Biometric/ Graphometric Signature Android - android

Are there any libraries or API about Graphometric Signature for Android? I need to integrate to my Android app a (biometric) graphometric signature system. Grafometric sisgnature is only valid legal signature.

you can try Namirial S.p.A. solution.
You can use the Namirial solution with Windows, Android & iOs.
They also provide an sdk for the all platform.
For more information you can send an email to:


Your app is using a version of libjpeg-turbo containing a security vulnerability

Google play store gives me this error when I am trying to send my application for review.
Your app is using a version of libjpeg-turbo containing a security
vulnerability. Please see this Google Help Center article for details,
including the deadline for fixing the vulnerability.
Consulting Google Help Center here: says I should be using a libjpeg-turbo v1.4.2 or higher.
My problem is that I am already using version 2.1.4.
This is a copy paste from my CMakeList.txt
GIT_TAG 2.1.4
if(NOT turbojpeggit_POPULATED)
message("libjpeg-turbo not populated... downloading")
add_subdirectory(${turbojpeggit_SOURCE_DIR} ${turbojpeggit_BINARY_DIR})
message("libjpeg-turbo downloaded")
message("libjpeg-turbo already populated")
So I guess this is a false positive but I am unable to publish my application because of this.
Please help me.
I tried contacting Google but got no answer yet.
However, I managed to get the application published by linking against the static version of the libjpeg-turbo library.
Note there is a ENABLE_SHARED option in libjpeg-turbo that should be set to OFF.
To verify you aren't using the shared version, you can unarchive the apk and check you don't have any of these files:

Unable to find GlobalSQLite file for capacitor-community/sqlite in Ionic 5

In my Ionic 5 app, I am using the capacitor-community/sqlite plugin. I am successfully able to create and use an encrypted db with this plugin. To use encryption a secret is required and the following is maintained in the official documentation as of today.
Defining your own secret and newsecret keys (encryption only)
in IOS, go to the Pod/Development Pods/capacitor-sqlite/GlobalSQLite.swift file
in Android, go to capacitor-sqlite/java/
and update the default values before building your app.
in Electron, go to YOUR_APP/electron/plugins/plugin.js-xxxx.js and search for class GlobalSQLite and modify the this.secretand
this.newsecret parameters.
I have searched for files GlobalSQLite.swift and in IOS and android respectively but there are no such files present. Also, the file paths are not available. I am not sure how to get these files to set my secret in the app. Please help.
You should look for the in node_modules\#capacitor-community\sqlite\android\src\main\java\com\getcapacitor\community\database\sqlite\SQLite. After changing the secrets you may need to sync the platforms with ionic cap sync.
The iOS and Electron files you also find there

Gesoservices provider is not supported on an Android using Mapbox with QT

I'm trying to run a simple example of Mapbox using the QT SDK.
On my mac it's ok but when the example run on my Android phone, I saw a blank map and if I call the function errorString on the Map object, I got this error message:
The geoservices provider is not supported.
Can anyone help me?
My Mapbox key is valid, I did the test as they suggest on the MapBox web site.
I am using QT 5.12 and my LG5 phone is on Android 8.0.
What I don't understand?
According to this GitHub ticket this is appears to be an issue with the Qt Location plugin and not with Mapbox GL. A quick sweep of existing tickets to see if this has already been reported comes up empty, so I'd recommend flagging it for the Qt engineering team here:
Apparently there is some kind of a dependency resolution bug and QT APK bundler does not add several shared libraries like
This is what fixes it (found it in mapviewer QT example). Add to your .pro file:
# Workaround for QTBUG-38735
QT_FOR_CONFIG += location-private
qtConfig(geoservices_mapboxgl): QT += sql opengl
qtConfig(geoservices_osm): QT += concurrent
In case you are using CMake builds adding Qt5::Sql and Qt5::OpenGL along with Qt5::Location also fixes the issue:
find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED Positioning Location Sql OpenGL)
target_link_libraries(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE

Why do I get 10:?

private void handleSignInResult(Task<GoogleSignInAccount> completedTask) {
try {
GoogleSignInAccount account = completedTask.getResult(ApiException.class); //exception is here
// Signed in successfully, show authenticated UI.
System.out.println("google token ---> " + account.getIdToken());
} catch (ApiException e) {
// The ApiException status code indicates the detailed failure reason.
// Please refer to the GoogleSignInStatusCodes class reference for more information about this error.
Quoting the documentation:
Certain Google Play services (such as Google Sign-in and App Invites)
require you to provide the SHA-1 of your signing certificate so we can
create an OAuth2 client and API key for your app.
If you are using Firebase and try on the debug app :
1. First, get your SHA-1 debug key :
Click on Gradle (From Right Side Panel, you will see Gradle Bar)
Click on Tasks
Click on Android
Double Click on signingReport (You will get SHA-1 and MD5)
2. Add your key to your Firebase project :
Go to Project settings -> SHA certificate fingerprints -> Add SHA-1 key of debug app.
Then you can update your google-services.json file in your Android project.
Its works for me.
This status code means that you are providing unknown server client id.
In in your project you might need to generate: OAuth client ID -> Web Application and use this web application client id here:
val gso = GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
I have solved this problem using these steps:
1). Goto and delete (Android Client) if it is created.
2). Click on Create Credential and click on OAuthClientID and select android
3). copy and paste your SHA 1 fingerprint
4). type your package name then saved
5). Goto
6). download google-service.json move it into your project into app directory
7). Open google-service.json and find out client id type 3 and use it as default_web_client_id
8). Run your App
I have this thing in 2-3% of the occasions in production and it works seamlessly for everyone else.
Given the sheer amount of problems and differing answers this is causing, it's fair to say that this is a problem on behalf of firebase. They've implemented a catch-all error routine that is just bad api design. The api must point to the problem where it fails.
A long term solution is to convince firebase that this is bad-api design and they need to do better.
We're strong together.
Please write a support ticket to firebase roughly with this:
Hey Firebase Support,
i have a 10 in my app.
The problem for me - and for a lot of people all over the forums - is
that your api seems to have a catch-all error routine that roughly
speaking is saying "something went wrong, please fix it".
You could release your support team and a lot of people from headache
if you would fix this.
The API should be able to figure what's wrong and give a better error
message from the context where it occurs.
It's really a burden and I think that since firebase has a
quasi-monopoly on these matter on Android it's your obligation to do
While this is obviously not your fault, I'd like to encourage you to
escalate this problem.
It's fundamentally bad api design and harms an otherwise great
Thanks anyway.
My problem was trying to use Google Sign-In yet I had accidentally enter the wrong SHA1 in Firebase. Try running Gradle > Your app name > Tasks > android > signingReport, get your SHA1 key and compare it with the one on Firebase. If they are different, change the Firebase SHA1 key to match the one you got from the signingReport. Don't forget to also download the google-services.json afterwards.
The ApiException Error Code 10 is a developer error. You get this error when your firebase app is not well configured. One sure case is when you do not supply the SHA1 fingerprint for your android app when you want to use Firebase authentication with Google Signin. (It is a requirement for Google Signin).
So supply the SHA1 fingerprint, download the google-services.json configuration file to your app folder and build. You should be good to go.
Google sign-in is automatically configured on your connected iOS and web apps. To set up Google sign-in for your Android apps, you need to add the SHA1 fingerprint for each app on your Project Settings.
Check this out Common Status Error Codes
In my case the problem was with the SHA1 and google-services.json file
i solved the problem follow this steps:
1.- Open and delete file at OAuth 2.0 Client IDs
2.- Open clic gear icon -> Proyect Settings -> Select your Android App -> add fingerprint -> save -> and download google-services.json file
3.- Open your android proyect and replace de google-services.json file -> clic Sync Proyect with Gradle Files
4.- The new default_web_client_id at values works fine for me and solved the problem
that is because you are using the wrong default_client_token_id.
to solve this go to the JSON file downloaded from firebase and open it:
your client_id is located right after the
good luck :) and I hope it helped.
Don`t forget to add
android:value="true" />
under your manifest file application tag.
In my case problem was because of absent this lines.
ApiException 10 is a DEVELOPER_ERROR, which means something's wrong with your app configuration.
This answer worked for me, but then I realized our app authenticates with a backend server. So, if your app authenticates with a backend server, you only need to use the web application client ID. But you still need to create client ID of Android type or you're going to get ApiException 12500 . You can read more about it from the documentation. (note that the link has authuser=0)
If you remove this line it will work:
System.out.println("google token ---> " + account.getIdToken());
This is because you don't have the request to the idToken:
where the app_id will have the value of "OAuth client ID -> Web Application"
When you are doing setup of google login, it normally take Signed keystore hash key. So try with signed APK then it will work. For debugging try to add your debug SHA key on google console.
I guess the question is answered. But for me it was a little different. So
if some googlers come along this and may have the same problem as I had:
Special Case
multiple firebase projects
client ids whitelisted
installed app through app sharing can't sign up with google
In case anybody is using multiple firebase projects for one application (i.e. for different flavors) and has whitelisted the "external" client ID in Google-Authentication in one project.
Then the solution is, to generate new credentials in the Google APIs console of the "master" / whitelisted project with the sha-1 (found in app sharing) of the other project.
Add new credentials to API Console
Go to Google APIs of whitelisted project
Create new OAuth Client ID
Add everything needed, also package name of other project
Paste the SHA-1 hash from App Sharing of other project
Sorry for my bad english. It's not my mother tongue.
This Error because of Wrong Client Id
GoogleSignInOptions googleSignInOptions = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
You must pass your server's client ID to the requestIdToken method.
client Id can be found eaisly in google-services.json file
"client_id": "",
"client_type": 3
No need to go to Credentials page in the GCP Console.
Please to follow instructions from
If you came here because of an error with the Google Login iOS & Android Unity library, this is what helped for me.
I changed the Google project and kept getting ApiException: 10. I later found out that it was because you need to use a web client, not an Android one.
If you want to check if you have a web client or an Android one, open the client_secret_(some text) file - if it starts with {"web" it's a web client.
Step by step instructions for replacing the client:
Remove the client_secret_(some text) file from your Unity project. If you have a plist file (for iOS) too, don't remove it.
Go here, click "Configure a project" and configure an Android client.
Go to the Google Cloud Credentials page (select your project if necessary), download the auto-generated web client and place it in your project.
Click Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Force Resolve.
Change the client ID passed to LCGoogleLoginBridge.InitWithClientID in the script where you call this function.
Build and see if the issue has been resolved.
val gso = GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
val mGoogleSignInClient = GoogleSignIn.getClient(this, gso)
val signInIntent = mGoogleSignInClient.signInIntent
startActivityForResult(signInIntent, GOOGLE_LOGIN)
OAUTH_2_CLIENT_ID is Web client (auto created by Google Service). Not Android
If you don't use your own backend server you don't need to provide OAuth 2.0 client id (as it said here). Of course check that you provided correct SHA-1 code, but remember that you are providing the release variant SHA-1 key, so this error might appear when you are trying to use Google SignIn with debug app variant. So you have 2 options:
Build and run release APK
Add your debug SHA-1 key to the Firebase console and then you'll be able to run your debug APK without this exception
Possible solve:
If you once renamed project's package check that package name in AndroidManifest.xml and applicationId in app gradle file are the same.
It helped me when I named applicationId like my application package
From my experience it is a problem with SHA1. Solution which worked for me:
Delete OAuth listings if you have created any (probably optional)
Launch this command in your project terminal keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android and copy SHA1 fingerprint.
Go to Firebase console, click gear on your project and delete old fingerprint's. Replace them with the one you copied during step 2
Download new google-services.json file and replace the old one
Sync project with Gradle files.
Should be working :)
I was facing the same issue. I was using SHA-1 credentials. But the problem was that I was directly installing the app to the testing device by using the Run button of Android Studio. In this way, I hadn't defined the debug keystore in Android Studio with which I had created the SHA-1 fingerprint.
To set the debugKeyStore Where is debug.keystore in Android Studio
In my case, it resolved by reconnect my Android Studio to Firebase.
I was getting the same error but I obtained the web client token from Google Cloud Console and placed it right where the GoogleSignInOptions is declared. Replace the
with the web client ID for your particular Google Cloud project.
I were using this command from documentation ...
keytool -exportcert -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -list -v
i just change it to
keytool -exportcert -keystore ./.android/debug.keystore -list -v
and using SHA-1 and copy it into firebase android section.
it just wokrs fine.
For me the mistake was simple. I had initialized google signin options outside the oncreate callback.
If using Google Internal Sharing for testing, make sure to add also the SHA string of your internal sharing (Setup - Internal App sharing in Google Play Console)
I solve this problem by redo my Firebase Auth connection again.
Click the right top little square to login to your google account
Go to the Tool - > Firebase
Select the Authentication
After that it may say you are already connect, but you need to update the connection. After that it works fine. I think sometime Android Studio mixed up with different Firebase account.

Invalid package file after the update of Google Drive API

In our app we use successfully the Google Drive API:
Four days ago I found the Google API with UPDATE AVAILABLE text then I updated
After the update we have now the following libs:
After the update we just proceeded with the apk publishing.
About the 2% of our users are reporting INVALID PACKAGE ERROR during the installation.
We tried to send the apk with old Google Drive API to this users and it installed fine.
Any suggestion how to understand if the problem is related our app apk or to Google Drive API ?
You might have conflicting libraries. I have to do a similar implementation on the .NET side and I had to download the Google source projects and recompile them instead of using binaries.
I have an example here
although this is an example of integration with Google drive API.

