Android: Animation of slide up to below of another view. - android

Is there any idea or how can i achieve this Animation like following picture? because i tried to give a animation on Linearlayout B when i pressed a cancel button, the linearlayout B will slide out from left to right but once LinearLayout B fully Gone, the LinearLayout C directly step to below of LinearLayout A rather than slide slowly to below of LinearLayout A. please help...

Set android:animateLayoutChanges="true" to the linear layout and you will achieve this automatically.

First add a ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDraw listener to the view C:
int bHeight = viewB.getHeight();
viewC.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
viewC.startAnimation(new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, bHeight, 0));
return false;
Then set the visibility of B to gone.
What this does is hides the view B, causing the view C to move up. However before C is drawn in it's new position we animate it from where it used to be to where it is now.


Android slide LinearLayout till inner reach bottom

How to slide panel to bottom till panel inner layout reaches bottom of the screen. Then stop animation. All panel layouts are dynamic height. Static values must not be used.
I use:
public void slideDown(Context context, LinearLayout ln){
Animation slide_down = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.slide_down);
slideDown(getContext(), myLayout);
If I understand your problem correctly, you want to slide a linearLayout to the bottom of the screen, and stop the animation when the bottom of the lineaLayout "touches" the bottom of the screen. Here is how I do it :
public void slideDown (View movableView,View rootView){
//rootView is the Layout placed as root in your xml
float screenBottom = rootView.getBottom()/2; //real bottom of the screen
float viewHeight = movableView.getHeight();
movableView.animate().translationYBy(screenBottom - viewHeight).setDuration(1000).start();

Android: call requestLayout() after update v.layout parameter causes layout reverts back to it's original position

I have framelayout which contains two relative layouts, one is on top of the other. When user clicks a button, the one on the top move 80% off the screen to the right. Then one on the bottom becomes clickable. This is what it looks like.
RelativeLayout (bottom) RelativeLayout (top)
FilterWidgets Open/close button, ListView
It's really easy to achieve on 3.0+ with the new animation api which is Property base Animation. For the pre 3.0, because animation is view based. So I end up manually modify the layout property on onAnimationEnd. The call requestLayout to make it permanent, but only to find out the layout reverts back to original position. Anybody know how to move layout permanently?
see my other post if you want to see the whole picture:
theTranslationX.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator nullPointer) {
int theL = isMenuOn() ? 0 : v.getLeft() + getFilterWidth();
int theR = isMenuOn() ? v.getWidth() : v.getLeft() + getFilterWidth() + v.getWidth();
int theHeight = v.getHeight();
int theT = 0;
v.layout(theL, theT, theR, theHeight);
This is 9 months late but try using:
yourView.layout(left,top,right,bottom); //all parameters are type int
However I don't think this is permanent, the position of the view will still be reset when you call requestLayout(), but give it a try.

Buttons on an animated view respond to clicks even when off screen?

I have a LinearLayout, I'm applying a translation animation to it. I'm filling the animation before and after. Visually it works fine. The animation ends by translating the view off screen. But if I click an x,y coordinate on screen that happens to be where the view was at some point during its animation, a button on the view has its click listener fire.
The only solution I've found is to add an animation listener, and when the animation ends, mark the buttons on the (now out of view) layout to visibility=gone, enabled=false. This seems bizarre - the view is no longer on screen, but it's still responding to click events. Is this a known thing, I'm probably not setting the animation up correctly?
----- Update --------
I refactored my animation a little. Instead of using animation.setFillAfter(true), I set the layout's visibility to GONE when the animation is complete. Now it doesn't register clicks when off-screen. Still interested to know if this is a known thing, as it'd be easier to simply not have to add an animation listener etc.
Translate Animations on lower level API( below honey comb) changes where the button is drawn, but not where the button physically exists within the container. So, you are on your own to handle this situation. For more information about this you can refer to this link. One way is to actually change the location of the button in the layout(not by animation). Here is how you can achieve this:
params = (LayoutParams) mBtn.getLayoutParams();
TranslateAnimation animation = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0, 400);
private AnimationListener mAnimationListener = new AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
params.topMargin = params.topMargin + 400;
Here by changing the layout params we are changing the physical position of the button.
In your case as view is going off the screen so you just need to change the visibility of the button(View.GONE) on animation end.

Using Animation to swipe views

I have a FrameLayout that recognize swipe gestures (up and down).
For example: if a swipe up are performed, I should animate the current view (that is MATCH_PARENT x MATCH_PARENT) to goes up at the same time a new view come from bottom.
I can achieve this with animations?
I solved this way:
private void swipeUp() {
final View hidingView = currentView;
TranslateAnimation hide = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0, -getHeight());
hide.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
TranslateAnimation show = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, getHeight(), 0);
View nextView = getView();
addView(nextView, createLP());
currentView = nextView;
If you want to actually switch views, you need to implement an AnimationListener that takes care of the animation. If you want more complex behavior like a "finger following" scroller between views, you will likely have to use something a bit more complex, but if you're just saying
if(I flicked upwards)
move view up
then AnimationListener is perfect for you. Just make sure you set the listener to the Animation in code.
Hope this helps!

Android Layout Animation won't work

I have a LinearLayout (LayoutContentView) which can contain one or two view (SubView1 and SubView2) (they are eitherTextView or ImageView).
This layout is in another LinearLayout (MyScreenLayout).
I want to make an animation on LayoutContentView so it can move and show just a part of it in MyScreenLayout.
Both of these layouts have setClipChildren(false); so it can let it's children draw outside it-self.
Depending on different parameters, I can change the size of the content, and the size of the content I will show.
Basically, I expend from top to bottom to show the two subviews and unexpend for bottom to top to show only the second subview. Before I expend, I increase the size of the LayoutContentView, so it can show the two subviews, and after I unexpend, I decrease the size of the LayoutContentView, so it can only show the second subview, and it let space on the screen for other elements.
Here is my method for expending and un-expending LayoutContentView :
float yFrom = 0.0F;
float yTo = 0.0F;
float xFrom = 0.0F;
float xTo = 0.0F;
if (expend) { // if we expend
// I change the height of my LayoutContentView so it we can show it's two subviews
final android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = mLayoutContentView.getLayoutParams();
lp.height = subView1H + subView2H;
// we start the animation so it shows only the second subview
yFrom = -subView1H;
// and we animate from top to bottom until it shows the two subviews
yTo = 0;
} else { // if we un-expend
// we animate from bottom to top starting by showing the two subviews
yFrom = 0;
// and progressively hiding the first subview and showing only the second subview
yTo = -subView1H;
Animation anim = new TranslateAnimation(xFrom, xTo, yFrom, yTo);
anim.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
if (!expend) {
// if we un expend at the end of the animation we can set the size of LayoutContentView to the size of the second subview again
final android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = mLayoutContentView.getLayoutParams();
lp.height = subView2H;
The way I made my animation I need it to apply on LayoutContentView, the layout which contain two subview, and with startAnimation() it doesn't do the animation.
I tried to use a LayoutAnimationController, but instead of doing the animation on the LayoutContentView, it does it on each of its children...
I also tried to do the animation on each children myself, but I don't know why, the second subview isn't shown.
Each time I've tried to use HierarchyViewer, but it's does see the change made by the animation.
Does anyone know a solution or have faced the same problem and found a good solution ?
Well it seems that if you set a background color to your TextView and move them with animation, the background move but even if you have set the fill after parameter to your animation, the background moves back to it's original position or something like that, and therefore as I set a background color to both of my SubViews, somewhat one of the SubView's background hide the background of the other...
And there also a problem if after the animation, one of the SubView is still outside the its layout, there is also a problem during the animation, so I add a limitation to what I intended to here too.

