Activity list view display different data (String array) on click of listitem - android

I have an activity which contains listview, when click on any list item, i want to display same activity with listview with different data and so on.
When i click on back button i need to display same activity listview with old data.
Is it possible? or is there is any other way to achieve this. I dont want to create any new activities or fragments for this?

You can write the function such that each time you click an item, it generates the list, assigns the data to your adapter and attaches it to your list view of choice.
If fetching the data won't be expensive for you, you could use only one adapter (array adapter or list adapter or simple adapter should be fine) and just re-assign it each time. (Ex. If you were listing files in a directory, inside your onClick() function you would have some function declaration like list_items(directoryName) that you would call each time. That function would declare and set an adapter for your data.)
If you are concerned about the expense of re-fetching the data, just store multiple adapters (outside your onClick() function) and set them to your list view as needed.

on click of list item just set new adapter or new data and call notifyDataSetChanged()
and for backpress override onBackPressed() and handle accordingly

Maintain separate adapter for each new data. When you want to return back just pass the relevent adapter object to that list view


RecyclerView Data passing to same Activity

I have a cart program, in activity is simple, there was a recyclerview and a button. In recycler view I can edit its stock.
Now, I want to get that product_name and product_stock from that I've ever clicked and make changes.
Now, when every stock has been clicked, I want click button on activity, so I want that data I've ever clicked on recyclerview stored to array, so that button can do their action / function. Can you guys lead me, how to import data from recyclerview to its activity itself.
It was Android program to do shopping cart, so I click the data in recycler view it stored to activity array.
I don't have any idea how to store that from recyclerview to activity's array.
My expected result, should be, when I click buy button on activity, every changed stock on recyclerview is shown.
You can simply implement an interface in your adapter like this for getting the values from clicked position in recycleview.
public interface FetchRecyclerViewItems{
void getItems(String product_name,String product_stock);
And simply create a setter method for this interface in adapter like this,
private FetchRecyclerViewItems fetchRecyclerViewItems;
public void setFetchRecyclerViewItems(FetchRecyclerViewItems fetchRecyclerViewItems){
this.fetchRecyclerViewItems = fetchRecyclerViewItems;
Then set the values like this on your click like this in OnBindViewHolder,
your_view.setOnClickListener(new View.SetOnClickListener)....{
And implement this interface in your activity and you will get the product_name,product_stock values there.
Make sure to initialize the FetchRecyclerViewItems in your activity.

Refresh Android Activity from outside mainActivity (Adapter class)

I searched over it and found two results:
But I want to refresh the activity NOT from within the activity.
I have more than one fragments, each fragment has listViews which has buttons.
My listView is populated by the data on the server. On button Click I am changing my data on the server and want to refresh all the listViews (so as to make them load new content). The onClick() function is in the listAdapter. So is there any way to refresh whole Activity from this listAdapter class.
Way to refresh fragments from the listAdapter class.
You should call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter. See this question
Pass the context of your activity to your ListView and call this method from your list view

ListView in Fragment not refreshing

I have a custom ListView inside a fragment that represents a list of activities. Each activity is saved in a database (I'm using Parse), and the ListView is populated with the Activities from the database. There is an add button in the fragment that takes the user to an screen where he/she can create a new Activity object. When the user is done, the activity is finished (I call finish() on the Activity), and the fragment is brought back up. The problem is that the ListView doesn't refresh- it's the same list before the user was sent to the Activity Create screen.
I tried to override the onStart and onResume in my fragment class and call notifyDataSetChanged() or invalidateViews() but neither method works, the list view doesn't refresh so it includes the new Activity that was just created by the user.
Start the activity that adds Activity with startActivityForResult(). Override the onActivityResult() in your listview fragment to get notified when the user has finished adding an Activity. Then, refresh your ListView by querying the database again or adding the new Activity to the adapter (depending on how you implemented the listview adapter).
In your case it looks like you forget to refill the activity list attached to adapter from which listview generate views.
Refill the list again from scratch and then call notifyDataSetChanged();. Your listview will be updated with new entries.

How to update the particular list item in list view in android

I'm new to Android. I have an application where some items appear in a list view. Now I want to add some new items. I want to show the word "New" for newly-added items, and when a new item is clicked that "New" word should disappear. How should I do this?
Follow that answer that is use for gridview you can also same for listview, notifyDataSetChanged();
Android Gridview is not refreshed while pressing back button
Update the data backing your list adapter and call notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter.
On selecting particular item from the list, you can change the status in the model class of that item ,from new to empty string "". And then depending on this value you can set the visibility of view if you want.
As the model in the datalist is updated you need to notify your adapter that underlying data has beeen changed. So call notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter.
notifyDataSetChanged() -
Notifies the attached observers that the underlying data has been changed and any View reflecting the data set should refresh itself.
When an Adapter is constructed, it holds the reference for the List that was passed in. If you pass-in a List that was a member of an Activity, and change some of the data later, the Adapter is still holding a reference to the original List. The Adapter does not know you changed the List in the Activity. Hence call notifyDataSetChanged() on Adapter.
Try following code.

need to reload mainActivity controller on click of button located in customized listview

To make my question more understandable let me start with an image of my view.
I have an xml file named Menu, that has customized list view in it. I have created another xmlview named MenuCell as below.
Now tapping on add button I'm adding Item to the cart. which is working perfectly fine except not updating value of a cart (top right corner) on click event. But If I navigate to different view and come back to this view at this point I'm getting number of items added in the cart reflected properly. So How Can I reload my controllerview when I tap in my arradepter view's ImageButton.
this is my adapter code
holder.imageButton1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
void addItem(int position) {
Where count is item added count.
If anyone can tell How am I able to reflect this count of my arrayadpter class to my other controller class that holds actual list view.
Any Help will be appreciated
Thanks in advance.
You need to use callback feature to get notified to your activity , hence add button is part of list component so you can update your list view.
Here are few links for understanding of call back using interface
After :
just add:
YourList.scrollBy(0, 0);
Send the reference of your controller to your list adapter class. In the controller I guess you have a method that computes some data and after that call update the view that holds cart data summary. Just make sure that update is on UI thread.
Your List is not refreshing at the instant because you have to refresh data of your adapter and then call notifyDataSetChanged();
Suppose You have the data in an array which is visible in textview.Then In your function addItem add the data into ur array and then call notifyDataSetChanged();
This will immediately tell the list view that watever data it is containing is changed so time to refresh.
If you can paste more of ur adapter code i can be helpful

