Dynamically drawing polygons in Google map - android

I am new to android. I've been trying to apply a field of view to my current location in google map. The image shows a FOV on Google map in iOS.
So basically I did a similar thing by adding 5 triangles with different alpha in order to make the whole fov a gradiant.
I have to update this fov according to azimuth of the device, so I remove those triangles ,recompute them and add them again.
for(int i=0; i<5;i++){
la = mvalues[0]-hang/2;
lx = lon+i*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(la))/2775;
ly = lat+i*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(la))/2775;
ra = mvalues[0]+hang/2;
rx = lon+i*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(ra))/2775;
ry = lat+i*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(ra))/2775;
triangles[i] = map.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions().add(new LatLng(lat,lon), new LatLng(ly,lx), new LatLng(ry,rx)).strokeColor(Color.TRANSPARENT).fillColor(Color.argb(50, 0, 0, 50)));
The fov is always blinking, and gc_concurrent always happens. Is it possible to make it not blinking?

According to the Google documentation above.
You shall update the shape by calling
Polygon.setPoints Link
rather than remove/add.
Hope this would help


Android - google maps gets stuck

I'm developing a App which display a Google map and a bunch of markers on it. There's a lot of markers so I divided them in smaller groups and display only those, which are in some bounds depending on the current position of the camera.
To do that I'm using the GoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener. First I remove the listener, do my calculations and drawing and then I restore the listener to the Fragment containing my map:
public void onCameraIdle() {
This way I only draw the markers I need to display and the performance is way better then having 1000 markers on the map at once. I also draw about the same number of polylines but that's not the point now.
For some strange reasons, after some panning and zooming the maps doesn't respond anymore. Can't zoom it nor pan it. App displays a dialog that it is not responding and I should wait or close the app. No erros are displayed in logcat. I can't exactly tell when this happens. Sometimes after the first pan, sometimes I can move around 2-3 minutes. Same thing happens on the emulator and on the physical device.
Anyone experienced something like this? Thanks!
Or am I approaching this the wrong way? How else should I optimize the map to display about 1000 markers and polylines. (The markers have text on them, so it can't be the same Bitmap and all of the polylines can have different colors and need to be clickable, so I can't combine them into one large polyline)
EDIT. A little more info about my methods:
After all the marker positions are loaded from the internal database, I do a for-loop through all of them and based on their position and I place them to the corresponding region. Its an 2D array of lists.
My whole area is divided to 32x32 smaller rectangular areas. When I'm searching for the markers to display, I determine which region is in view and display only those markers, which are in this area.
This way I don't need to loop over all of the markers.
My methods (very simplified) look like this:
ArrayList<MarkerObject> markersToDisplay = new ArrayList<MarkerObject>();
private void findTheMarkersInBounds() {
LatLngBounds bounds = mMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;
int[] regionCoordinates = getRegionCoordinates(bounds); // i, j coordinates of my regions [0..31][0..31]
private void drawMarkers() {
if ((markersToDisplay != null) && (markersToDisplay.size() > 0)) {
for (int i=0; i<markersToDisplay.size(); i++) {
MarkerObject mo = markersToDisplay.get(i);
LatLng position = new LatLng(mo.gpsLat, mo.gpsLon);
BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(createMarker(getContext(), mo.title));
GroundOverlay m = mMap.addGroundOverlay(groundOverlayOptions.image(bitmapDescriptor).position(position, 75));
It is hard to help you without source code of findTheMarkersInBounds() and displayTheMarkers(), but seems, you need different approach to increase performance, for example:
improve your findTheMarkersInBounds() logic if it possible;
runfindTheMarkersInBounds() in separate thread and show not all markers in same time, but one by one (or bunch of 10..20 at one time) during findTheMarkersInBounds() searching;
improve your displayTheMarkers() if it possible, actually may be use custom drawing on canvas (like in this answer) instead of creating thousands Marker objects.
For question updates:
Small improvements (first, because they are used for main):
pass approximately max size of markersToDisplay as constructor parameter:
ArrayList<MarkerObject> markersToDisplay = new ArrayList<MarkerObject>(1000);
Instead for (int i=0; i<markersToDisplay.size(); i++) {
use for (MarkerObject mo: markersToDisplay) {
Do not create LatLng position every time, create it once and store in MarkerObject fields.
Main improvement:
This lines are the source of issues:
BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(createMarker(getContext(), mo.title));
GroundOverlay m = mMap.addGroundOverlay(groundOverlayOptions.image(bitmapDescriptor).position(position, 75));
IMHO using Ground Overlays for thousands of markers showing is bad idea. Ground Overlay is for several "user" maps showing over default Google Map (like local plan of Park or Zoo details). Use custom drawing on canvas like on link above. But if you decide to use Ground Overlays - do not recreate them every time: create it once, store references to them in MarkerObject and reuse:
// once when marker created (just example)
mo.overlayOptions = new GroundOverlayOptions()
.image(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(createMarker(getContext(), mo.title)))
.position(mo.position, 75))
// in your drawMarkers() - just add:
for (MarkerObject mo: markersToDisplay) {
if (mo.overlayOptions == null) {
mo.overlayOptions = createOverlayOptionsForThisMarker();
But IMHO - get rid of thousands of Ground Overlays at all - use custom drawing on canvas.
After further investigation and communication with the google maps android tech support we came to a solution. There's a bug in the GroundOverlay.setZIndex() method.
All you have to do is to update to the newest API version. The bug is not present anymore in Google Maps SDK v3.1.
At this moment it is in Beta, but the migration is pretty straightforward.

Create adaptive grid on the map for clusterization

In our application we use google map APIs v1.
I wrote grid-based clusterization for markers (total amount up to few thousands). Everything works fine - good performance, etc...
The only problem is that I calculate grid depending on currently viewed area
private void createCluster2DArray() {
double cwidth = (cachedrightLongitude - cachedleftLongitude) / clustersXnum;
double cheight = (cachedtopLatitude - cachedbottomLatitude) / clustersYnum;
for (int i = 0; i < clustersXnum; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < clustersYnum; j++) {
Cluster cluster;
if (clusters[i][j] == null) {
cluster = new Cluster();
clusters[i][j] = cluster;
} else {
cluster = clusters[i][j];
//calculate dimensions
cluster.left = cachedleftLongitude + i * cwidth;
cluster.right = cluster.left + cwidth;
cluster.bottom = cachedbottomLatitude + j * cheight;
cluster.top = cluster.bottom + cheight;
cachedrightLongitude, cachedrightLongitude, cachedrightLongitude, cachedrightLongitude are borders of device screen area in degrees.
The problem, you can see, is that cluster borders changing every time when user changes visible area (change zoom level, or just slide the screen). This leads to clusters recalculation and markers redistribution over them.
The only solution I see is to create some kind of static screen-independent clusters greed for each zoom level(for example at zoom level 5 size of cluster will be 10milli degrees and at level 6 it will be 2milli degrees, so only border-clusters will dynamicaly change their size and outer borders). Am i right?
Is there any other suggestions?
For android maps API v1 there is a clustering library here: https://github.com/damianflannery/Polaris. This is a fork of Cyril Mottier's Polaris library, but the discussion on pull request suggest it won't be merged back into original. See here. I haven't looked at the source, so I can't tell you if they use grid clustering.
As for your question, I think using static screen-independent cluster grid is the way to go. I'd only suggest changing the values of millidegrees. For zoom level that is different by 1, millidegs should be divided (or multiplied) by 2.
Also note that with latitude you can't use degrees value directly, but you have to push it through a Mercator projection. This is to make grid consist of squares instead of having them look like rectangles with height few times greater than width closer to the north and south poles.
This is basically what I do in Android Maps Extensions for maps API v2.
I assumed 180 degrees grid size on zoom level 0, so 90 degrees on zoom level 1, 45 on 2, etc. and about 85 microdegrees on zoom 21. The value can be changed in the API.
To you the most useful parts of the code from Extensions lib would be: SphericalMercator to convert latitude and some portions from GridClusteringStrategy.

Drawing dotted line on google maps v2 instead of solid

Instead of having a polygon with a solid line surrounding it I want to create one with a dotted line, is this possible?
I know you could do this when you override the onDraw method of the overlay in v1 but the Overlay class does not exist anymore so how else can I achieve this?
It's currently not possible, but you may upvote this enhancement here: http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=4633
Recently, Google implemented this feature for polylines and polygons in Google Maps Android API v2 and marked issue 4633 as Fixed.
See information about stroke patterns in the Shapes Guide. See an example in the Polylines and Polygons tutorial.
You can also read the corresponding blog post here:
First of all, take a look on the API
it is not yet possible with v2, but on v3 javascript API, it already is, look here:
But it seems that it's possible to use this v3 javascript API in an android app, look here:
Maybe, this will help you
Find a LatLng at a distance of radius units from center LatLng on Map
now convert both these LatLngs to screenCoordinates
Use the formula used to construct a cirle x = Rsin(theta) , y = Rcos(theta)
you divide the circle into N segments and then draw polylines(drawn on map) on the circumference of the circle converting the screen coordinates to LatLngs
more the number of N more it looks like a circle , I have used N = 120 according the zoom level ,I am using 13.
private void addDottedCircle(double radius) {//radius is in kms
LatLng center,start,end;
Point screenPosCenter,screenPosStart,screenPosEnd;
Projection p = mMap.getProjection();
center = searchCenterMarker.getPosition();
start = new LatLng(center.latitude + radius/110.54,center.longitude);
// radius/110.54 gives the latitudinal delta we should increase so that we have a latitude at radius distance
// 1 degree latitude is approximately 110.54 kms , so the above equation gives you a rough estimate of latitude at a distance of radius distance
screenPosCenter = p.toScreenLocation(center);
screenPosStart = p.toScreenLocation(start);
double R = screenPosCenter.y - screenPosStart.y;
int N = 120;//N is the number of parts we are dividing the circle
double T = 2*Math.PI/N;
double theta = T;
screenPosEnd = new Point();
screenPosEnd.x = (int)(screenPosCenter.x-R*Math.sin(theta));
screenPosEnd.y = (int) (screenPosCenter.y-R*Math.cos(theta));
end = p.fromScreenLocation(screenPosEnd);
for(int i =0;i<N;i++){
if(i%2 == 0){
//dottedCircle is a hashmap to keep reference to all the polylines added to map
dottedCircle.add(mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().add(start,end).width(5).color(Color.BLACK)));
screenPosStart.x = (int) (screenPosCenter.x-R*Math.sin(theta));
screenPosStart.y = (int) (screenPosCenter.y-R*Math.cos(theta));
start = p.fromScreenLocation(screenPosStart);
screenPosEnd.x = (int)(screenPosCenter.x-R*Math.sin(theta));
screenPosEnd.y = (int) (screenPosCenter.y-R*Math.cos(theta));
end = p.fromScreenLocation(screenPosEnd);
If you are still looking for an answer have a look at this :
How to draw dashed polyline with android google map sdk v2?

How to make map object (eg: circle) clickable in android google maps v2?

Google recently introduced the circle as a map object in V2 and can easily be drawn:
Does anyone know how to make this clickable, so that I can open an info window etc... ?
Thanks a lot for the help.
As of June 2016, Google has introduced clickable property of CircleOptions.
You can use Circle.setClickable(boolean) method as well and listen to OnCircleClickListener event.
You should probably use GoogleMap::setOnCircleClickListener.
Old answer:
For Circles it should be easy: use OnMapClickListener and this code:
void onMapClick(LatLng position) {
LatLng center = circle.getCenter();
double radius = circle.getRadius();
float[] distance = new float[1];
Location.distanceBetween(position.latitude, position.longitude, center.latitude, center.longitude, distance);
boolean clicked = distance[0] < radius;
You can of course iterate over circles if you have more of them.
For others you have to code checking yourself. The algorithm for Polygon is not hard to find online.
It's very straight forward - mMap.setOnCircleClickListener(this);

Android: MapView.GetLatitudeSpan(), GetLongitudeSpan() Anomaly?

I'm working on a mapping app that plots pins on a MapView based on a user's query. I'm trying to scale the map to fit all the results pins, but I've run into a seemingly strange situation.
I have two variables set up:
latSpan is the difference between the maximum latitude and minimum latitude of any of the results points
lonSpan is the difference between the maximum longitude and minimum longitude of any of the results points
This method
while ((mapView.getLatitudeSpan()) < latSpan) || (mapView.getLongitudeSpan() < lonSpan)){
}//end of while loop
is supposed to zoom out to make sure all the pins fit on the viewable map screen.
But I'm experiencing something rather strange. The results of mapView.getLatitudeSpan() and mapView.getLongitudeSpan() are routinely greater than my latSpan and lonSpan values, so the MapController doesn't zoom out enough.
My map is zoomed in pretty far--level 15 or higher.
As an example, one set of search results gave the following values:
latSpan = 17928
lonSpan = 11636
mapView.getLatitudeSpan() = 21933
mapView.getLongitudeSpan() = 20598
Based on these numbers, you wouldn't think that the MapController would need to zoom out. Yet there are pins plotted both above the top and below the bottom of the screen. I changed my WHILE loop to read
while ((mapView.getLatitudeSpan() - 6000) < latSpan...
and that helps, but the right query will still cause issues.
But the real question is, why is this happening?
I'm not sure why you're code isn't working from the snippet provided. Its possible that you are not converting your latSpan and lonSpan to microDegrees (as shown below) and this would cause some issues.
Also if you're trying to make sure your mapView is showing all of the results, there's not much point trying to determine if it needs to zoom before zooming, just zoom it every time. If it turns out that it doesn't need to zoom then nothing will appear to happen and if it does then it does.
You can set a map up to encompass all of your points and move to the centroid of the points as follows:
GeoPoint max = new GeoPoint(maxLatitude, maxLongitude);
GeoPoint min = new GeoPoint(minLatitude, minLongitude);
int maxLatMicro = max.getLatitudeE6();
int maxLonMicro = max.getLongitudeE6();
int minLatMicro = min.getLatitudeE6();
int minLonMicro = min.getLongitudeE6();
GeoPoint center = new GeoPoint((maxLatMicro+minLatMicro)/2,(maxLonMicro + minLonMicro)/2);
controller.zoomToSpan(maxLatMicro - minLatMicro, maxLonMicro - minLonMicro);

