, but if you are encountering a problem with older version I will recommend you to start from scratch with newer version. It shouldn't take you that long time.
This can also happen due to the bad unzipping process of SDK.It Happend to me.
Dont use inbuilt windows unzip process.
use WINRAR software for unzipping sdk
By default it looks for the SDK tools in "C:\Documents and Settings\user\android-sdks". Some times we install it at another location. So you just have to select the correct path and it will done.
I faced similar issue when the SDK tools installation was failed during the initial setup. To resolution is to download SDK tools from Android Developer Site
Expand "USE AN EXISTING IDE" section and download standalone SDK tools
Choose your destination as (%HOMEPATH%\android-sdks)
Now start Android-SDKs folder and run SDK manager
If you get the "Failed to find DDMS files..." do this:
Open eclipse
Open install new software
Click "Add..." -> type in (e.g.) "Android_over_HTTP" and in address put "".
Don't be alarmed that its not https, this helps to fetch stuff over http. This trick helped me to resolve the issue on MAC, I believe that this also should work on Windows / Linux
Hope this helps !
In my case i was using Ubuntu. Where the was two directories one was /android-sdks
and /android-sdk-linux. I used the second one it works for me :)
My solution was to remove the Eclipse ADT plugin via menu "Help > About Eclipse SDK > Installation Details". Eclipse will restart.
Next go to Menu "Help > Install New Software", then add the ADT plugin url "" (or select the existing link from the dropdown).
This will re-install the latest ADT, including the DDMS files.
For me it was a simple case of specifying the path to the 'sdk' subfolder rather than the top level folder.
In my case I needed to input
instead of

Eclipse Projects not loading in my Package explorer?

i was developing Android applications on my macbook pro after which i had to shift to the iMac at work. So i copied my Eclipse directory and the android sdk and the workspace and pasted it on the iMac at work.
I have set the Android sdk root inside the preferences of the Eclipse but the workspace is not loading inside my package explorer?
i have made the workspace folder inside the documents folder where it was in my macbook pro.
When Eclipse starts i choose the specified path of my workspace and then start eclipse.
Why are my workspace projects not being available in my package explorer?
thank you in advance.
i imported the project into my workspace. But there was .classpath 5.0 compatibility error, so i right clicked on my project and clicked android tools -> fix project properties. That error regarding .class path compatibility went away but a new error came in which the whole src folder inside my project has errors.. i mean each and every class.
And the error is regarding classes that come in the Android library...for eg. it is giving me error in the getCount method saying there is no such method in a class i used to extend the BaseAdapter class..what is going wrong here?
i have cleaned my project several times, but no change.
I just experienced something similar - had to create a new workspace and import the projects from my previous workspace to make it work. Pretty annoying, but it seems to be a bug in Eclipse.
Make sure that the build path of the project links correctly to the Android SDK. Right click on the project and choose configure build path and make sure that there are no red marks there.
Your project list is stored at .metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\projects\, so you might want check that file to see if your projects are there.
from : Eclipse - No project visible in explorer
What helped me is i went to the package explorer and on the right site click the menu i.e. go to Filters -> Non Shared Projects. Remove that check mark. Then i see all projects.

