Android: Sliding Menu Slide only content - android

I'm using Sliding Menu with ActionBarSherlock in my application. The actionbar and sliding menu works fine, but i want the sliding menu to slide only the content and not the actionbar like the latest version of youtube application.
Is this possible with slidingmenu? If yes, please tell how
Thanks in advance
Below is my code for actionbar and slidingmenu
final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();

Have a look at example
your final code will look something like this after adding the suggested solution,
final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
I hope it will be helpful !!

According to the developer on GitHub:
Look at step 1. You have 2 options, SlidingMenu.SLIDING_WINDOW or SlidingMenu.SLIDING_CONTENT.
SLIDING_WINDOW will include the Title/ActionBar in the content section
of the SlidingMenu, while SLIDING_CONTENT does not.

I tried with the solution given . But it does not work.
I am using SherlockActionBar and SlidingMenu together.
It works good when I am not setting anything for setSlidingActionBarEnabled method. But it slides the whole window , I want to make it slide only when content is swiped.
So I called this method : setSlidingActionBarEnabled(false);
This has couple of issues :
This makes the app show a blank white page when it is loaded first. I have multiple tabs shown in action bar , so the first tab is shown as selected but the content is empty.
If I slide when say I am in tab 2 , then the back page (or behind page) content is visible but it also overlaps with what is shown currently on tab2.
Any pointers would be helpful.


Android, Tabs without Actionbar

This question has been asked (for example, here Using ViewPager with Tabs without actionBar), however the answer there doesn't work. There's some links to Swipey but unfortunately the link is broken too.
The example from Android site EffectiveNavigation uses Actionbar to host the tab fragment, so obviously if I set a .NoActionBar theme, then there's no host. Any different way? Thanks.
Update screenshot of what I want to create, at the top, there's no actionbar.
Update 2 this is from the google example, there's an actionbar on top (titled "Effective navigation), which I want to get rid of
Solution of your problem is already given in
To disableAction-bar Icon and Title, you must do two things:
setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false); // hides action bar icon
setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); // hides action bar title
Follow The Steps given in Using split action bar
Write Following Code in OnCreate()
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
getActionBar().setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false); // hides action bar icon
getActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); // hides action bar title
//rest of your code...
After Android updated Actionbar to Toolbar there are many changes in Actionbar Tabs.
Please follow below links to create swipable tabs in Andoid.
Design Structure :
Tabs Design Guidelines
Some of the very useful links are below. Please refer to them.
Download sample zip from below link
Or Refer these links
This may help you...
You can:
Use a ViewPager with a PagerTabStrip
Use a ViewPager with the TabPageIndicator class from the ViewPagerIndicator library
Use a ViewPager with other third-party tab indicators (e.g., in the "View Pagers" category at the Android Arsenal)
Use a ViewPager and design your own tabbed indicator
Use a FragmentTabHost and skip the swiping part
Along with
Use this as well

ActionBar and ActionBar.Tab and Navigation Drawer android

I am using action bar with help of android-support-v7-appcompat and also using Navigation drawer over it.
In one of my fragment if I use ActionBar.Tabs then the tabs overlaps the navigation drawer and the drawer gets below the ActionBar tabs.
How can I make the action bar like in google play application or Google movie application.
The tabs should also go behind like the fragment. How can I do the same with android-support-v7-appcompat Libs
For Tab bar try ViewPagerIndicator
This has a very good implementation for tab bar.
When we use default tab bar with actionbar, in landscape mode it will be merged into single row. So its better to use the above library.
I think you would be better off using a library like ViewPagerIndicator. The ActionBar is recognized as decor and is shown over top of the window, and the DrawerLayout is drawn as an object in the window.
Not sure if they're going to fix it in a future revision, but ViewPagerIndicator is pretty easy to set up and customize anyway.
Also, go to this question for better achievement getting-drawerlayout-to-slide-over-the-actionbar
Roman Nurik says that the Navigation Drawer should not be used with the Action Bar tabs.
The discussion is here

how to add actionbarsherlock menu to a fragment

I am using both actionbarsherlock and slidingmenu objects
the point is, I want my menu - which is sliding to do the following
push the currently visible screen aside, along with its actionbar
the fragment that is displayed inside the menu to have a different actionbar
how do i do that?
I've set everything to make 1 work
but the fragment is missing the menu - how to add it ?
You can't have multiple ActionBar in the same activity.
Best thing you could probably do, is not make the ActionBar slide with the menu, while starting/finishing an ActionMode when you open up/close the sliding menu.
Or if you really want to slide the ActionBar, then simply create a view in the menu fragment that will looks like an action bar.
You probably can use a custom layout in your actionbar and manipulate it by adding an animation so that it looks like the actionbar slides out and it is pushed by another actionbar when the menu slides in. The object would be the same, but the user perception will be of a sliding action bar pushing away the previous one.

Hide App name and it's bar

I've been trying to remove this bar (cant hotlink images, yet, check next link):
But I can't achieve it.
Tried the following:
Added into manifest the following:
But resulted as crash. Probably because I don't have this "Theme". I can't find out what should I write here.
Also tried to remove manually on each Fragment by Graphical Layout, selecting "No action bar", and it doesn't show up on the "preview" but it's shown in the app, probably because its the wrong place to configure it.
Note that it's with fragments. I searched about doing it by code, but I just found options to do it for activities.
So, my question is: How can I hide the App Action bar?
On my code, I've this:
final ActionBar bar = getActionBar();
bar.setDisplayOptions(0, ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE);
So, just added:
And everything is working. Even if the tabs names aren't shown, the navigation still works (Swaping right and left for swapping fragments.)
Have you tried this?
ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

Android ActionBar backbutton and tabs

I want to create an ActionBar and a tabbed navigation like the google+ app.
I used this example as a starting point and now I have a great actionbar:
I've also included a ViewPager and a TabHost to have tabs and scrolling left/right Fragments.
What i need is to show the back arrow in version prior to honeycomb.
If I set getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true), the arrow is automatically show in version >= honeycomb.
How can I do that in version prior to honey?
What I also want to have is Tabs like the google+ app.
This is how is my tab bar looks:
removed dead ImageShack link
...and this is what i want:
removed dead ImageShack link
I can't find any example to style tab bars like that one.
I would recommend you the ActionBarSherlock for ActionBar compatibility with Android <3. It is a better implementation that the example offered in the developers page.
Using this package, the back arrow will appear when you add to your activity the following line.
Regarding the Google+ tabs, I have found the widget ViewFlow very useful and looking exactly the same. Moreover, you don't have any backward compatibility issues. Have a look to the CircleFlowIndicator example.
You can use ActionBarSherlock and a ViewPager with ViewPagerIndicator to achieve the desired look. These libraries also work pre ICS.
As miguel.rodelas suggested, use getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) for the home arrow. In onOptionsItemSelected you can catch it by the id
ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
//use your custom xml view here
View actionBarView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.action_bar_custom_view, null);
//your logic for click listner
As stated, download the ActionBarSherlock and import it as a library here
Instead of using getActionBar use getSupportActionBar
Download the support library
Instead of Activity, extend your class as SherlockActivity
Same with fragments, use SherlockFragment
Then just copy your code, should work perfectly.

