Add Holoeverywhere to project in Android Studio - android

I'm new in Gradle and Android Studio(Intellij Idea based IDE). My problem is to correct import holoeverywhere to project. I read many similar topics but they dign't give my solution on my problem.
Similar topics:
Android Studio not working with HoloEverywhere and ActionBarSherlock
Building Android Studio project with HoloEverywhere fails
How do I add a library project to Android Studio?
Below put screens of my method of operation:
1 First create new project from scratch
2 Create directory for libs
3 Import new module
4 Import holoeverywhere using Maven model
5 Import settings
6 Add dependencies to main application module
7 Move Holoeverywhere dir to libraries
8 Change parent module name
9 Add dependence to gradle files
10 Change imports in Activity
11 Run result
12 Another attempt to set dependent
Please give me same idea how to correct import holoeverywhere

I agree with #7wonders , but importing mine project to HoloEverywhere would make bigger problem than importing HoloEverywhere in it.
After cloning HoloEverywhere, inside of project you have folder named "library".
Firstly, I copied it to mine folder "libraries" in project's root and renamed it to "HoloEverywhere".
Secondly, I've edited "build.gradle" file in HoloEverywhere folder like this:
apply plugin: 'android-library'
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.0.0'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 7
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
dependencies {
compile files('libs/support-v4-18.0.4.jar')
compile files('libs/nineoldandroids-2.4.0.jar')
Thirdly, added to "settings.gradle" in project`s root folder
include ":libraries:HoloEverywhere"
before line with include of your project.
After all we should add library HoloEveryWhere to our main project dependencies in "build.gradle" file inside YourProjectName folder.
dependencies {
compile project(':libraries:HoloEverywhere')
Don't forget to remove from project dependencies support-v4 & support-v7 libraries.
Finally don't forget to clean project. Choose from Android Studio's Menu Build>Clean Project.
I recommend to do it via Terminal, because you can't see all errors in Run window.
so choose Tools>Open Terminal
firstly you should navigate to project root(command "cd ..") and call:
./gradlew clean
gradlew.bat clean
After successful cleaning build your project.
While build I've got error that there is no "application" tag in AndroidManifest.xml
in HoloEverywhere library. So just add it and now everything is OK.
One small, maybe the worst, thing left to do: read basic migration and change all imports, resources(layouts) and override methods with classes from HoloEverywhere library to ignore ClassCastException.

To get it working on the most basic of levels just follow the advice given here:
Basically close all projects so you get to the welcome screen. Then:
-> Checkout from Version Control - Git
-> Type in Repository URL:
-> Press 'Clone', wait until repository checkout
-> click 'Yes' on the proposal to open a project.
This should give you a HoloEverywhere project thats ready to work with.
Open up File > Project structure and check for any errors with missing libraries (for example I had to download manually the v4 r18 file).
Click apply > ok to make sure changes are saved and return to the project. Click on demo and then click Run > Edit configurations. Click + then Android Application. Call it demo or whatever. Select demo as module, launch default activity checked, deploy checked, USB device checked.
Hitting the little debug dude should now get you running the demo. From here its simply a case of refactoring the demo to your own project or creating a new Android Application module within the HoloEverywhere project.
In other words, instead of trying to add HoloEverywhere to your project, add your project to HoloEverywhere :)


change in build.gradle to sync gradle

I'm new to android.
I build a new project in android studio, but I can not sync the gradle.
I've searched and there were some recommendations which said the solution is making changes in module/build.gradle
I found two build.gradle but I don't know which one is module/build.gradle, however I did make change to both of them.(I added android method)
the first grdle file
second one
The tab you're looking is Project. It's like a File Explorer.
It says Project change it to Android from drop down menu.
That tab will have only the necessary files. There you will find both the Project gradle and module gradle.
The thing is you can find those files in Project also but it's easy and more convenient to work in Android Tab.
You not necessarily need to make changes to build.gradle in order to run a Gradle sync task. Let me first answer your first question:
I don't know which one is module build.gradle
When you crate a new Android studio project there are two build.gradle files you see. One in MyAppliaction/build.gradle and other is app/build.gradle.
Here MyAppliaction/build.gradle is the Project gradle file which is also called global gradle where you can configure project wide golbal configurations. As per your screenshot you have added depandencies{} in project build.gradle which is not correct(that's why your gradle sync is failed!), you can add depandencies object only in module build.gradle.
app/build.gradle is the "module" gradle file where you can configure module specific configs and dependencies. Module build.gradle will at least one for each module if you create one more library module in your project, that will have separate build.gradle.
but I can not sync the gradle
Yes, when you make any change to project or module build.gradle, you get a "Sync" button on top which can start gradle sync. But if you want gradle sync anytime just open on "Gradle" tab from right and click "sync" icon on top left. (see screenshot below)

Unable to find module with Gradle path. Linking to library -unspecified instead

Update 2 This has been fixed in Android Studio 1.2 Beta 3
Update: This has reportedly been fixed in an upcoming release of Android Studio.
In Android Studio 1.2 Beta 2 I started getting the following warnings when syncing Gradle.
Failed to set up dependencies
Warning:Unable to find module with Gradle path ':Library1'. Linking to library 'Library1-unspecified' instead.
Warning:Unable to find module with Gradle path ':Library2'. Linking to library 'Library2-unspecified' instead.
I've noticed that jumping to a declaration declared in one of the library modules pulls up the Decompiler instead of just going to the actual source in the library module.
In my Android Studio Project I have the following modules:
- App
- Library1
- Library2
Module: App build.gradle snippet:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile project(':Library1')
compile project(':Library2')
settings.gradle file:
include ':App'
include ':Library1'
include ':Library2'
project(':Library1').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../library1/lib')
project(':Library2').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../Library2/lib')
I faced this with Android Studio 2.2.3. The problem was with the .iml file that was causing the problem.
After importing the module folder into the project directory and adding the changes to include module in settings.gradle, delete the .iml file from the module folder and do a Gradle Sync. Then right click on any module in the Project Window and click on "Configure Project Subset...", if the imported module is not checked, check it and Android Studio should do a Gradle Sync. By then the imported module will appear in the Project Window and will have a .iml file regenerated that is does not cause any issues.
delete the .iml file under the error module.
restart Android studio
Right click project, Select "Configure Project Subset ..." and select your module, rebuild your project.
I met the same problem on AS 2.0 preview,
and I fixed it by following steps:
1.Rename the module.
2.Change the names in app/build.gradle and setting.gradle.
3.Start gradle sync.
I don't know why but it works on my issue.
Check in settings. of your app.
Down there is the field "Load/Unload Modules"
Your module might be unloaded, that's why Android Studio ignores it even if you specify it in Gradle.
At least that was the problem for me.
If you are using React-native>60, then you should run npx jetify on root of your project before doing Gradle sync.
For me the following worked in Android Studio 3.5.3
First of all, check if the path is correct in your Gradle settings.
If the path is correct then invalidate caches & restart by navigating to the top 'File' menu
It is a known bug introduced in 1.2 Beta 2.
See This issue on the Android issue tracker. Fix should be out within hours.
I had this problem and solved it by clicking on
File> Ivalidate cache / Restart...
as shown below:
This problem can also occur when you change the path to the module.
include ':app', ':filechooserlibrary'
project(':filechooserlibrary').projectDir = new File('../../repos-github/file-chooser/file-chooser-library/filechooserlibrary')
I changed the path to '../../github/file-chooser/file-chooser-library/filechooserlibrary'
The old path did not exist any more. But then, instead of accepting the new path, Android Studio recreated the old path structure thus referring to an empty directory.
So, I deleted this obsolete path structure and restarted Android Studio, after deleting the .iml file (I don't know if this is necessary, but it cannot do harm). Then I reimported the Gradle project and it worked.
Try using an updated version of NDK.
I faced the same issue.
I was using NDK version r17c. Issue solve after using r21e.
Android Studio Version: 4.1.3
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5

Imported module in Android Studio can't find imported class

I recently downloaded the ViewPagerIndicator library and imported it into android studio. After adding it to my project I get a rendering error "The following classes could not be found:" and points to com.viewpagerindicator.IconPageIndicator.
The steps I took were Files->Import Module->'library name', Project Structure -> Dependencies -> + the imported module. Then to my layout xml file I added the <com.viewpagerindicator.IconPageIndicator />, after that I got the missing class problem.
It compiles just fine and I went through all of the build.gradle and settings.gradle files and compared them to what they should be online.
MyApp->build.gradle has compile project(':library') under dependencies
settings.gradle has include ':library' with no build errors.
First of all, you must import your library project by following that path:
File --> New --> Import Module
After you have imported the library project successfully, you must check your build.gradle file inside your project's folder if the following line is present at the "dependencies" section:
implementation project(':NameOfTheLibProject')
Then your project must be built successfully.
I found that my issue was the Android Plugin Version under Project Structure --> Project was different to the version my plugins all used. Once I aligned them to the same version, I could see all my classes from my imported module.
Took me hours :(
I had the same problem. I just did: Invalidate / Restart ..
I too had trouble importing module as it was not appearing in list of modules. And way it worked for me is manually entering it in settings.gradle this way:
include ':app', 'module_name'
And in build.gradle
compile project(':module_name')
In my case, I did add in app gradle:
// Nearly deprecated.
compile project(':NameOfTheLibProject')
// Or
implementation project(':NameOfTheLibProject')
but it only works when I change
in app and the other modules are the same.
The following solution worked for me,just two steps.
Go to your project structure on android studio, select project from left side.Change Android plugin version to Gradle version press ok.
If error occurs after synchronization again go to project structure and select project.undo the android plugin version like before.Gradle will align the library and make the class visible to XML files.
The issue in my case was different compile and target SDK version,
mentioned in my main app module and your added lib module.
Once I matched both of them it worked perfectly.
So just open build.gradle file of app-level and lib module-level check for the SDK version.
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.4'
implementation project(':wheel') // "Wheel" - you're project path name
In case you just changed the name of your project in the pubspec.yaml File, make sure to change the import names as well, because they will stay the same and therefore wont find the new named directory.
Ex. change this to :
import 'package:previousName/backend/connector/userConnector.dart';
to this:
import 'package:newName/backend/connector/userConnector.dart';
As far as i know, there is no terminal command for that, only find-in-files-replace :(

Unable to add AndEngine to Android Studio

I am trying to almost 2 days to add AndEngine to Android Studio but unable to do so. I tried the following two methods, neither worked.
1st Try
I download the AndEngine code from GitHub Link -- this is NOT a Gradle Project
and tried to add it to my Android Studio build.gradle and settings.gradle, but i get this error, my screenshot:
(I think I am getting this error because AndEngine is not a gradle project - HOW TO MAKE IT A GRADLE PROJECT??)
2nd Try
I have also tried adding the andengine.jar (file I just googled for) in /libs folder and do right-click --> "Add as Library" but still I cannot do "import org.andengine...." in my project files.
All tutorials available online are in Eclipse, I am using Android Studio.
I am not even able to start.
UPDATE: Yes, I gave up using Android Studio for AndEngine! Took me 15mins to do this in Eclipse, compared to the unsuccessful weekend (which i will never get back!) I spent on Android Studio
I use this techique: I set this in my settings.gradle
include 'andengine'
project(':andengine').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../relative/path/to/andengine')
that is in the root directory of the project (I think gradle has already created it for your main project).
In AndEngine use a build.gradle like the following for the AndEngine project
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
apply plugin: 'android-library'
android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
and add in the dependencies of your project
compile project(':andengine')
Maybe you have to close and reopen Android Studio, but normally for me this works.
BTW after have write the answer I see that someone has opened a pull request for a gradle build file.
I created a tutorial for this - How to add Andengine, Andengine Tile Map, Andengine PhysicsBox2D to Android Studio 0.8.9.
Here is the link, I hope everything works -
Note: I am using the AnchorCenter brach and TortoiseGit to get all the files.
Download Andengine from github using TortoiseGit:
After the dowload use TortoiseGit to switch to branch GLES2-AnchorCenter
Create new project in Android Studio
Create new module:
Select File -> New Module -> Android Library
Set Application name to AndEngine
Set Module Name to AndEngine
Set Package Name to org.andengine
Set Minimum SDK 14
Target SDK 19
Compile with 19
Theme None
Keep clicking next until module is created (no difference what you pick)
Enter the folder where you have downloaded Andengine, enter src/org/andengine and copy all the files inside.
Paste the copied files into your new module in your project src/java/org.andengine. After pasting everything remove tha MainActivity that was created on default
Enter the folder where you have downloaded Andengine, copy AndroidManifest and paste it into your new module (src/main)
Add the module to the project:
Select File-> Project Structure -> app-> Dependencies
Click the “+” button and pick “Module Dependency”
Select from the list your AndEngine Module
Check your project gradle in app folder (build.gradle) and make sure you have a line like this under dependencies - compile project(':AndEngine')
You should now be able to use AndEngine in your project
Note: We do this the same way like with Andengine but we change a few things:
Download AndengineTMX from github using TortoiseGit:
After the dowload use TortoiseGit to switch to branch GLES2-AnchorCenter
Create new project in Android Studio
Create new module:
Select File -> New Module -> Android Library
Set Application name to AndEngineTMXTiledMapExtension
Set Module Name to AndEngineTMXTiledMapExtension
Set Package Name to org.andengine.extension.tmx
Set Minimum SDK 14
Target SDK 19
Compile with 19
Theme None
Keep clicking next until module is created (no difference what you pick)
Enter the folder where you have downloaded AndengineTMX , enter src/org/andengine/extension/tmx and copy all the files inside.
Paste the copied files into your new module in your project src/java/org.andengine.extension.tmx. After pasting everything remove tha MainActivity that was created on default
Enter the folder where you have downloaded AndengineTMX, copy AndroidManifest and paste it into your new module (src/main)
Add the module to the project:
Select File-> Project Structure -> app-> Dependencies
Click the “+” button and pick “Module Dependency”
Select from the list your AndengineTMX Module
Check your project gradle in app folder (build.gradle) and make sure you have a line like this under dependencies - compile project(':AndEngineTMXTiledMapExtension')
You should now be able to use AndEngineTMXTiledMapExtension in your project.
Download this file -
Unzip the file
You should have 2 jar files, copy them to your project app/libs
Right click on andenginephysicsbox2dextension.jar and select “Add as library” (or something like this)
Open your build.gradle in your app folder
Under dependencies add compile files('lib/physicsbox2d_so_files.jar')
You should now be able to use PhysicsBox2D in your project.
As the question's answers havn't been accepted yet, and I know people are still searching for solutions to this, I found this great website with very very clear and concise instructions to import AndEngine to your Android Studio projects. Here's the link:
All credits go to the user who created this page. I can attest to the fact that this is working perfectly. I JUST used this website after trying 10s of different ways.
Only thing to note on the link is the last part:
$ cd <project folder>/AndEngine/src/main
$ rm -r java/org
$ mv org java
This part is copying the org folder from . to ./main/java. Best way to do this is to just drag and drop the org folder into main/java when the project has finished building once.
Hope this helps!
Well i had the same problem - This helped me to solve it.
Check out this tutorial on how to use andengine in android studio
Brief Summary of the Tutorial(Check out the full tutorial if you face any issue):
Let's assume that you already have created a project and it has default structure. First create folder named third_party in the root directory of the project. Then in third_party directory create subdirectories called andengine and andenginebox2d. I assume that you already downloaded or cloned AndEngine and Box2d extension for it. Put AndEngine and AndEngineBox2d in andengine and andenginebox2d directories respectively. Create file named build.gradle in andengine directory and andenginebox2d directory. Build.gradle files is a file that tells gradle how to build your project.
apply plugin: 'android-library'
android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "19.0.3"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 19
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
buildTypes {
release {
runProguard false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-project.txt')
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
Open settings.gradle that is located in your project's root directory and add two lines to it:
include ':third_party:andengine'
include ':third_party:andenginebox2d'
Next open build.gradle which locates in app directory and add
compile project(':third_party:andengine')
The final step is to open AndroidManifest.xml in andegine and andenginebox2d directories and make them look like this:
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?-->
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="org.andengine">
application block is needed because of bug in manifest merging tool.
That's it! Now clean your project and press run. Everything should work just fine.

How to import relative project with the Android Studio(not jar) [duplicate]

How do I add a library project (such as Sherlock ABS) to Android Studio?
(Not to the old ADT Eclipse-based bundle, but to the new Android Studio.)
Update for Android Studio 1.0
Since Android Studio 1.0 was released (and a lot of versions between v1.0 and one of the firsts from the time of my previous answer) some things has changed.
My description is focused on adding external library project by hand via Gradle files (for better understanding the process). If you want to add a library via Android Studio creator just check the answer below with visual guide (there are some differences between Android Studio 1.0 and those from screenshots, but the process is very similar).
Before you start adding a library to your project by hand, consider adding the external dependency. It won’t mess in your project structure. Almost every well-known Android library is available in a Maven repository and its installation takes only one line of code in the app/build.gradle file:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:6.0.0'
Adding the library
Here is the full process of adding external Android library to our project:
Create a new project via Android Studio creator. I named it HelloWorld.
Here is the original project structure created by Android Studio:
- build.gradle // local Gradle configuration (for app only)
- build.gradle // Global Gradle configuration (for whole project)
- settings.gradle
In the root directory (HelloWorld/), create new folder: /libs in which we’ll place our external libraries (this step is not required - only for keeping a cleaner project structure).
Paste your library in the newly created /libs folder. In this example I used PagerSlidingTabStrip library (just download ZIP from GitHub, rename library directory to „PagerSlidingTabStrip" and copy it). Here is the new structure of our project:
- build.gradle // Local Gradle configuration (for app only)
- build.gradle // Local Gradle configuration (for library only)
- build.gradle // Global Gradle configuration (for whole project)
- settings.gradle
Edit settings.gradle by adding your library to include. If you use a custom path like I did, you have also to define the project directory for our library. A whole settings.gradle should look like below:
include ':app', ':PagerSlidingTabStrip'
project(':PagerSlidingTabStrip').projectDir = new File('libs/PagerSlidingTabStrip')
5.1 If you face "Default Configuration" error, then try this instead of step 5,
include ':app'
include ':libs:PagerSlidingTabStrip'
In app/build.gradle add our library project as an dependency:
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation project(":PagerSlidingTabStrip")
6.1. If you followed step 5.1, then follow this instead of 6,
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation project(":libs:PagerSlidingTabStrip")
If your library project doesn’t have build.gradle file you have to create it manually. Here is example of that file:
apply plugin: ''
dependencies {
implementation ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 21
buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 21
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
Additionally you can create a global configuration for your project which will contain SDK versions and build tools version for every module to keep consistency. Just edit file and add lines:
Now you can use it in your build.gradle files (in app and libraries modules) like below:
android {
compileSdkVersion Integer.parseInt(project.ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION)
buildToolsVersion project.ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion Integer.parseInt(project.ANDROID_BUILD_MIN_SDK_VERSION)
targetSdkVersion Integer.parseInt(project.ANDROID_BUILD_TARGET_SDK_VERSION)
That’s all. Just click‚ synchronise the project with the Gradle’ icon . Your library should be available in your project.
Google I/O 2013 - The New Android SDK Build System is a great presentation about building Android apps with Gradle Build System: As Xavier Ducrohet said:
Android Studio is all about editing, and debugging and profiling.
It's not about building any more.
At the beginning it may be little bit confusing (especially for those, who works with Eclipse and have never seen the ant - like me ;) ), but at the end Gradle gives us some great opportunities and it worth to learn this build system.
Here is the visual guide:
Update for Android Studio 0.8.2:
In Android Studio 0.8.2, go to Project Structure -> under Modules just hit the plus button and select Import Existing Project and import actionbarsherlock. Then synchronise your Gradle files.
If you face the error
Error: The SDK Build Tools revision (xx.x.x) is too low. Minimum
required is yy.y.y
just open the build.gradle file in actionbarsherlock directory and update the buildToolsVersion to the suggested one.
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion 'yy.y.y'
Menu File -> Project Structure...:
Module -> Import Module
After importing the library module, select your project module and add the dependency:
And then select the imported module:
Use menu File -> Project Structure -> Modules.
I started using it today. It is a bit different.
For Sherlock, maybe you want to delete their test directory, or add the junit.jar file to the classpath.
To import the library using gradle, you can have to add it to the dependencies section of your build.gradle (the module's one).
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
compile 'com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4.4.0#aar'
Android Studio is changing.
There exist a section named "Open module settings" if you
right-click on a module folder in the project section of Android
Studio (I'm using the version 0.2.10).
I would consider Dependencies, Android Libraries and Multi-project setup necessary reading. Please take a few minutes to do so.
Particularly, in the case of a non-jar library project, read the following snippet from above source:
Gradle projects can also depend on other gradle projects by using a multi-project setup.
A multi-project setup usually works by having all the projects as sub folders of a given root project.
For instance, given to following structure:
+ app/
+ libraries/
+ lib1/
+ lib2/
We can identify 3 projects. Gradle will reference them with the following name:
Each projects will have its own build.gradle declaring how it gets built.
Additionally, there will be a file called settings.gradle at the root declaring the projects.
This gives the following structure:
| settings.gradle
+ app/
| build.gradle
+ libraries/
+ lib1/
| build.gradle
+ lib2/
| build.gradle
The content of settings.gradle is very simple:
include ':app', ':libraries:lib1', ':libraries:lib2'
This defines which folder is actually a Gradle project.
The :app project is likely to depend on the libraries, and this is done by declaring the following dependencies:
dependencies {
compile project(':libraries:lib1')
Kindly note that there was little or no use of Android Studio GUI to make this happen.
I am currently using git submodules to link the nested library to the actual library git repo to avoid a dependency mess.
I have just found an easier way (rather than writing directly into the .gradle files).
This is for Android Studio 1.1.0.
Menu File -> New Module...:
Click on "Import Existing Project".
Select the desired library and the desired module.
Click finish.
Android Studio will import the library into your project. It will sync gradle files.
Add the imported module to your project's dependencies.
Right click on the app folder -> Open Module settings -> go to the dependencies tab -> Click on the '+' button -> click on Module Dependency.
The library module will be then added to the project's dependencies.
The easiest way I found to include external library project is (for example to include a Facebook library which is stored one directory up in the dependencies folder):
In settings.gradle add
include ':facebook'
project(':facebook').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../dependencies/FacebookSDK')
In build.gradle dependencies section, add
compile project ('facebook')
All left to do is synchronise the project with gradle files.
A simple way to add a JAR file as a library to your Android Studio project:
a) Copy your *.jar files
b) Paste into the libs directory under your projects:
c) Add to build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile files('libs/ScanAPIAndroid.jar', 'libs/ScanAPIFactoryAndroid.jar', .., ..)
b) If your project from example com.example.MYProject and libraries com.example.ScanAPI has the same namespace com.example, Android Studio will check your build and create all necessary changes in your project. After that you can review these settings in menu File -> Project Structure.
c) If your project and libraries have a different namespace you have to right click on the library and select option "Add as Library" and select the type what you need.
Remember the "Project structure" option is not doing any auto changes in "build.gradle" in the current version of Android Studio (0.2.3). Maybe this feature will be available in the next versions.
Option 1: Drop Files Into Project's libs/directory
The relevant build.gradle file will then update automatically.
Option 2: Modify build.gradle File Manually
Open your build.gradle file and add a new build rule to the dependencies closure. For example, if you wanted to add Google Play Services, your project's dependencies section would look something like this:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
Option 3: Use Android Studio's User Interface
In the Project panel, Control + click the module you want to add the dependency to and select Open Module Settings.
Select the Dependencies tab, followed by the + button in the bottom-left corner. You can choose from the following list of options:
Library Dependency
File Dependency
Module Dependency
You can then enter more information about the dependency you want to add to your project. For example, if you choose Library Dependency, Android Studio displays a list of libraries for you to choose from.
Once you've added your dependency, check your module-level build.gradle file. It should have automatically updated to include the new dependency.
You can do this easily. Go to menu File -> New -> Import Module...:
Browse for the directory which contains the module. Click Finish:
Go to Project Structure and add Module Dependency:
Note: If you receive an SDK error, update that one.
This is how it works for me in Android Studio 1.5+
In the project where you want to add external library project,
go to menu File -> New -> *Import new Module**, navigate to the library project which you want to add to your project, select to add 'library' module in your project. You will get settings.gradle in your projects, beside app, included library, something like this:
include ':app', ':library'
Add in build.gradle(Module :app) in the dependencies section:
Compile project(':library')
Rebuild the project, and that's it.
*You can add as many libraries (modules) as you want. In that case in settings.gradle you will have:
include ':app', ':lib1', ':lib2', ...
And in build.gradle, you'll need to have:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
// Some other dependencies...
compile project(':lib1')
compile project(':lib2')
Press F4 to show Project Structure, click libraries or Global libraries, and click + to add the JAR file.
Click Modules what you want add jar, select the Dependencies tab, click +, and add Library.
If you need access to the resources of a library project (as you do with ABS) ensure that you add the library project/module as a "Module Dependency" instead of a "Library".
Editing library dependencies through the GUI is not advisable as that doesn't write those changes to your build.gradle file. So your project will not build from the command-line. We should edit the build.gradle file directly as follows.
For instance, given to following structure:
We can identify three projects. Gradle will reference them with the following names:
The :app project is likely to depend on the libraries, and this is done by declaring the following dependencies:
dependencies {
compile project(':libraries:lib1')
Android Studio 3.0
Just add the library name to the dependencies block of your app's build.gradle file.
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'com.example:some-library:1.0.0'
Note that you should use implementation rather than compile now. This is new with Android Studio 3.0. See this Q&A for an explanation of the difference.
To add to the answer: If the IDE doesn't show any error, but when you try to compile, you get something like:
No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.Sherlock.Light'
Your library project is probably compiled as an application project. To change this, go to:
Menu File -> Project structure -> Facets -> [Library name] -> Check "Library module".
First Way This is working for MacBook.
First select your builder.gradle file as given screen:
Add dependencies like as on the selected screen:
Select sync project.
If you are getting an error like "Project with path':signature-pad' could not be found in project ':app'", then please use the second way:
Select menu File -> New -> Import Module...:
After clicking on Import Module,
give the path of library like as my MacBook path:
Click on Finish. Now your library are added.
After importing the ABS Module (from File > Project Structure) and making sure it has Android 2.2 and Support Library v4 as dependencies, I was still getting the following error as you #Alex
Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar'
I added the newly imported module as a dependency to my main app module and that fixed the problem.
To resolve this problem, you just need to add the abs resource path to your project build file, just like below:
sourceSets {
main {
res.srcDirs = ['src/main/res','../../ActionBarSherlock/actionbarsherlock/res']
So, I again compile without any errors.
If you have Android Studio .0.4.0, you can create a new folder in your build path, YourApp/libraries. Copy the JAR file. There in, right click on it and "Add As Library". Now you have a popup. Just select your directory and press OK, and that's it.
Simply import the Android library project as a module and in Build.gradle.
Apply plugin: ''
After that, follow these steps:
Right click on Module & select open Module settings
Select dependencies, click on +, select library dependencies, and add the previously imported module. is the Dropbox link of how to add a JAR file and library project in the latest version of Android Studio 1.0.1.
Please see the documentation with screenshots. It's very easy for a new user.
I found the solution. It's so simple. Follow froger_mcs instructions.
Make sure that you make the src folder a Source folder in Project Structure -> Modules (Sources).
Basically, you can include your JAR files in three different ways. The last one is remote library that is using jcenter online repository. But, if you do it in one of the two other ways, the JAR file will be included physically in your project. Please read this link for more information. In this post I explained how to import your JAR file in Android studio and I explained all possible ways.
In summary, if it is like this (local address), they are downloaded and these JAR files are physically in the project:
But, if it is an internet address like this, they are remote libraries ( jcenter part) and they will be used remotely:
I hope it helps.
Open the build gradle module app file and add your dependency. If you download the library, just import and build as gradle.
Otherwise add repositories in side gradle module app:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
The first repositories will download the library for you.
And compile the downloaded library:
compile ('com.fortysevendeg.swipelistview:swipelistview:1.0-SNAPSHOT#aar') {
transitive = true
If you are creating a library, you just need to import the project as import new module.
I had a different cause of the problem so for people:
repositories {
change mavenCentral() to jcenter() and add
allprojects {
repositories {
In Android Studio, go to inside app folder, and open build.gradle file. Here you will see dependencies{}. Inside it you can add the library project and synchronise. Now after synchronising the library it will be added to your project, and you can use its functions and classes in your project.
For Android Studio:
Click on Build.gradle (module: app).
And add for
dependencies {
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
compile files('libs/commons-io-2.4.jar')
and in your directory "app", create a directory, "libs". Add the file yourfile.jar:
Finally, compile the Gradle Files:
I also encountered the same problem then I did following things.
I import the library project into my AndroidStudio IDE as a module using menu File -> Import module menus
Then I went to my main module in which I want the library project as a dependent project
Right click on the main module (in my case its name is app) -> open module setting -> go into dependencies tab -> click on + button (you will get it on right side of window) -> click on module dependency -> select your library project from list
Apply the changes and click the OK button.
It worked for me. I hope it will help others too.
You are able to use Gradle dependency configuration[About] to add some dependency into your project
dependencies {
//<gradle_dependency_configuration> '<dependency_name>:<dependency_version>'
implementation ''
Indeed as versions are changing, so is changing the user interface and options available on the menu. After reading most of the answers to these questions I had to guess what would work for Android Studio 1.1.0.
With your mouse, select the project at the main level (this is where it shows the name of your app).
Right click, and select the menu options New, Folder, Assets Folder.
After creating the assets folder, paste or copy in it, whatever JAR file you need for your library.
From Android Studio's main menu (top of the screen) select File -> Project Structure.
Then select your project name and go to the Dependencies tab.
Click on the plus sign (+) on the lower left of the dialog box and select file dependency.
Finally open the recently created assets folder, select the JAR files that you copied, and then click apply and OK.
Clean and rebuild your project.

