AVD for Samsung Galaxy S4(1080X1920) showing Black screen - android

After searching a lot, I found out this link : http://developer.sonymobile.com/knowledge-base/sdks/sony-add-on-sdk/install-the-sony-add-on-sdk/
Following the steps as per the instruction, I have created AVD for 1080x1920 screen resolution,i.e., Xperia Z. But still when I try to run this emulator, it display nothing but a blank screen, seems not working at all. Also checked the "Use Host GPU" option. But no result???? Can anyone please help me.
Thanks in advance

I also had this problem, then I found this solution.
I checked "Use host GPU emulation" option for avd. Also keep in mind that your system must have graphics card (GPU) installed in it.

use the following steps to make avd for s4 or any type:withe help of genymotion third party pulgin:
download first genymotion
cmd for install genymotion
The installation of the plugin can be done by launching Eclipse and going to "Help / Install New Software" menu, then just add a new Update Site with the following URL: http://plugins.genymotion.com/eclipse.
installing the google play service from the following :
Enjoy its working.


Can't change emulated performance of AVD in Android Studio

I can't change the graphics to software as I'm sure this is the fix for my AVD not launching.
The option is greyed out (see screenshot). Has anyone has experience with this? I couldn't find anyone who had the same issue.
I'm running the latest version of Android Studio on Ubuntu 17.04.
Actually, this problem seems to be limited to devices with Play Store available, so Nexus 5X and Nexus 5 images will be forced to use Automatic Graphics, but all other devices allow you to choose either Automatic, Hardware or Software graphics.
edit: I've just tested this today and it seems to no longer be the case. At least on MacOS with Android Studio 3.3.2, I can now make a Nexus 5X image with Play Store and Hardware Graphics. I'll do more testing at home later, on Windows and Linux to see if it's related to OS or graphics drivers.
I also think it's related to whether the Playstore is contained or not, but I cannot explain why.
Dielson Sales already gave the answer which worked for me - unfortunately only in a comment to this answer. I just thought it's worth to make a "real" answer out of it:
Edit the config.ini file of the AVD. Under Linux it's located under /home/<user>/.android/avd/<AVD-name>/config.ini
(in my case <AVD-name> is Nexus_5X_API_29.avd).
In a text editor change the lines
either to
or to
This setting remains even if opened in the Android Virtual Device Manager of Android Studio. It's just not editable there.
I also tried this, which I found in another AVD:
But this is then changed to "no" / "off" by the Android Virtual Device Manager.
I didn't look any further so far. hw.gpu.mode=off worked for me. Otherwise my whole Kubuntu hangs (using the Nouveau driver, not the NVidia driver)
Seems like the problem was with the choosen VM. If I choose a Nexus 4, it runs just fine.
I am little late on this thread but following are my findings and solution. I am using Ubunut 18.04 and faced the same issue. The solution is to edit AVD and under Emulated Performance, change the grpahics to Software. The problem was that this option was disabled for me. I was unable to change graphics drop down.
I did some more research and found that while creating AVD if you choose default/existing device definition on first screen, you will not be able to edit graphics drop down.
The solution is to create a "New Hardward Profile" while creating AVD and use your new profile. Now, you will be able to edit "Grahics" drop down.
Hope this helps....
It seems all emulators with Play Store cannot emulated performance. I am using AS 4.0
Open Android Virtual Device Manager Android Studio, change VMHeap to 512, RAM to 4096 MB. Then restart Android Studio.
I think It's just a bug!
Solved the issue by selecting any virtual device had the option enabled and after finishing the installation I just clicked on edit and reselected the device I wanted and the option was still enabled.
Click on edit button from here.
Then change the device to the one you want.
For those who are still searching for solutions on how to make it work with an image containing google play store: install / update your GPU drivers solves the problem. On my Ubuntu 20 this was the issue.
I'm working on mac os - after i upgrade my os my emulator stoped working and one of the solution was to change the graphic settings from hardware to software - since i couldn't - came here ---> turns out Android Emulator HAXM on macOS High Sierra is left out from security reasons
follow this link : https://developer.android.com/studio/known-issues#deploy

getting wrong pictures from android studio’s emulator

I managed to connect my webcam to android studio's emulator, however I am keep getting these wrong preview from the camera.Does anybody know the possible cause of it?
May be following will work for you
1.Open AVD Manager:
2.Add/Edit AVD:
3.Click Advanced Settings in the bottom of the screen:
4. Set your camera of choice as the front/back cameras:
hope it will help you..
try with delete the old AVD and create fresh one with these configs.

Emulator for Samsung galaxy S2 on the SDK Version 18

I am completely new to Android Development and have got stuck at the very first point. I want to create a AVD for the Samsung Galaxy S2 but am not able to do so. I found many articles and questions on stack overflow like: Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? and others but they all pertain to previous versions. I tried to map them to this one but was not able to do so.
(For the above link, i got the result that unable to load device and it did not show up in device settings under AVD after i chenged the device.xml file)
Any help in this regard?
Have no idea how but after complete un-install followed by reinstall all works fine. Also, i installed the latest version
I would suggest you to open the same link here!
I would suggest you some basic steps:
Go to Windo
Select =>AVD manager
Click on Device Defination
select New Device
Create new Devices (fill out)
Hit Create Device
Open the file C:\Users[user name].android\devices.xml in your favorite XML editor
follow step 6 of the link
follow step 1 to 3 of this list
select your device name (Samsung Galaxy II) in your case
close the AVD manager and follow the steps 8,9 and 10 from link.
I am only summarizing the points from the link and give you a quick heads up from the beginning in easy way:
hope it helps:)
for skin click here!!

Android emulator stopped working suddenly today

I've always used the android emulator from the AVD manager and it's working fine, but today I was trying to open it and it wasn't working. It only showed this screen and an errors messages.
I got these erros from eclipse:
Updating the ADT and SDK generally solves this kind of issue.
Re-start the emulator then-after.
This will certainly help....
Make sure the snapshot checkbox of that AVD is not checked.
If yes then just uncheck the checkbox.
Go to AVD Manager -> Select the device -> click Edit and uncheck the Enabled checkbox.
Also try setting the RAM to 512 Mb.
I hope this works.
Please make sure Use Host GPU is checked. Cause checking it enables the hardware OpenGLES emulation.
For further information I suggest you to refer this link
I faced a problem while lunching android emulator... but i fixed it by creating New Android Virtual Device

AVD Manager won't open, although SDK Manager opens and works

I am having a problem similar to this question:
AVD Manager don't start
but I do not understand the answer and how it worked. I cannot find AVD anything, anywhere.
My AVD Manager had been working fine and well and then suddenly it stopped.
I am not 100% sure if it was working well before I added on the Kindle Fire emulator because I had already had some AVDs set up and didn't try to create a new one before I added this in.
I updated ADT and I am pretty sure it is an android configuration problem, not Eclipse.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I had the same problem, then I realized I had Java EE running in the top left corner, not just Java. In the write hand corner, exit out of the Java EE and start a just Java one, and it will have the AVD Manager you seek.
Yep, I had this too. It is caused by a corrupted AVD image. I followed the instructions (and added a comment) to the below Google Code issue;
Follow the instructions there and enjoy the remaining AVD insufficiencies... :S

