I have such a question - if you use DateTime widget, its keyboard on editing date value looks like this:
But when you try to set numeric or date input on custom EditText the resulting keyboard usually looks like this:
Is there a way to get just numeric Keyboard like the first one on EditText? Thanks for help.
Add android:inputType="number" to your edit text
Add android:inputType="phone" to your edit text
how to hide underline when entering text in edit text?
given inputType = text, I'm able to see the line coming under words and giving space and entering the next word line in the first word disappears. Is this a default behaviour? when inputType is given as android:inputType="text|textVisiblePassword"
when entering characters line is not visible can any one suggest me text|textVisiblePassword is correct to use for edit text to make the line disappear?
You have to disable a spelling checker in edittext using this code :
From xml, disable a spelling checker in edittext:
Programmatically you can use:
Apply this code in EditText XML.
enter image description here
Try this in XML :
In a browser we click on search box whole text got selected. like that how to enable this in android EditText. When click on EditText, whole text in it got selected.
Its my first question so please don't critic it.
You can add it in EditText
Use android:selectAllOnFocus
If the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus.
May be a boolean value, such as "true" or "false".
From XML
FROM java
I need to restrict input type of EditText in Android such a way that user can enter only digits from 0-9 and user can enter one comma(,) in entire input.
Example: 455,67
try using following code, Hope it works :)
A custom filter extends InputFilter could be wrote. You can look over the link.
writing this
in XML attributes of edit text will do that for you
I need allow to user input numeric information in a EditText, but the output needs to be formatted like "##.###,##" (# in [0..9]). The formatting I was made in a TextWatcher... this is good, the TextWatcher does the job... bute, when user selects the EditText, as it marked as text, the AlphaKeyboard is shown, if I select the EditText as numeric the keyboard I need is shown and the TextWatcher stop working.
put the following in your xml at the required edittext
<EditText android:inputType="number" ... />
refer to
How do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android?
You need to change edittext entry like this.
<EditText android:inputType="phone" android:numeric="decimal"></EditText>
Use this code to show soft keypad.
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(
imm.showSoftInputFromInputMethod(v.getApplicationWindowToken(), 1);
As you are doing formatting in TextWatcher (##,####....) i.e. you are adding "," in EditText and you have made the EditText as numeric. If its numeric then "," char is invalid. Thus its not allowing TextWatcher to update the formatted text that contains ',".
You have 3 options to deal with this problem :
Make the EditText as normal instead of numeric. In TextWatcher look out for any other invalid chars other than 0-9. You can show IME for Mumber keypad when the focus is on the EditText.
Use Mask for EditText.
Let it be numeric. Trap FocusGain & FocusLost for the EditText. In focusGain, remove the formatting & set the inputType to Numeric. & In focusLost, first make the input type to Normal and then update the entered value to formmated value. You can set the input type to normal at runtime using setInputType(InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL); & for numeric use : setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL);
I believe 1st option will be best to handle and manage out.
hi all i have a lil problem in android edit text
actually i made an app in which i m using two text fields for user name and password and set EditText size manually like in 200dip format. now when there is no text in the Edit Text it is in perfect size like in the image below but when we start typing text and the text exceeds the size of editText Field then it Expand downwards like in second image below.
What I want is that when text exceeds the size of EditText, it should not Change its size. please help
android:singleLine="true" should work.
add this property for EditText and check...
You have to do your ExitText to be single line. You can use android:singleLine but it is deprecated and it's replaced by android:inputType. Use android:inputType=text for single line and android:inputType=textMultiline for multiline
Another property...