Select Checkbox when its Value Equals the String from the EditText field - android

Problem: In my app, there exists two different ways for a user to add an item to a list: via a TextField and via checking an element in an ExpandableListView. Every time the user enters an item into the TextField, I would like to check if that value appears within any group of the ExpandableListView. If it does, then I would like to check that item.
Implementation of Solution: I have a HashMap that stores as keys all the values within the ExpandableListView, and its values are the corresponding group HashMap in which they are in. If the item is found then I plan to derive its location by using a second HashMap that stores its position within the group.
Question: Using this information, how can I check/uncheck that particular box? Specifically how can I identify a particular child of the ExpandableListView, and then identify a child of that?
Thank you for your time.

My approach is slightly different but it does the work.
Each element of yours must have a HashMap. Considering adding another element to it.
A string element call it ChkVal default value in it is false.
Now when you match the value from textbox to the element in that group. Using the hashmap.
Change its checkbox value.
Boolean b = false;
String chkCondition = hmap.get(chk).toString().toLowerCase();
if (chkCondition.equals("true"))
b = true;


AutocompleteTextView text clear if entered value is not found from list

I have a dynamic arraylist that contains String values. I want to match one of its values with AutocompleteText whatever the user has typed/entered. In case the value is not matching with any of the Arraylist values I would like to clear Autocomplete Text.
Couple of Ways I have tried.
Match the typed or user selected value from autocomplete text with list directly without any loop using "contains" method. Didn't achieve the expected result.
Store the values in String[] array from list and loop through it and match it with user input/selection from Autocompletetext. Didn't achieve the result this way too.
Please provide any ideas on how to clear text from autocompletetextview if value is not found?
You did not specify any language that's why i will answer in kotlin
Override onKeyDown method and let's say you will check when enter pressed check if given keycode value equals to KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER
In if block get your text and use an algorithm like below
val arr = intArrayOf(1,2,3) if (textFromTextView !in arr) it means your typed text not in your array and if this condition is true
use autoCompleteTextView.replaceText("") and i hope it will work for you.I never tried but i searched for you.

How to get certain field from the arrayList object on spinner selection

I just created a spinner and make this spinner read from the database. and display them in the spinner. I already did that. But I want to right down the Id of the selected item.
for example : when I select the first raw called (1, tyat abdullah, sergurey )
I need the Id (1) only to be written down without the full record.
I need the Id (1) only to be written down without the full record.
Then when you are doing labels.add, only put the data you want to see
You can also use doctorsList.get(position) within the selection listener, and set the other text view accordingly.
For example, doctorsList.get(position).getId() seems to get the information you are asking for
simply use this to get the selected item index
int index = spinner.getSelectedItemPosition(); //this will give you the seleected item index
is that what you want ?
leme Know :)

Android - Get data from a dynamic EditTexts by ID

I have the code below in my adapter that creates dynamically EditTexts and set IDs using the method "et_settingValue.setId(setting.getId());".
An Editbox is created in every instace of the class Setting and it also contains a variable to store its id.
This part is already working properly, but now I need to access all those created EditTexts by ID and get its data. If possible, I would like to avoid creating another array to store the EditTexts because I already have their IDs.
Is there any way to do it using the dynamic IDs I already have?
EditText et_settingValue = (EditText) view.findViewById(;
Update 1
In my activity, I am trying to do this:
EditText et = new EditText(listView.getContext());
//loop to get each object child
settingConfig.getConfigName(); //ok
settingConfig.getConfigValue(); //ok
settingConfig.getConfigId(); //ok
et = (EditText) listView.findViewById(settingConfig.getConfigId()); //not working
et.getText(); // off course it will not working
Many thanks
ListView use a RecycleBin to reuse the view created from Adapter, so ListView will only contain a few child view, and you cannot find all EditText in the ListView.
To solve your problem, you should use a Map to record the value of all EditText. Add TextWatcher to each of them, and refresh the value in the Map on text changed.

How to update non-bound child view for ALL items in a ListView?

I have a ListView that uses a custom layout that has 5 child View objects (4 TextView and 1 CheckBox) in the custom layout. Only the TextViews are bound, however - the CheckBox has no corresponding field in the database. The purpose of the CheckBox is simply to identify which of the items being displayed I would like to process in "the next step". I'm using a custom ViewBinder to assign the text values correctly (because some of the values from the DB are dates, etc).
Part of the user interface is three buttons - 'All', 'None', and 'Invert' that I use to toggle the status of each item in the list. For the 'All' button, for example, I do this with the following code (which I now know is NOT correct - I include it to show what I'm trying to do):
ListAdapter la = getListAdapter();
ListView lv = getListView();
int iCount = la.getCount();
for(int i=0; i<iCount; i++)
View vv = lv.getChildAt(i);
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) vv.findViewById(;
This works fine as long as the number of items in the list doesn't exceed the list size so that all items are always visible. When I exceed that number, though, the 'getChildAt' function sometimes returns null because (if I understand correctly) it isn't meant to return all of the items in the list, only those items that are visible, which results in a NullPointerException.
How can I properly set the CheckBox on all views, even if they aren't visible?
Create a pseudo binding to one of your TextView data, create an ArrayList of Boolean objects as your back end for the checkboxes. Please note an ArrayList may not be the best data structure for your application. Fill the ArrayList with booleans set to the initial value of the corresponding position of your Cursor's data set. When you're binding use the ArrayList as the back end data. When you select all, none, or invert, update the Boolean objects in the ArrayList then call notifyDataSetChanged() on your SimpleCursorAdapter.
Addition ah, the other half of the problem, yes, use the onClickListener for the CheckBoxes but use the same listener, don't create a new object for each. Use the getPositionForView() method to get your position and update the underlying data.

Android - ListPreference save to file or on entry click listener?

My application has a preference file, "settings", which contains 10 key/value pairs.
The keys act as titles for the user, and the values are URL's
Both the key and the value are changeable by the user e.g. the first setting looks something like "example" with the value "", when a user changes that setting, the key also changes. So the first setting would become "different_example" with the value "". All stored under the "settings" preference file.
I have been managing this so far, by opening a dialog containing the current key/value pairs in an ArrayList that has an onItemClickListener that pops up a second dialog containing another ArrayList of the possible key/value pairs. When the new item is clicked, I remove the current setting, add the new one, then re-populate the initial ArrayList with the new settings. This works and allows both the key and value to be simultaneously changed and updated, however it looks awkward with the two dialogs.
I'd like to switch this all over to ListPreferences. As in, have ten different ListPreference items, one for each setting, that when clicked opens the listing of all possible entryValues, and when selected, updates the key from the entry name, and the value from the entry value, and saves this under the same "settings" file. I'm not seeing how to save ListPreferences to a specific file, so that I can call
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("settings", 0);
anywhere, though
I've also been looking for some kind of click handler for what to fire when an entry is selected so I can manually update the "settings" file, but not having any luck. Does such a thing exist? Or is there another way for me to do this?
Edit: I can use OnPreferenceChange to manually set the new value, but this doesn't return the value name, e.g. the value used in the human-readable list. Any ideas on how to get that?
See if this can give you a jump start: How do I get preferences to work in Android?
If you customize your ListPreference and come across something like this How to make a Preference not save to SharedPreferences?
Ahh, well this seems incredibly backwards, but what I've done is set each ListPreference to have an onPreferenceChangeListener, and each entryValue for the ListPreference to contain the name as well as the value separated by an arbitrary string. Then in the onPreferenceChange, I can reference the new value (which now also contains the new key) turn it into a String[] split at the arbitrary separator, then assign the String[] 0 index as the new key, and the 1 index as the new value by using SharedPreferences.Editor after removing the original setting.
Unless there's some way to return the Entry name from the ListPreference's entryValues array, or to specify ListPreference to save to a specific settings file, neither of which is documented, then this will probably be the best solution for me.

