Showing password in EditText like Linkedin "Style" - android

I'm developing a APP for Android for educational purposes, and I see this in Linkedin APP. I like it!
Is a eye, and function is similar to CheckBox.
How I can do this?
Is a customized EditText?
Is a customized CheckBox inside EditText?

The password box is probably a Horizontal Linear Layout with a background border surrounding it. For the edittext, it seems like a custom styled one, you can look here to figure out how to implement one.
As for the checkbox, look here

just pass null to setTransformationMethod to show the password like --->


How to create a custom view for EditText?

I need to have an EditText where the user will enter a password.
The problem is that it has to look a certain way:
What I did is - I used EditText for each separate digit, however I don't think this is the right solution. Is there a way I can use only one EditText and make it look like that? Is there any other approach I can use?

AutoFill EditText Android

I'm trying to create a search bar like.
I have to use a particular autofill, infact I can't use a dropdowns menu.
For example if I write Noce the edittext will have to suggest Nocera in the same editText, like this.
but if the user write something else the pointer have to the end of the typed text (in this case Noce) and the hint have to disappear.
Is there some library that allows me this?
Thanks for the help.
There's this library that will fulfill some of your requirement called Auto Fill EditText
Finally I have solved this using two EditText in the same position. The first one is a normal editable EditText, the second one is not editable from the user but is used to show the hints programmatically.

Material Design: Button or Edit Text?

I have a question about Material Design and semantics.
I try to make the settings of my application and I have only a few fields. So I first try to make the UI like this one, with a LinearLayout and some EditText:
I have to set hour, and I have set OnClickListener to display a TimePickerDialog.
But when I check the settings on Google Agenda, it appear to be a List of Button? (The animation on touch is the same on Button)
Should I use Button and not EditText? Even if it's look like FullWidth Textfield?
Should I use a List rather than LinearLayout?
I am sorry for my bad english...
You can use both approach but if you will use Linear layout that will be good.
For material design you can follow below link:
I hope, It will help.

popup windows in android?

Pretty new to android so excuse me if this is a really obvious question.
Say my application has a bunch of TextViews, each one showing the attributes of a certain product (name, price, etc). I have a button next to each of these TextViews labeled "modify".
How do I make it so that when I press the modify button next to a certain attribute, a popup window with a space to enter text into comes up so that the user can enter text into this box and then have the actual attribute listing on the original page change? Actually I just need a push in the right direction with creating this popup text field... not sure if there is already some built in functionality for this or if not, what would be the best way to create this kind of thing.
Why not have the modify button set TextEdit.setEnabled(true); and then change focus with TextEdit.setFocus? Note that both of these are inherited from view
If you really want a dialog you might want to looking into the AlertDialog.Builder. I know you can use it with buttons and radio buttons, but I'm not sure you can get it to work with a TextView.
Use a code like this for the input popup: Android dialog input text
In the positive button handler, set your edittext content programmatically like this:
As simple as that. The only difference with a standard GUI framework is that you don't retrieve the value as a result of the popup function. Instead, you must provide an action handler.

How to grey out Views. Specifically an EditText?

Hey guy's
First of all thanks for reading this.
I'm having trouble to find a way to change my EditText when I loose focus to it.
I would like it to be greyed out when this happens, but I don't want it to be disabled because the user can touch it and edit the text later.
You can set different colors to the text based on an OnFocusChangeListener
Another option is to set a style in xml. See this question for details: Android: change style when focused
To change the opacity, use setAlpha. In this answer I show it how to do it in an animation: Two questions about custom app ui's and AlphaAnimation

